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Guest ben
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I am thinking of changing some of my terms and conditions associated with travelling with clients. Do you think it is fair to say that "any travel booking is confirmed upon receipt of tickets and 50% of the agreed fee"? What I had in mind is that if a client pays via PayPal I can wait to transfer the funds until after the trip. Also I am thinking of keeping the equivalent of an overnight as a cancellation fee when the client cancels one week before the trip. Do you think it is fair?"



Laughaholic, Shopaholic, Sexaholic




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Guest Jerry77

Ben -


I realize it's a business and you have to treat it as such, but over here a lot of people here are still smarting from the depredations of the "Cupcakes" scammers. Apparently several individuals have been asked to fork over a retainer fee; pay for travel, etc; and have been severely burned. As a matter of fact, the agency I use here in my city has suffered because of them (http://www.norfolkmaleescorts.com). Their agency name and link was somehow loaded onto the Cupcakes' site without their consent and they have had the very devil of a time disassociating themselves from these crooks and getting back to business. Guilty by association and all that. Moreover, the NME agency owner told me that he gets calls daily from burned Cupcakes customers asking him about getting their money back from maxed-out credit cards.


So, I guess I'd have to say that I, as a paying customer, would be very cautious about paying a hefty fee up front with cancellation stipulations . . . especially via credit card.


Now Ben, I'm not impugning your very good looking self, nor your business practices but I'd advise against painting yourself into a corner (just yet at least) with payment policies that may come back and bite you in the ass later.

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Guest londonfog

I think this is a tricky one. I can see where ben is coming from. After all, we are talking about setting out a few days of his time. It is the old dilemma, he either turns down business counting on the client that 'supposedly' flies him somewhere or has to cancel the other clients he has booked (and loose some business goodwill).


Jerry, I think that there is a bit of 'buyer beware' here. If you want to fly an escort to you you should arrange for a prepaid ticket rather than send the money. On the other hand, looking at it from an escort's point of view if you are a professional you do not overbook. If you do not overbook you suffer financially if the client cancels at the last minute.


Overall I would say that the idea of an unrefundable deposit is fair, maybe model from the airline ? Non refundable tickets are cheaper.



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For first time clients maybe, although 50% upfront is a little steep. Prepaid round trip tickets, yes most definitely for any trip you are expected to make. Knowledge of the hotel you are booked in and confirmation number. For clients you haven't met before, I think a deposit is okay too, but it should be more like you would expect to make in a day. Worst case, you are stood up. Your tickets are paid for. You either turn around and fly home immediately or stay overnight and fly home the next day, a couple of hundred and you turned away a client for the first night - probably no more than $500 up front. For established clients,the upfront fee should be waived. I do not expect to pay anything up front other than the plane tickets and hotel confirmation # for guys I've seen before.

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Just a random thought, but how about asking for airline tickets to be dispatched to you a minimum of (XX) days in advance of any travel? Ask that airline tickets be delivered to you perhaps 14 days before a trip. In the absence of tickets, the trip is canceled. At 14 days, you'd have a shot at re-booking the time. These days, airline tickets are rarely refundable, and if someone is serious enough to buy a ticket, they're likely to come through for the rest. Plus, the best fares aren't available if you don't buy the ticket at least 14-30 days in advance. Especially for international travel. I also think it is fair and appropriate for you to ask for part of your fee for an extended visit upon arrival.


You probably also need to have somewhat different sets of rules for repeat clients over first-time clients.


I checked out your web site, you are one sexy man!



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Guest Jerry77

Londonfog -


I couldn't agree more on all of the points you made. I didn't lump myself in with those other poor unfortunates who found out the hard way that paying for companionship can and does have it's drawbacks; but having said that, it doesn't mean that I can't learn from their mistakes. Speaking strictly for myself - as Ben did ask for an opinion from a client's perspective - I have to say that I'd think long and hard before dispatching any amount of cash to you or plunking down my Visa number. You are certainly a classy guy and most probably the services you provide (travel, companionship, tours, and those all-important "extras") are of a like caliber; but most probably, I'd look for someone else if asked for a substantial deposit.


But hey, we're certainly forgetting one very important factor in the equation here; namely the escort reviews that are the raison d' etre for the site on which we're so cattily dissecting Ben's business dilemma. If there are consistently bad reviews, caveat emptor! If the reviews are generally good, they probably indicate good service.


Ben, handle it how you think best and the best of luck!

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Hey Ben, love your pics and would love to meet someday if our paths cross.


You asked for client opinions, so here is one.


I buy the tickets, ususally non refundable at least 14-21 days ahead often longer. I make hotel reservations -- ususally prepaid -- at the same time and forward info. I wont send a partial fee before hand. It is not even a consideration. Too much uncertainty on several levels to do that on a first time encounter. No need on the part of either party if a repeat encounter.


I appreciate that there are unreliable clients out there and that is an unpleasant fact of life. However, I feel that paid nonrefundable airfrare is sufficient sign of my good faith. I also appreciate that a client might flake out even after purchasing nonrefundable tickets. There is risk to this business and to all business -- that is part of business.


I personally would be very wary of accepting a travel appointment over an extended time interval with a complete stranger. I'd need lots of telephone conversation at the least before I'd consider it. In your shoes I might even want what you do -- an upfront deposit. However, that will cut into your business opportunties as that will narrow your travel customer base. That may be good or it may be bad.


I have a few young escort friends that do travel appts and I advised them early on to make sure they have there own funds available for hotel and for flight change charges (usually $100) just incase. Another consideration is to book other appts around your travel date if possible to amortize expenses if the primary date falls through and to maximize your travel opportunity even it it doesnt.


What you guys really need is a client review site. ;-)


Good luck.

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"I buy the tickets, ususally non refundable at least 14-21 days ahead often longer. I make hotel reservations -- ususally prepaid -- at the same time and forward info. I wont send a partial fee before hand. It is not even a consideration. Too much uncertainty on several levels to do that on a first time encounter. No need on the part of either party if a repeat encounter."


Well said TY. This is what I've done when flying an out of town escort here, except the escort has always stayed at my place not a hotel.


I also think you gave great advice about having funds to return home in case the client is a no show/backs out/or is just a real jerk off, as I've heard stories about that scenario.


I also agree with your point that the policy proffered will cut into the potential client base. I'm sorry, but I'm just not going to send 1/2 of a weekend fee to an unknown escort for a first time encounter, and if it is a second or later encounter, then the subject does not even arise.


If prepaid non-refundable airline tickets and/or hotel is not enough of a guarantee, then no problem/no hard feelings, as we'll both just explore other escorts/clients.


I also agree with PrimeMuscle(?) that an overnight fee for a week's notice of cancellation is way too STEEP, for any client who agrees to the proffered terms. JFC, what the heck has an escort lost in such a scenario to justify that policy? I want to know why this policy is justifiable, but failure to deliver as promised (i.e. satisfaction guaranteed) is not justifiable because the "chemistry just wasn't there".

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The Proper Care And Feeding Of Clients


I ask for a small deposit when I have an overnight with someone I have never previously met. It is extremely rare for me to do an overnight with someone I have never previously met and both times it was while I was already in their part of the country, so using a plane ticket or a hotel reservation as a deposit was not something that was possible.


However, Ben, you will find, at least in the U.S., that many clients do expect that a plane ticket and confirmed hotel reservations (often prepaid) should suffice for an overnight or a weekend. I would only ask for a small deposit if it was a client I had never met or the booking was for longer than two days (or if no hotel room had been prepaid and you are going to find yourself in a new and unfamiliar town). I have done three overnights in the last year where the clients had hired me before, several post regularly here on the Message Center, and I required absolutely no deposit from them to confirm the appointment. However, in every instance, I was planning on being in their respective city, had already decided to travel there at my own expense and was advertising and able to find clients should they have cancelled on me at the last minute.


I do believe, conceptually, in the idea of a cancellation fee but I have never requested one from any of my clients. Cancellations while traveling create a futher burden and expense that many clients never seem to appreciate or understand but I believe that you need to give them wide discretion and latitude. I do not see any benefit to asking for a cancellation fee, although, as I have indicated, it is exceedingly rare for me to agree to see someone for an extended session, I have no previously met.


Finally, I think you need ot set policies that both work for you, that are in keeping with what your clients are used to, which I presume will mostly be in England or Europe, and which you are comfortable with. Only you can set appropriate policies, but the costs should be reasonable and appropriate. Put yourself in the eyes and minds of your prospective clients and think about what you might find fair and reasonable.


Good luck!

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My opinion? I thought you'd never ask~


When one of my guys sends over an e-ticket, that is what i would consider a 'pledge of good faith' and it's more than enough to secure time with me. Period.


I don't believe in up-front deposits, paying up-front for any reason, asking for cancellation fees or expecting a guy to pay for things like airport parking. It just comes across as money-grubbing and downright tacky. If you don't trust the guys you're seeing first & foremost, then how can you expect that same trust in return? As an escort who's just beginning to take flight in this industry, i would HIGHLY recommend reconsidering anything like this.


The one time that i have ever asked for a deposit was for a month-long meeting. The circumstances were somewhat suspicious and i asked for 25% up front as a token of seriousness. He kindly obliged and i spent an amazing month in South Beach with no hangups of any kind. In the event that you are asked for more than a week of your time, then i might recommend a deposit situation. It all depends on if you know the person, have spent prior time with him, trust him, etc. For something overnight or just through a weekend, i would stick to nothing more than a plane ticket.


Remember that simplicity goes a long way in this industry. The more accessble you make yourself, the better your business will be in the longrun. Many times you'll need to make a leap of faith with guys you've never met. Just be honest, up-front and forthright and you shouldn't have any problems...


If you need any other advice, feel free to privately email me :)



Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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Guest planetho

> When one of my guys sends over an e-ticket, that is what i

>would consider a 'pledge of good faith' and it's more than

>enough to secure time with me. Period.



... all of that plus a Concorde ticket too, no?

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