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Blocked, Private,& Unavailible Callers..... what gives?

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Novice, your posts keep confusing me and I just realized why. Your post here is a reply to zipperzone's, way up above. You're posting your replies in the wrong places. You should just click "reply" below the actual post you want to reply to...you don't post in numerical order after the most recent post. This way, there is a logical, conversational order to the conversation. Does that make sense?

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Oh shit !!! I had no idea...I always wondered why those buttons were at the end of every post !!!


Its really late and I dont know why Im on line anyway. Im watching Fiddler on the Roof for the first time and Im kind of distracted.


Im gonna sign off for tonight/this morning (How "Sunrise Sunset" of me:-) ) I read your wet dream post...man, you are very cool :-) Im glad you found someone cool too

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>. . . by not accepting restricted or

>private calls all you do is lose business and do nothing to

>actually keep away flakes.


I couldn't agree more. I don't think that the revelation of a phone number does anything to insure personal safety or safeguard against a flaky experience.


Until this thread, I didn't even think about blocked numbers. One of my most important concerns is to SPEAK with the escort, on the phone, and determine if he is someone I want to eventually meet up with. Blocked or unblocked doesn't enter into the equation, at least for me.


To block or not to block is a choice each of us make. For whatever reason.


By my reading, the vast majority of bad experiences posted here (or in the review section) took place during ACTUAL meetings, long after any consideration about blocked numbers was even pertinent.


Let's not make this more complicated than it needs to be.


hd NYC *82

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I'm probably going to catch hell for this but so be it. I believe that the comment about the problems of "traveling" escorts is important. As I check out the photographs of the "hot" escorts reviewed on this site I find that some of the "hotest", in my estimation, are traveling escorts yet I NEVER hire them. Why you might ask? My answer -- too damn much trouble and attitude. Ricky's proceedures are just too involved and complicated. I know what he expects, I'm not willing to comply, so I don't contact him. Another "hot traveler" based in the DC area has a rate schedule based on fifteen minute intervals. Somehow, don't ask me why, it reminds me of taking a number at the meat counter of my local market. Again I know his setup, I'm not willing to comply, so I don't contact him.

The bottom line is we all, both escorts and clients, are entitled to operate in whatever manner we wish. As long as we are up front about what we are doing no one really has a complaint.

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Why would you catch hell for being reasonable?


You know what you think is reasonable and you don't hire guys who insist on procedures that you don't think are reasonable. That's called having standards and I don't see a damn thing wrong with it.


Guys who have complicated procedures to follow when contacting them will get fewer calls than guys who don't: there are just going to be some guys, like yourself (and often myself) who won't bother. So long as they get enough calls to bring them enough business to keep themselves happy, it won't matter to them that they don't get more calls. If they want more business, they'll either figure out that they need to be more consumer-friendly or will find another job. It's simple economics.


In the meantime, you and I will continue to contact guys who make it easy and fun to contact them.




ps: I've seen the ads for the 15-minute guy. LOL... like I'm EVER going to call someone who measures time in teaspoons.

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BG, both you and Epigonos have echoed my sentiments exactly. My original response was embedded way above, but it basically falls within the same reasoning.


To escorts and clients: block if you want; unblock if you want.


Escorts can run their business the way they want; we, as clients, make the choice to hire those guys who fit within our expectations.


And, if we choose NOT to hire because the procedures to do so are TOO complicated, then we shouldn't be criticized as being unreasonable nor should we be characterized as not being able to follow directions. It is ultimately a matter of choice.


Finally, for the record, I don't subscribe to the notion that its a well known fact that clients don't call escorts or professional escorts (and yes, there is a difference) with blocked numbers.


I've yet to see a published, cogent code of conduct that specifically addresses hiring guidelines (and PLEASE don't refer yet once again to that Aaron Lawrence trash) and even if there were such a guide, I go back to my original premise: to each his own; practice what you feel comfortable with.


hd NYC *82

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Guest zipperzone

RE: Blocked, Private, Unavailable Callers. what gives?


>zipperzone, of course you know that Ricardo can just get a

>second cell phone...one for registering the murderer's phone

>number (and then placed in a safety deposit box on the way to

>the job) and one planted on his person for you to steal (I've

>been watching Columbo DVD's). :+


Damn! Never thought of that. Guess this whole life of crime thingy is more complicated than I realised!

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HD, Epig and BG, I also agree that the hassle factor just isn't worth the trouble. And yes, it IS their business and they can run it as they see fit. Just like escorts never returning calls, or 3 or 4 days later. Just makes me find someone that is responsive, interactive and responsible and I become a regular and get treated well. Also the thought of the escort being married or having a girlfriend just stops me cold. Sorry, but I'm gay.

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Now that I've read through ALL of the responses, it only tends to fortify my belief that THIS was a stupid thread.....the issue is not so much HOW we contact escorts (there are MANY vehicles to do that), but more importantly, how we react to those guys we ultimately hook up with.


Ricardo has made it clear on his website that he doesn't accept blocked numbers. OK, COOL. Why bother to post that issue here?


Do you think that by posting this issue that you WILL REALLY get to the bottom of our behavior(s), which, by your admission, you don't care about unless its an unblocked number?


Give me a break here. This thread had some nice responses, but no redeeming value. The poster was, in my opinion, just trying to get his name out there. Unfortunately, he won't get MY number. Its blocked.


hd NYC

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>"THIS was a stupid thread"


>Oh-oh..someone is about to get spanked!:)



OK, spank me Lucky. Do I have to pay for it? Will you stop if I tell you to?


And if I get really hard, while you're doing it, how much further can and will we go?


Call me, Lucky, so we can discuss it further. BUT, be careful. My number is blocked and I might worry if yours is as well LOL



hd NYC *82

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RE: ..... what gives?


>It never occurred to me that someone would get hard while

>getting spanked. That kind of instant feedback could get me

>real interested. Bend over, Dad!:)



Lucky, you ARE are really cool guy and I would generally get into anything that interests you. We can talk about the spanking. It may not be as instant as you like. But WHO KNOWS ?


As far as bending over, I am going to assume that you want to adjust the cuffs on my dress pants? YEAH, that's it, right?




Have a great weekend, Lucky,


hd NYC

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>Maybe Ricardo was just venting about his frustrations and

>wanted to know if anyone shared his sentiments, or could see

>things his way



Frustrations? I would think that since he doesn't answer blocked calls, then he can devote his time to those calls which are unblocked. Unless THOSE calls have issues, which I'd love to hear about, I can't see any reason for frustration.


Its pretty obvious, from the responses from both clients and escorts, who shares his sentiments and who doesn't.


I'm not sure that I SEE THINGS HIS WAY. I'll probably need more information. But since MY number IS BLOCKED, I'm quite limited to those avenues of research which might have otherwise been available.


Regards, novice


hd NYC

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RE: Blocked, Private,& Unstable Callers..... what gives?


lol yepper lucky i know what you mean.

after all i'm a verrryy important guy...what with all the celebrities and high ranking politicians calling and begging to spend time with me, and hell i'm not even a "gentleman of the night"<<<hee hee neat term,huh? anyway i won't accept blocked number calls from at&t phones on tuesdays...except during leap year,and no blocked calls on verizon phones on wed.,fri.and all jewish holidays,now all other companys with blocked numbers will not be accepted in any month that ends in a y.



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RE: Blocked, Private,& Unstable Callers..... what gives?


>Soup Nazi Voice :


>"No phone for you...one year !!!"



ok...ok,i'll answer all blocked numbers between 02:15am and 02:46am on the 3rd tuesday of each even numbered month ...unless of course someone is eating gefilte on fairfax.


ok gimme my phone back


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