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Negative Reviews

nice guy
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I hire escorts often but I can't bring myself to give someone a bad review. I always do reviews on the guys who are really good, which is maybe 75% of the ones I hire. But then I think, if I don't review everyone I hire, then the site becomes less representative of the typical experience. In other words, it's skewed toward the positive. I haven't had any experiences that I'd say are terrible, just a few that disappointed me because they were being selfish in wanting their own needs fulfilled rather than focusing on me. Or where I had to be the one to constantly keep things moving, or make it enjoyable. If I see little initiative from the escort, I will take control and ensure that I get some enjoyment out of it. But when all is said and done, there is no way I'd hire the person again. So it's not like they lied about their looks, were late, etc. -- just that I didn't think they gave it their all.


You see, even if I am not overly excited upon initially meeting the escort I just hired, I give it my all to make the experience the best it can be. And many clients have impressed the hell out of me by performing so incredibly or simply creating an experience where they were totally intune with my needs, that even those experiences turned out great. So while I want to be stimulated by the look of the escort, of more practical importance to me is the effort they put in to please me.


Escorts -- know that I applaud you for providing this often difficult service to us who either can't get quality guys like you without paying or simply don't have the time -- should I submit reviews in EVERY instance? And is it a slam to you if I submit a non-glowing review and put "will not hire again"? I don't want to negatively impact your future business because I so appreciate what you're doing. I was raised with the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything" rule.


A bit of background on me: I'm a goodlooking, very inshape guy with an intense job that doesn't leave me much time for dating. When I want good sex, this site is very helpful. I've been paid for sex myself a few times, and I've also had two relationships that started upon me hiring guys from this site.

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Well, I've never had a negative review here. Hell, I've got a lot of happy new customers, but I can't even get them to reveiw me here. (I was also an arts reviewer for about six years.)

Sooo - Some famous star once said about publicity, "I don't care what you say about me. Just be sure you spell my name properly." Or words to that effect.

The way that I was taught to make a negative review was that first you accept the item on its own terms, then you say whether it succeeded on those terms, then you say whether what it is appeals to you. There is a class of negative review, therefore, where you can say "Well, this was a person who does A. He did A very well. However, A is not to my liking, so I won't be hiring him again." This is very helpful news to people who are looking for A. I certainly think that when a this situation would fit you review, then, yes, you should write the review. You don't have to worry about hurting his business, because no two people are looking for the exact same thing from any artist, escorts included.

Now, if you have to say, "This was a person who does A. As far as I could tell, he was lousy at doing A. I'm not sure, because I wouldn't be attracted to his doing A for me, even if he were good at it." Hmm, you are admitting that you might not know good A if you were to see it. Therefore, is your review helpful to people who like A? Doubtful, and I can see not writing it.


"This man is a total rip-off con artist. He had me fooled for a long time, so he seems to be pretty good at it. Personally, I don't care for rip-offs, but if that's what you're looking for, this man should fit your bill." - Hey, some escorts still attract clients, even though they've been warned repeatedly about what a con artist he is. So, it stands to reason that that's the service they're looking for. Maybe they've already made a value decision about either themselves or escorts and are looking for "proof". }(

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>A bit of background on me: I'm a goodlooking, very inshape guy

>with an intense job that doesn't leave me much time for

>dating. When I want good sex, this site is very helpful.

>I've been paid for sex myself a few times, and I've also had

>two relationships that started upon me hiring guys from this



You also seem pretty full of yourself.:9


the Cajun

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It is a big mistake and a disservice to those who read the site to refrain from negative reviews. It is also possible to give a basically good review but still mention something that you missed or felt less than positive about. I try to be honest in my reviews. I've written several reviews where I emphasize that it was basically a positive experience but that something didn't quite click or wasn't what I wanted or expected.

If everyone just sticks to the positive, it's not helpful to either clients or escorts.

So go on, tell us what you really think!

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Thanks for all your feedback. You've helped convince me that I should make it a rule to review EVERY escort I hire to make the site more useful to others. Afterall, when hiring an escort, wouldn't I be pissed if I read a glowing review of an escort, then hired him and was badly disappointed, not knowing that five people had negative experiences and had NOT reviewed him?


Okay, so I have a few not so positive reviews to write (gulp), but I will take the advice of you guys and be as even-handed as possible, highlighting the good, bad and ugly (there's no ugly here!). For example, there's nothing wrong with my writing that "while the escort looked just like his pics, for some reason in person we just had no chemistry..." and leave it at that. You're right -- my being "too nice" to give anything but positive reviews of escorts defeats the purpose of this site. Based on some of the negative reviews out there, obviously some clients are not afraid to write bad reviews. I certainly won't be bashing anyone...unless I run into someone that really deserves it. Thanks guys!

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Going Negative


>You've helped convince me that

>I should make it a rule to review

>EVERY escort I hire to make

>the site more useful to others.


Personally, while I have been lucky to have only a good sized number of positive reviews, I know from my perspective, I felt the chemistry was not good with a few clients. Why this is, I do not know, especially when I received no feedback from the clients. I tend to foster repeat business, so when a local client does not call me back and is hiring, I can assume something might have been amiss, but do not know what it may have been. On the other hand, when a client has hired me a few times but then stops hiring me, while he hires others, I can assume he merely wants fresh meat (although, I will admit that is a guess).


The problem with "not so positive reviews" are those which read like attack ads from one politician against another. When an escort has a number of good reviews, some clients can assume this may have been a bad experience, a fake review form a competitor or some other fluke, but when the escort has few reviews, there really is no way to know. In some of these instances (a no show, a bad experience), it always seems that the escort shortly thereafter gets a glowing review, usually from someone who turned a one hour hire into an overnight, the escort was that good, only the reviewer is a first timer.


As an escort, what I like to see is a client state, yes Franco looked like his photos and performed as expected but I personally did not connect with him. He was responsive and prompt, courteous, etc., but he and I did not mesh well. The client can even give reasons for this: he was taller than I expected, he was not as passionate, at least with me, etc. But the client is describing a specific experience he had.


When a restaurant is reviewed, the critic samples a number of dishes and usually goes at least twice. Often, escorts are reviewed simply based on one experience. I know I have spoken to a number of clients who told me they hired an escort and, in the after glow of the moment, wrote a rave review, but when they hired the escort a second or third time, they were disappointed.





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RE: Going Negative


Great reply! Thanks. The way you described a "not so positive" review is exactly the way I would describe an experience where the escort was on time, clean, looked like he said, was nice, etc. -- but that something just didn't click between us. In another situation, the escort seemed exhausted (I was the last client of his during a long out of town stint for him), and he just lay there and wanted me to service him. I know some guys like to do that, but I had specifically told him that I like an active give and take. While I was beginning to get mad at how the situation was evolving, I forced myself to speak up and told him anew what I wanted. He instantly perked up and we ended up having a good time afterall. So I encourage clients not to hesitate to communicate with an escort during the session.


I would never trash an escort unless it was called for and in the dozens I've hired, I've never had one that deserved a trashing. Either I'm lucky, screen well, or let them know exactly what I want. Escorts can't be expected to read our minds about what pleases us. In my initial posting, I put some background information about how I'd escorted a few times before. One person thought I'd written that because I was "full of myself" but my intention was to demonstrate that because I'd experienced this from both sides, I am to some extent cognizant of the challenges that arise as an escort and client.


Thanks for your posting and I agree wholeheartedly with it.


P.S. How about starting a site where escorts review clients?! Kidding.

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Guest henryrok

I appreciate knowing some things: Is the escort committed to ddf? I read reviews for an escort on the East Coast and he was spot on for me .........

until a reviewer mentioned that the escort let him bareback him. No

thanks. The other item imporant to me is kissing or not.

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Nice guy


If I was with an escort where the chemistry was not right but the escort made an effort to please me, then I would probably not write a negative review. If there was no chemistry and the escort was not making any effort in pleasing me for the $200/hour that I was paying, then hell yes, I will write a negative review and point out his unprofessionalism. This has nothing to do with thrashing, it is just pointing out to poor service.


There is a similar thread in MuscleSerive



Intersetingly, one person mentions that is difficult to write a negative review about the super-popular escorts. I for one had a really crapy experience with the boards favorits. At first I thought it was me but I now know for a fact that there have been similar instances with that escort and other clients. In this case, I see it as my responsibility to point out that escorts short comings for the welfare of the boards members.

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Good points. There won't always be great chemistry between a client and escort, despite the client's best efforts to read reviews, look at pictures and correspond by email/phone. Chemistry can only occur when meeting in person. And I agree totally with your point, that in the abscence of rip-roaring animal attraction to the escort, it can still be a good meeting if the escort puts in the effort and the client communicates about what he wants.


It's funny you should mention that you had a bad experience with a popular escort because that is what compelled me to post this note. He was great looking, no doubt about that. I was very attracted to him physically. But he seemed totally disinterested and I practically had to drag him into the bedroom to get started. I'm not a bad looking guy but I don't expect to be every guy's cup of tea. And I don't expect an escort to whip it out immediately -- if that happens, great, but I also need to ease into it. I kept trying to get him in the mood -- it was like I was the escort trying to get him to relax! Eventually, I told him it wasn't working, then WOW, he perked up, and we both had a great time (although there was only 10 minutes left in the session). That is the kind of situation that is hard to review because he has the "goods" but I felt like I had to work too hard to get it. I guess if I just write what I just wrote above, that would be a fair review, don't you think?

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This is an timely and interesting post. I have never hesitated to submit a review and honestly can say that I have never really had a bad experience up until recently.


I hired a very well known and highly rated NYC guy on this site, unfortunately the experience left a lot to be desired and did not come close to the experience others have described. So when I left his apartment my first instinct was that somehow it was my fault.. that I didn't communicate what I wanted and generally laid all the blame at my feet.. Now mind you, when we met, and prior to getting down to business, the guy literally interviewed me, playing 20 questions about who I had hired in the past.. based on my responses alone he should have had no questions regarding my 'Likes'... so as I thought about it I realized that with all the other men I hired, I never left the session feeling the way I did with this guy. So I sent the guy an email, and merely stated that from my perspective the session was not what I expected, and that I had no intention of writing a negative review, I wanted him to know how I felt.. His response was abusive, and it was obvious that his ego had been bruised.


So my recomendation for whatever it's worth is this.. Submit reviews on this site..the good the bad and the ugly.. I think in the long run all readers of this site should hear all perspectives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a rule of thumb for me but not always I try not to post a review on a escort until I seen them again. Plenty of times the first was so damn good, I would write a review and could not wait to see him again. Sometimes I wish I did not see him again, turned to to be a boring time to the point I would ask them to leave.


When in doubt I whip it out :+

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