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Fees for weekends/trips

Guest eyesontheprize
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Guest eyesontheprize

Hey guys,


I get a lot of calls from clients wanting me to fly into their city for a weekend or to go on trips. I'm young and I get a lot of calls/e-mails; I'd like to ask other escorts what fees they recommend for weekend trips and longer trips.


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Guest Tampa Yankee

Fees for weekends/trips -- A Client's Opinion


I am not an escort, I am a client. With that out of the way, a few thoughts are offered. It is good to get an idea of what your competition is charging just for general information. However, what they charge reflects how they see their world and that can be different from how you see your's. Some like to travel and price themselves acccordingly. Some don't care one way or the other, and price what 'they think they can get'. They don't consider 'what they will get'. So while someone CAN get $1000 -1200/day on occasion, they don't consider what they will get over the long haul from increased business at a lower rate. Some escorts don't like to travel and price themselves to discourage it but then will travel at a sweet enough deal. Some haven't given much thought to what they like and the potential benefits and they price themselves in the pack.


In the end it all depends on you, on your client, and on the destination if that is important to you. Do you like to travel? Is the venue desirable or could you care less? (International Falls MN or Miami in February?) Are you one of those escorts with a wait list a month or more ahead? If so then charge what you want. If not then quoting their rates will keep you home safe and sound with the exception of a rare lightening strike.


What is your client like? Do you expect a trip that is all work as sex slave for a demanding client, or someone with a difficult personality? Or is he easygoing, will he treat you well, willing to give you free time to explore on your own if you desire. Will you be doing things you both like in common or is this all about him?


How much do you expect to make at home during the period otherwise on travel? This represents a good floor for developing your quote. What differential makes the travel effort worthwhile given the client, his expectations, and the location? An individual quote would vary up or down from this depending on all the factors going into the assessment and how much you want to go. In my estimation most escorts do not charge separately for travel time. However, if the travel burns a day you might consider your daily average for that day in your overall quote. If you do then be realistic. Again it all depends on how much you want to go. In my experience I have never encountered an escort that charges for travel time considering the transportation is fully paid by the client. No-charging the escort transit time sort of represents a cost sharing to make the trip happen -- presumably to the benefit of the escort as well as the client.


Bottom line: it all depends... on you, on your client, on your demand, on the destination. Or you can let it depend on the pack if you don't care whether you travel or not.


The bottom line... if you WANT to travel be flexible and assess the pros and cons of the trip and the client and quote accordingly.



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RE: Fees for weekends/trips -- A Client's Opinion


MAN I am soo glad someone said something!


I read these reviews over and over and I die everytime I see a $1,000-$1,200 a night and more for a weekend...My GOD they better have a Gold Dick as far as I am concerned..DAMN!


I dont like to charge allot for a overnight....$600 - $700 is my going rate..I have real problems with charging more because I find it rude and insulting to my client not to mention I feel blessed to have only one client that night who I can cuddle next to!


Sorry for the rant guys but this is something I have wanted to hear for a long time.


Spelling man here.

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RE: Fees for weekends/trips -- A Client's Opinion


This is an excellent reply and covers just about everything I would say. Would just add that though not always possible, the best situation for both client and escort is that they have a pre-existing relationship before embarking on weekend dates. If this is the case, open communication always works, and that includes what both feel is a fair rate.

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Hey, Eyesontheprize;


I have been debating on wether I will answer to this or not. The reason for which I dont want to, is because all the answers that you have been getting are from the client's persective, and a professional escort's opinion might seem... odd.

However, here I go:


My advise is very simple. It depends:


If you are a cutie going through University, using escorting as a fun way to pay tuition and get experience about the world, then be flexible. Go see the world in company (and at the expense) of a generous patron, and try to get the most out of it. The world is huge, and some of us will know it only helped by those kind, generous, lovely guys out there. Lower your rates as much as you want in order to make that amazing experience possible. There is no rule about how cheap you can go.


In the other hand,if you are a professional escort, and are embracing this activity as your career, I would advise considering another approach. One calculates a fee having in mind the income that this engagement would hinder you to create.(Lets say you can do 3 appointments that night at a 200 an hour, then it is 600) Plus knowing that a lot more work will be demanded from you, throughout ALL the night... (I would add X amount of money for the 8 non-stop work) The only rule to know that you are not overpricing yourself, is: Be honest, Be clear, Be generous and be assertive about your own value. After being clever, frugal and industrious, you can pay yourself a trip around the world every now and then.


Fair pricing will allow you to be thrilled throughout the whole session, but will enable your prospective clients to hire you for that kind of sessions. It is a fine balance.


I just want to close this commenting about something that a fellow escort just wrote: he said that he doesn't want to charge more than X amount for an overnight, (A ridiculously low fee, of course) because he considers that it is "rude" towards the client.


..."RUDE"?!! (I just hope that I used enough punctuation)


A good lawyer sets his fees knowing that his chance to win the case are this and that, assesing his own worth, history and the benefit that he will bring to his client. A professional escort provides an absolutely valid and loving service and he is entitled to receive fair compensation for it. You ARE working. You DESERVE to collect a fee.


Keep this in mind, and enjoy all those amazing travels to come.

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RE: Fees for weekends/trips -- A Client's Opinion


Hey handsome...

I quoted you in an answer to this subject not remembering that you were just here...

And I said "A fellow escort" instead of your name.

I just wanted to apollogyze because being in the same thread, it might sound odd...

I fully respect your own way to do business, and I always enjoy reading you.


If you are curious about what I wrote, just scroll down...


You are worth a lot! You deserve to get a fair compensation for your work. The rude thing would be providing a lowsy service, not charging a fair amount for it.


But of course this is my own opinion.


A big hug, handsome!

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>In the other hand,if you are a professional escort, and are

>embracing this activity as your career, I would advise

>considering another approach. One calculates a fee having in

>mind the income that this engagement would hinder you to

>create.(Lets say you can do 3 appointments that night at a 200

>an hour, then it is 600) Plus knowing that a lot more work

>will be demanded from you, throughout ALL the night..."


I think you misuse the term career, which to me, means you pick a profession, start out at the entry level and thru further education, performance and years of experience move up the steps of that profession's ladder and retire with a pension. Since the majority of escorts are hired for their youth and beauty, I really don't see the correlation.


BTW: any escort who calculates an overnight with how many multiple $200/hr clients he could be seeing instead, really isn't someone I would want to hire, especially if I was client number 3 or 4 for the night's business activities. I also highly doubt, any, at least independent escort, is booking mutiple clients every night.


Not to even mention the laughable bs about how much more work is involved with an overnight client. In my experiences, most overnights are a dinner/entertainment/couple of sexual sessions. Of course, you could be one of the very rare escorts who provide more.


>I just want to close this commenting about something that a

>fellow escort just wrote: he said that he doesn't want to

>charge more than X amount for an overnight, (A ridiculously

>low fee, of course) because he considers that it is "rude"

>towards the client.


>..."RUDE"?!! (I just hope that I used enough



Since when do all escorts have the same policies, same practices and same pricing schedules? IMO, the only RUDENESS!!! (I just hope that I used enough punctuation!) is yours towards your fellow escort's policies.


>A good lawyer sets his fees knowing that his chance to win the

>case are this and that, assesing his own worth, history and

>the benefit that he will bring to his client. A professional

>escort provides an absolutely valid and loving service and he

>is entitled to receive fair compensation for it. You ARE

>working. You DESERVE to collect a fee.


This argument always slays me! Of course escorting is a lot of work, and certainly most people aren't up to the rigors that it entails, and an escort should receive fair compensation. But unlike legal/medical/financial services/or any other provider of legal services, they are not engaged in a legitimate pursuit, and thus not subjected to redress in a court of law for failing to provide those services when contracted to do so.


Further, imo, to compare a profession like escorting, where one only has to provide sexual ability and a good personality (sometimes, not always, or these very reviews would not exist), to a profession that requires years of formal education and internship is ridiculous.

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>I think you misuse the term career, which to me, means


To YOU, huh?


From dictionary.com: A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation.


Your definition is included, but it's secondary.


So a chosen pursuit or a profession may legitimately be called a career, your opinions or biases be-damned. :*

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>>I think you misuse the term career, which to me, means


>To YOU, huh?


Yeah to ME and I'd wager to most educated people pursuing a legitimate profession, whether that profession is a "white" or "blue" collared profession! So just WHAT part of "to me" did you misunderstand?


>So a chosen pursuit or a profession may legitimately be called

>a career, your opinions or biases be-damned. :*


So, I choose to pursue selling drugs on the street, shooting dead all cops who try to stop me, gang slaying all competition, that makes me careerist, as in a career criminal. And may your own opinions or biases likewise be-damned!


And to think that I was intelligent enough to not refer to some online crutch like dictionary.com, to make my point. WTF is the world coming to????

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>Yeah to ME and I'd wager to most educated people pursuing a

>legitimate profession, whether that profession is a "white" or

>"blue" collared profession! So just WHAT part of "to me" did

>you misunderstand?


Oh, I don't misunderstand it at all. You're a snob, and a self-righteous snob at that. (I took the word whiny out of that last sentence.)


So now you've shifted from "career" to "profession" which I could argue are one and the same.


>So, I choose to pursue selling drugs on the street, shooting

>dead all cops who try to stop me, gang slaying all

>competition, that makes me careerist, as in a career criminal.


Hawk, you're proving MY point, not yours. The phrase "career criminal" is common in our society because it is a chosen profession for some. (And by definition, a prostitute is a criminal.)


If being a criminal can be a career, then being an escort can be a career. It was the use of the word career you originally objected to and now you've brought it back into the discussion yourself.


Flip flop all you like. You don't have a pot to scrub here.

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>Hey guys,


>I get a lot of calls from clients wanting me to fly into their

>city for a weekend or to go on trips. I'm young and I get a

>lot of calls/e-mails; I'd like to ask other escorts what fees

>they recommend for weekend trips and longer trips.



Hi eyesontheprize,


Ok, first, if you are new, you're going to get three times or more emails than you will after a few months. In helping some other LA escorts get started, in addition to my experience, a lot of these emails do not pan out to actual clients, especially the weekend trips. Most of it is "new meat correspondence". Just answer emails promptly and thoroughly and you'll be able to quickly spot people who are flakey.


As far as weekends and longer trips, I really would recommend meeting the person beforehand. If you have the kind of personality that could get along with a lab rat, then a week could be easy for you, but if you're at all like me you need to like the person. Of course, you don't always have the option to meet people first, so I wouldn't suggest longer than a Friday-Sunday/Monday engagement. This is important: ALWAYS make sure you have enough money in your bank account or on your credit card to get in a cab and buy your own ticket back to wherever you live, or, at least get a hotel room for a few days. I should say, I have never ever had to employ this. I've always been fortunate to have had really great experiences while traveling with clients, but good to have the money in case you find yourself in a dangerous situation and you're stuck somewhere random like Anchorage, Alaska.


Rates. I always charge by expectation now. When I was bright-eyed and bushey tailed I charged the same for everyone. You can do that but you'll probably miss out on once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Don't miss an opportunity to go somewhere fabulous because you were being greedy. However, if you're going to be somewhere fabulous except stuck in a hotel room all day and night, that's different. Have a standard rate for overnights and short weekends but anything over that consider destinations, expectations, and compatability. I'm not saying be Santa Claus, just don't be greedy. I know you probably wanted figures but I'd feel gauche talking specifically about money in public forum.


One last thing. Try to have three months of bills in the bank. It's just good to have a buffer.


Good luck...feel free to email me anytime if you like.

Bobby Thompson, Los Angeles


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>>Yeah to ME and I'd wager to most educated people pursuing a

>>legitimate profession, whether that profession is a "white"


>>"blue" collared profession! So just WHAT part of "to me"


>>you misunderstand?


>Oh, I don't misunderstand it at all. You're a snob, and a

>self-righteous snob at that. (I took the word whiny out of

>that last sentence.)


Nope, no personal attack here whatsoever. But then again, I was naive enough to believe that a moderator's function was to ensure a civil discussion, and maintain order and obeyance to the rules of such discussion. If only all of us could be a moderator, with unchecked authority to delete/edit/banish those whose opinions we disagree with, and have freedom to blatantly insult others.

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Hey Vahawk!

I am glad that you responded to my post; I was hoping and fearing that you would. I will just share my personal point of view relating to your objections to it.


First of all, (and I already apollogyzed, but never is enough,) Vincent Michael, they way in which I phrased my quoting you makes it sound like a personal attack. I am trutfully sorry. And even if I absolutely disagree with you, I would never try to convince you or prove my point by making fun of yours. I send a cyber-hug to wherever you are. (Sorry if I fondle you in the process; we latinos are touchy feely)


Vahawk, If any of my clients in the past or future have the impression -ever- that I am tired, un-interested, or have been with someone else before them, they can come forward and I will retire. If I meet one or twenty-five clients a day, but manage to give what was expected of me every time, then I can stay assured that I am doing a good job. That's where my experience, knowledge of my own body, strenght and abilities make me a "pro". I am ALWAYS perfectly clean, fresh, strong, interested and ready to go. Otherwise, I would simply not book anything else.


If I talk about the "extra" work that I will do during an overnight session, is because I will be constantly available during the whole time of our session. If you are ready to go, I will be. After all, you paid for the whole time, right? To me, it just sounds fair.


The last thing that I want to share with you, is that in Canada, escorting is an absolutely legal pursuit. We are licensed, we have rules and regulations. (Of course, and because a technicality, we are still only selling our time and expert companionship) If an escort fails to provide good service, you can get his license revoked very easily. Would this make it look like a profession to you?


When we talk about escorts, I still have the impression that we are talking about two different things. In my opinion there are two types:


A prostitute; a cute guy who is gorgeous and hot and a reasonably good fuck. (And they can be great, dont get me wrong!)


And an escort; a guy (of any age) who is well educated, interesting, speaks several languages, can hold a conversation in another subject than clothes and fees, can be introduced to people, can pass for your cousin, son-in-law or employee, will be able to keep you entertained and estimulated for one hour or two weeks, has a healthy and attractive physique and a particular mastership of the art of being together. A professional companionship.


I totally understand and respect if you choose to include those two different things in the same category, but to me, it is always clear who is who; and by making a clear distinction between those two types I can keep a clear goal. I want to get close to achieve the level of escort, and I work hard to do it.


And last... (I promise). I keep repeating that all of us escorts and clients have a different way to approach the same subject. I keep saying that that's what makes individuality so special. I would never try to convince anyone that my way is the right way. It is for me, and it works very well. I am absolutely sure that all of us know what is best for us.


Vive la difference!

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"Hey Vahawk!

I am glad that you responded to my post; I was hoping and fearing that you would. I will just share my personal point of view relating to your objections to it."


LOL! :) I'm not, despite the rumors, an escort hating ogre, and I'm sorry that you would fear my response to any posting. That of course, does not mean that I'm going to agree with everything you post, nor expect you or anyone else to agree with anything that I post.


Thanks for the enlightenment about the rules in Canada, as I was not aware of those facts.


I wish you the best, personally and professionally! I've always admired your attitude in all your postings here, but, I just didn't agree with what you posted on this thread.


I do appreciate you taking the time to correct my misunderstandings in regards to your post. You definitely have real class! :)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

The following is great advice...


>As far as weekends and longer trips, I really would recommend

>meeting the person beforehand. If you have the kind of

>personality that could get along with a lab rat, then a week

>could be easy for you, but if you're at all like me you need

>to like the person. Of course, you don't always have the

>option to meet people first, so I wouldn't suggest longer than

>a Friday-Sunday/Monday engagement.


... and especially this...


>This is important: ALWAYS

>make sure you have enough money in your bank account or on

>your credit card to get in a cab and buy your own ticket back

>to wherever you live, or, at least get a hotel room for a few

>days. I should say, I have never ever had to employ this. I've

>always been fortunate to have had really great experiences

>while traveling with clients, but good to have the money in

>case you find yourself in a dangerous situation and you're

>stuck somewhere random like Anchorage, Alaska.



... and more good advice...


>One last thing. Try to have three months of bills in the bank.

>It's just good to have a buffer.



I wish Montreal dancers would take this to heart when winters come. Instead, they have three months of bills hanging in the closet and in the middle of winter bemoan how 'things are so hard '. x(

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>I wish Montreal dancers would take this to heart when winters

>come. Instead, they have three months of bills hanging in

>the closet and in the middle of winter bemoan how 'things are

>so hard '. x(


But of course what they do have is a kind hearted, generous wonderful soul who can kiss and make it all better!






(and less you think I am talking about myself, I don't go to Montreal in the winter. I support them at other times)

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