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Suppliments and Diet

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Figured I would ask here most escorts have such great bodies! Just wondering if anyone has used suppliements and if so which are the best? I am in my mid 30's and want to build muscle! Just wondering if there are any that really work!


Also any diet suggestions would be great, I need to find a good diet to loose fat and build muscle any suggestions as to where to find a good diet?


Thanks to all you hotties who work on your bods

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>Figured I would ask here most escorts have such great bodies!

> Just wondering if anyone has used suppliements and if so

>which are the best? I am in my mid 30's and want to build

>muscle! Just wondering if there are any that really work!


>Also any diet suggestions would be great, I need to find a

>good diet to loose fat and build muscle any suggestions as to

>where to find a good diet?


>Thanks to all you hotties who work on your bods



I think the answer to the question of how to obtain a great body is very similar to the answer to how do you get to Carnegie Hall? (which, of course, we all know is practice, practice, practice......)


The way to a great body is, unfortunately, exercise, exercise, exercise. In spite of all of the low carb diets out there right now and all of the advertised supplements, the only way to a really nice looking body is by working your ass off,.... literally!


So, get out there and have fun running, biking, swimming, lifting and doing any other sports that you find enjoyable. Good luck and remember to have fun! :p



Aaron Scott DC



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I have to agree that exercise is the best way to go. I can't say I have a totally awesome body, but I can honestly say I'm a LONG way from where I used to be (I was VERY overweight as a kid and am a pretty good weight now - still need to get rid of problem areas and get leaner, but I'm happy with the progress I've seen this far).


Honestly, the thing that worked best for me is boring, but I find it better (and easier) than some of the alternatives.


I eat basically whatever I want, but try to control the portions. I believe portion control is one of the biggest things you can do. Don't have that second helping of something if eating at home or don't order the biggest thing on the menu when eating out. (And sometimes, treat yourself to a nice big meal just because - diet shouldn't be a punishment). I don't eat a lot of diet stuff, but some key things I do (diet soda, for example). And sometimes if I'm having trouble with portion control, it helps to buy prepackaged meals (Smart Ones or Slim-Fast meal options for examples). They can help you get back on track, and they're fairly tasty too.


Drink lots of water...as many glasses as you can a day (they recommend eight 8-oz. glasses). It'll help you get things out of your body. Also, get plenty of rest (8 hours if you can).


And as mentioned, exercise. When I'm at my peak, I try for some stretches and basic exercise (just 10 minutes) 5 days a week and then more strenuous exercise (another 30 minutes or more) 3 times a week. For me right now, it involves a series of stretches in the morning along with some light weights, push-ups, and sit-ups. Not a lot, but enough to feel sore if I haven't done it in a while, tire out a little, and break out in a very light sweat. I do about 25 (or 25 seconds depending on what it is) of each type of exercise, and the whole thing takes roughly only 10 minutes. That's the 5 day a week thing. Then I try for 3 times a week some other exercise. Right now, it's usually a half hour (6 1/2 mile) bike ride. In the past, I did swimming for a while, and then after the facilities were unavailable for that, went to the gym until the business ended up closing (probably my biggest workout because I'd spend more time there - a shame it's gone). But truthfully, I don't think it matters as much WHAT you do as much as if you stay consistent in doing it. Walking, swimming, bike riding, jogging...lol.


I, just like everybody else, get lazy sometimes and fall out of the exercise routine or eat more than I should, etc....the key is getting back to it). But I really believe if you stick to a plan like this and stay consistent, you can achieve some really nice results. It isn't especially quick, but it's steady.


As far as supplements, I use Total Lean in addition to a really great multivatimen (GNC's Mega Men Performance & Vitality Program) and some other unrelated supplements (Q10 Formula, ArginMax, Horny Goat Weed, etc.). I think GNC also makes some other stuff that's new specifically for gaining muscle, but I haven't tried it personally.


Just my two cents.



P.S. This is based on my own goals. This probably won't work if you want to be a bodybuilder (not enough), by my personal goal is just getting lean and a little toned.

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Fingers To The Bone


>the only way

>to a really nice looking body is by working your ass off,....



There is no such thing as any one pill or collection of pill which will shorthand the work you would need to do to get more muscular, as any good work out book will advise. However, the most important and sometimes overlooked aspect, is that IF you are working out hard, you actually need to consume more calories, with protein as a larger percentage of your diet, than you have been previously. You will still get bigger as well as leaner, because muscle weighs more than fat and lean muscle mass will also burn more calories than fat would, if you took took men of the same body type, height and weight and compared them.


The only real supplement with hard scientific research behind it is creatine. However, if you are starting out at working out, I would suggest you get some good books (which you can purchase or often find in your library), study them, ask questions, start working out and adding protein to your diet. Once you have being doing for six months with some noticeable improvement, then look to add supplements like whey protein and creatine to your routine.


Good luck!

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RE: Fingers To The Bone


Thanks for all the suggestions, I have been working out for a while and have had some really good results. Currently I have lost almost 60 pounds and have decreased my body fat by over 12%. I have along way to go though.


Currently I work out 5 - 6x a week, I do arobic 3x and lift 2 to 3 times a week. I am going to change this because usually it is 5x and I only lift twice a week. I was going to do an upperbody one day arobic the next then legs, but it hasn't been happening that way so I am going to start doing arobic two days then one day of a full body workout then 2 days arobic and so on. I really just need to kickstart or maybe put my workout in another gear. I got Bill Phillips Body for Life, and it is very good I don't do just the 20 minute arobic though I do at least 40 minutes usually 45.


Again thanks I was just wondering what everyone else did.



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Staying in-shape can be a full-time job~


I'm usually at the gym 5-6x a week from anywhere between 1-2 hours. I used to work my body in groups (ahem!), but now concentrate on singular parts each day. I superset to failure, while only doing abs every other day.


You've got to realize that it's imperative to let your muscles rest and rebuild. Don't ever work a bodypart two days in a row. The only time i would recommend this would be if you're taking photographs and need to simply get a 'pump' workout. Light weights, max reps. It's not too tough on the muscle, but does fill it with maximum blood, making it appear hard and cut.


I'd also recommend refraining from lots of water the day before a photoshoot. I've never gone as far as to use a diuretic, but cutting off your water intake for a day will usually give great looking results: Harder looking muscle mass and a deeper cut.


Supplementation is also (for me) a huge part of the gym routine. While i've NEVER used anything illegal, i am currently taking Androstenedione (andro), Creatine, time-release proteins and CLA Tonalin. What do they all do? Glad you asked...


Andro maximizes lean muscle growth by stimulating testosterone production in the body. Creatine boosts energy levels during workout and also holds additional water weight in the core of your muscle, thus rounding it out cosmetically. Protein is essential to any bodybuilding routine: It's recommended you get one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight if you're weight lifting. With food alone, it's a real pain in the ass, so i supplement with shakes, etc. CLA (Tonalin) was originally developed to ward-off cancer cells, but was also found to lower bodyfat percentages as a side-effect. It's usually sold in the vitamin aisle of your local Walgreens and unlike other diet pills, doesn't speed you up or have adverse side-effects.


As for actual workouts, the biggest downfall i see in most people's routines is their form. I always say that the more dumb you look doing an exercise, the better it is for you. Form is the key for getting the best results in the least amount of time. Added, it's a surefire way NOT to hurt yourself when lifting weights. A good refference for anyone heading to the gym is to buy the 'Muscle & Fitness' Training Guide, usually sold on Amazon.com. I've had mine for about 6 mo's and it's really streamlined my workouts...


Well, now that i feel like Jack LaLaane, i suppose it's time to swim the English Channel :)


Warmest Always,



Benjamin Nicholas

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Thank you Benjamin for your generous and thoughtful response. I was just looking at your pic on today's coverboy page and thought " wow, how does he manage to look so damn good and why can't I have a body like that!" and here you are explaining in detail how you do it! I printed the response as inspiration to actually apply some of the things you mentioned. I have wanted to add Creatine for a long time, and now might try the other supp. you mentioned. Now if I would just follow through and acually stay consistent I might finally start seeing more results. and thanks for honestly and directly answering the question and not going off on some rant, or silly comment that cloud the posters questions so often on this site. It makes you even more sexy to me than you already are :9

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"Well, now that i feel like Jack LaLaane, i suppose it's time to swim the English Channel"


Please don't have a heart attack or stroke while doing so! Does/did Jack LaLane use any such chemical assistance? I doubt it.


IMO, it is just a short time before andro and creatine products are barred as illegal, just like all the ephederine products were.


Why? Because so many people have DIED from using such products, and so many more people will die in the future from past usage, as no studies have been possible about the long term effects of using those products.

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Ah, but Hawk...


Only 7 people in the USA have died from overdosages of Ephedra, while hundreds die yearly from Aspirin alone. Do we ever consider banning Aspirin or making it illegal? Of course not. Why?


Money. Plain and simple. The FDA is a business like any other and thrives on public fear towards an 'unregulated' product. Ephedra was one of the only over-the-counter drugs that worked well for weight loss. If those who died from Ephedra had taken the time to read the directions on the back of the bottle, they might still be alive today. Granted, some also had pre-existing heart-valve conditions (ala John Ritter), but MANY drugs other than Ephedra could have also triggered such an attack.


For those people, it was simply a matter of time. They were timebombs just waiting for the trigger... Unfortunate and sad, but true. In the process, Ephedra becomes public enemy number one.


You're correct in blurry longterm effects with Andro. Personally, i'm being as careful as possible when using this supplement and have been under the careful eye of my Doc. He's just as interested in any lingering dismal side-effects, but so far, i've been sound as a pound with much more productive workouts.


While i don't condone this supplementation for everyone, i will say it's worked safely for me. I also follow directions to a T when it comes to dosage. In the words of a Jane Fonda's Workout tape my mom once owned: 'Please consult your medical physician before starting on any exercise/supplement routine.'


Thanks for providing another point of view Hawk. I appreciate it :)



Warmest Always,





Benjamin Nicholas

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>Ah, but Hawk...


> Only 7 people in the USA have died from overdosages of

>Ephedra, while hundreds die yearly from Aspirin alone. Do we

>ever consider banning Aspirin or making it illegal? Of course

>not. Why?



Benjamin, Benjamin...


Where is the denominator? 7 people have died from Ephedra out of how many actually take it? And how many benefited from Ephedra vs. how many benefit from ASA?


Don't be so cynical at a young age and assume that every decision is motivated by politics and money (though many are)... it is very possible that the FDA actually studied the risk/benefit ratio before they made their decision.

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Daddy sez: Sigh!

>x xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxx xx xxx xxxx

>xxxx xxxxx, xx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xx

>xxxxx xxxxxx. xxxx-xxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx.

In earlier years Devon usually attempted to maintain a pleasant and helpful facade in his posts here. But more recently he has abandoned the pretense and created more and more posts showing his angry, hateful side. Don't you find it refreshing when people are more honest with themselves and others? I do.


With regard to dietary supplements, I think the important point to remember is that unlike prescription medications they are NOT subjected to years of clincial trials before being put on the market. For this reason, there is comparatively little information available either to consumers or physicians about what their long-term affects really are. Plenty of prescription and over-the-counter medications carry risks for people of various ages and health conditions, but the difference is that those risks are KNOWN to the medical community so that the decision whether to use them can be an informed decision. With many supplements that simply isn't true.

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Shocking Beyond Words


>With regard to dietary supplements, I think the important

>point to remember is that unlike prescription medications they

>are NOT subjected to years of clincial trials before being put

>on the market. For this reason, there is comparatively little

>information available either to consumers or physicians about

>what their long-term affects really are. Plenty of

>prescription and over-the-counter medications carry risks for

>people of various ages and health conditions, but the

>difference is that those risks are KNOWN to the medical

>community so that the decision whether to use them can be an

>informed decision. With many supplements that simply isn't



Of course, it would be almost impossible to find me in agreement with every word of a Little Woody post, since even when he provides intelligent information of use to all, as he did in what I quoted above, he often finds it necessary to sling merde, as my paternal grandmother would put it, if she were not every inch the lady that apparently Ma Woody ain't be.


Little Woody is very correct here. The Food and Drug Administration is specifically prevented from an act of congress to require the kind of clinical trials, research, testing and, more importantly QUALITY control, which is required of either over the counter or prescribed medications.


Herbs and supplements are the basics of our modern pharmacology. Asprin, opiates, antibiotics, and other medications, are and were found in naturally occurring substances which are either plant, animal or food base. Creatine, for example, occurs naturally in the body and is produced with and in conjunction with red meat.


Supplements are often created chemically and many of the supplements and herbs avilable at drugs stores such as Walgreens, CVS, Longs, Rite Aide, et al., as well as the large chain supermarkets, are made by a few large conglomerates. Many of them do not have bioavailable or even the listed amounts of the nurtient sold. For example, vitamin E is available is certains forms, but most of what is sold as private label vitamin E in these drug stores and supermarkets is the equivilent of taking a sugar pill and has little, if any, nutritionally value.


Some health plans, Blue Shield/Blue Cross being one of the most noteworthy, are now offering consultations with nutritionist as part of a prevention program. As Benjamin points out, if you have access to a primary care provider, anyone should discuss their nutritional needs and nutritional supplements with their provider before they engage in any program. The best source of most vitamins and nurtients are food. For those who are not able to eat properly, supplements can provide a benefit, but the assumption that one or more pills or powders will get you the results you might seek or want is, unfortunately, mistaken.

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RE: Shocking Beyond Words


>Of course, it would be almost impossible to find me in

>agreement with every word of a Little Woody post,


Like thousands and thousands of others who visit the Web, I've seen pictures of Franco naked. So I keep wondering why someone with his . . . dimensions thinks it's appropriate to call anyone else "little." His behavior in this respects is indeed one of life's "little" mysteries. :)

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Thank you for the information Benjamin I guess I started something here that you took and then everyone went off on!


I would be very careful when it comes to any suppliments I will be adding some protien due to the fact that I need the protien without all the calories right now. I still have a good 40 pounds left to loose and build muscle it is now time to get serious I think I am at the point where I can cut back on the arobic a bit and lift more.


Thanks again for the info not only on the suppliments but also on what they do you explain yourself very well. Let me know when you come to Boston maybe we could "Work out" together..



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Guest rohale

>Benjamin, Benjamin...


>Where is the denominator? 7 people have died from Ephedra out

>of how many actually take it? And how many benefited from

>Ephedra vs. how many benefit from ASA?


>Don't be so cynical at a young age and assume that every

>decision is motivated by politics and money (though many

>are)... it is very possible that the FDA actually studied the

>risk/benefit ratio before they made their decision.



Actually, technically speaking Benjamin is correct. Only seven people have died from overdosage. This info was also released by President Clinton's last surgeon general. This info has been available to the general public for the last few years. As for the FDA, they have been trying to study Ephedra since 1996. The problem is every year for some odd reason a new specialist is assigned to carry out the studies and the guidelines keep on changing. Only the FDA is to blame for this problem for not having enough discipline in keeping the guidelines clear enough for themselves to follow through on their test research. However Kings Cross Hospital in the United Kingdom might start conducting tests as early as 2005 if government funding is available.



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  • 4 months later...

Man I was looking at posts, damn I know allot about supplimtation as I am a total nut with it.


I recommend at the minimum these things.


Green Tea

Daily Vitamin





If your working out I always say just a balanced Diet and nothing to drastic will work for you, as my father always says we need balance.

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An addendum to those seeking a muscular body~


Just keep in mind that almost every gymbunny out there goes through the 'cycling' process, wherein you bulk-up, get a bit chunky (but with a good amount of solid muscle) and then cycle into a cutting down phase. A change in both diet and workout will be necessary to achieve the muscular, cut-up look. Might i recommend buying the 'Muscle & Fitness Training Notebook' for those looking to not only keep track of their progress on paper, but to also get a good generalized set of exercises that have personally helped me put on both mass & muscle.


I also have to say kudos to Hawk for seeing into the future and resolving that my supplement, 'Andro,' would soon go illegal. The last day to buy will be Janruary 16th from what i've been told. IMO, yet again a total misunderstanding of the supplement and it's very positive effects on people who use it accordingly (and correctly). Unfortunately, with supplements, it's mostly about money and politics, rather than the proposed 'supplement danger' itself.


Keep those fitness goals in mind guys. The holidays are approaching and with a little self-control, staying in shape isn't too tough, even with a savory turkey looking you straight in the eye :)



Warmest Always,





Benjamin Nicholas

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Green Tea


>I recommend at the minimum these things.


>Green Tea...


>I'm currently taking your other recommendations (plus a few

>extras). But, what is green tea supposed to do? Is this the

>same green tea that you order with Chinese food?


Green tea has some cancer fighting properties. It is also an excellent aid to assist in a weight loss plan. While this link is for information provided by a vendor, where I generally prefer to send people to a more unbiased source, it is a good link because the information is easy to read and understand. Besides, green tea is readily available from other sources besides Celestial Seasonings.



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Fitness Books


>Might i recommend buying the

>'Muscle & Fitness Training Notebook'

>for those looking to not only keep track of their progress on

>paper, but to also get a good generalized set of exercises

>that have personally helped me put on both mass & muscle.


I have several clients and friends who are or have been on body/health improvement kicks in the last year. While some, like Spida, used the Body for Life book/program (which I like and purchased for a friend's birthday earlier this year), I also like Weight Training for Dummies, which can be found in most bookstores or on Amazon. Another good book which is often available in gay bookstores, which two of my clients have used and heartily recommend, is Bob Paris' fitness and health book intended for men over 40. One of my clients is 42, but have never exercised or worked out since his high school PE class. The other client is 66. Both had good results and continue to use this book and a trainer as a guide. The Bob Paris book is called Prime and is available in trade paperback from Perigee Books (Penguin/Putnam).


I hope it is understood that anyone who, like my clients, engaged in a fitness program after not being at all or very active, that this was done in consultation with their doctors.

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RE: Supplements and Diet


This is information from someone I trust...errr MDs


Western research is providing evidence supporting the health benefits of drinking tea, especially green tea.


"I recommend green tea regularly to my patients with cancer," says Nisly.

The Journal of the National Cancer Institute has published several articles about green tea, including the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly 60 percent.


There is also research indicating that the antioxidants in green tea lower total cholesterol levels as well as improve the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol. Green tea is loaded with catechin polyphenols, a type of photochemical with 100 times the antioxidant kick of vitamin C.


But beware, you'll have to swallow a lot of green tea to gain some of the health-promoting benefits. While there are no scientific standards set for how much green tea can be beneficial, studies touting the success of green tea report that subjects drank between three and six cups of tea daily.

Green tea contains caffeine, but not as much as coffee.

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