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best and worst experiences??


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what would you say your best/worst client experiences are?

Best for me would be when i was being fucked and got genuine prostate orgasms from them. two trips i had recently would rank amongst the best. Both were youngish twinky guys in London who were hung and fucked well. I'm happy and grateful that most of times have been good, and not many have that been bad.

the worst is probably when i saw a trans escort, and I suspect she was subtly trying to put me down and warp my mind during the session. the first thing she said was she burst out saying some of her spiritual beliefs and that i should forgive people. After the session ended, i asked her what she meant by that, and she said "everybody sees her for a reason". Well, yes, since you're selling sex, not to be lectured to. After I left, and she wished me well, I believe she thought "what a prick, let's fuck with him!" I think what triggered me is a mixture of stuff, mainly since she was a top-rated escort and i don't think she addressed many of her other clients that way. and i have a history of letting people verbally fuck with me, so i didn't stand for it. 

Oh and in advance, i don't give a fuck if this isn't to people's subjctive tastes. maybe grow up a bit or learn to filter shit you don't like. like be mature, eh? Or get that people complain, and if you blieve complaining is wrong, it's your subjective moral stance which doesn't apply to all.

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Both of mine were this past summer.  But need a quick backstory to explain -- there's a point to this huge reply so stick with me to the end, eh?

My entire life, the idea of hiring a 'prostitute' was just something that was so far out of the realm of possibility that it wasn't even considered. First, I could easily get laid on my own. And second, outside of fucking, why on earth would you hire someone to spend time with when you already have good friends in your world? 

God that sounds so bad to write now looking back. I just didn't know. So one thing led to another -- actually about 3 or 4 things in my personal life -- and I found myself on Rent.men. I hired two random and local guys who were just okay. One for an hour and one for two. They were sexy as hell and I had fun, but the experience wasn't rewarding on some levels.

Guy #3 was probably the worst. He was the hottest man I had ever seen but just a bad experience all around. I had him leave early. The root problem was that he was completely 'straight' and doing it for the money. 

"But dude, everyone does this for the money." 

Well the answer is a bit more complicated than that. Yes, they do. That is the driving factor. But there are also genuine people pleasers in this world and people who get off on making real connections with others. I would soon learn this to be true. 

So, after the three guys above, I found this site and saw some of the amazing experiences everyone has had after reading through the forums and realized I was doing something wrong. 

That made me step back and really dig inside and tried to figure out what I wanted. Made a list of requirements and really searched. The list was long and only about 6-7 guys in the entire USA actually checked each one of the two dozen boxes I wanted. 

What was my root problem? I realized that I had been a top my entire life and got fucked maybe a small handful of times but hated it each time.  But inside, I truly wanted some big, tough, strong alpha mother fucker to rail me into next week while also making love to me and having all the passion in the world. I wanted that true balance of someone who is competitive, outgoing, calm, comfortable, confident, and everything else. I wanted someone who was at least somehow attracted to me on some level (I have built an empire on reading people for a living and know when it is fake) which meant you had to be either gay or genuinely bisexual, but really preferred gay. You also needed to be between 30-55, very masculine, clean shaven, darker skin, and look like you just stepped off the stage of a bodybuilding competition. The list was truly long and one of those things where it would be impossible to meet every checkbox. 

One who appeared to do just that happened to be in New York when I was passing through so I reached out and asked him to meet for an hour at his standard rate -- no sex -- just to meet. I was open with him about everything finally and for the first time being just totally authentic with myself. He had to run and couldn't go over the hour as he fit me in last minute. I was on my way out of town that evening. The next morning he actually texted me and said: "You know I do overnights?" and followed up in a way that was completely pressure free, but also genuinely telling me that he could give me what I needed but it would take longer than a random hour so if I was able to do an overnight he would make himself available. 

Was he "selling" me? Absolutely. But he had everything I was looking for and that hour long "talk" was awesome. I hauled my ass back to New York so fast it's funny. That was this past summer and it completely changed my life.

Now, I know the deal with clients and escorts. I'm not operating under any assumption that this isn't absolutely a business transaction. As a client I put my money on the table and the escort takes it. We each get what we need from each other and that's it. Back to the daily grind and normal life. 

But.... there can be more  than just sex if that's what someone really wants from the transaction. This guy changed my world. Not only was it literally the best fuck of my life, and the best night of my life, it was the first time in my 50 years on this rock that I was taken to another place and back sexually and emotionally all at the same time. I was the absolute center of this man's universe for about 10 hours and I have never felt like that ever before. We also got to know each other as individuals beyond just the five times we blew our loads that night.

Back to the 'straight' guy -- he was doing it for the money. The guy who blew me away has a full time job and does this on the side because yes, the money is good. But also because he genuinely gets off not just the sex, but making true connection with others. The money is just gravy. 

Since then, I have since seen him probably a half dozen times, once visiting his home city, and a handful of other times in New York when he was visiting. I've hired him to take an international trip early next year. 

So to answer the question: That was the best experience and honestly the bar is so fucking high that I doubt any one else will ever come close. My mind is forever altered about why someone would "pay for sex" because it's sooooo much more than that. Not only has meeting this guy has made me a better person in my personal and professional life, it is one of the best investments I have ever made. 

Okay, that was a lot to ramble about. But yea. Wow. :) 


Edited by ThroatCummer
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