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What happens to retired escorts?

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OK, that sounds silly I know but I often wonder what plans escorts make for their future when it's time to hang up your...well, what do you hang up? Anyway, hopefully socking away all that hard earned cash. To do what? Start a business, go to school or enter the mainstream work world? What do you put on your resume? Do you just spend the rest of your life avoiding talking about that period of your life or is it something you bring up at the office Christmas party? Do most escorts think of this as a stepping stone to something else or is it all about paying the rent? Better yet, buy a house.

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Retarded Escorts


>OK, that sounds silly I know but I often wonder what plans

>escorts make for their future when it's time to hang up

>your...well, what do you hang up?


1. Your jockstrap.


>Anyway, hopefully socking

>away all that hard earned cash. To do what? Start a business,

>go to school or enter the mainstream work world?


2. Open a hooker museum.


>What do you

>put on your resume?


3. Sex slave.


>Do you just spend the rest of your life

>avoiding talking about that period of your life or is it

>something you bring up at the office Christmas party?


4. Well, since I am planning on being the museum director, I expect the staff will have to be a captive audience at any office party.


>Do most

>escorts think of this as a stepping stone to something else or

>is it all about paying the rent?


5. It is a stepping stone to election to the Board of Education in Texas. Apparently, no much experience is required for that position.

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Franco missed a golden opportunity to supply his patented standard answer to questions like this:


It depends.™


The answer will be as varied as the guys plying their trade.


As I think of this question, and the retired escorts I know, it strikes me that the guys most likely to be great successes once they hang up the jockstrap are the very best escorts too. The "working guys" who are likely to become a burden on society, it seems, are the scammers and con-artists.


An honest work ethic will transfer to any profession. A tendency to "get by" or "get something for nothing" will as well, in my own humble opinion.

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Methinks retired escorts have a few choices~


If they've invested wisely, saved their earned money and possibly put some into real-estate, they can retire quite early and make it stick. A real retirement of sorts.


Those who spend as they recieve usually have that dreaded massive gap in their resume, which can sometimes be tough to believeably fill. This is usually a good time to head back to school to finish up or move foward with a masters or PHD, IMO. You also have the problem of not having anything really tangible to show for years of escorting.


Then there are escorts who aren't in the industry long enough to have made any bankable money, so they usually just go back to the 9 to 5 ('What a way to make a living!').


Unfortunately an 'escort 401k' isn't yet a reality :) At least, not until the USA legalizes things and solidifies medical, among other coverages. I highly recommend any current or incoming escort look into an independent retirement plan, as well as singular medical insurance. Better to be safe (ie, well-insured) than sorry.



Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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Guest EscortNsf

>Unfortunately an 'escort 401k' isn't yet a reality :) At

>least, not until the USA legalizes things and solidifies

>medical, among other coverages.


While escorting is technically illegal, the IRS really doesn't care about the source of the income. One can still claim it as self-employed income, and simply put 'dog walker' or 'repairman' in that box that asks profession. That most escorts want to avoid paying taxes on their earning is understandable, but citing anti-prostitution laws, I think, is a mental exercise to avoid acknowledging the truth-- that they are taking advantage of a cash-based service and not paying their taxes as most any other profession would have to.


The trade-off is between the tax disadvantage of declaring income and then investing it versus not declaring and consequently not investing. Citing the illegality of escorting is a red herring.

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>One can still claim it

>as self-employed income, and simply put 'dog walker' or

>'repairman' in that box that asks profession. That most

>escorts want to avoid paying taxes on their earning is

>understandable, but citing anti-prostitution laws, I think, is

>a mental exercise to avoid acknowledging the truth-- that they

>are taking advantage of a cash-based service and not paying

>their taxes as most any other profession would have to.


I agree--for the most part, legal problems from escorting will be small, if any, compared to the potential nightmare of intentional tax avoidance.


I know escorts that will declare a portion of their income as some innocuous, self employed category, but by filing a return like that, they may be making matters worse since they are filing under penalty of perjury that they have accurately declared their income. Clinton's problems would have been nonexistent if he had not perjured himself about Paula Jones.


Further, I think it might be better to declare no income at all rather than partial income, since perjury is a felony and easy to prove in that situation, whereas failure to pay taxes will usually be given a chance to "pay-up" before prosecution. Further, it might be able to be argued, but not believably, that as as an escort, you didn't think you had to pay taxes lol whereas if you declare part of your income, then you are erasing all doubt that your "oversight" was intential and thus prosecutible as an intentional and fraudulent tax evasion--for which there is no statute of limitations, where as there is a SOL on failure to file a return.


The safest way of course, is to fully disclose your income in an ambiguous self employed category, as was suggested above, although it is also possible to pay your taxes anonymously--then if you ever get called on it, you can prove it was paid -- just your identity was kept secret.


(WARNING: Tax advise should only be given by a competent tax specialist and not a PI attorney }( The above posting was for entertainment and or editorial purposes only, and does not represent the opinions or viewpoints of male4malescorts.com, it's sponsors, owners or employees. Further it is not meant to be construed by the consumer as legal advise. See your personal tax specialist for questions concerning income taxation, paying same, the failure to pay same, and/or the relative merits and tradeoffs between committing perjury over tax evasion. :p

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As far as the income discussion goes, the best advice is to have access to professional advice (legal and/or financial), just as you should have access to professional medical advice.


But, back to the original intent of this thread. I would still like to know more about what happens to retired escorts and I would be very interested in what prompts the decision to retire?


Admittedly, perhaps many of the already retired escorts no longer view this site and that challenges our one good source of information.


On the chance that many escorts know many other escorts (even those who no longer work), maybe you can help give us some info.


hd NYC

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"(WARNING: Tax advise should only be given by a competent tax specialist and not a PI attorney The above posting was for entertainment and or editorial purposes only, and does not represent the opinions or viewpoints of male4malescorts.com, it's sponsors, owners or employees. Further it is not meant to be construed by the consumer as legal advise. See your personal tax specialist for questions concerning income taxation, paying same, the failure to pay same, and/or the relative merits and tradeoffs between committing perjury over tax evasion."


This was funny and definitely entertaining! :)

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What happens to retired escorts? I honestly don’t know because I don’t know any. However that being said I can only assume there are a few options.


1. Go back to school, even if an escort already has a degree the degree becomes useless if he does not use it for a number of years so going back to school is the only option.


2. As for explanation of the gap in time I think depending on your age there are a few explanations such as I was in school. However I do plan on doing that.


3. As for investments I can honestly say that there is no way an escort can earn all he needs to stay retired even with smart investments. Inflation and market conditions would not work well with only a few years of cash flow. What an escort should do is have a few plans based on different situations and not put all his eggs in one basket.


But in my opinion a escort can retire from escorting but never from working as there will be no way he could accumulate the wealth in today’s market or match inflation if that were the case.

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>3. As for investments I can honestly say that there is no way

>an escort can earn all he needs to stay retired even with

>smart investments. Inflation and market conditions would not

>work well with only a few years of cash flow. What an escort

>should do is have a few plans based on different situations

>and not put all his eggs in one basket.





Vincent, i respectfully disagree~


If you've bought into phenom stocks from the getgo (ie, Google), as well as putting money into Roth IRA's, CD's and other high-risk performance investments, it's quite feasible that in a few years of consistantly busy escorting, one can sit back and let his money make him more money.


Granted, everything's a risk, but putting some of that earned money into real estate can also be a surefire way to positive cash-flow. I'm not going to sit here and tell everyone how and in-who i invested over the past couple of years, but i can honestly say that it's very possible to use escorting as a means to retirement... or at the very least financial freedom.


After i retire from escorting, i plan on heading back into the workforce anyway, as it would make me stir-crazy to just sit back and do absolutely nothing with my life. I'm planning on Grad school this summer, so i suppose that's a start. I'm pretty psyched about getting back into a competitive educational environment :)



Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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>The safest way of course, is to fully disclose your income in

>an ambiguous self employed category, as was suggested above,

>although it is also possible to pay your taxes

>anonymously--then if you ever get called on it, you can prove

>it was paid -- just your identity was kept secret.


Any taxpayer can file a return accurately reporting his annual income but leaving the "occupation" line on the return blank. Provided there is no indication of tax evasion (and there are no deductions for business expenses) the IRS usually has no problem with that.


I'm not sure what is meant by "pay your taxes anonymously." If there is no name or SSN on the return I would be surprised if the IRS would accept it as a valid return. Without such identification there is no way for them to check what is reported on the return against other records they may have relating to the filer, which is the whole point of requiring individuals to file a return. I would think handing in a return without identification would not satisfy the legal requirement for filing a return that applies to every individual who receives more than a few thousand dollars of income in a given year and would make that individual liable for the penalty for failure to file.


>(WARNING: Tax advise should only be given by a competent tax

>specialist and not a PI attorney



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>as well as putting money into Roth IRA's, CD's and

>other high-risk performance investments


Hey, I don't know much (just call me Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville) but I believe CD's are low-risk and low-performance, and a Roth IRA can take the form of any type of investment, so what you just said does not compute. :o As for me, I am investing every dime I earn (just the dimes; Derek handles quarters and other large denominations) into DVD box sets of classic TV shows. That's what I consider the best investment for our old age. :)

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Roth is all dependent on WHAT you put your money into (i never went into specifics, but only general observations) while CD's aren't always long-term. From what i can see, CD's can be just as productive in the short-term as more risky money market accounts...


Although, i do like your box-set investment theory Rick: I'm actually quite shocked that you've yet to mention the first season of 'Golden Girls' is now out on DVD. I picked up copy yesterday and am anxiously awaiting a 'Blanche-a-thon' in the coming week :)


Picture it... San Antonio... 2004... My couch and a DVD player.




Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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MONEY! Money, Well yes you can make allot however it is not usual unless you have allot to invest, My father is active in the market and I ask him about what IPO’s I think are going to take off and to get into it…Shocker you need around $100,000 for an IPO opening. Now who cares you don’t get an IPO to do well however with something like Google you do. Google is way over valued now and is a worthless stock to own I would get out while the going is good! Now you want companies that have things going for them, such as Intel there trading in the Dollar and there going to do better based on a week dollar. I know some of you might say there hurting why buy now? Truth is you always want to buy beat up stocks and not rising stocks, however you also want to bet agenst them with AMD they take more market share! Also you should invest what you know.


As for CD’s Ben all is have to say as a person who cares….GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN!!!! CD’S are an awful investment and even though some of you don’t think there is inflation there is and it’s growing and fast! This war with Iraq has created massive inflation and its coming to get us very soon! Inflation is how much money is being printed, not rising prices.


As for other aspects of Inflation, The dollar is collapsing and it is going to keep going down and there is no arguing that point because the Bush admin wants a weaker US Dollar, if I where you guys I would invest in forgin currency for the short time and then get out because there system will tank soon there after. Also something to watch is OIL; Matt Simmons (Simmons & Co) who was just interviewed in Barron’s said that we will peak with world oil supply in the next 5 – 10 years! Matt Simmons was an energy advisor for the Bush admin and Predicted correctly that the US would peak in Natural gas production in 1990. Once oil goes up it causes prices to go up and that is another form of inflation not to mention it will slow all economies.


Site tight! Real estate is about to hit rock bottom I just read a article in the WSJ yesterday about how consumer confidence for shopping is on a 17th month low and real estate is on a Multi Year low!!! What does that mean? Simple Supply vs. Demand when there is less demand verses Supply relatate Value tanks. Once that happens and the value goes down it no longer becomes a investment but a asset.


Ben I am so happy your going to Grad school, do you know were? Serious though I am not slamming you here I just wanted you to know some serious money information that may help you or others out. I hope no one takes offence to any information I am just providing information that I believe to be correct.

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Guest EscortNsf

Whether and when an escort can retire also depends on what his resources were when he started escorting. While most guys don't have a lot in the bank when they start escorting, some certainly do. I suspect that guys who escort out of choice and not necessity bring a different attitude (and probably a different skill set) to the party, and may ironically have more success escorting as well.


Even assuming no savings at the onset, this can be a very lucrative business. Assuming a low six-figure income (perhaps tax free) and the lack of an expensive habit (drugs or otherwise), one could exit this biz after several years with a nice pile of cash. At that point, he might either go into semi-retirement from escorting, keeping his favorite clients or just those who involve fun travel, or go back to the legitimate workforce, stockpiling those paychecks while spending down the cash hoard. The exit plan might involve a client who takes an interest in the escort, either as a boyfriend or potential employer. Keep in mind the escort has unfettered access to a lot of influential men, and assuming he has talents outside of the bedroom, this networking could serve him well when he's ready to leave the jizz biz.


The options available to the fellow wanting to stop escorting probably look a lot like the options available to him when he started. The guy who's struggled to meet each month's rent might likely continue to do so, the clever boy who saw an opportunity in being a good escort will probably find opportunity in another pasture as well.

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Guest EscortNsf

Anecdotally, three guys readily jump to mind as having left the escorting biz. One has moved out of state to try his luck as a real estate agent, one landed a job in a not-for-profit by networking through a former client, and one is a ward of his parents due to health and addiction issues. Each case pretty well traces what you'd have expected from them before they started escorting.

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But Seriously Folks


>Truth is

>you always want to buy beat up stocks and not rising stocks,

>however .... Also you should invest what you know.


>As for other aspects of Inflation, The dollar is collapsing

>and it is going to keep going down and there is no arguing

>that point because the Bush admin wants a weaker US Dollar, if

>I where you guys I would invest in forgin currency for the

>short time and then get out because there system will tank

>soon there after.


>Site tight! Real estate is about to hit rock bottom I just

>read a article in the WSJ yesterday about how consumer

>confidence for shopping is on a 17th month low and real estate

>is on a Multi Year low!!!






Very intelligent people spend a great deal of time and resources in both investing their own funds and/or suggesting/recommending/advising others on their investments. Not very many of them are exceedingly successfull.


Personally, based on my own experience, the experience of those with whom I am fairly familiar with their personal finances and my observations of others, I think personal finances are a matter of playing with ones strengths.


A former adult film actor I knew who made more money from personal appearances and dancing (he never escorted) then he did from Falcon was a day trader in the mid to late 1990s. He enjoyed it, he was good at it and he made a good deal of money, which he promptly turned on and invested in real estate in the south (his home town). He is now worth about 5 times what he was worth when he got out of day trading (1998), runs a small antique business which pays for itself, and lives off his real estate and other investments. Some of his worth is paper value and he could certainly lose anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of his net worth in a real estate market collapse. Some of his finances are in very secure but very conservative growth instruments and none are in any risky venture. He no longer owns any stock with the exception of Pixar and Coke, more for sentimental reasons than anything else, but in the time he has owned these stocks, he has not yet suffered any loses.


Another friend from my San Francisco days invested in the stock market. His investments have progressively deteriorated. He hung on to America On Line past the Time Warner merger and has lost greatly on that stock, particularly since he obtained some personal bank loans against his Money Market Account, which includes his stock savings. He also had money invested in Arthur Andersen, MCI and several other technology stocks, all of which were sold at a high paper loss. Due to the way he had structured his finances, he went from having nearly a 400K net worth to less than $60 and had to go back to work after seven years of not working, not escorting. He does not have the looks or the inclination to get back into sex work, he never went back to college and the best paying job he could get was working in the hospitality industry in San Francisco, which is certainly no safe harbor even though tourism has improved.


Another former adult film actor continues, in what many of you would likely consider an advance age, to do the occassional film, generally for "A" level studios so he continues to be paid well for the appearance, and he continues to escort, although he lowered his rate slightly over a year ago. Nonetheless, it is still a top tier rate. He invested in a number of properties, all of which continue to appreciate, and I believe he works partly because he enjoys and partly because it continues to be a decent income source. To my knowledge, he has never had a so-called "day job" in his life.


Finally, I know about ten inviduals, nearly all though not all of them, 30 or much younger, who either escorted or did adult films. Some of them, when I knew them, were making as much as multiple thousands in one month. Two are on disability, one is essentially homeless and on drugs, two are back in college (and young enough not to have any "gaps" to explain) but they are attending less than prestigious schools and one of them is having to live at home to afford school, in a red state with red state parents who do not approve of his sexuality. The rest all have what nearly all of you would consider dead-end jobs. The only one who makes anywhere close to a good living is a hair stylist, though he tells everyone "I'm a hair dresser" when he gets asked at parties what he does. He is also the only one of the ten who owns a fully paid for car, one of the few things he kept from his escorting days.

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Guest BadBoySmythe

>this can be a very

>lucrative business. Assuming a low six-figure income (perhaps

>tax free)


Is that a good assumption? How much money do you suppose an escort-- even a very good one-- takes in?

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>Is that a good assumption? How much money do you suppose an

>escort-- even a very good one-- takes in?


It depends.


If you're questioning six figures, do the math. Assuming a conservative rate of $1,000/night, they'd have to work exactly 100 nights in a year to hit six figures. Judging by how busy some of these guys are, I'd say it's more than do-able.


Assuming every client is just an hour at $200, and they see 8 in a week, no they won't make six figures. But if they see 10 per week they will.


Obviously, it's going to depend on the escort, his rates, and how many overnights he gets vs. hourlies and how much he *wants* to work, among many other things. One of my favorites could easily put himself in that 6-figure category, but right now it's more important to him to finish his degree so he doesn't work as often as he could.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For the escorts I have known who had a brain and a plan, there are many options for deploying all that fast cash. Some used it to pay tuition and earned a professional degree. I can think of a lawyer and a chiropractor and a few realtors. Others have started out small and have invested in real estate. A couple of guys I know have bought condos, lived in them for two years, sold them, pocketed the tax-free capital gains and move on to buy another. One has managed to parlay that into buying a few small apartment buildings. Finally, one used the income to purchase franchises for businesses in growing communitities in Florida. I think he started with a tanning salon, but moved on to others kinds of businesses.


Even if these businesses don't make them rich, I still view each of them as a success story. They have done something I think of as perfectly smart. They simply made a pile of cash by trading in on their gifts, be it a gorgeous face, muscled body, flawless skin, huge cock, ability to take fire hydrants up their butt, sweet nature, winning personality, etc. Then, with the inevitable passage of time when their looks are not quite so fresh (picture Carol Burnett in her old series as the faded moviue star), they have something to fall back on. In this society, we all need the security of knowing where our next meal is coming from.


The ones who make me very sad are the ones who spend it as soon as they get and have nothing to show for it six months later. The ones who get into drugs are the saddest of all. When they realize the party is over, they cannot adjust to minimum wage, washing cars they used to own before the repo man cam calling. I knew a few of those guys too.


Most of the posters here are in a whole different league and I applaud them.

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