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On 11/18/2022 at 1:12 AM, DynamicUno said:

The question "is it acceptable to not book ____ escorts because ..." isn't answerable by anyone else but you. 

You are free to decide whatever criteria you wish to choose a provider, even if it is based on prejudiced assumptions.  It may say more about your character than theirs in reality, but it's better for the provider if you don't engage them starting out with a negative frame of mind.

Obviously, it would not be acceptable to treat these people poorly based on your biases.  You're just not obligated to engage them.  


Attractive women are scum. I fail to see any of them as good people. There I said it. Will they get their bfs to beat me because I don’t care for them? Or will they act normally and not care somebody doesn’t care for them? That’s on them. 

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1 hour ago, arnemgreeves said:

Attractive women are scum. I fail to see any of them as good people. There I said it. Will they get their bfs to beat me because I don’t care for them? Or will they act normally and not care somebody doesn’t care for them? That’s on them. 

I doubt any such women have given much thought to how you feel about them, unless you've interacted with them negatively.  You seem very invested in your belief, I'm just not sure I understand how it benefits you.  🤷‍♂️


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6 minutes ago, DynamicUno said:

I doubt any such women have given much thought to how you feel about them, unless you've interacted with them negatively.  You seem very invested in your belief, I'm just not sure I understand how it benefits you.  🤷‍♂️


People have negative biases. i'm amused though - you personally permit others to have them. why not me? i never recognised you as some lord or king. you can plot but it won't succeed. 

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39 minutes ago, DynamicUno said:

I doubt any such women have given much thought to how you feel about them, unless you've interacted with them negatively.  You seem very invested in your belief, I'm just not sure I understand how it benefits you.  🤷‍♂️


I had to block him because of his misogyny. I feel like he belongs on a incel forum rather than here. I've known so many beautiful women in my life and sure a few were conceited, and a few used their looks to get ahead. But so do men. 

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40 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

I had to block him because of his misogyny. I feel like he belongs on a incel forum rather than here. I've known so many beautiful women in my life and sure a few were conceited, and a few used their looks to get ahead. But so do men. 

old, wise, "kind", but cannot let another person express himself. hahahaa.


tell me, if i were white, would your opinion be different? i suspect as much. when the KKK march through your town next, give them as much hell, mr. wise old man......  I'm human like you, so i will express myself and my voice. if you don't like it, overlook, pretty simple. that's how truly "wise" people engage..... 

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7 hours ago, arnemgreeves said:

People have negative biases. i'm amused though - you personally permit others to have them. why not me? i never recognised you as some lord or king. you can plot but it won't succeed. 

I didn't offer my "permission" for you to hold negative biases, you certainly don't require that.  I have neither the ablity nor desire to police how you feel about anyone else.

You asked in your orignal post for forum's responses in your original post about whether or not it was OK to avoid hiring attractive women and I offered my opinion as did others.  I did not state anything other than that you have your biases and you can choose who to interact with based on them as you wish.  If you choose to treat people poorly, however, does reflect negatively on you.  

You are entitled to your own feelings about other groups of people, positive or negative, but you are certainly not entitled to neither my, nor anyone else's, validation of your biases.  


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55 minutes ago, DynamicUno said:

I didn't offer my "permission" for you to hold negative biases, you certainly don't require that.  I have neither the ablity nor desire to police how you feel about anyone else.

You asked in your orignal post for forum's responses in your original post about whether or not it was OK to avoid hiring attractive women and I offered my opinion as did others.  I did not state anything other than that you have your biases and you can choose who to interact with based on them as you wish.  If you choose to treat people poorly, however, does reflect negatively on you.  

You are entitled to your own feelings about other groups of people, positive or negative, but you certainly not entitled to neither my, nor anyone else's, validation of your biases.  


because it's the biases of people like you I fight. your attitude to them is pretty different. both you and Kensington like to plot and besmirch but it's mainly down to race/character. 

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i know that they won't do nor say this for others. but for me. my mere presence on this Earth offends them, hence why they both plot to deny me this but they've probably allowed lots of people to engage in bigotry and still do. i personally don't trust people who say they have no prejudices. they're either deluded, lying, or one in a million. or have a negative agenda to push. Or live in a bubble and assume everybody shares the values of their bubble. 

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17 hours ago, DynamicUno said:

You are entitled to your own feelings about other groups of people, positive or negative, but you are certainly not entitled to neither my, nor anyone else's, validation of your biases.  


This is what he's looking for. He wants validation for his bizarre views about attractive women.

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This subject is spiraling out of control.

@arnemgreeves The subject is "booking super hot". You've made your point that you think ALL "super hot women" are conceited and not worthy of your time.

It's not a thread about racism.

If you WANT to talk about racism, you're certainly welcome to start a new thread. It's a very current subject and I'm sure you'll get lots of opinions on the matter, as this is an evolving issue for many.

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Eh? He tried to silence me here by saying I cannot list experiences here. And that every experience I’ve had on escorting is negative. No. That’s a logical fallacy on many grounds. Most of my experiences of literally over 20 years of doing this have been good. some have been shit, but such is life. It's like saying one should "give up" restaurants because in 5/100 steak houses one ordered a rare steak but it came out well done. he knows that, i'm sure, but probably wanted to be a bitch by spouting inane logic. and ignoring some reviews of two good recent visits i made, but no, all negative.  He has a deep plot against me and allows white cute twinks to post the or believe in the same things. It’s his own projected inner racism. I dint let people deny me access to normal things he grants to all others. He can plot and deny all he wants, i'll just deny him.

Edited by arnemgreeves
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44 minutes ago, arnemgreeves said:

Eh? He tried to silence me here by saying I cannot list experiences here. And that every experience I’ve had on escorting is negative. No. That’s a logical fallacy on many grounds. Most of my experiences of literally over 20 years of doing this have been good. some have been shit, but such is life. It's like saying one should "give up" restaurants because in 5/100 steak houses one ordered a rare steak but it came out well done. he knows that, i'm sure, but probably wanted to be a bitch by spouting inane logic. and ignoring some reviews of two good recent visits i made, but no, all negative.  He has a deep plot against me and allows white cute twinks to post the or believe in the same things. It’s his own projected inner racism. I dint let people deny me access to normal things he grants to all others. He can plot and deny all he wants, i'll just deny him.

King Of The Hill Pizza GIF

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On 12/6/2022 at 12:27 PM, arnemgreeves said:

Attractive women are scum. I fail to see any of them as good people. There I said it. Will they get their bfs to beat me because I don’t care for them? Or will they act normally and not care somebody doesn’t care for them? That’s on them. 

Show us on the doll where the attractive woman touched you. 😁

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On 12/7/2022 at 8:07 PM, nycman said:

King Of The Hill Pizza GIF

he's some 50-something dude, who obviously thinks he has a superiority complex. like he always assumes he's right and others fear him. he has an odd view of engagement since there are lots of 50-something people and people of any age won't "fear him". 

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On 12/9/2022 at 2:55 PM, ThroatCummer said:

Show us on the doll where the attractive woman touched you. 😁

What? hot women just are scummy. why should i or anybody else bow down to them? Will i get thrown in jail? cool, human rights don't apply to me. i don't do well with bullies, which every hot woman on Earth is.  I also don't do well with hot women bosses who just hire people for the hell of it, with no real work attached. no matter how old they are, they get how they've been raised and socialised for life. 

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