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Best 1st message from new client to make you likely to respond


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Just interested how much providers like to see in the initial text and what would make you more likely to reply.

my standard is:

- my name and how I found them

- when I am looking to meet

- what are their rates for whatever I’m looking for

Sometimes I’ll include a photo as well.

I usually don’t go into deep detail abt what I’m looking for right away, like specific fetishes etc, but should I?

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i'm not an escort.

but i just leave it short and sweet, and to the point. If I saw them on sleepyboy, i'd say:


Hi X, i saw you on sleepboy.

I'd like to visit you at xpm on Y day. Would that work for you?

i saw in your profile you do abc. Could you do that in the session?

I'm looking for a two hour session.


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I just like the first message to be short and to the point. I dont care to chat and flirt with people I don't know, and lately I've been getting a lot of that. One attorney client would just pop in and ask me one question a day. Another guy wanted me to basically hold his hand and walk though his first gay experience or whatever. I don't care for that, especially if I don't know what someone looks like. This isn't the 90s. I'm not some hotline.


I enjoy it when a prospective client sends me a photo because it saves me time trying to find a picture of them on social media and looking up their name and age online, and over the years I get the feeling that clients send their pictures not so much to make me comfortable and give me a sense of ease, but they do it for maybe an unspoken way to get my consent to be erotic with them.

"I sent you my picture, and although nothing was asked beforehand about nudity and eroticism, I expect a sensual experience because you took the appointment. You accepted me."

I know I am paranoid and crazy. :)


And the young good looking guys that send their pictures are often flakey and cancel 9 times out of 10.

Do they expect me to worship and drool over them and offer them a discount or a free massage because they're 25 yo and cute??? Probably. 

Edited by Vulgarii
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