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Statin Alternative for High Cholesterol


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On 1/2/2023 at 12:17 PM, Bucky said:

My levels are a bit high and I've been prescribed 2 different statins but both of them cause a lethargic, foggy, sluggish energy level to the point where I can't tolerate them even at a low dose.

Are there alternatives that have worked for any of you?  Or should I keep trying different iterations of statins?  

Ask your doctor about taking a fibrate like Gemfibrozil.   It lowers your triglycerides and raises your HDL.  It lowers your LDL too, but not to the degree that a statin does.   It's an alternative cholesterol medication for people who can't tolerate statins.  It might be right for you since you said your levels are just a bit high.

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So I saw my cardio and sang the statin blues (again).  She increased my Vascepa and was fine with reducing my atorvastatin by half (to 5mg) as an experiment.  (She also suggested a 6-8 week "statin holiday" to see if that helps, something I may do this summer.)

In the six weeks since on the new regimen, 2 things have happened. 

I feel a lot better.  Surprising because my perception of the lower body weakness and stiffness I have experienced is that it's been coming on slowly over 20 years of statin therapy.  I assumed improvement, if any, would be similarly slow.

The second, even more surprising, is that I just had blood work and everything is entirely in range, no bump in my Total or LDL at all.  5mg (or less) may be all I need going forward.

These things may change, but I think the takeaway is to work with your provider(s) if you're unhappy with any meds.  We all take "maintenance" meds that docs just renew over and over, without much consideration unless the patient brings up a specific problem.  Many of us may take things we don't actually need, or MORE medication than is really necessary.

Edited by robear
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