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Increase in Escort Rates

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I notice that most escorts have increased their rates recently. It used to be an average of $200 the escorts charge (at least the ones I am interested in) which IMO is reasonable. Now it seems that the average rates have gone up to $250 with others charging as much as $350-$400 an hour. What is the reason behind the increase in rates and the high rates other escort charges? Is there a market for these escorts? Just curious.

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I guess they think they are God and anyone will pay my price now since I'm a Super Star Escort. What I say is FUCK THEM and find someone better. Guess they think their shit don't stink anymore, guess what it still stinks even at the high rates. That was a big reason I stop going to NYC.


When in doubt I whip it out :+

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Escort Rates like everything else are climbing. BUT with most $250 guys they are Usually TOPS, NYC.LA,Miami Guys.. Escorts reviewed on this site have the "Fan Mail" to.. in "MOST CASES" assure you that you will get whatever you Pay for. OF course BAD Chemistry & a Top Dollar Guy spells disaster.. But also if there is the "Possibility" of you becoming a steady Client, the Rate usually will decrease per hour....IF you are the "Flavor of the Week" type of Client, LIKE one guy on this Site, you will PAY TOP $$ EVERYTIME..God Bless those who can afford...Again ask about a lower rate for 2 hrs or more!!!:+

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I think prices in general are going up unfortunately, especially cost of living (gas and heat prices for example, in addition to things like inflation and the decreasing value of the dollar against foreign currencies).


Now, that said, I think it's just a personal decision whether to see people at these rates. For example, I saw an escort just once who I really like and enjoyed my time with, but I've just decided I really can't afford to see him much because his prices are particularly high. (Nothing against him at all - I'd love to see him again, but he's so much higher that I just can't justify it, at least right now.) There are still reasonably priced good guys out there though.

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Guptasa1.. Definitely Agree.. Every once in awhile you will run into a Guy who will do a Special Rate,for a REPEAT CLIENT.. Of course Chemistry etc has to be very good. And some of these guys, especially the Younger ones, Spend it as fast as they make it, so Lowering rates make no sense to them. Like you, the Secret is to know When and How much to spend on this entertainment...Even $200-1 hr.. for what 40 mins of Sex, 20 mins Chit-Chat.. that is alot of money.. AND NOW $250 for 1 hr is just plain Ridiculous! Especially if you get a real talkative, lets get to know each other type of Guy, who wastes 25 mins Talking, LESS WORK for him... OF course there are those who can afford this. I call it throwing it away, unless it is $250 for 2 hrs of Fun on the rare occasion..:+ :+ :+

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This was a topic at another site and I have to say that Ive learned a lot from that discussion and from my own experience.


I think Ive mentioned it before that the only reason Ive been able to "play in the game" is because I was left some money by a relative. I alotted myself part of this money for escort exploration. I put the rest in to my school loans and other stuff that was a bit more conservative.


For what I want and what I am doing $250 is just too much. I have spent it before but now I just cant justify. For example, I really wanted to hire Talvin DeMacchio and he will be in NYC at the end of the month. Even though I am getting to the end of the escort fund, I could afford him if I saved a bit and did a little to cut back. However, I dont think I can justify it when I dont want to suck, fuck or kiss. Now this doesnt mean that Talvin shouldnt charge what he does, it just means that I dont want all I am paying for.


Talvin has been in the game for awhile and he can charge $320 and hour.

Zeb Atlas can charge $500 an hour cause he's hot now. Over time, Im sure that his rate will drop, but probably not for awhile. It is supply and demand, and many of the men who hire and incredibly loaded.

Shit, Mark Dalton got a car (actually more like a truck) one of the first times he was at the Gaiety. All ya gotta do is find the market.


On a lighter note, I love looking at Rentboy and seeing kids who no one knows charging $300-$500...there is a kid (20 yrs old) from Boston who has an ad in NYC now like that and another kid from Chicago with similiar pricing. I bet some guys will pay this. Kind of funny though that these guys will charge more than Austin or Trevor or any other established guy...but people will pay it.


I dont feel comfortable examining people's motives for charging such high rates...I just think that if the market will bear it, they will do it. The nicest guys Ive met have charged $200 an hour, so I dont believe that you have to go above the "norm" to get quality.


Finally, this is not a public service industry where everyone is entitled to a "share." This is a private service and its offer to anyone who can afford it...just like health care :-)

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Escort rates regularly go up, then plateau for a while, then go up again. $200 was the norm for quite awhile, but then a lot of guys went up to $250, and that seems to be the normal range now, but eventually it will be $250-300. When I started hiring, the normal New York agency rate was $60.

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There is an average and I think the norm (at least for NYC is between $200 and $250). I was just thinking back to last year when I decided to venture out on my own and start seeing clients privately. I knew other people in my field were charging $60-$100 an hour, at least the ones who were in the same position, experientially and educationally, as I was.


I decided to charge $125 an hour and offered a sliding scale that included free sessions and family sessions. I could not have marketed myself to the community in general, but I did have a small base of clients who were willing to pay this and could afford it. I also consider myself to be an out-of-the-ordinary practicioner who offers more than just the basics to the client.


My point : if you can charge it, many people will charge it.


Also, I would never expect an escort to offer a sliding scale (although I wholeheartedly support anyone who wishes to do so). However, I can tell you that there is a very popular escort (not really on this board though) who has given me and others back $50 at the end of a session, to show how he really appreciated being with us...I was quite taken a back, but also felt like a real person to this guy...only saw him once as he is not local

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There are many of these Guys who are Definitely Over-Priced, Over-Rated DON'T DO THIS, DON'T DO THAT..So paying a Ridiculous Rate of $250 or Higher just does not make sense. Especially if it turns into nothing more than Muscle Worship..I would not pay $50 Bucks more because the guys Biceps were 19" instead of 16" or his Dick is 9" instead of 7.5 Which is the case alot!! Some of the "Star's" have been around a long time, been with ALOT of guys, the odds on STD'S are definitely there also..You set your price at $200 you will find what you are looking for.DEFINITELY!!!:+ :+ :+

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Well guys, I was reading this string of postings and I thought I would speak my mind. Please don't jump down my throat, this is just my opinion.

To me, escorting rates are based on supply and demand. You sort of feel out your clientel base and work with that. For example, let's say you advertise at 600/hr... wait a week or two and see how many calls or emails you get... um, maybe not a week or two, I'll tell you in advance... zero! But, if you advertise at 60/hr I guarantee you'll be flooded with calls and emails and not know what to do with all of the bookings! So, what's the happy medium?

Well, there's one more caveat. AND, this is for all of you who feel that high prices are too high. Escorting is not the safest nor most secure choice of employment. The prices may be high simply because the risk is high... from both a safety and legal perspective. Furthermore, you pay for descretion.

So, back to supply and demand theory. Base your rates on how many clients you can take on. If you need to beat them off with a stick (be it kinky or not ;-)) then you might want to bump up your rate. If your finding yourself begging clients to call you back, perhaps you should drop your rate... or maybe quit while you're ahead.

My advice to those who are hiring? If you don't want to pay the high price, don't. You don't have to be a muscle-god or porn star to be a phenomenal escort... you just have to be real.

As for me? Well, my rates will probably stay the same... (unless I show up in porn ;-))...

That's my opinion, take it or leave it.



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RE: Erection Economics


I am pretty familiar with the basic tenets of economics, that is, supply and demand, what the market will bear, etc. but sometimes I still find it difficult to understand quick and (IMO) unreasonable fluctuations in price.


BUT, to get right to the point: there are two basic price structures in the world: those we HAVE to live with and pay (tolls, taxes, gas, electricity, cable TV etc.) and those we can possibly enhance and /or negotiate.


The prices of escorts, I think, fall into the second category. There is, for obvious reasons, no set market or location scale for escort prices, and I think that many of them set the price based on what experience has shown and what others have paid and/or charged.


And that's cool.


If a client (or several clients) are willing to pay $300, then I suspect in the mind of the escort that this becomes the norm. I've heard it often enough...."well, I usually get $300 an hour...."


WELL, kids, clients and escorts, just because YOU RECEIVED $300 doesn't make it the set price. Show me a government issued and regulated price list, not unlike taxi cab fares, and I will fork over (regrettably, but I will do so anyway) the requested price.


For reference, I'm a financially comfortable guy, but I still sniff canteloupes to make sure I get the biggest and ripest one, and YES, I do snip coupons, every week, so that I can save $30 - $50 on my shopping trips.


So what's the bottom line: (1) set a budget and (2) COMMUNICATE


(1) Its still true, anywhere, not just in AC or Las Vegas, that you shouldn't bet more or spend more than you can afford to lose. Same thing with your entertainment budget. Set a limit and stick to it.


Once you've done that, if you see an escort and/or masseur that you like, and he has posted a price you're not comfortable with,


(2) Communicate with him. Tell him that you are interested but that his charges might be out of line with your budget. Engage him in conversation. There's always the chance that after he hears what a sweet and loveable guy you are, he will make an appropriate adjustment. OR, maybe not. Its then up to you.


Gentlemen, I don't we need to invite too much discussion here; its actually very simple.....the escort sets his price, and the client sets his threshold. If both work out to be at or near the same amount, then that's sweet. IF NOT, then, its time to move on.



hd NYC

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RE: Erection Economics


I find it more sensible to book a longer appointment in some cases. I have done this all over the world. Almost always, the average hourly rate decreases tremendously and three or four hours can be had for no where near the hourly rate. For example, one guy charged $300/hr; $500/3 hrs; $600/4 hrs. There are many other variations, but I think you get the idea.


By doing this, I have had great times - and only one regret!



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As far as NYC goes, there is alot of Competition to begin with. A smaller city like Boston etc would work differently. There are many guys who, from "MY Experiences" have worked with me on there "Advertised Rate"...The only thing they have asked, is that the "ACTUAL RATE" is kept between us..I totally respect every guy I have Hungout with, and have kept that to myself. Even if a couple where not all that much Fun.<W> IF your the type to set up an Appointment with the "DO YOU FUCK" I live on Park Ave..Attitude! you will get the STANDARD. SURE for $ 250..LOL LOL :+ :+ :+

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This topic has been discussed in the past. One thing that many people who frequently hire escorts agreed on is that there is no relationship between price and quality. Some of the best escorts charge far lower fees than some of the worst (compare the cost of a weekend with Anthony Holloway to one with Vincent Michael for example or check out the high rates charged by Aion in Washington DC and Travis #2 in New York).


It is important to keep in mind that the price an escort advertises may simply be a starting point for negotiation (as others have noted on this thread). So the advertised rate may overstate the actual cost.


What really amazes me are not the hourly rates but the people who spend thousands going on trips with escorts. Recently totally oz recounted an 6 day vacation in Las Vegas. The escort alone cost him $9,000. With travel, food and hotel the cost could easily have exceeded $12,500.

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True Matt. What I don't understand.."IF and I don't" have this kind of disposable income,boither to mention at all the "Exact" AMOUNT SPENT? I am sure the "only one" who would be interested, is the guy who is putting the Large Amount into "HIS" BANK ACCT from yours! The only thing I find intriguing is just the idea, of Hiring like 4 or 5 Different Guys a month, like some guys do. The THOUGHT of "that amount" BOGGLES MY MIND! BUT Apparently if you read Daily Reviews, there are a few guys doing it! Hope there "WELL" doesn't run dry!!:+ :+ :+

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>Escorting is not the safest nor most secure choice of employment. The prices may be high simply because the risk is high... from both a safety and legal perspective. Furthermore, you pay for descretion.

So, back to supply and demand theory. Base your rates on how many clients you can take on. If you need to beat them off with a stick (be it kinky or not ) then you might want to bump up your rate. If your finding yourself begging clients to call you back, perhaps you should drop your rate... or maybe quit while you're ahead.

My advice to those who are hiring? If you don't want to pay the high price, don't. <


Excellent summary !!!


Yeah, I agree...I think Id be worried all the time if I knew I was doing something on a daily basis where I could get in trouble with the law. Also, from living in some really bad areas, I know that it is not a cool feeling to always be thinking about what could happen and keeping yourself on guard to be ready when it happens. How much would I charge for that ?


As for the $600 an hour, well ya gotta come check out the MSS board. Off the top of my head, I can think of 5 escorts who charge $500 and hour and thrive in the business, and have for awhile. But it is as BostonGuy said, they felt out their target market and this is what they can afford so I guess they are pretty smart business men.



BTW, I didnt realize BostonGuy was an escort til yesterday...how is this possible?...I just though he was this guy from Boston :-)

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What is the reason behind rate hikes? I would answer this in one word...GREED! However some would say they have to charge allot because there is such a small and short life of an escort…I still think its well Greed.


Now to be fair I have raised my rate from $200 to $250 but that’s for three hours and I think that is a damn good deal!

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This is an interesting point about how we are all seeing prices go up no matter if it is gas or escort...Of course we know this is a symptom of inflation.


However I don’t see why an escort would honestly need to raise his price at current inflation levels. I feel sorry for the minimum wage guy who can’t raise his wage at all.

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Boston Chris I have to disagree I don’t think escorts prices go up because of supply and demand.


If you look on this site or any other site there are loads of escorts for the ripe picking so I don’t think it is honestly supply and demand....


Now there can be many factors as to why an escorts rate goes up, One the escort is feeling the effects of inflation(However I doubt that) Two He spends like there is no tomorrow(I find this to be very plausible) And of course three The become a High profile escort(I think this is very plausible as well.)


Like I said before it is Greed simply put, I have raised my prices yes but I still keep them very low comparatively to other escorts as I find there rates rude and Insulting!

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