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AIDS Activist Recalls Dr. Fauci Joining the Fight


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3 hours ago, Unicorn said:

Some people have a very strong talent in certain areas, but this doesn't necessarily translate into other areas of life. This appears to be the case for your friend.

We've covered this subject before...and you don't seem to want to let go of your misconceptions.

I do have respect for my friend, as he is a leading immunology expert, not some hack as you keep assuming.

I would also point out that this person worked in a lab with other important older scientists who were mentoring him, including Peter Dukor: Head of the Biology Research Department of Ciba-Geigy and later Sandoz. So my information which he and Dukor had both told me decades ago, is not random opinion.


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17 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

I am sharing facts.


What types of cures were even conceivable in the 1980s or 1990s? What cures could or could not be funded?

Did you actually mean that Dr. Fauci "suppressed all funding for [research into] HIV cures"?

Or are you thinking specifically about HHV6 research?

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1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

It's sad when people work to shut down facts... 

Yet you posted only talking points and over-generalizations about Dr. Fauci. I've now asked you for the actual facts twice. 

Saying that "Anthony Fauci suppressed all funding for HIV cures" is merely a talking point without any specific verified evidence. What precisely did you mean by "all funding" and "cures"?

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2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

...I do have respect for my friend, as he is a leading immunology expert, not some hack as you keep assuming...

I assume nothing. I have no idea who he is, but I suspect he's quite knowledgeable in his field if you admire him so. You, however, are the one who's making assumptions about the accuracy of his opinions, since I'd venture that you do not have the training in medicine, public health, and science to independently verify said accuracy of his opinions. I don't assume anything, but what I do know with certainty is that if research had concentrated on curing the infected rather than on treating them and preventing others from become infected, millions more would have died, and millions more infected. Blind faith based on a person's credentials can lead to disaster. The most famous example is UC Berkeley Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology Peter Duesberg, who convinced millions, including some government officials in South Africa, that HIV had nothing to do with AIDS (he actually suggested that antiretrovirals caused the disease!), and millions died because they blindly assumed that someone with his background knew his shit. 


"...Cherry picking is a logical fallacy that often has disastrous consequences in scientific research. It alludes to taking a particular position, while ignoring a large amount of data, to support your stand. The father of AIDS denialism, a 2008 Discover Magazine feature on Duesberg has HIV/AIDS expert Max Essex suggesting: '...history will judge Duesberg as either 'a nut who is just a tease to the scientific community' or an 'enabler to mass murder' for the deaths of many AIDS patients in Africa.'..."

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1 hour ago, Unicorn said:

Cherry picking is a logical fallacy that often has disastrous consequences in scientific research..

No one is "Cherry picking" anything. I heard it from leading three leading scientists that Fauci was the pharmaceutical industry's bitch. You keep avoiding my information because you dont want to believe it.

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1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

I heard it from leading [sic] three leading scientists that Fauci was the pharmaceutical industry's bitch. You keep avoiding my information because you dont want to believe it.

So far, your "information" consists entirely of hearsay and personal anecdotes. You haven't provided any verified evidence to back it up. Why should we "believe it"?

Until you can show that your "three leading scientists" based the stories told to you on events or facts that we can find and verify, you're not contributing much at all. 

Edited by Marc in Calif
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8 hours ago, Todd Jenkins said:

"You are responsible for all government funded AIDS treatment research. In the name of right, you make decisions that cost the lives of others. I call the decisions you are making acts of murder."
- Larry Kramer "An Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci" San Francisco Examiner, June 26, 1988


Who wasn’t called a "murderer" by Larry Kramer in the 80’s?

It was practically a badge of honor in the medical community. 

Edited by nycman
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I have a lifelong friend who is a reputable medical technologist. She has worked in labs in several hospitals around the world. Her brother died of AIDS a quarter century ago. From the beginning of the pandemic she has believed that deaths from COVID are a hoax, and doesn't want to hear any evidence to the contrary, because she believes that Fauci pushed that theory just to get funding for the CDC. People will believe what they want to believe.

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8 hours ago, Unicorn said:

Well, it would certainly be more polite and sophisticated to call those peoples' statements misguided than to call a poster delusional. Some members are more susceptible to emotionalism and insulting behavior than others. 

Oh Unicorn, 

Seeing your comments tells me one thing about you: You are universally consistent. I appreciate that. 

You have a special talent for patronizing  (and insulting the intelligence of…) others with such an elegant selection of words, phrased with such pomposity (never crass, and always with class). It’s as if I can visualize you uttering your words when you’re speaking. It’s not brash, nor obnoxious, but oh so cutting. There’s this mix of intellectual snobbery and aristocratic demeanor. Very “British”. Your words are the equivalent of slapping someone across the face with a velvet glove.

I’m not being facetious when I say that it’s impressive, and oh so snotty.



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