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Private Thoughts and Jobs?

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Ok here I am just now sitting and I get a call from DHL saying Vincent Michael I cant read this address what is it?


The address the package is sent to is my parrents house...I dont think they actully know a person named Vincent Michael however they do know Michael Vincent C....I think I am going to have one or two questions asked to me if i dont get there quick and say thanks sir.


A little about me..I am not rich but my father is um ok if you know what I mean...He is a finacal advisor to High dolar people in this city and my mother is a pretty big MD in town...Now I wont say rich....who is honestly rich? They just cant deal with my scandle....Worst yet I turned down taking over my dads company to do other things for right now....


I think this is funny to me because I relise I cant control what is going to happen other than slap my self...


I wanted to know Do you escorts have to keep things private from family as well?



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Guest zipperzone

>A little about me..I am not rich but my father is um ok if you

>know what I mean...He is a finacal advisor to High dolar

>people in this city and my mother is a pretty big MD in

>town...Now I wont say rich....who is honestly rich?


If your parents are so well fixed (I imagine we are supposed to be impressed) I'm surprised they couldn't afford to give you a better education.

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Education...We all have our gifts and we all have a inteligence....I personaly can communicate better than most and read allot better than many as well....


I just assume you havent seen many people in the work force you understand that we ALL have diffrent integet aspects of us...I admit my spellign and puncation is awfull but hey so what...


I also know ALLOT about many things and I actully can have a real job if I wanted to...Inteligence is a wide wide word so use it the right way..



Anyhow Spelling man going on anouther rant.

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I think you are very cute. I also think that you are trying to have this "escort" thing blow up in your parent's face. You freely use your face picture and you live in a small city...it's just a matter of time before you are "discovered".


BTW, it's not only your spelling that is atrocious; your grammar is just as bad. Where you home schooled? Spelling, grammar, vocabulary...all of those things do matter for "real" jobs. I doubt that your father would be a prosperous financial advisor if he didn't know how to talk and write properly.


But hey, this is just my opinion!

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Guest zipperzone

>I also know ALLOT about many things and I actully can have a

>real job if I wanted to...Inteligence is a wide wide word so

>use it the right way..


"Inteligence"? I never mentioned intelligence - it was you who threw that word into the mix!

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RE: You're a strange little guy, Vincent!


Hi there Vincent.

I rarely look into the "Ask an Escort" section anymore, because I find it soooo very boring. However, tonight I did, and saw your two recent posts... this, and the "lonely at lunchtime" post.

I hope I can offer you some constructive ideas & criticisms without coming across as judgemental. I am not an escort, and I am rarely a john anymore these days (my current economic situation dictates that I may not have cake, much less think about eating it.), but I am human. Therefore, we have something in common.


First of all, you strike me as very conflicted. You pride yourself as being of "geek" stock, but nowadays you are more GQ than geek. It almost seems as if you feel you have to choose between the two. If you do feel that way, you are wrong. I myself am a geek, for sure... I wear glasses, sometimes when I haven't done laundry, I wear dark socks with shorts. I have a red-neck tan line. And I love Star Trek. But not Star Wars.

But the most important trait of a "geek" is that he has a rich imagination. He would rather put his mind to use imagining the magic of life, and the World's potential, than figuring out how to conform to the status quo.

But you've discovered you're pretty and sexy, and you get alot more attention for that than for your active mind. That's OK, go with it - especially as it's making you money. There's also a great talent to being hot. It requires a lot of thought, and fabrication... why not equate being an escort with being a Klingon at a Star Trek convention? They both require an articial language, lots of make-up, and a certain suspension of disbelief.

As for being lonely at lunchtime... get over it. Read a book, go online... and remember that your real friends are those that love you for your great imagination, not for your looks. Even 9to5'ers have a lunch break. Treat an old friend to a hamburger.

Now about your spelling... yes, "spelling man" strikes again. Your spelling, grammar and written communication skills are really, really bad. Not average, but bad. You said up above that spelling is not important, as long as you communicate... well, I had to read your initial post about the package twice, and I still was not sure that I understood it correctly. You write as if you were stoned out of your mind, talking to another person that was stoned out of his (or hers).

Clarity is beneficial, especially when one is writing. And to achieve clarity, spelling skills are not a bad thing to have. Whether you take over your father's company, or strike out on your own some day, this will probably become an issue, so you might as well address it now.


You might consider seeing a therapist as well. Your references to your family suggest a fair amount of stress and dissatisfaction. Family issues are hard to overcome, but if you can come to consider them at least humorous rather than threatening, you'll be a happier person.


All the best to you, and I hope your presence on this board will continue and grow.


La Trix

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RE: You're a strange little guy, Vincent!




You are indeed a "Geek" if you wear dark socks with shorts... but are this board's wisest and most entertaining geek! This was a great post...


I hope that this attractive young man takes your words to heart, as I too have a soft spot in my heart for thoughtful and introspective young men who are gifted with exceptional good looks (ok,ok I actually lust after them, lol).


It would have been fun to meet you in person at the inaugural "bay area" Hooville meeting (wherever and whenever that may turn out to be), but I am unlikely to be in that area until next year... so it will have to wait.


Maybe you guys can rendezvous at the Man's Hand booth at Folsom Street Fair and have your meeting with the sounds of cute young men getting spanked naked in public as your background. I know it's not tickling, but what the hell... it sounds pretty hot!

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RE: You're a strange little guy, Vincent!


You are right..your post is awsome..I ofcourse agree Star Trek is WAY better the Star Wars....I am a fan of Battlestar Glaictica


Yeah I do need to work on this Spelling however I havent ever gotten the time. But that is a cop out...I suppose I should try and do better..


Hug from the Spelling Man

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RE: You're a strange little guy, Vincent!


Slap me! I am happy I woke up just to see that this thing is turning around...I am shocked I thought we had some people who had something agenst me.


Honestly Guys if you know how I could learn to improve my typeing skills I will do it at this point..I know so much why have something so small hold me back....


I write here in all honesty because I have watched and watched and all I see is the what Lube do I use...Nothing wrong with that mind you but why not something funny and insightfull from time to time?


I also wear glasses if I am in a lazy mood a typical trait for Nerds and Geeks...


Spelling man saying thanks again!

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RE: You're a strange little guy, Vincent!


Trixie's post was straight-on, not to mention kind, considerate and thoughtful.


As he as pointed out, being able to express yourself clearly in written language that's reasonably free of errors is actually quite important in many, if not most, career paths. It could easily make the difference between two candidates for a job who were otherwise quite similar.


It's clear you're smart. And, certainly, you're not the first person who disregarded spelling and grammar in high school. :) I actually learned more about English grammar through studying foreign languages than I did in English classes. But, however you do it, improving your writing skills will benefit you.


There are lots of online resources for writing, many of which are free. A Google search should show up dozens of such choices that you might interesting or helpful.


Another suggestion: if you have access to Microsoft Word (or another similar program that does grammar and spell checking), compose your messages there first. Make sure that the grammar and spelling options are all turned on. Word will highlight anything that looks suspicious to it and you'll be able to see what it thinks you should do.


Be aware, though, that even the best grammar checkers will often provide wretched advice. They're what computer scientists call "expert systems" and are based on complex sets of rules that quite simply don't work well. So why bother to turn them on? Because there are some things that they can usually do well, like identifying subject-verb tense problems. So the best way to use a grammar checker is to look at what it thinks is a problem and then decide if it really is a problem or not.


Like the others, I'm glad you've decided to join us here at M4M.



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Guest Tampa Yankee

>Oh yeah I forgot my gramer sucks too...but Home schoolers

>actully do better on tests and do better in collage. I am a

>product of the public school system.





I have enjoyed your posts and some of the responses you have received. Hang around, you brighten the neighborhood.


Since you mentioned being Greek in your original thread, may I assume that English may be a second language? If so then how long have you been in the states? Also if so, then it is understandable that you would benefit from taking some English courses to polish your language skills. That is not an uncommon circumstance for immigrants and very beneficial if you plan to stay and even if you don't. However, don't let that keep you from posting. You manage to communicate well enough to liven the place up. :)

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RE: You're a strange little guy, Vincent!


>I write here in all honesty because I have watched and watched

>and all I see is the what Lube do I use...Nothing wrong with

>that mind you but why not something funny and insightfull from

>time to time?


Yeah, it sure is a shame we don't have anyone here who writes funny or insightful posts. :+ (By the way, where are all of these "what lube do I use" threads? I've only ever seen a few in the few years I have been posting/reading the board.)

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RE: You're a strange little guy, Vincent!


Oh, for sure watch out for Word's suggested replacements.


I think it was the first version of Word for Windows, released when the Intel 486 chip was king of the hill, that would suggest "Penis" as a replacement for "Pentium".


They've not exactly gotten better, but they have broader reach. ;-)


My favorite grammar corrections are those that completely change the meaning of a sentence. Of course, that's a clue that the original sentence was ambiguous which is itself of value.


Just today, I saw a rant about Word's spell check substituting "Incontinence" for a horribly mis-typed "Intermittent".


Use the tools. As long as you remember: Trust but Verify!



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RE: You're a strange little guy, Vincent!


Oh, I'll give you a kiss alright. It might not land exactly where you'd expect. }(


Check out the threads about spell checking in Daddy's forum here if you feel you need it. Something tells me you'd be a good feel. :D

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Thoughts about your privates?


Hey handsome...

I carefully read all your questions and the generous feed-back given to you by all our fellow posters...

I am still unsure of what this post is all about... (English is not my first language and I am not very sure that my posts make a lot of sense either)

However, I saw the title of the thread and all of a sudden everything made sense to me!

Thoughts, privates, and jobs?

Those words get along so well!

"Private jobs"

"Thoughts of your privates"

"Private thoughts"

"Hand-jobs on your privates"


The options are endless!!!

(And I am trying to forget about the word "slap"!)


Thanks for such an estimulating post... Keep up the good work, handsome!


Happily thinking of a blow-job on your privates!!!

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