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Fees for weekends/trips

Guest eyesontheprize
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Guest Tampa Yankee

>(and less you think I am talking about myself, I don't go to

>Montreal in the winter. I support them at other times)


LOL... I am available to act as your agent if you desire. Reasonable rates. I work for food, lodging, and spending money -- bargains all, well two out of three anyway. :D

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>LOL... I am available to act as your agent if you desire.

>Reasonable rates. I work for food, lodging, and spending

>money -- bargains all, well two out of three anyway. :D


LOLOLOL! Yes I have been with you there, remember? I know what kind of bargain I would get if I had to provide you with spending money!


I think I know twinks who spend less money in Bergdorf Goodman than you spend in Taboo!



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Guest Tampa Yankee

>LOLOLOL! Yes I have been with you there, remember? I know

>what kind of bargain I would get if I had to provide you with

>spending money!



Charitable contributions all !! ;-)

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Guest zipperzone

>The last thing that I want to share with you, is that in

>Canada, escorting is an absolutely legal pursuit. We are

>licensed, we have rules and regulations. (Of course, and

>because a technicality, we are still only selling our time and

>expert companionship) If an escort fails to provide good

>service, you can get his license revoked very easily. Would

>this make it look like a profession to you?


The license Juan talks about is mostly for female escorts who operate out of an "Escort Agency" and whose ads appear to offer "companionship and escorting for gentlemen looking for a date to accompany him to dinner or a social event. I suppose men can be so licensed too - never gave it much thought.


But I'd be very surprised if even 1% of the guys who offer their services under the guise of "escort" could produce such a license.

In other words - if you are an employee of a registered business, you need a license. If you're a freelancer, you ain't got no license!

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>But I'd be very surprised if even 1% of the guys who offer

>their services under the guise of "escort" could produce such

>a license.

>In other words - if you are an employee of a registered

>business, you need a license. If you're a freelancer, you

>ain't got no license!


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Nice response Bobby. I expected nothing less from a guy like you :)


I suppose i've wanted to post on this topic earlier, but wanted to let it thread out a bit to see if it got hostile. Thankfully, things have been kept clean. WHOOHOO!


As former San Antonio escort Bryan Young once said to me, 'You don't pay off-brand prices for true Prada quality.' At first i thought his ideals were somewhat skewed, but after spending some time as an escort myself, i found that he's not too far off mark. Often times, you truly get what you pay for when wheeling & dealing in the sex industry, occasionally coming across a gem-in-the-rough at a very very affordable rate. As said above, there are exceptions to the rule as it all depends on the situation of the escort and whether he's treating this as extra cash or a true full-time profession.


With most escorts, it all comes down to supply & demand. If you're an escort who is in high demand, does consistant business with a relatively brisk schedule, then it's only natural that he could set his rates a little higher. If you're in the opposite boat, where you're struggling for the hourly, then it might be in your best interest to lower your rates and see what happens.


I also realize that many guys pass up amazing travel opportunities due to a 'set rate.' Personally, i am always willing to work things out if i've got the time schedule-wise. Usually it's my advance schedule that kills me, thus not letting me do everything i'd like to. Saying 'No' is real pain-in-the-ass.


Case-in-point? Recently giving up a trip to Switzerland. DAMN! So much chocolate, so little time. ARGH. How many Toblerone's do you think i could have smuggled out of that country? Now i'll never know ;)


On a more personal note, this particular 'fee for trip' played a role in my current place of travel (Brazil). I had never been to Rio before, worked out the time issue and agreed on a very reasonable rate. I'm having a friggin' blast down here, loving the culture and having a blast (as always) with the guy i'm seeing. Missing out on this would have been a HUGE mistake! Now i know what all of the guys in the South American Forum were talking about.


IMO, this place beats the pants off of Sao Paulo hands down...



Warmest Always,





Benjamin Nicholas

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Ok...What do I say to you Ben? Now I agree you do get what you pay for...BUT I don't think I fit that mold at all.


I know Bryan Young as well, When I saw him I relised that I wanted to do things diffrent from anyone I knew...Including Bryan.


I might not have PRADA but I dont want to have PRADA..Why pay top Dollar for something that is going to go out of style and turn into Dust?


I Charge a low rate not because I cant charge higher but because I do like to travel...I also feel by charging less you can make more...More is Less, Less is more.


Example "Dell" With the exception of Microsoft!



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>Ok...What do I say to you Ben? Now I agree you do get what

>you pay for...BUT I don't think I fit that mold at all.


>I might not have PRADA but I dont want to have PRADA..Why pay

>top Dollar for something that is going to go out of style and

>turn into Dust?


>I Charge a low rate not because I cant charge higher but

>because I do like to travel...I also feel by charging less you

>can make more...More is Less, Less is more.


Prada metaphors are lost on some...If only there were a "Chicken Soup for the Escort's Soul"


Fortunately the benefits of being your own boss allow you to charge whatever you like. Charging less to make more works for vendors and retailers perhaps, but I don't understand the desire to be twice as busy for the same if not less money. Such altruism doesn't really exist in any market and it's strange to me that you've adopted this viewpoint. Make allowances and exceptions for people you have a rapport with, sure, but why on Earth would you want to sell yourself short (as the saying goes)? Just seems like poor time management to me.


Benji, glad you're having a blast! I will have to make my way down there sometime.

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We have an understanding my friend. Always have...


I also appreciate you realizing my Prada line was simply a metaphor and not something i'd ever really buy. Anyone who knows me also knows i have a great fear of designer labels and cringe at the thought of a shopping mall. I'm frightened just typing about it.


I may be quite far away, but Bobby's message is crystal clear. Thanks for your input kiddo. Tu eres muy chulo y intelligente ;)



Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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Bobby and Ben,Both of you are smart wonderful and sexy boys.I would love to take both of you up to Montreal with me,or South America.Yes it would be nice to roll around with either of you-or both.But The real pleasure for me would be seeing someone else having a great time.Am I the only one who feels this way?

I have friends younger than I who I often ask to accompany me on short trips-none of them are escorts or hookers.Because they all have partners,and I am not wealthy enough to take the both of them along,they regretfully decline.

One of the pleasures in my mispent youth was being taken places by older gents who had resources and knowladge that I did not.I might have had to roll over once in a while-but it was never forced or even expected.I liked the company and was happy to share my body with these generous men.

"Prada metaphors are lost on some...If only there were a "Chicken Soup for the Escort's Soul"Bobby or Ben-I would love one of you to write such a book!I know Aaron Lawrence wrote such a thing-but I feel you two could wrute one with a heck of a lot more soul.

PS-I have yet to meet Vincent or "eyesontheprize"(baby you need to get a link!)But I am sure both would make for wonderful weekend(or shorte-or longer)company

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I feel as if I have offended you guys...I am comming at things in a diffrent view point...I have a diffrent way I look at things and however odd and werid it may be..It is a real one that works for me.


Now if you can charge more thats great and I support you for it! I however cant see my self doing that because in my eyes in the long term you lose more by charging more.


Ben your a great guy you and I both know that and I support you always, however I just crenge at escorts trying to justify large expenses to our clients. With the argument that lawyers do the same or because we are quilty..I dont know I just have a hard time buying it.


But I understand and think if you do something in your way and it works for you then more power to all of you guys.

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>Watch out Ben-you have learned 3 more words in portugese then

>the boards most famous rio fan!


BGP, I do know more than Three words in Portuguese!!!...just give me a few minutes and I will come up with them!! LOL

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>>I Charge a low rate not because I cant charge higher but

>>because I do like to travel...I also feel by charging less

>>you can make more...More is Less, Less is more.



>Fortunately the benefits of being your own boss allow you to

>charge whatever you like. Charging less to make more works for

>vendors and retailers perhaps, but I don't understand the

>desire to be twice as busy for the same if not less money.

>Such altruism doesn't really exist in any market and it's

>strange to me that you've adopted this viewpoint. Make

>allowances and exceptions for people you have a rapport with,

>sure, but why on Earth would you want to sell yourself short

>(as the saying goes)? Just seems like poor time management to




It's not necessarily poor time management at all. In fact, in some markets, it could be a very shrewd policy. In general, as the rate charged increases, the number of potential clients who are willing to pay that rate will decrease. In some markets where the local economy is depressed, charging a lower rate may well result in more business and more cash in hand at the end of the week than would a higher rate.


For example, seven calls per week at $150 seems to be a hell of a lot better than four at $200. Certainly, it would mean that the escort would work more for the extra money, but few among us would argue that seven hours of work per week represents a terrible workload.


I don't know what the San Antonio market is like, so I can't comment on whether Vincent's prices fairly represent the best price point for him. But, since he's happy with the price he charges and is busy and making money, there's an argument that he's at precisely the right price point.


But I can talk from experience to another price-related issue.


I generally hire escorts while traveling on business. The guys I see are virtually always younger guys who are local to the city I'm in. I posted here several years ago that I have a policy of not paying more than $200 per hour and, with exceptions, I continue to follow that policy. I've found that I can happily and easily find fun escorts in every single city at or below $200 per hour. This includes NYC and LA, two of the most expensive escort markets.


We've also talked about bargaining here, sometimes extensively, and there are guys who hate the idea and others, like me, who sometimes use bargaining to find an agreement beneficial to both myself and the escort I'm talking to. For example, while I would virtually never pay $300 for an hour with an escort, I might suggest $400 for two hours. If accepted and it was an escort I wanted to spend two hours with, then he and I might both be happy.


Yes, I've heard all of the arguments about how escorts aren't cars and "haggling" demeans the experience, etc., etc. I don't buy any of it. Virtually every professional service that is sold in America is sold as the result of an agreement (however simple) that includes the price to be paid. A simple negotiation that is respectful to both parties does not demean anyone.


Finally, Vincent's price policy and his posts here lead me to one more price-related issue: traveling to see an escort and/or taking one with you on a trip. There are few escorts I would make a trip to see, where the escort experience was the purpose of the trip. It's simply not necessary, since I already travel so much. But Vincent's posts here have contained so much humanity and humility that -- combined with his obvious good looks -- I find myself actually considering a side trip to San Antonio.


Some escorts post here from time to time about the trips they've taken with various clients and sometimes include descriptions of fabulous venues, hotels, etc. That's all well and good, but it's a turn off for me when an escort expects and/or demands that clients shower them with the finest that life has to offer.


When talking to escorts about going on a trip together, I've had escorts tell me "I only fly first class" and "I won't fly on frequent flier tickets because I can't accrue mileage on them." Well, that's nice. Perhaps those policies work for them. But I smile and say thank you and move on to the next accommodating young man. If I choose to stay at a terrific hotel with a companion or take him to a first-class restaurant, I want that to be because I chose to do something nice rather than because my young traveling companion has quickly become so accustomed to luxury that he's become a demanding snob.


Vincent's attitude here in the MC and as demonstrated in his price policy is like a breath of fresh air and has evoked the firm interest of at least this client. From a marketing perspective, I'd say that's a successful policy.


Regards to you all,


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I agree with your comments, I've always found a good time for less than 200, often less than 150. Of the few guys that I have met for 200 or more, I find they are more focused on money and time then the non pro's. There are of course exceptions. But when I'm on a trip, it's more fun with variety, and the excitement of meeting new faces, than spending more than 200 for the supposed super hottie.

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Some great discussion guys...


Just remember to keep an open mind in regards to escorts in general. Personally, i've traveled worldwide in everything from first-class to practically baggage and it's suited me just fine. It's not HOW you get there folks, it's just that you get there in one piece.


I think that as an escort's reputation grows, so do the urban myths surrounding him. I've heard some doozies about myself. Yet, even with some unfounded negativity out there, i've always been able to be myself, have an awesome time with everyone i see and end up going home feeling like it was time well spent. As with any escort out there, i always pride myself on finding common ground with my guys and creating more than just bedroom memories.


... Although, bedroom memories rank pretty high :)


All-in-all, there will always be room for guys like Bobby Thompson, who set their rates a bit higher and guys like Vincent Michael who keep things to the minimum. Does this make one better than the other? No. It's just supply and demand. Bobby's more than smart enough to know that is his business wasn't booming, he would't set things as high as he does. Same goes for me.


I am sorta psyched though that there's another SA escort posting here on the MC! Go get em' Vincent! Glad to see your now an active poster here at M4M and looking oh-so-delictable.


See ya at The Spectrum V...



Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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Being a client rather than an escort I have been somewhat hesitant to comment on this thread yet the more I have read the more I have wanted to put in my two cents. I have only traveled widely with one escort and then only after we had become well acquainted including several overnights. So for what it is worth here is my two cents.

On short trips – two, three or four days: I pay my escorts/companions full daily rate. We spent three days at a Bed & Breakfast on the Mendocino Coast of Northern California on one trip. We met in San Francisco and he drove with me paying all expenses. Great trip!! Later we spend four days in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He flew in from San Francisco and I from Los Angeles. Again I paid all expenses including renting a car and we had another great trip!! When we make short trips like these in the future I will continue to pay his full daily rate and I will have I am sure great trips.

On longer trips a full week or more: I pay a reduced rate. We are currently planning to spend a full week at Las Brisas Hotel in Acapulco. Because of the cost of this trip my companion suggested a reduced rate. Now I DID NOT make this suggestion HE DID and I accepted. I am currently in the planning stages of a two weeks trip to Bali and to Singapore again he suggested a reduced rate and again I have accepted.

This arrangement seems to be working really well for us. What has made it work is that we know each other really well and can discuss these matters without awkwardness. The one thing I don’t think I would ever do is make a trip with an escort with whom I had not spent at least one overnight. I’m not rich, a retired school teacher and I’m not willing to take a chance on having anything less than outstanding experience on an expensive vacation. There are potentially too many problems in spending an extended period of time with someone you doesn’t know well

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