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This may be a dumb question..... but...

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I hope someone will answer me this...


I am a single GWM, late 30's. I hate to go on vacation alone. I would gladly consider taking an escort with me, paying for the vacation, airfare, hotel room for us, etc... in exchange for the company. Would an escort consider doing something like this or would it be expected that the "client" would pay all expenses PLUS pay the escort for his time as well? I hope this doesnt sound stupid.. Just thought maybe the idea of a free vacation would be appealing to some.. Not talking an extravagant vacation.. just a few days somewhere.. Cali, Vegas, or possibly even Montreal.

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I think it is unlikely you will get an escort to do what you want unless you have a prior relationship with him... and then it might be possible. Have done this a few times with escorts who I am very close with.


If you are picking a great destination, or some very specifically attractive event, then fee negotiation is also possible. This is actually what I have frequently done, and have gotten what I consider to be win-win bargains for myself and escort.


But don't let me discourage you from trying.

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>I hope someone will answer me this...


>I am a single GWM, late 30's. I hate to go on vacation alone.

>I would gladly consider taking an escort with me, paying for

>the vacation, airfare, hotel room for us, etc... in exchange

>for the company. Would an escort consider doing something like

>this or would it be expected that the "client" would pay all

>expenses PLUS pay the escort for his time as well?


It's not unheard of for a client to take an escort with him for a weekend trip or even longer, but I would be very surprised if you can find many escorts who would go on such a trip without being paid for their time, in addition to all travel expenses. Many escorts mention in their ads that they offer a "travel rate." This can mean the rate they charge for their time if they are required to travel to meet a client. It can also mean the rate they charge for their time while traveling with a client.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

I echo Mark.comments. Keep in mind that these guys, more often than not, are escorting for a living or to pay significant bills like tuition. Much as you or I or anyone likes to take vacations, many of us just cannot afford unpaid vacations. The bills mount up. To expect anything different with an escort is not realistic.


I too have negotiated special rates for travel. However, when I make an offer I keep in mind that that these guys cannot take time off of work for pure fun. I consider what they are likely to make, on average, over the period of time they will be on travel. I then I offer something in that neighborhood -- maybe a little up or down based on the the length of time. I do offer travel to attractive venues like Montreal, NYC, SoBe that I think guys would be interested in visiting. Overall I have had good luck with this approach. Good luck to you.

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Thanks for the input.. I knew it was a long shot.

I guess as an average, working class person, I will continue to vacation alone. To me, a vacation is something that requires saving up for several months to afford. It is one thing to save a little longer to afford an extra airline ticket.. but another to have to save to pay for time as well. Not meaning to downplay the escort at all, I understand his time is valuable. Just have to wait until that winning lottery ticket comes my way..

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Lurker: I don't know your financial situation, obviously, but there are lots of ways to make vacationing with an escort affordable. As I mentioned above, you can negotiate a fee with them based on what you really can afford and what they might find attractive given your destination. Second you can use airline miles to get their ticket. Most airlines only require 25,000 miles now for a free North American ticket, and that would include Montreal. If you buy everything you purchase with a frequent flier credit card, you will be surprised how fast you get a free ticket.


I really think you might be disappointed if you start asking escorts to come with you for no fee at all... but I think you will pleasantly surprised that it is not impossible and very affordable to have them up to a nice place for a weekend for a very reasonable fee and no airfare at all.

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Ummmm.... I don't disagree with what has been posted above. But that doesn't mean it's the only answer, either.


If you know where you are going to go on vacation and for how long, you might take a chance and post that here at M4M. Not all escorts get to travel, by a long shot, and you might just catch someone in the mood for a trip.


Under those circumstances, you might also set some expectations that would help make it appealing to young guys. For example, you might stress that you're not expecting 24-hour sex and will want time each day for you both to go your own way and do your own thing. If an escort knows that it isn't going to be an exhausting trip and that he'll have at least some time alone, it make more sense as a vacation for him, too.



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I agree woth BG, but would also designate a destination that an escort might be particularly interesting in -- Paris, Amsterdam, Rome, Bracelona, St. Petersburg or a European ski resort in the winter. Only the top escorts get to travel to these cities on "business." so someone just a little below the top tier of escorts might well be interested.


Good luck.

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Hahahha.. paris.. rome, amsterdam.. I was thinking a little more local to my Arizona home... California...Vegas....maybe Montreal...remember, just an average working guy here...I hear all the stories here of some great travels... and i dream. But who knows what the future will bring.. A year ago, I would not have thought that this past year's vacation would be to Montreal... but now I have a new favorite vacation spot. Guess the old saying applies to me... Champagne taste on a beer budget.. (or more appropo.. Cristal taste on White Star budget)

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Actually with a little Inernet practice and luck flights to Europe are not all the more expenses than to the places you mentioned, especially if you fly in the fall. Although, I did get carries away my mentioning St. Petersburg and winter ski resorts. You right, fat chance with that!


Even with the fall of the dollar against the euro, you can find afforable hotels and guest houses as well in the other sities. I did read you comments about just being a working class guy. Hey, hundreds of working class people, including myself travel to Europe, all the time.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Don't dispair. Guys that will snap up Montreal, NYC, SOBe are not all that rare. Now St. Louis or Kansas City may be a little tougher atlhough there is nothing wrong with those place, just not usually considered an entertainment mecca. :) Just be clear what you are offering and make sure to point out the beneifts subtly. BG's post is good advice. I make clear that if they want SOME time on their own that is fine. (Sort of set parameters before you go so they don't get lost.) Mention that you are not looking for a sex slave (hehe) unless you are of course. I more often than not make offers to guys I have seen on a short term basis so they know what to expect from me and I from them but there are exceptions to that also. Just make sure you communicate what you want and expect and what freedoms they have. Oh and make sure to get two room keys. :D

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This won't do any good if you don't have the miles already, but both American and United (and perhaps others) are having a short-haul sale right now -- only 15,000 miles to N American destinations that are less than 750 miles away. United's runs through the end of the year; American's through 2/5/05. Their web sites give details of exactly which routes qualify.


>use airline miles to get their ticket. Most airlines only

>require 25,000 miles now for a free North American ticket, and

>that would include Montreal. If you buy everything you

>purchase with a frequent flier credit card, you will be

>surprised how fast you get a free ticket.

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Last year I decided that I needed a fun vacation ... so using this site, as well as mapquest, I charted out a weeklong trip visiting several cities, with 2 or 3 hours driving each day. Planning in advance, I made arrangments to see an escort in each of those cities. It was a very enjoyable vacation!


Can understand that perhaps you're looking for some companionship in addition to fun times ... and now it's got me thinking. Perhaps you can find someone else who's interested in going on vacation as well (and who also likes to hire escorts). You'd each pay for your own vacations, saving the "travel" money for escorts. You can have some friendly companionship for the sightseeing and dinners, and then you each can find some mentermainment for your evenings. You'd have lots to chat about over breakfast and lunch the next day!


Hmmm ... I just may do that myself next Spring!

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Guest manreadyokc

If you don't want to see a different escort on each leg of a several day trip, choose a destination (and there are several in your multi-state vicinity) where there are escorts that seem appealing from their bios and reviews on this site (Phoenix comes to mind, actually, but I guess you want to go a little further from home.) When you decide which escort you want to spend time with, you can book as many hours of his time as you can afford without paying travel expenses, etc., and I would bet that if you're booking him in his home town repeating over several days you'll come out better than if you tried to entice an escort to take a traveling vacation with you without being paid for his time. Ideally, you would like someone with you all day and night for your entire trip, of course. If that's not possible, mix it up with an overnight or two, a morning of sightseeing with him driving you around his town followed by lunch and a hot afternoon in bed . . . use your imagination! If the vacation is worth saving for, the guy is worth saving for even more, in my opinion. The time you'll spend on this site researching escorts will pay off in spades . . . I promise! And no, I'm not on the payroll . . . honest. Have fun! ;-)

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Just to expand a little bit on manreadyokc's reply ... Don't overlook the beneifts of single travel as well. I've traveled with friends, family, and business colleagues. None of them equals traveling alone. It's the one time in the year I do EXACTLY what I want.


Sure, sometimes I feel a little lonely. But usually I have tons of adventures. People are more prone to talk to you if you are alone. I guess the idea is that couples don't want to be bothered. Then there's always other singles around too.


Of course, I agree this may not be for everyone. Just about everything in life has pluses and minuses. The trick is to identify what is most important for you and then follow that course of action.


Best of luck to lurker.

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Anybody guess what I'm going to say?


Craig's List! http://www.craigslist.org


I also think it's unlikely that you'd find many highly rated board escorts who you'd never met before who are looking to take an unpaid trip/'vacation' (think about it, is it really a vacation for them?) to a fairly affordable spot. Maybe somebody that was looking to travel between the two places anyway, but I doubt it.


But maybe if you post what you're offering on Craigslist you'll find somebody who can't otherwise afford a vacation right now who'd love it. There actually used to be ads like that fairly regularly in there, maybe you'd find somebody who hasn't really 'escorted' much and doesn't make their living off of it...


Either way, let us know. But if you don't find anybody don't despair, especially going to a place like Montréal. Personally, I'd rather have the extra cash in my pocket that would've gone for a companion's airfare, plus have a room to myself to bring guys back to. But that's just me... :7

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An Escort Finally Answers


No, it is not a dumb question. There really are no dumb questions, only questions which may have been asked (and thus answered) before.


In your case, if I understood you correctly, and I believe I have, you merely want a traveling companion. Not a traveling companion who happens to be an escort because you are also looking for something other than conversation over breakfast or someone to join you in ohing and ahing at the latest Cirque show in Vegas.


If you are looking for an escort to provide both sexual intimacy and companionship, your question has been asked in the past and the answers you have received from the clients in this post pretty much sum up the consensus in those posts: its not likely to happen, particularly where you have no existing relationship with the escort, as Marc Anthony has, and where the location is not sufficient in itself. Even then, I think the possibility is, frankly, very slow.


However, if you want company, I think James' suggestion of Craigslist is a very good one, but before I would travel with and subsidize the travel expenses of a perfect stranger, I would look among the group of people you know and consider your friends. If you are not that well acquainted with some of them, a trip together might be the perfect way to get to know one of them better. You might want to preface your invitation as you did here: you do not like to travel alone and want to visit XYZ place. Would they be willing and able, if you covered the travel expenses, to go with you.


Be aware, whether you are a client traveling with an escort, or a friend traveling with another friend, the same circumstances apply. You should discuss needs and requirements in advance, before you spend any money, to make sure that as much compatabilty as possible is arrived at.


By the way, I often travel alone, especially when I travel to cities to see a range of clients as opposed to one. One thing I always do is work at being far more outgoing than I would be at home. Afterall, I may never see these people again, so how will it really effect me to put myself out and ask questions of strangers or strike up a conversation at a cafe, health club, or bar. You do not really make any friends this way, but you can make an occassional, friendly companion for a short time frame, who can at least recommend some local siteseeing.


Good luck!

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as an alternative, why not vacation where there are escorts that you can hire for an afternoon or evening only. that way, you do not have to pay for their airfare, all meals, etc. going to a city like new york or los angeles has plenty of guys to sample. sometimes, if you are friendly with an escort, they may let you stay with them for the price of an overnight; you save a hotel bill and they get the money. i have had a couple of escorts offer me the "stay with me" option.

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If you have a prior relationship with an escort it's entirely possible to get the "time" portion reduced if not all together taken care of. Speaking for myself, we hookers want to get out of town sometimes.

Faced with another hot summer weekend in New Orleans, I struck a deal with a guy in LA for a weekend at a Sam's Club discount. I got out of NOLA for the weekend and he got me, plus had more moey for dining etc... . :-) Now, I'm not saying that this happens often, but it is something to keep in mind.

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They say that a man has to ask....


Hey lurker!

I am just answering this post to wish you the best of the holidays... This guys have given you a LOT of advise and I am sure that you can make an informed choice already.

This is the "Ask an escort" area, and very few of us have answered... (I guess not much to say) :*

I am really curious to know what is it that you decide in the end. Keep us posted and have a lot of fun!


Happy travels!!

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