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Masseurs in Miami this Xmas


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Hi and best of the season to evewryone!


I'm headed to Miami between xmas and NYs, and have been amazed at both the incredible smorgasbord of masseurs and rentmen, AND the paucity of reviews of many of the hottest ones on here. Anyone have any direct personal experience with any of the following? Please feel free to PM if you prefer.


 Cortiz    https://rentmasseur.com/Cortiz

Daniel  https://rentmasseur.com/Daniel_cruz

Mario   https://rentmasseur.com/Mario_Miami

Ferancisco  https://rentmasseur.com/FranciscoVers

Lyan  https://rentmasseur.com/Lyan

Erik  https://rentmasseur.com/ErickC

Vychenzo   https://rentmasseur.com/Vychenzocubantop

Fed  https://rentmasseur.com/FEDE_ME

Alex  https://rentmasseur.com/alexisdf

Serge  https://rentmasseur.com/Sergedardo


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