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All alone in the night?

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RE: Alone Again, Naturally


I sense your pain. (I come home to an empty house... have done so for years. At first I enjoyed the quiet; now I abhor it. I recently came to grips with my own gender preference and am still pretty naive about a lot. If one talks about "being in the closet" then I'm in a closet within a closet. I live in an out of the way place and there is no opportunity to meet like souls. And, considering the fact that I live in a small and conservative community, being "discovered" would be professional suicide anyway.) I've seen a few escorts who fill an immediate need, but I yearn to wake up next to a connected soul. I doubt I ever will. At times it makes me miserable. Somehow I've managed to cope... mostly.


I can't say anything truly helpful, I know. Nor should you find solace in knowing there are lots of lonely people, gay or straight. You do, however, have a few things which I and many others like me don't have: you're young and have a lifetime of possibilities to explore; and you're (if I may say) adorable (I'm quite plain).


My concern, both as a human being and a physician (I'm not sure the two always go together), however, is that you seem very depressed (I hope I've misread you). While I cannot plumb the depths of your depression, I think... how shall I say... you need to try to somehow identify that point when your depression would benefit from intervention by a professional. I hope it's not necessary. If you have a trusted and perceptive acquaintance with whom you can chat in person, maybe it would be worth a shot. He/she might be able to be your "barometer" and nudge you to get help should it be necessary.


I hope this post was not too intrusive. Please let us know how you are. While these forums keep us comfortably anonymous, it doesn't mean we cannot connect with others and care.

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>>I don't think that feeling lonely late at night is




>BG, Vincent said that he feels most alone around 12pm-1pm, not

>late at night. Is that late night to you? And I thought I

>was the vampire around here! :p


Oooops... missed that one! :) Perhaps I was projecting: afternoons are very busy for me. But, late at night, when my friends and family are all sleeping, there are times when I'd like to pick up the phone and talk for a while. It does help having friends in other time zones, but only somewhat. I had a good friend once who also liked to talk late at night, but he's dead now.




>>...especially for gay men without partners.


>I disagree. It's not a straight or gay issue; it's a human

>issue. Why would a straight single person feel less alone

>than a gay single person?



Interesting that you picked up on the word "gay" in my sentence. You're quick to pick up on what you think are gay-negative references. However, the operative part of what I was saying was "without partners", not "gay". While there may be straight guys who come to M4M or even women, I view it as a board for gay men. So I wasn't trying to address the needs or feelings of either straight men or women of any persuasion. I was talking about gay men -- in this case, gay men without partners.




>>(most?) of us live alone


>How can you possibly know or assume that? That is such a

>dated stereotype of the lonely homosexual.


Not at all. It's true that I cannot possibly know what percentage of the guys who visit M4M live alone. But that wasn't what I meant, not really. I was referring to "gay men", specifically gay men without partners. Certainly, of that group, "many (most?)" do live alone. That may not seem to be the case in NYC, where housing is expensive and there's a natural tendency to have roommates. But it is true, certainly, that of the many gay men I have come to know over the last 20+ years, many -- if not most -- of the gay men without partners do live alone.


You are not one of them. Count yourself lucky.



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RE: Alone Again, Naturally


Depressed...I struggle yes but that makes me human and I am happy to be depressed at times..how can I be happy with out being sad?


I am not alone in the night..it was a question to get this thing started...I am just alone at lunch time...I am fine with doing what I do..I am open and Honest to everyperson in my life.


My family was a werid one...yes but today who doesnt have something odd going on while growing up.


Mine was odd but I was Just a geek sitting collecting my Star Trek Action Figures...Yes Action Figures not Dolls...LOL


I would have my Lan partys and sit around playing Red Alert...Now you understand I am not alone and totaly depressed with a bottle near me...well I do have a Diet Coke near me, Any how I just miss talking and being with the inner Geek in me and talking to a friend around 12p-1pm

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RE: Alone Again, Naturally


Oh I dont wait for anything I am the type of guy who has to do something all the time...I dont care what it is I have to be active...Even if I have to build my WW2 B24-J Liberator...Coool Plain by the way.


But I say sit as a figure of speach I have to get out and be productive...But the sense of being alone while active is a not fun.

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RE: Alone Again, Naturally


And so? what are you going to do about that? I figure you have 3 options: 1) stay where you are in a city that hates you (or what you do) 2) move to another city (preferably where i live) or 3)quit the business.

It's your life. Live it for you. I've never met you but i bet you are a wonderful person who deserves to be happy.


If i was in san antonio i would love to have lunch with you!!!!! And i will even let you pay! :)

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*raises hand*


Have lots of good friends, but there are those times when it seems like everyone is busy doing something but me. That or when I go do something alone, like grocery shop, or go to the rec center alone or to eat alone or something...



It seems like it almost always happens with one of my friends having a date w/ their boy/girlfriend or something... d'oh! Just rubs it in huh?


so yeah.......

*Taking boyfriend applications*



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Alone? This is a update to the first post.


Right now I am asking some total stanger to have Sushi with me..I dont know if thats a smart thing to do but hey I like to talk to someone while I am eating.


I have to say I have been flying around allot and I like it as you know or other wise I would not be doing it. What I do when I fly is read and I read allot. Reading is a way to take you away and it also gets you riled up in action...Revolution.


I sit here in the plain at some point and look acrose and look at men and wemon who have wedding bands (Not that I actully want to be married) but I do want someone I can share my deepist secrets(If I had them.) Out of all this I notice there normal people not anything special and I kinda scratch my head wondering what the hell do I have to do to be normal? What is it with me that is totaly diffrent? Oh well I am sure something will come along I just hope to god I dont settle on secound best.


Hopless Romantic at hear I know but a horrible speller as well lol.

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  • 2 months later...

No I think I do want what allot want, However I am having a hard time getting what I want. I actully want to date rather than play games, I sit here and say ok you want to date dont you? Most say yes but dont actully mean it.


I think i am going to have to stay close to the few freinds I have at the moment.

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