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Increase in Escort Rates

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The rates are very interesting to look at. I too have been surprised how some escorts raise their rates for whatever reason. I think it has nothing to do with inflation, I think alot just spend it as fast as they take it in and just plain ole want moe money, moe money!!!


We all want moe money...me included.


Tonight I have an Orlando escort coming here to Tampa Bay in about an hour, and was told by him today that he has increased his rate from $200 to $250, however, he is letting this session go for $200, since we planned it for yesterday at the "old" rate and he didn't get a chance to advise me of the inflation that hit him. This escort hasn't been reviewed here yet (that might follow) but I have seen him 4 times at the $200 rate and told him that $200 is my top dollar and he can come here if he wants. I told him the $200 is here if he wants it, and he agreed to schedule the session. As far as his increase, well I will remind him again that $200 is my limit, it is his option to stay with a reliable client or just pass future sessions up because of the new price. The way I look at it, $200 is alot better than nothing.

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>>BTW, I didnt realize BostonGuy was an escort til

>>yesterday...how is this possible?...I just though he was


>>guy from Boston :-)


>Please note that the post above is from BostonChris,

>not BostonGuy. BG is not an escort - BC is.



Yes, exactly. :-) Thank you for clearing that up. But, as I think about it, perhaps it would be fun to start charging ... ah, no, I guess I'll just keep things as they are.


Regarding the subject of this thread:


There have been high-priced guys, compared to the market, since guys have been charging. The fact that some guys charge high prices doesn't mean there aren't lots of fun guys available at reasonable prices.


I've paid all sort of prices for escorts over the years and have found no relationship -- none, zero, nada, zip -- between price charged and the amount of fun I had. As a matter of fact, I've found no relationship at all in the amount of fun I've had -- again, none at all -- between "name" escorts who are widely known and widely lusted after and unknown guys who charge far less and try to keep a low profile. Actually, that's not entirely fair: I've sometimes found the unknown guys to have more enthusiasm, more innocense and less attitude than guys who are more widely known and more likely to be concerned with things like marketing.


I almost never pay more than $200 per hour. I decided to stick to this rate several years ago and seldom find a reason to vary from my policy. I hire frequently, usually in large cities like NYC and LA, but often, too, in smaller cities and towns around the US, Canada and, sometimes, elsewhere. I'm hardly ever unable to find someone fun to spend some time with at pretty much the last minute when I'm of a mind to. (I travel extensively for business and hire escorts to escape the boredom that's frequently found on business trips; consequently, I often don't know that I'm going to be looking for someone until the time arrives.)


I always, always ask an escort what his rate is in my initial email to him. I find the answers I get back may well vary from what an escort's "published" rate is, especially if I'm seeking company during the week or during the day, as opposed to on weekends or evenings. If the rate is higher than I want to pay, I will always convey that information to the escort, politely and respectfully. Escorts are free to charge whatever they want and I respect that. Similarly, I'm free to pay whatever I want. If our prices meet, that's cool. If not, there's no reason not to be pleasant about that.


If an escort charges more than I want to pay, I may suggest alternatives. For example, I may ask what they charge for multiple hours. While I almost certainly will not pay $300 for one hour, I might pay $300 for two, unless my communications with the escort lead me to believe that he feels put out by making the offer. I choose to get together with escorts to have a good time, not to spend a bunch of time dealing with some young man's attitude. Often, upon receiving my response, an escort will himself write back with a suggested alternative. These can range from multiple hours at a lower average rate to "oh, heck, business is slow right now; let's go for $200 and you'll see how good I am and want to pay $250 next time" to "I'll be happy to see you for $200 if you don't tell anyone else" to whatever. I can't remember the last time I got a "screw you " response from an escort. Perhaps that's due to the fact that I always communicate respectfully. Certainly there are times that an escort doesn't want to get together at a price that I feel is reasonable. That's fine: there are a lot of guys out there.


I recently sent an inquiry to an escort whose listed price was $200. I told him where I'd be staying and asked him what he charged. He responded "$175." I then asked what he would charge for an additional time. He responded that he could spend an extra hour or two for another $100. We got together for what ended up being three hours of fun for $275. I think we were both happy with the outcome and it was a successful negotiation, which I define as one that leaves both parties feeling like they got a good deal. I know I was happy and I believe he was, too, given that he asked me to please call him as soon as I went back to his city.


The secret is in knowing what you want and then communicating what you want, clearly and respectfully to the other party. (Actually, that's true no matter who you are negotiating with and what you are negotiating for.) Guys who pay $300 per hour or $400 per hour or $500 per hour are just being silly, in my opinion. It's a bit like being taken in by marketing and spending $5.00 for a cup of coffee when perfectly good, very satisfying coffee can be had for $1.75 or $2.00. Perhaps the person who paid twice as much thinks he got a good deal and perhaps he did -- the coffee came with splendid surroundings, perhaps -- but thinking that it's necessary to pay $5.00 for a very good, very satisfying cup of coffee is to engage in a bit of self-delusion, no matter what market you're talking about, including NYC and LA.


Finally, there are those -- escorts and clients, included -- who suggest that people who are looking for a reasonably-priced escort perhaps can't afford one of the "cadillac" escorts. I'm always amused by this. I seriously doubt that there are many who frequent this board who couldn't go out and spend $500 per hour for an hour or two or more for a very high-priced escort. Certainly, most of us have the wherewithal to do exactly that and to do so for a considerable period of time were that our choice. The question is, who would be silly enough to want to?



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>I always, always ask an escort what his rate is in my initial

>email to him. I find the answers I get back may well vary

>from what an escort's "published" rate is, especially if I'm

>seeking company during the week or during the day, as opposed

>to on weekends or evenings. If the rate is higher than I want

>to pay, I will always convey that information to the escort,

>politely and respectfully.


As someone who sometimes has trouble conveying the tone I want in email messages, I'd appreciate it if you would share an example of how to convey that tone of respect in such an email. Thanks!

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>As someone who sometimes has trouble conveying the tone I want

>in email messages, I'd appreciate it if you would share an

>example of how to convey that tone of respect in such an

>email. Thanks!


Hi -


If I don't know someone, I tend to keep emails pretty short and to the point. An initial email to someone I'm interested in will always include as many details as possible about what, when and where I'm looking to meet someone and would probably go pretty much like this:




Dear Galahad,


My name is Arthur. I'm in Manhattan and would like to meet someone tonight, around 7:00 pm, at my hotel. I'm staying at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Times Square. I saw your ad in Rentboy and am sending this email based on the information in that ad.


Please let me know if you are available to get together this evening. If you are available, please also tell me what you charge for a one-hour outcall to my hotel and what additional information you would like from me. I'll be checking my email about 4:00 pm and, if you have replied to me by then, I will reply back at that time. If you would like me to call you instead, please provide the telephone number you would like me to use.


If I haven't heard from you by 5:00 pm today, I will assume that means that you are not available to meet me at 7:00 pm and will contact someone else. In that event, please do let me know if you would like me to contact you in the future when I'm again looking for company in New York.







If Galahad replies back saying that yes, he is available, but that he charges $300 per hour, I'd send back something like this.



Dear Galahad,


Thank you for a quick reply to my initial email. Unfortunately, the rate you quoted ($300 per hour) is more than I choose to spend for a one-hour meeting. If you offer a lower rate per hour for longer sessions, I'd be happy to consider whatever you propose.


Best of luck to you in your endeavors.






And it goes from there. I don't put a lot of thought into these things. I just try to get as much information as possible in there so the escort isn't confused about what I'm looking for. I will frequently receive back a message asking "What are you looking for?" How I respond to that will depend on the other information the escort has provided.


If he has asnswered my questions and I think there's a good chance our schedules will mesh and his rate is acceptable, I'll provide more information to him. If the schedule or the rate isn't good, there's no point in wasting my time or his with more detailed information.



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Thus far I have not hired an escort for a same day appointment. This allows for a greater amount of communication. I tend to be extremely brief in my initial contact and say the following:

Hi Escort's Name


Saw your reviews on M4M and am interested in the possibility

of getting together for lunch/dinner and a couple of hours

of play time. Are you available for this type of arrangement

and if so what would your fee be.

Thanks for the information and I look forward to hearing from



My Name

If I receive a timely positive return email with an acceptable fee my second email communicates personal information about me and my expectations and ends with: If the above is acceptable let me know and we can schedule a meeting by phone. If the return email is positive I call the escort and we set thing up. So far this seems to have worked well for me.

To this point in my hiring career I have NEVER met with an escort for less than three hours and have never bargained. If I find his fee unacceptably high I simply state that and thank him for his time and then look elsewhere.

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>This is an interesting point about how we are all seeing

>prices go up no matter if it is gas or escort...Of course we

>know this is a symptom of inflation.


>However I don’t see why an escort would honestly need to raise

>his price at current inflation levels. I feel sorry for the

>minimum wage guy who can’t raise his wage at all.


Your two paragraphs above seem to contradict each other. The second one is correct. The most recent figures released show that the rate of inflation for all of 2004 is less than 3.5 percent. Raising a price from $200 to $250 is a 25 percent increase and obviously has no relationship to the rising cost of living.

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Since this ties in somewhat to my post about afternoon appointments with a possibly discounted rate I thought I'd respond.


I realized hiring an escort is not like buying groceries. Do escorts take coupons? Still I would hope that there could be some room for negotiation in price or time. Most industries allow for that.


I think if an escort's rate were $250 an hour and he wanted to hold to that price but would offer 90 minutes for that sum during a quiet period I would be very happy with that. I probably talk more than I should during a session, wasting precious sex time. I don't like leaping into bed at the first minute one starts a session.


I also would like to think if an escort sees a client he likes, spending a little extra time with him and not feeling rushed on his end it works out for both parties.

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>I realized hiring an escort is not like buying groceries. Do

>escorts take coupons? Still I would hope that there could be

>some room for negotiation in price or time. Most industries

>allow for that.





Trust me on this: for every guy out there who feels offended by the idea of negotiation, there's at least another who welcomes the idea.


Young escorts somehow get the idea that negotiating for their services is personally insulting, saying "I'm not a car" or "This isn't like buying other services." But they fail to consider that (a) negotiating can be a very good thing for them; and (b) people negotiate all kinds of things, including things far more serious, personal and complicated than an hour's roll in the hay. When I encounter an escort who is offended by the idea of negotiating, I just chalk it up to inexperience. Young guys often haven't been out in the business world long enough or used enough professional services to have encountered good -- and serious -- negotiations.


I'm more surprised sometimes by older clients who think that negotiating is a bad thing. One would think that by the time one has gotten to be middle-aged, one would have learned how to successfully negotiate for things. But perhaps not.


In any event, it's often a case of simply asking for what you are looking for or suggesting something to the escort and saying that you are open to suggestions in return. You may be surprised with the reactions you get. Some guys will be insulted and respond with something that sounds like it was written by a teenager. Others will understand that a simple, respectful and honest negotiation may well get them more than they had expected to get originally.


For example, assume a guy is charging $250 per hour, which I probably won't pay. If I suggest an alternative, he might come back and say "OK, how about $400 for two hours?" I might go for that. If you think about the time an escort needs to prepare for an outcall, travel to the hotel, travel home, etc., the one-hour meeting might well end up representing close to three hours of time for the escort.


So what's the better deal for him? $250 for three hours of work? Or $400 for four hours? If it were me, I'd always take the second deal in a heartbeat.


Your idea of simply adding a half hour of time "to get to know each other" may well appeal to certain escorts, too, especially if they wouldn't have any business that day anyway. I mean, what's 30 minutes of conversation going to cost them?


Have fun! :-)




ps: Vincent Michael is a good example of an escort who has done the negotiating ahead of time: he has a set fee for the first hour but then throws in two more hours of time without extra charge. How can you beat that deal???

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I tend to agree with Rick on this one. Neither other escorts nor clients should find advertised rates rude nor disgusting, unless of course you run into a "Brian from Philly" situation, which still makes me want to throw up.


I've said it before when this topic came up and I'll say it again here. Escorts set the rates they do for an innumerable variety of reasons; to try to analyze or dissect those reasons will probably keep this thread going for many more months.


Clients have a threshold of what they are willing to pay for escorts, as evidenced by the responses here and to other threads.


If the escort's advertised price meets the client's anticipated threshold, and all other things being equal, then that is probably the beginning of a good match.


It does NOT preclude, however, any sort of negotiation on the part of the two parties to come to a different price arrangement.


Nor does it guarantee, as another poster so eloquently pointed out, that the price is an assurance of quality, unless the client is happy with what the escort provides and/or has seen the escort before.


Evidence of this comes from another poster (or it may be the same one) who compared the quality that a Vincent Michael provides, at his price, to a Brian from Philly or Anthony Halloway, at their prices.


I personally don't find negotiating an advertised price to be a bad practice, as long as its not done in an insulting manner or designed to take advantage of the escort in question.


In my case, if I can't fathom paying the advertised price, but would really like to see the escort, I simply explain that my "entertainment budget" is going through a crisis right now, and inasumch as I would love to meet with you, the economics don't work. More often than not, the escort understands, makes an accommodation and through this vehicle I have met at least three recurring escorts who give me "most favored pricing" status. For reasons already detailed here, this arrangement provides both of us with tangible benefits. In fact, its almost like setting up an "erection annuity."


Someone put out the grocery analogy here. Securing the services of an escort is not like purchasing staples and produce. You can discuss price with the escort, but you can't argue with A&P over their advertised price of garlic.


Which is not to say that you can't find garlic at a cheaper price somewhere else. Or, to put it another way, in NYC alone, the price of garlic changes almost exponentially from neighborhood to neighborhood. I probably know why, but if I spent a lot of time thinking about it, I'd never be able to make an adequate dinner.


Finally, I would venture to say (escorts, correct me if I'm wrong), but if this is truly a business, then one of your goals is to secure the most amount of quality clients at a fair and equitable price. After all, its supposedly your livelihood that's at issue here. And I perceive that the more savvy escorts know how to market, rather than just to charge. Rick, Vincent, Benjamin, to name just a few, are excellent examples of this. Any wonder why people keep coming back to them, or clamor to get in their queue?


Warmest Regards,


hd NYC

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Well, Rick, in the United Kingdom "queue" might be a new term for "hole" and I'll have to find out for myself.


Actually, I was just referring to the amount of clients who would like to meet all of you guys.


But now that you mention it, "queue" might now take on a whole new dimension.


But, I am also sure, hopefully, that in your case, we may be hearing about a smart ass, but won't hear about a "quiet queue."


ciao, baby


hd NYC

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>I recently sent an inquiry to an escort whose listed price was

>$200. I told him where I'd be staying and asked him what he



This reminded me of a time several years ago when I was spending a lot of time at a client's office in NYC. One night I really needed a treat. This was before I had a laptop and I only had Unzipped magazine as a source, but I found someone who sounded good. No price was listed, so I called. The rate he quoted was too much for me to pay. I explained this and said thanks anyway. He then offered to come over for a lower rate which I accepted. Then I gave him the name of my hotel. It was one of the really expensive vitage properties overlooking Central Park. There was an awkward pause in the conversation, but he did agree to come over.


I don't think he'd ever been in this particular hotel. When he got to my room he seemed a bit cool and and said, "You can afford to stay HERE, but you don't want to pay me my going rate? (This was said non-agressively, but you could tell he wanted an answer).


I explained that the hotel and the costs of the trip were all being billed to my expense account. He, however, was coming out of my personal funds. He then laughed and suggested I put him on my expense account and we'd really have a great time all night long. If only I could... }(

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Why do I find it insulting and rude? Well....Lets face it what makes me a better escort than any other escort? I am going to venture out on a limb and say not much but because I am considered better does that give me the right to charge more?


Now I understand escorts have to make a living too but honestly in doing an overnight or a weekend...how hard is it to sleep or go and get to know someone? I do take into account that allot of escort change there rates and they fluxuate for other factors and I am not talking about that.


Now why do I consider it insulting...Maybe I was extreme and thanks for pointing that out rick.

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I hired two escorts within the last 5 days. Ha ha ha..I was so horned up. One has a rate of $300 while the other was $200. The more expensive kid looks great but there was not much difference with reasonably priced one. He actually have a little attitude and is obviously sooo self-centered.


The lesson here is to stay away from anyone charging $250 and above in CA because they are not really worth it.

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A few years ago, I had almost the exact same experience. I was staying at the Plaza. The escort charged $300 and I said that was more than I wanted to pay. So he offered to come over for $250 and I agreed.


The escort was the famous Ryan #3, who was going by another name at the time. He walked in and said almost exactly what your escort said. It was all downhill from there. One of the worst escort experiences I've had.



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Reverse Angle


I don't think that anyone has mentioned one force that keeps any escalation in prices going up a bit lockstep. While you wouldn't think anything wrong at paying an escort the average fee, you might not hire an escort who was significantly under that fee, especially if his reviews were old or non existant. I remember once someone actually told me that one reason he hired me was to see what was wrong with me, why I was charging so little. (That was years ago, now I'm basically in line with the bottom end of the average, on purpose.) Of course, that was also in a different, though close, city, where the rates are routinely higher than in my own city. Anyway, take this as a question, since we seem to agree that $100 is a fair and, with some, a going rate, would you hire someone who only charged $75? How about $50?

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