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Strange Methods of Payment?

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On the local news they had a story about a man who paid a traffic ticket in pennies. The court says that's not acceptable payment and he claims federal law states that coin is legal tender for all debts.


That made me wonder. Escorts, what's been the most unusual method of payment that you've experienced?

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>On the local news they had a story about a man who paid a

>traffic ticket in pennies. The court says that's not

>acceptable payment and he claims federal law states that coin

>is legal tender for all debts.


>That made me wonder. Escorts, what's been the most unusual

>method of payment that you've experienced?


I probably should have avoided this posting and went straight to bed. At 1:45 AM EST, I definitely get weird ideas.


Now I'm thinking about the collection of shoe boxes and coffee cans that I have, chock full of coins. Not to mention the strongbox I have full of foreign currency, both paper and coin.


SO, if I engage in French kissing, active Greek and Arabian watersports, can I use the appropriate currencies to pay my tab?


hd NYC

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I am laughing my head off!

Once I was contacted to have a really heavy duty session with role play, water sports, domination, leather, bondage... a real adventure!After booking the appointment, my client asked one last puzzling question:

"I have been saving for this session a long time... I hope you dont mind a little bit of change..."


When I got there, on the table, he had a line of two dollar rolled coins... they did amount to the fee that we had agreed upon. (A lot of money) Plus a handsome tip...

Why wouldnt a boy say no to such generosity?

(The bad thing is that since I was his MASTER, I couldnt crack up laughing right there... I just spanked him very roughly for having thought that I was a parking meter...) :* (I think he loved every minute of it)

And of course, all I had to do was going to the bank and cash on the rolled coins while giggling like a pony.

Now, clients... be kind: at least roll them up, that way it is easier to count! ;)


Thanks for the good laugh!

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This is fucken awesome !!!!


I am not an escort but have been paid through the bartering system a number of times. I work in the mental health field and it is considered ethical to provide a sliding scale. It is not mandatory and many doctors (psychiatrists) do not do it, but social work is a different profession.


If the sliding scale does not work (i.e. money is a serious problem with the family), I have accepted other forms of payment. I always discuss this before the session (therapeutic, not sexual:-) These are the things that I have received :


1) 2 chocolate pudding pies


2) A chicken dinner (actually arroz con pollo, but it was this huge aluminum casserole dish full of food)


3) Vouchers for the movies


4) Cans of Ensure (not discussed before hand, but the act of the client "paying" for their session is important for the client and it allows them to feel that they are participating to their fullest ability)



Things that families/clients have tried to give me but I wouldnt accept :


1) Food stamps (that shit broke my heart...I wanted to give them money!!!)


2) A stuffed animal...a doggy to be exact...little girl gave it to me for working with her brother...I took it but told her it was just for the week and I brought it back to her next week...I got it cleaned cause it smelled


3) Sex...from the borderline client that I had to refer the a psychiatrist cause I really dont do crazy that well :-)

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I think it has a lot to do with seeing my great aunt and my great grandmother barter in the open air market when I lived with them on Corsica. They would trade one item for another, for example, sewing something for some meat.


I have had a few clients who, due to their relationship, were hard pressed to withdraw cash from their joint bank accounts and we came up with a suitable arrangement. They were able to charge something and I got something I needed or wanted.


The most unusual payment I ever received was a collection of singles, small bills and, yes, ten dollars worth of rolled quarters, from one of the few gay virgins I ever deflowered.



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Guest timgetrum

Mr. Michael,


You would only accept Maple Leafs and Americal Eagles? Any chance you would consider Krugerrands? Does your fee change with the London fixing each day?

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i had a similar incident many years ago. I had been hired by someone who sounded very cute over the phone, and, indeed, he was. It was only very slowly that I realized he was in some way "simple." When I went to leave I found that he didn't know that he was supposed to pay me. (It's been years and I do not remember why we hadn't talked about that over the phone. Perhaps we had and it had passed over his head.) I felt that if I let him get away without paying me anything, he would feel that he could do the same thing with someone else and the next escort might not be the pushover I was. So I insisted that he give me one of his many plants. It really bothered him, but I persisted since I thought it was in his own best interest. As I left, a woman ran out of the house and up to my car. It turned out that it was his mother and that she had been aware, to what extent and from what point I wasn't sure, of what was happening and was listening to make sure that he didn't get hurt. She just wanted to thank me for handling it the way that I had. I tried to talk her into sneaking the plant back into his collection, but she was sure that he would notice it, etc. So, I left, feeling nice that she had complimented me on my behavior, but still feeling badly about having taken in payment something that meant so much to him, and would, knowing my luck with plants, probably not last out two months with me.

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A toll booth I used to drive through a lot in the 1970s had

lanes with attendants and lanes with mechanical coin counters.

The machines had signs saying "no pennies", but they did count

and accept pennies if you threw them in.


This was the 10 cent toll on the Southern State Parkway

near Elmont, Long Island. My memory is a little hazy, but

I think the toll went up to 20 cents for a while before

the booths were removed altogether.

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Keeep the home Bonfires burning, babe! Did you miss the part where I lamented how, given how good I am with plants usually, the poor potted thing was doomed! And my thumb hasn't gotten much greener since then. However, Maverick and I do want a six foot line of bamboo that'll grow up to about 12 - 15 feet, clumping only not walkers. Got any of that?

Otherwise, I'd love to meet you for a hot chocolate or something at Barnaby's sometime. I've been fantasizing putting together a HooBoy gathrering for Houston for some time. I think there's only been one other, but if you weren't a twink escort, Chuck probably didn't invite you, either. Since I've suggested the restaurant, why don't you suggest a day and/or time?

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"I've been fantasizing putting together a HooBoy gathrering for Houston for some time".


I'd join a Houston gathering if in town. I travel alot and reside part of the year in California, but am in Houston the majority of the time. Will be in back in Houston after the first of the year.



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