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Counting your money

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So when do escorts count thier money? Most escorts I have used simply slide the wad into thier pocket without counting it right away. Do escorts count it right away or when they get home? Also, what do you do when someone short changes you?

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Interesting question. I've always wondered if they count it as they head up my apartment hall. If they do, my neighbors must think I tip the grocery boys really well. Or maybe they wonder what grocery store has such hot looking boys. Or maybe they don't wonder anything.....!




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Guest Jesse Dane

I generally slip it in my pocket and count it at the first private moment I have. I've also developed a method of counting it in my pocket (peaking the edges up and flipping through) that is fairly unnoticeable, so can be done while walking down the hallway, in the elevator, etc.

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There are at least two old threads about this, in this forum, from about 2000 or perhaps 2001 and 2002. One had a number of responses from a number of escorts, so probably gives a good flavor. The general consensus is that counting in front of the client is inappropriate. Most of the clients who chimed in agreed. Many of the clients indicated that, especially with a new escort, they often fanned the money out in full view or asked the escort to count it in front of them, more so, so that no mistake has been made, in favor of either party.


Personally, I never count the money of my regulars, which is more than three fourths of whom I see at present. In Jacksonville, where I met my first set of new clients in some time, I waited until they had left and all meetings took place at my hotel room. I only counted it out of habit, as there really was nothing I could do, as it would be unlikely I ever see any of these clients again unless they came to Los Angeles. In general, I have had very good experiences but I know escorts who were short changed and I know of one instance (which apparently is not that atypical as it has also been posted about on here) where the escort was "generously" over paid and returned to the client to discover it was a mistake, to the tune of an extra $100 on a $220 one hour visit.





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RE: Research


>...Many of the clients indicated that, especially with a new escort, they often fanned the money out in full view or asked the escort to count it in front of them, more so, so that no mistake has been made, in favor of either party.


I think that's an excellent suggestion. As a client, I'm always concerned that on first-time encounters the escort would ask for the money up-front or there would be a dispute over what I paid.


To eliminate this problem I always make sure the payment is in $100 bills. I usually leave have it sitting on the nightstand when they arrive and make sure it is in full view and fanned out.


I always make sure to point it out to the escort at the beginning of the session with a remark such as "Don't forget to take Ben Franklin home with you at the end of the session."

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RE: Research


I usually pay in quarters and count them out in front of the escort. This way I get to spend extra time with him that I dont have to pay for :-) :-) :-)


Seriously though, I count the money out in front of them almost always, and some times may ask them to count it again...my ATM seems to give me only 20's now...fucken Chase Bank !!!

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Guest RandyRon

If the escort is one of my regulars, I simply count out the money to him after the session. If it's an escort I haven't been with before, I have the money in an envelope that I hand him as we're getting to know each other. I state that I like to get the business portion out of the way. Every escort I've done this with has waited until after the session to count it. I am not insulted in any way by him counting the money. This is a business arrangement and should be treated as such. I can make a mistake in counting out the fee.

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RE: Research





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When I go to a store to buy something, if I pay in cash, I certainly hope the cashier will count the money. It protects both the store and me.


When I hire an escort, the money is always visible when they arrive. If someone asks for it up-front, I'd refuse -- and have done so. But there's no question of it's availability, since it's out in plain sight.


When the person picks it up, I hope they count it. That protects him and me. And I certainly would never, ever take affront from that. When money changes hands, it's smart to count it. It's not rude. It's just smart. Anyone can make a mistake, even with the best of intentions.



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Well, I never used to count it in front of a client.

But, then I got stiffed a couple times... only once was it a

significant amount. So then I used to ask clients if they minded

if I counted. But that never sat well with me, so I stopped.

From all of my experience, I've only been shorted a couple times,

BUT I've been tipped a lot, so I figure things work themselves out.

I agree that counting in front of a client is awkward, so I don't.

I feel that confidence in the business transaction and not making a

big deal about it makes for a much more pleasurable time for all.

As for when I count?... usually when I get home. I think it's a

little trashy to count a wad of money while in a hotel hallway or lobby. ;-)


-Chris Crawford


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I generally count out the fee pretty carefully and have it in a plain white cash envelope to hand to the escort after the session. On more than one occasion, I have found the envelope in he ashtray in the elevator lobby, so it was counted swiftly, but out of my sight.


The funniest thing that ever happened to me was when I paid a well-known and highly-regarded escort in my customary manner. About ten minutes later, I ahd a call from the escort sounding irate telling me that I had shorted him, as I recall by $50. I am pretty careful, but capable of error, so I asked him to return and meet me in the parking area for my building. I met him and apologized. He handed me the envelope and I counted it out; it was exactly what I had promised and exactly what I had paid. He turned about six shades of red and apologized several times. Either math skills were not his strong suit or the fresh bills stuck together. I don't believe for a second it was a scam or he would have already removed part of the payment.


I still see the guy occasionally and I guess it stuck with him because now when I hand him the envelope he says, "I know I don't have to count this."

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I have to be honest I count the money the second I am alone and only a fool would count it when they got home. If someone short changes me all I can do is ask for the other part of what is owed to me but in all honesty I don't expect anything because they had the mentality to steal from me in the First place.


Also wanted to add that keeping the money in plain sight does ease worrys if it is a hourly client but not needed in my openion...

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I leave money in bank envelope and leave on table as soon as arrive. Only once in about 30-35 meetings was envelope gone before session was over. I usually write the amount on outside and say $_ _ _.00 when the meeting begins so just in case there is a misunderstanding it is at beginning so adjustment can be made. But I will say as a n earlier message stated, on one occasion going to escort, I did my customary envelope on table, had fun left tip on table, said goodbye and left. About 5 seconds later, maybe less escort comes flying into hallway with towel wrapped around and said I was short. I came back in and he thought the tip was the payment, "I said no look at envelope on table, under your briefs" He had forgotten I had put it on the table when I arrived.

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Counting out your money is important, but i don't think it's necessary to do it in front of who you've just seen...


I guess it all depends on what your guy prefers. If he demands to watch you count it out, then just follow suit.


Shortchanging happens. Intentionally and accidentally. The best way to handle this is to just keep calm. It doesn't do you any good to yell and scream when it may have been an honest mistake. As someone said earlier in this thread, crisp money tends to stick together and everyone can have an off day when counting. Give the benefit of the doubt everytime. There are MANY more guys out there who are honest and good-natured rather than purposefully spiteful. If you feel it was an intentional short-change, then simply walk away from the situation if you can't resolve it. I'm not saying to continually be a complacent weenie, but think logically about the possible legality of fighting with someone over stiffed money.


Walk away. Never see him again. As an escort, that's about all the recourse we have in some situations. Don't be afraid to use it.




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I might be a little more jadded but I think that yes money sometimes is crisp but it does not take much to count out money and set out the pre-arranged amount before something takes place so there is no confusion later on.


I think anyone who short changes you is a theif and honestly there is nothign you can do about it so just suck it up an move on.

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He turned about six shades of red and apologized several times. Either math skills were not his strong suit or the fresh bills stuck

>together. I don't believe for a second it was a scam or he

>would have already removed part of the payment.


>I still see the guy occasionally and I guess it stuck with

>him because now when I hand him the envelope he says, "I know

>I don't have to count this."


Good for you to still see him. We are all human and make mistakes and it's nice to see someone like yourself be understanding. And perhaps the escort is showing some good humor in his response now "I know I don't have to count this."


Would be interesting to know who this escort is if you don't mind.

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Guest Florida Guy

I wouldn't be in favor of the "money left on the table for all to see" from either a client's or an escorts point of view if I were one. From the escort's point of view, he can be pretty sure (or at least assume) that there is not going to be a tip from this client as the money has already been counted and is sitting on the table. So, even if he performs "above and beyond" there is little chance for a tip. Likewise, from the client's point of view, knowing that the escort will assume there is no tip, where is the insentive to give me great "above and beyond" service?


I would much rather, if I were an escort, receive the money after the meeting and be based on my service (knowing that a tip is never requierd, but always greatly appreciated). And, as the client, I would like to pay when the meeting is over so that I will have a better idea of how much,if any, above the contracted rate I really want to pay based on the quality of the service.


Just my thoughts.

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I tend to think that anyone who short changes you probably meant to. So, what is the point in counting your money? I do when I get back to my bedroom just so that I'll know how much I have in the house. But I try not to get upset if someone has short changed me. Then I would not only be out money but also be in a cross mood. Which mood would hurt me and my lover much more than it would ever bother the client.


I used to count out the money in front of the client, because I was one of those guys who Franco mentions who once saved a client $100 by doing that. Then I got my mind changed by this very forum. So, now, I do sometimes ask them to make sure that they have counted or double counted the money. But now reminding them to do so is the limit of my action on that account. Well, if I do have their email address and suspect that the tip is too high, I do sometimes email them about it, but that can be embarassing as most of them did mean to tip me that much and don't need my Scots side coming out all over them for having over tipped.


I would get itchy having the money in plain sight all during the session. It would remind me of the time I was "entrapped" - my word not legally. It would make it more difficult for me to forget that this is for money during the session. (Money is no longer a fetish for me.) If fact, I have gotten to where I no longer touch the money in front of the client after the show. (I really only do incalls anymore.) I know... from one extreme to the other. But my gay "sister" - a wonderful man whom I met through Body Electric who lives in Chicago - hand made for me this very handsome jar for which I didn't have any other use that would show it off as well. So I keep a dollar in the bottom of it all the time and ask everyone to please put the money directly in there instead of handing it to me. Which does elicit some raised eyebrows, but that in itself is fun, don'tchaknow?

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Guest endoman31

the three bares:


Once I forgot to give,and he called me and I did put the check (travelers)in the mail (male).


Once as I left his apartment the trick came to the hall and called after me as I headed down the stairs. I had put it on the bed.


Now I put the biggest bills out on the counter and it is left there in sight and easily added by all. I do not want to forget. occassionally I would like to take it back, but......

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