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Blocked, Private,& Unavailible Callers..... what gives?

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Ok , now it think its a well know fact not to call Professional escorts-companions blocking your number. I have put it on my website in my contact information that I do not accept or entertain appointments on blocked numbers.


Well a guys talks to me over internet books an appointment with me. The procedures was to call me when get to hotel I give you my room number. I also told him to not block your number when call I dont answer phone. I also asked for his phone number.. He gave it to me, I then told him I dont call you unless you tell me. Well he called me claiming he was in traffic was going to be 5 minutes late for his 4pm appt. He went to my voice mail because he was calling from blocked number. I then called him back immediatly after getting his message. The phone just rung.. no answer, no voicemail.. REDFLAG!!!.


He then calls again from blocked number at 4:35pm for his 4pm appt. Asking me for my room number, I kindly told him i will give you my room number but you first must call me back by unblocking your number by dialing *82 then my number an I will give you my information. He said he was not going to do that because this was his work phone an he gave me his number. I said I called the number you gave you didnt answer, furthermore I dont book appts. on blocked numbers. I am not giving out my information if your not giving yours. He was mad but I sorry you have to follow procedures in booking appointment.


I understand when people call from oversees, some hotels,an calling cards number is unavailble. But when your using a cell phone it is universal that you can manually unblock your number. I understand people need for discreation thats why I have a pledge for privacy clause on my website an in my emails. 65% of my clientel are married men, also the entertainers, politicians, etc that I see they have a great need for discreet but I have there phone numbers when they book appointment. After session I dont have there information unless they tell me to keep it an call them when I am in there area.


What gives with these clients thinking they so private? Their two reason why I must have a release number, for security, and part of the screening-verification process they booking an appointment.


blocked numbers, private callers ....what gives???




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>What gives with these clients thinking they so private?<


I was scared all my life of someone finding out I was gay. I didnt even get porn until I was 30 (now 35), and it was just stupid wrestling BG videos !!! When I started to hire I was petrified that someone would find out. That's one of the reasons that I booked you, cause of your assuring statements on privacy...btw I am not famous :)


Escorts (especially those who are high profile) seem fearless to me, or at least seem to have a this-is-my-job-and- fuck-those-who- dont-accept-me attitude. I am working at having this attitude also.


Yet, some people are just too scared to give out their personal info. This may sound harse, but then maybe they shouldnt hire, or at least they will have to go to someone who does not have the same protocols.

I think you have every right to ask for the unblocked numbers. It is important to remember though, that some people's fears can cause them to be "extra cautious."


Or, of course, they may just be dicks, but Ill give them the benefit of the doubt : )


> Their two reason why I must have a release number, for security, and part of the screening-verification process they booking an appointment.<


Good for you...I would keep doing this. It may be a pain in the ass, but really seems to provide a level of security and stupid people blocking. Its good to have a bottom line that you wont let anyone cross.

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Only two people deserve blocked numbers. Madonna and God. Since God is still communicating by natural disasters, and Madonna has people to communicate FOR her; I am led to solidify my statement further...




In your case, yeah. Seriously screwed up. My usual method is getting their phone number up front. It saves bullshit and flake potential to a degree.


I hate being in a Sex and the City situation:


Big: "She can call me but I can't call her. Do you know what that DOES to a man? She has all the power. I hate that."

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All this talk about "procedures" and "pledge for privacy clauses"...what gives with that? :p Look, we all have a right to run our businesses the way we choose, but you posted this in "Ask An Escort" so this escort is gonna answer. Personally, I understand why some people have the need to be super-discreet, and I respect that. Some guys only want to set things up by email, some have blocked numbers. Sure, I always ask for a contact number, but if they can't or won't give me one, I don't push. And yes, maybe I've been burned a couple of times, but that can happen whether you have a phone number or not. For me, the most important aspect of my business is the personal interaction, and I'd feel like a total asshole if I started talking about "procedures" when setting up appointments. Also, what good is a "privacy protection clause"? Can the client actually take you to court if you are indiscreet? I think the best way to ensure discretion is to have a good reputation which comes from treating all your clients with respect.

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>All this talk about "procedures" and "pledge for privacy

>clauses"...what gives with that? :p Look, we all have a

>right to run our businesses the way we choose, but you posted



As I respect the way you run your business .. respect those that have a structure to theirs. I respect all clients need for discreation but ask many professional escorts the calls they get from private an blocked numbers are FLAKES or people playing games. I normally dont answer calls that are private let them roll to voicemail. My friend Talvin Demachio even has it on his voice mail private call are not answered. There is no reason for a potential client to block there number. Because I am not going to call them period. Its not my place to call them THEY INTIATED THE CALL TO ME.


Futhermore let me just say this also. The main reason for number release is for security saftey. Now just because some escorts feel this job is safe an fear nothing, hmmmm they need to think again. I going to give this story my exgirlfriend who is a well establish provider(escort) one of her friends was MURDERED on thanksgiving eve 2004 in her hotel..Stabbed 57 times an beated in the head. It was very hard to deal with this as I didn't know the girl who was killed I only spoke with here on the phone when she was helping my girlfiend at the time w/ some trouble. Needless to say the police had no leads to who did this we thought it was this pimp who was sending some girls to work with her on some clients. Well a week an half past an the caught her killer.....


The caught him by here call records from her cell phone. You see he was the last call she dialed an hour before she was murdered. It was a client who murdered her. Oh so I know your saying well thats a girl it will never happen to a man. Well if one believes that, so be it. Its important to not only have that client call you, but you at least dial that clients number an put in in the system call records before you see them, you dont have to let the call answer connect just wait till your seconds start on your phone it will be in your call records.


Discreet.. what does a phone number have to do with being discreet. The whole appointment setting with the escort is a discreet meeting. It not publicized in the newspaper so what does a measly phone number mean. Hell its going to show on the clients phone bill the numbers he called.. not the people who called him.. DUH !


Bottom Line is PRIVATE CALL , BLOCKED CALLS, UNAVAILBLE CALLS I dont entertain them.. from my experience 85% of these calls are game players total time wasters, and you can refer to world renowed escort & author Aarron Lawrence he says the same thing in his book on escorting. But its neither here nor there to each its own if you cater to private call good.. but I dont you can have all that business. I'll stick with what works for me.





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RE: Blocked, Private, Unavailable Callers. what gives?


>...But its neither here nor there to each its own if you cater to private call good.. but I dont you can have all that business. I'll stick with what works for me.


Then why post a thread about it? Seems like your mind is made up. I see no reason to bring the discussion here unless you want to turn off potential clients or advertise for new business with clients that meet your pre-determined standards.


I get the impression you're really not interested in anyone else's opinion but your own. To quote you, "What gives?"

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RE: Blocked, Private, Unavailable Callers. what gives?


>Then why post a thread about it? Seems like your mind is made

>up. I see no reason to bring the discussion here unless you

>want to turn off potential clients or advertise for new

>business with clients that meet your pre-determined



>I get the impression you're really not interested in anyone

>else's opinion but your own.



I'm inclined to agree. If that's how you choose to run your business and if that's how you advertise, that's cool. Do the reasons why people use blocked or private numbers really matter to you, since you're going to ignore them anyway?


And for the record, not everyone uses blocked or private numbers for security or purported discretion. Some just don't know about the feature or how to undo it. I know many people who still haven't figured out all the capabilities of their cell and fancy home phone units.


hd NYC

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Don't even get me started on Aaron Lawrence's 'How-To' book...


Aside from that drivel, i would say that Ricardo's plight is one that many traveling escorts deal with day-to-day. It's tough to simply say it's 'wrong' to block your number as everyone leads a different 'out life.'


I suppose if you want to cut down on this kind of aggrivation, you might simply want to let people know upfront (on your website, intro emails, etc) that you only accept unblocked calls. I wish you continued success Ricardo... and much less telephone stress ;-)


Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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RE: Blocked, Private,& Unavailible Callers..... what gives?


Not sure about this but I think what RM is saying is why is it clearly stated on his website and in contact info that you must unblock your phone, but then people still do it. I dont know if its so much a question of should or shouldnt, but why after all the info to the contrary, do a significant number of people still do it...


The answer is some people cant follow directions :o

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I have no trouble giving my phone number to escorts I've met and may want to meet again. I sometimes give it out before meeting, but not always.


I usually use my cell phone for calls, even when I'm in hotels. It's easier, cheaper and I always have it with me. The number is not normally blocked, but I will often block it when calling an escort for the first time, especially if it's someone I have virtually no information about.


I've had some problems in the past with guys calling me and asking "when are you going to want to get together again?" That's uncomfortable and I choose to avoid those kinds of situations by choosing who I give my number to. I understand that many escorts won't make these kinds of calls but that's impossible to judge ahead of meeting the person.


And then there are the escorts I talk to and know I don't want to see within the first 60 seconds of conversation. It's just not necessary for these guys to have my cell number, at least from my point of view.


I understand that escorts who don't take blocked calls do so for reasons that are valid to them. But my reasons for giving out or withholding my number are just as valid to me. And I've had escorts call me from numbers that were blocked. So, to those escorts, at least, it was reasonable for them to have my number but not vice versa. They're probably concerned about screwy clients, which is reasonable. But there are screwy escorts out there, too.


The bottom line is that if I'm looking for an escort, which I often do at the last minute, I will usually contact guys who are easy to get to: they're online and IM-able or they have a listed phone number. If they specify that they don't take blocked calls and I don't know them and they're not online and able to be contacted that way, then they're down the list of people I'll contact, after guys who seem easier to deal with.



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Your story about the murdered female escort is really sad, but you do realize that it doesn't help you make your point, right? The girl still got murdered, even though her cell phone apparently contained clues as to how to track down the killer. If it gives you comfort knowing that your cell phone will contain evidence in the event that something untoward does happen to you, then fine. Just don't delude yourself that knowing that phone records exist is actually going to prevent some antisocial person from attacking you.


I have no problem giving out my phone number and address when I hire something, so it isn't like I'm trying to hide once things get to the point of actually making a booking. And if I call someone and get his voice mail, I will generally leave my call back number unless something about the outgoing message turned me off. Still, if I make a call using my home phone it will generally be "blocked" because I have permanent blocking turned on. If I really wanted to contact a guy and his website indicated that he only accepted calls from unblocked numbers, then I would unblock my number before calling....unless, of course, the guy's attitude towards blocked numbers fits into a pattern which makes him seem "difficult" to me, in which case I would likely decide not to bother to call the guy.


The bottom line is that if you only want to accept calls from identifiable numbers, it's certainly reasonable for you to state this in your advertising. At the same time, I would suggest that you try not to impugn others' reasons for disagreeing with what you perceive as the only reasonable way to conduct business in this regard. Clients can certainly have valid reasons for having blocked numbers that have nothing to do with your negative assumptions, and other escorts may have different practices than you that are not based on lack of common sense.

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RE: Blocked, Private, Unavailable Callers. what gives?


>>Then why post a thread about it? Seems like your mind is


>>up. I see no reason to bring the discussion here unless you

>>want to turn off potential clients or advertise for new

>>business with clients that meet your pre-determined



>>I get the impression you're really not interested in anyone

>>else's opinion but your own.



>I'm inclined to agree. If that's how you choose to run your

>business and if that's how you advertise, that's cool. Do the

>reasons why people use blocked or private numbers really

>matter to you, since you're going to ignore them anyway?


>And for the record, not everyone uses blocked or private

>numbers for security or purported discretion. Some just don't

>know about the feature or how to undo it. I know many people

>who still haven't figured out all the capabilities of their

>cell and fancy home phone units.


>hd NYC




I posted the thread an was interested in a person opinion or what do they do.. however to judge the person for having a structure in the way they do their business I feel is inappropriate. I have no reason to make up anything if you do a search on the internet for a female companion that was murdered in Atlanta day before Thanksgiving you find out. Futhermore yes there lots of people who do not know their number is private or comes up that way that why your politely tell them and how to unblock it.


I respect anyones need to be discreet thats why I dont call clients unless they tell me to call them other wise they are the ones who call me. Now if a person or a client feels they dont want to see me because of this so be it.. there is plenty of guys out here I say keep looking someone is availble that do private & blocked call apointments.



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>I usually use my cell phone for calls, even when I'm in

>hotels. but I will often block it

>when calling an escort for the first time, especially if it's

>someone I have virtually no information about.


>I've had some problems in the past with guys calling me and

>asking "when are you going to want to get together again?"

>That's uncomfortable and I choose to avoid those kinds of

>situations by choosing who I give my number to. I understand

>that many escorts won't make these kinds of calls but that's

>impossible to judge ahead of meeting the person.

>And then there are the escorts I talk to and know I don't want

>to see within the first 60 seconds of conversation. It's just

>not necessary for these guys to have my cell number, at least

>from my point of view.


>I understand that escorts who don't take blocked calls do so

>for reasons that are valid to them. But my reasons for giving

>out or withholding my number are just as valid to me. And

>I've had escorts call me from numbers that were blocked. So,

>to those escorts, at least, it was reasonable for them to have

>my number but not vice versa. They're probably concerned

>about screwy clients, which is reasonable. But there are

>screwy escorts out there, too.



BG , I aggree with you and it most unprofessional for an Escort to call a client asking them when they are going to get together again. I dont call a client unless that client has given me a go ahead by telling me to call them when I am coming to town.. I have a call back list of clients that I call .. an large email list that clients who just want a email.


This all boils down to the professionalism of an escort, how they are when dealing with clients. Thats why the escorts that are reviewed here give you a good sense of how they are as a person so you can judge if you want to release your number. If your not sure just send an email an create some conversation with them there before calling them or tell the escort to call you. I never block my number calling a client, unless they ask because they may have a girlfriend or wife an dont want my number to show up on their recieve call list. Again it all boils down to respecting what a person requires to do business with them.. An yes this is a business.



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>Don't even get me started on Aaron Lawrence's 'How-To'


>Aside from that drivel, i would say that Ricardo's plight is

>one that many traveling escorts deal with day-to-day. It's

>tough to simply say it's 'wrong' to block your number as

>everyone leads a different 'out life.'

>I suppose if you want to cut down on this kind of aggrivation,

>you might simply want to let people know upfront (on your

>website, intro emails, etc) that you only accept unblocked

>calls. I wish you continued success Ricardo... and much less

>telephone stress ;-)


>Warmest Always,


>Benjamin Nicholas


ey Sexy Benjamin Nichols,


I am still bummed that i didnt see you in Las Vegas to say hello, but your right in fact that traveling escorts deal with this day to day. Thats why on my website it states it upfront in my contact information w/ instructions on how to unblock number. As far as being "OUT" I can relate to that. But like it also states on my website I do not call clients unless they tell me to call them. All call are intiated by client.


As far as Aarron book I feel it was entertaining an not everything I aggree with but it did hit somethings on the head what goes on in this business. Now my friend Talvin Demachio who I feel is one very sucessful business minded escorts an runs a very structured system in booking with him. I have sturctured mine similar it does cut down on the stress, get rid of the rif raft flaky people that are just out to waste your time. I personally dont feel that releasing your number when calling someone is a big deal, if you call them an don't want them to call you back at that number you simply say that in the intiation of the conversation. An that escort should honor the request. This all boils down to how professional in business the escort is.


I did a post awhile back about "game player, no shows, and time wasters" it came from experience as a traveling escorts because I do keep the numbers of people that set up appointments don't give you the respect to call and cancel , they "NO SHOW". You call leave a discreet message for them to call you back..they never call you back. Okay these are people who get a kick out of this, how I know because call you back again when you return to the city in hopes to do it again. Not only that they call other traveling escorts an do the same thing to them. Yes a lot of us communicate with each other. I dont know what they get out of doing this, but it done over an over.


Ricardo Milos

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Just don't delude yourself

>that knowing that phone records exist is actually going to

>prevent some antisocial person from attacking you.


Your right , an I am not deluded to say having a persons number will stop an attack. I just stated that it was a relief they caught here killer an it was by the call records. It leaves a trail.


Still, if I make a call using my home

>phone it will generally be "blocked" because I have permanent

>blocking turned on. If I really wanted to contact a guy and

>his website indicated that he only accepted calls from

>unblocked numbers, then I would unblock my number before

>calling....unless, of course, the guy's attitude towards

>blocked numbers fits into a pattern which makes him seem

>"difficult" to me, in which case I would likely decide not to

>bother to call the guy.


>The bottom line is that if you only want to accept calls from

>identifiable numbers, it's certainly reasonable for you to

>state this in your advertising. At the same time, I would

>suggest that you try not to impugn others' reasons for

>disagreeing with what you perceive as the only reasonable way

>to conduct business in this regard. Clients can certainly

>have valid reasons for having blocked numbers that have

>nothing to do with your negative assumptions, and other

>escorts may have different practices than you that are not

>based on lack of common sense.



I am aware there many reasons a person block there number, an if a client deem necessary to judge an escort by not accepting private calls as being a diffulcult escort, then thats there perogative. I deem to say that they are just as diffulcult. I must say the celebrities that I have seen have way more to loose when seeing an escort than anyone because they have to be extremly discreet. These appointments are somtimes set up by a 3rd party due to there discreetion. But its all still confidential but they understand the private call situation too. But they also ask that not to ever call the number given. It is honored.. and like I said before it all boils down to PROFESSIONALISM AND RESPECT.


No where did I judge any escort for how they opperate, if they want to accept appointments off blocked numbers, I dont. I respect them for their practice and expect same in return


Ricardo Milos



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RE: Blocked, Private,& Unstable Callers..... what gives?


I have found that celebrities and politicians are usually willing to give me a private number which is either answered only by the individual or a trusted personal assistant. When the call is from the White House, however, a secret code is used. When I see it, I can tell right away which Dick is on the line...

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This is so odd I don’t know why escorts don’t take restricted or blocked numbers....I am sure there convincing them self’s that there more elite or something odd to that extent but of course using the excuse that hey there not serious!


I think that hell worst comes to worst they want to hear your sexy voice and but I have never been stood up by someone using a restricted number! In fact I have been happy to help those who want to keep there life discreet.

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Look I understand why traveling escorts worry about being stood up but don’t you guys have money on the side to make sure your secure and its not that big of a deal?


I have never worried about being stood but because I know how to get my self out of a rut and by not accepting restricted or private calls all you do is lose business and do nothing to actually keep away flakes.

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Guest zipperzone

>I understand that escorts who don't take blocked calls do so

>for reasons that are valid to them. But my reasons for giving

>out or withholding my number are just as valid to me. And

>I've had escorts call me from numbers that were blocked. So,

>to those escorts, at least, it was reasonable for them to have

>my number but not vice versa. They're probably concerned

>about screwy clients, which is reasonable. But there are

>screwy escorts out there, too.


Very good and logical reponse. I agree with your reasoning completly.


As the client usually has no way of knowing the integrity of the escort he is phoning, it is understandable that he doesn't want to give away his identity. And, should there be a risk of unwanted exposure, I'd guess that the client has much more to loose and is therefore more vonerable than the escort!

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Guest zipperzone

RE: Blocked, Private, Unavailable Callers. what gives?


>I posted the thread an was interested in a person opinion or

>what do they do.. however to judge the person for having a

>structure in the way they do their business I feel is

>inappropriate. I have no reason to make up anything if you do

>a search on the internet for a female companion that was

>murdered in Atlanta day before Thanksgiving you find out.

>Futhermore yes there lots of people who do not know their

>number is private or comes up that way that why your politely

>tell them and how to unblock it.


What all this has really told me is that if I call you on an unblocked number and make an appointment to meet with you - if I then decide to murder you and follow through, I must be sure to steal your cell phone and destroy it after I have done the dirty deed!


Thanks fot the heads-up.

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RE: Blocked, Private, Unavailable Callers. what gives?


zipperzone, of course you know that Ricardo can just get a second cell phone...one for registering the murderer's phone number (and then placed in a safety deposit box on the way to the job) and one planted on his person for you to steal (I've been watching Columbo DVD's). :+

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