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Bad reviews


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Do you give a fuck about bad reviews? Have bad reviews on sites ever cost you?

Just an incident from a few years ago springs to mind. I saw this escort who wanted to see for a while, and the session didn't go very well. the conversation was weird, and the action not much better. At one point he was telling me about some spiritual stuff and forgiveness and I didn't really vibe. he said "well people come to me for a reason" and then he wished me well as i left. I was kind of stewing on the way back home - like he wanted some little "bitch" to abuse for his kicks, and push his morals/beliefs onto. I left a quite scathing review on a site, and we were both members of a porn forum and he saw it, and he gave me his number via DM to call him. We ironed stuff out, as he said the review (which was pretty harsh) damaged him, and i said i only left it because i thought the session was weird as fuck, and that because he "didn't like me" (i'm not bothered if strangers like or dislike me, nor should I be) he tried to fuck me around. He said he didn't treat his clients that way and that was that with no hard feelings. He said he talked about the spiritual stuff to help me  and not mess me around. 

I often wonder what he meant by "damaged" - did this mean not getting many clients? Or being denied porn work (since he did some work with studios)? In that sense I feel guilty if I genuinely fucked him over, if he was acting in good faith. 

Ok, that's the anecdote over. 


tl;dr - do review actually matter that much? does a bad or scathing review actually damage business?

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I'm sure it's very much dependent on the provider.  Considering the effort many will go to to get bad reviews on RentMen buried or removed, I'm sure they care quite a lot. Others don't seem to care at all.

Back during the Daddy and Hooboy days, some providers would take the effort to rebut a bad review which might add a lot of context the reviewr omitted (to make their review seem more justified), or reflect badly on the provider if their response was over the top.

The reviews on RM have to have some affect on potential business, unfortunately you can't read any text if you're coming from a US based IP so it's difficult to say why someone gave a low rating.  Also, some providers make a point of asking for a good review, which has to skew the star ratings in their favor.  If they're asking for good reviews, they definately see it helping their business.

Personally, if I use a proxy and see the text on the RM reviews, I look for any negative reviews with text to see if there's an explanation.  Sometimes reviewers indicate issues with drugs, unsafe locations, threatening behavior,  or other issues that would cause me to look elsewhare.

In your anectdote, you say it was a scathing review, so it might have generated some uncomfortable questions with other clients, or some cancellations.  Or he might have just attributed a lack of business to your review, but either way he saw it as damaging his business.



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I've been threatened for leaving bad reviews, so it definitely matters to some.  I only leave a 1-star review if it's just awful for this reason.  Aware that YMMV, I don't want to ruin anyone's reputation because we didn't click.  If it's awesome.  Otherwise, I might share it here if someone inquires, but that would be about it.

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I was harassed by 'life matters' provider for giving 4 stars review, including threats to find where I work and inform my boss. Complained to RM administration, my complain was denied.

since than I only give on RM 5 stars or nothing. I also only deal with providers who has not less than 4.9 avg review score.

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2 hours ago, Stan14 said:

I was harassed by 'life matters' provider for giving 4 stars review, including threats to find where I work and inform my boss. Complained to RM administration, my complain was denied.

since than I only give on RM 5 stars or nothing. I also only deal with providers who has not less than 4.9 avg review score.

Holy shit. what could your work have done if he told them? 


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On 11/15/2022 at 11:25 PM, DrownedBoy said:

Question for providers - on RM, has honesty improved since reviews are limited to paying customers?

ok lol.

tell me something - i think this is how most Californians think, right? if somebody like this asked this question - would your response be the same? d5cc599a6e10e58cce613fb8c8120099.jpg. I



I doubt it. but you carry on. your biases are your own, and they don't have to impact me. 

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On 11/21/2022 at 12:10 PM, Rod Hagen said:

15+ years ago I got my one and still only "satisfactory" rating/review.  And I fucking fumed.  I  sent him a pissed off email, bitched to my friends, posted about it here.  I overreacted entirely.  The world did not end.  Also, he was wrong and I hate him. 🙂

Out of sheer curiosity, if I booked you promising a 1 star review today in 2022, no matter how the session went, would you take my booking? 

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On 11/15/2022 at 3:39 PM, arnemgreeves said:

tl;dr - do review actually matter that much? does a bad or scathing review actually damage business?

I'm not sure if this hobby is for you. Since you started posting, everything is kind of angry or hostile to providers. I've yet to see you post anything positive. 

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2 hours ago, KensingtonHomo said:

I'm not sure if this hobby is for you. Since you started posting, everything is kind of angry or hostile to providers. I've yet to see you post anything positive. 

I’d say you’re wrong there. But then your point is odd since i don’t know how there is one way to do this “hobby”. And you cannot say how I can or cannot complain about stuff, which is every person’s right. Oh and I’m sure if left so good reviews here too. You’re vexed I said I didn’t like hot women. I’m glad that annoys you and i don’t virtue signal as you do to say I’m all pure in my thoughts and speech. 

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6 hours ago, arnemgreeves said:

You’re vexed I said I didn’t like hot women. I’m glad that annoys you and i don’t virtue signal as you do to say I’m all pure in my thoughts and speech. 

I'm not "vexxed." I never said what you could or couldn't do. I suggested this hobby wasn't for you. And your response is full of alt-right and men's rights talking points and you're overstating harm to cast yourself as a victim after like 20 posts of you dragging people. 

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1 hour ago, KensingtonHomo said:

I'm not "vexxed." I never said what you could or couldn't do. I suggested this hobby wasn't for you. And your response is full of alt-right and men's rights talking points and you're overstating harm to cast yourself as a victim after like 20 posts of you dragging 

well ok so if I understand you correctly:

-a few negative posts leads you to a conclusion that I don’t meet your standards of hobby participation/ engagement. Ok. So you’re projecting your inner standards which is what wise people do. Got it. Oh I’ve been doing this for over 15 years and mostly good, thank you. My response to your retarded post is your standard of good engagement is your own and I’m not interested in what some stranger has to impart.

-I’m always negative here when most of my threads have been about good experiences and asking providers questions. Ok wise man. 

-that you falsely portray yourself as wise but are anything but and make these odd and baseless assumptions to fuck with people. And that people can never complain about things. Ok, mr wise man. Like your alt right points lol. Ok. Very random, wise man.

I think my points on hot women offended you but meh whatever. Whatever bubble you live in that people never have bad thoughts is some deluded bubble. It’s clearly not the human condition and since you’re older than I am I’ll claim being “wiser” than you. I’ll also never complain about anything even when it’s warranted. Positive vibes always 😅😅😅 order a rare steak and it comes back well done DO NOT COMPLAIN. Find someone else to “bully” you fucking sap. 

Edited by arnemgreeves
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Some providers are simply inconsistent. You always take a bet when hiring.

I wouldn't call him a regular, but there was a guy I hired a number of times who had a high average rating, but 5 or 6 bad reviews.

Likewise, when I hired him, he usually made me come quicker than any other escort, but sometimes he was out of it, and I had to remind him that 20 minutes don't equal an hour. Inconsistent.

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I rely a lot on reviews, especially for newer providers.   If there are 23 reviews, 21 of them are 5 star and 2 are low, then I'll likely proceed.   But if he only has 1-4 reviews and there is a bad one in there, I'll move on to someone else usually (unless they are really, really my type).   

If I have a really good experience, I review.   If I have a terrible experience (they stole money from me, were 50 lbs heavier than their profile said or their pictures showed, they were a smoker when they promised me they were not and I couldn't even perform because of that scent, if they didn't even make an effort, etc.), then I'll review.   Everything in between great and really bad, I don't review.   If I have questions, I'll reach out to the bad reviews to find out what went wrong.   Maybe what that provider was not into, I'm not either and so the review doesn't affect my probable experience.   My 2 cents worth....

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On 11/20/2022 at 12:45 PM, dbar123 said:

Nowadays I’m more interested in the historical number of reviews. If someone has been around for a few years and only has 5 reviews that’s a yellow flag for me.



Well websites like masseurfinder only let the masseur submit one review every quarter and they are known to delete reviews and other shenanigans. 


I personally never ask clients for reviews. I think it's tacky, and if I got a ton of business when I was new without any reviews, then it shows that very few people hire based on reviews alone. If a client wants you, he wants you. 

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