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Dubai - Rentmen & Providers - 411


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I put this here in Deli so this will get some attention as opposed to the ignored travel section. 

I see lots of ads on RM under “Dubai”. Always wanted to check the place out. But have also heard horror stories on their approach to LGBTs. The laws are bad. They turn a blind eye until they decide they won’t. Yet lots of providers cycle through there.  

Does anyone have experience re Dubai? What’s it like? Safe? Risks? 

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I have no experience with Dubai.....

but past threads on the subject over the years here in the forum suggest that providers and clients have a decent chance of safety and no harassment if they don't draw attention to themselves, dress modestly where appropriate, don't make public displays of affection (PDA), don't get drunk or use drugs, and respect all local customs and laws........

I believe the UAE is more concerned with the behavior of local citizens and residents.....

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Dubai is not the US, but it's not anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be.  Most people who seem to be the most vehemently against the city have never even been.  

No, there are no 'known' gay bars and clubs.  Just certain nights of the week at hotel bars where guys meet up.

Grindr works well for the casual meet.  You can also find guys for rent there as well.

PDA, gay or straight, has always been frowned upon in the Emirates.  You just don't do it.  

As with anywhere in the world, respect your locale and you'll likely have an incredible experience.

Sidenote: If you're spending time in Dubai, drive up the highway to Abu Dhabi and take a couple of days to see the city.  It's the polar opposite of Dubai and the design/culture is fascinating.  



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Generally agree with the sentiment here that as long as you're discreet and keep it buttoned down in public, you should be ok.  The police don't run any stings or entrapment schemes trying to smoke out LGBTQ people.  That being said...  Worth keeping in mind that you never want to get crosswise with a national.  There are effectively two justice systems in the country, one for nationals and one for expats, and no authority there will ever side with an expat over a national.  Just not gonna happen.

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There is a great deal of hypocrisy in the Arab world regarding sexual activity especially when you have money.

The upper classes and luxury tourists are disregarded by the morality police.

I remember hiring a well respected tourist guide in Morocco years ago, who told me that the policy was "One Eye Open and One Eye SHUT"  Then went on to explain that he could get me ANYTHING I WANTED...and that his best customers Dolce and Gabanna always go to him for their "entertainment" when in town.  I didn't take him up on his offer for drugs and prostitution, but it always struck me as peculiar. When I was in Istanbul, I ran across many handsome young men hanging out at night. The thoughts of encountering some of these same fellows at the sauna definitely crossed my mind, but it also sticks in my head that the morality rules CAN be enforced suddenly and at the drop of a hat when the local politician is running for office. So I have a NO risk policy for myself when traveling in Muslim countries. I don't care how many people "got away with it" before me. I'm not taking the risk.


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