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Who is punching the time card?

Guest stretch
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Guest stretch

I have been hiring escorts when I travel for a number of years, but I recently had an experience that I would like some feedback on from another escort. I have always assumed that when I hire an escort, that unless I ask for an extended period of time, or if more time is negotiated during a session, that an hour is the customary time period. This has always been my experience. I have had escorts that stayed longer than an hour just chatting and enjoying having an intelligent converation with another human being. None of them have asked for more than the hour rate, but I typically tip 10% to 50% depending upon the quality of the service. I have read elsewhere here that you shouldn't tip an escort, but that's another subject. When I returned home from my last trip, there was an e-mail from an escort that I had hired while away, asking if I realized that he had spent 2 and 1/2 hours with me and I had only paid him for 90 minutes. This was an escort I had used in the past and also wrote a favorable review for on the site. I replied that I honestly did not realize that he was there that long, and that I just assumed that he stayed longer because he was enjoying my company and was paying no attention to the time. I have never felt that it was my responsibility to watch the clock or tell an escort when their time is up. I don't think Emily Post ever gave advice in this area, but I would consider myself rude to do so. On the other hand, the escort is in charge of his own time, and should feel free to glance at the clock and politely excuse themselves when the hour or agreed upon time has passed. Having said this, I said if he still felt that I owed him more money,let me know. His reply, " I did stay the additional time and did enjoy your company. I do not watch the clock but assume that when the time has come for me to go, that my clients be responsible for the time that I was there". He also included an address to which I should send the additional funds. Being an honest man, I mailed him a money order this week. Any advice or comments would be appreciated.

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I'd say it depends upon what you had agreed on beforehand and the relationship you have with the escort in question.


If you agree to meet an escort for an hour and to pay him a certain fee for that meeting, then you should feel a responsibility to live up to your end of the bargain (assuming that things go well). If you choose to add a tip to the agreed-upon fee, that's generous of you and a nice gesture.


For his part, the escort should also live up to what he agreed to: to show up, presumably on time, and to spend the agreed-upon time in a manner satisfactory to both of you.


What you haven't done in this case is allow the escort to arbitrarily decide to make more money by spending more time with you. If you are going to spend something like $200 per hour for fun, you should be the person who is making that decision.


If, at the end of the agreed-upon time, the escort had told you that your time together was about over and asked if you wanted to extend it, that would have been different. In that case, you would have understood that you were being asked to make a decision about whether you wanted to spend more money or not and you could have chosen how you wanted to proceed. Or, if you had agreed ahead of time that you would compensate him at some agreed-upon rate per hour for whatever time you spent together, then clearly you would have understood that more time together would result in a higher fee.


None of that seems to have happened here. Instead, the escort chose to stay longer and expected to be paid for the entire time, without confirming that with you.


That leads to a couple of possibilities:


1) You do what you did, which was to sort of bite your tongue and just agree to pay the additional fee.


2) You explain to him that you expected to pay the agreed-upon fee and did so, and even added a tip. You felt you were being generous and don't feel any responsibility for paying for extra time that he voluntarily chose to spend with you.


If you expect to see this guy again, you were probably right to do what you did. But if an escort chose this course of action with me, I don't think I'd choose to see him again.


Unless there was some really huge misunderstanding here, or unless the escort is really young, naive and inexperienced, it would feel too much to me like I was being taken advantage of.



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Ultimately, I believe it is the escort's responsibility to be aware of the time. Unless a client has told me differently, an hour is usual length of the appointment.


I think it was more than generous of you to send him the $$$. I don't know how many times you've seen him or if all your appts. with him were 90 min. appts., but still he could have said something like, "It's about time for me to go, unless you'd like me to stay longer". I suppose in order to avoid this situation in the future, you can specify that you're hiring for an hour, 90 mins or whatever.


Do you think you'll hire him again after this or has this episode soured you on this particular escort?




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I know you posted this for escort responses and hope you don't mind another client adding to the discussion. First, I think the escort could have handled things better. Sounds to me that he doesn't much care for your business and could use some suggestions on how to interact with people.


Second, there's something that I do to try and eliminate problems like this. I usually set an alarm on my watch or Palm Pilot to go off approximately 15 minutes before the session *should* end. (I assume the escorts show up on time and they usually do.) The alarms are usually fairly quiet and not a blaring distraction.


When the alarm sounds I mention that we've got a few minutes before the session ends and asks if he wants to start winding down or take a shower. I also tell him he's more than willing to stay longer if it's off-the-clock. Most of the guys respond with something like:


"Thanks for the reminder but I'm not in a big hurry."

"We've still got some time left - don't worry about it."

"Would you like to join me in the shower."


I don't normally hire for less than two hours and most sessions go beyond that time. But, it's the choice of the escort to extend the session and I've never had anyone tell me I've owed them more money.


The alarm suggestion is really something I started doing after reading a post a couple years ago from an escort. The thread dealt with how to end the session and this escort said that he set his watch alarm for 30 minutes AFTER the session should end. I believe he said that he was willing to spend an extra 30 minutes but wanted to make sure the client knew the time was up. I think he indicated he said something like, "If you'd like me to stay a little longer that's not a problem. Would you like this session to be longer then ___ hour(s)?"

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I agree with the others that the escort is the one who should be monitoring the time if overstaying is going to be an issue for him. I'll frequently overstay my appointments, but I'm always aware that that's my choice, and I take the responsibility for that. A tip is a nice acknowledgement for this kind of thing, but isn't necessary or expected unless the client is the one who has asked to extend the appointment.


The way your escort handled the situation is tacky more than anything else, and while this is a gray area it wasn't fair to approach you like this after the fact. Maybe he got home to find a pile of bills and was looking for extra cash wherever he could find it. But if he really had a problem, he could have checked his watch as he got dressed and said something along the lines of "wow, I had no idea it got this late" to acknowledge the amount of time together, but even that's pretty passive. If this really was an issue for him he should have said so right then and there, or as others have said made the terms clear beforehand.

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As a client, I most often only hire for an hour, particularly with a new escort that I don't know. When this is the case, then I start to wrap things up after about 50 minutes (I keep a clock close at hand). There have been times when we went way over the hour and if nothing has been said in the "heat of the moment"}( then I will usually include a generous tip (around $50). I have hired over 500 escorts easily in more than 20 years and never had one ask for more money. It's the hustlers I've hired that almost always ask for more. I make a distinction between the two. The hustlers I've picked up in bars or parks and they just live by a different code of ethics (LOL). If an escort tried to get more money out of me after we had agreed on a set price, I would classify him as a hustler, no matter what he called himself. That's just my take on things.:o

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>I have been hiring escorts when I travel for a number of

>years, but I recently had an experience that I would like some

>feedback on from another escort. I have always assumed that

>when I hire an escort, that unless I ask for an extended

>period of time, or if more time is negotiated during a

>session, that an hour is the customary time period.


> Any advice or comments would be appreciated.



I agree with you, for the most part. If a client has not specifically asked for an extended meeting, then I assume that he is looking to meet for around an hour. So, if we have concluded most of our "fun" activities by that time, then I will probably begin to make my way toward the door.


However, it can get a little sticky with clients who have not specified how long they want to meet, and after an hour, it is clear that they are looking for more. Most of the time, I try to tactfully ask how long he was looking to meet, just to make sure we are both on the same page. But, as many clients here in the message board have mentioned before, I don't want to spoil the mood. So, there have been times when I just went with the flow and hoped that the client was aware of the time and would compensate me appropriately.


If, in the end, we spent more than an hour together and I only received payment for an hour, then I would chalk it up to my not being specific enough about the length of the meeting and I would probably not ask for more money. Unless, of course, I felt as though the client ran over on purpose just to try to take advantage of my good nature.


So, according to your story, it seems like the main part of your session was over with the escort and he was just hanging around making small talk. This can be fun, but I think both parties need to be aware of the other's expectations at this point so that the client knows whether the escort is expecting to get paid for this and the escort knows whether the client is expecting to pay for his extra time. It all comes down to communication and expectations.



Aaron Scott DC



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LOL! It seems P.T. Barnum was an astute observer of human nature. There is indeed one born every minute! And, imo, you are one of them!, if your words represent the correct scenario.


Why would you send a money order to this person? Hey, you have long left the scene and as such are under no imminent physical duress to provide more than agreed upon.


We only have your statements as to what transpired, and assuming that it is a true representation of what was agreed upon/occurred, then you were hustled and in turn, you were the epitome of the meaning of the words "door mat".


Call me a cynic, but it seems that there is more to this scenario than what you have provided here. If not, then why did you proceed in the actions as cited here? I would love to hear the escort's version of this tale. :(

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Guest stretch

Jeff, I don't know if I will hire this particular escort again, although his services in the past have been quite satisfactory. I did tell him in my reply that if I used his services in the future, the length of the session would be very clear at the time the appt. was made.

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Guest stretch

VaHawk, I intend to forward a link to this particular escort so that he can read the responses and have an opportunity to respond. If he felt that I owed him for his additional time, then it is on his conscience, not mine. If there was a debt, it is now paid. I just wanted feedback as to how to handle the "timekeeper" issue. And the scenario was just as I stated, and was pretty much word for word as to the content of our e-mails

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Please accept my apologies, as I wasn't trying to doubt/denigrate you in any way. I know that may not be what my caustic words conveyed, but I respect you and just tried to state that you should respect yourself for just being you, as that is all that is required. Thank you for posting and I hope you get the responses that you deserve to hear.

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Guest houseboy

>His reply, " I did stay the

>additional time and did enjoy your company. I do not watch the

>clock but assume that when the time has come for me to go,

>that my clients be responsible for the time that I was there".


Whenever I read (or hear) escort stories like that, there is only one word that comes to mind: "unprofessional".


Sean Lespagnol

Chicago, IL



"Big and tasty - every day!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, as I don’t make it a habit of posting I do admit that I have been drinking quite enjoyably and just getting in at 513 in the morning...other than eating chips and dip and watching cartoons; making a quick note seems very attractive at the moment.


I have had evenings with gentlemen who I have found quite interesting and a pleasure to be amongst. I must state that I am no clock watcher, it's no fun for either party when time is the primary focus, hour appts have turned into two, two to overnights. However, I do recall one evening where a mate invited me over which I expected to be an hour or so, this guy wanted me to show up in dirty gym clothes to say the least, but it was a truly enjoyable hour. However, all we did in this hour was share about 2 glasses of champagne and chat. Should I as an escort, enforced sex before the hour was up? I didn’t think so...anyhow the hour turned into an evening, needless to say at the redundant request of the client. Even made me late to a class the next morning, which I am sure I did indeed informed him that I needed to attend...cant watch the clock closely when you are asleep. When I eventually gave him enough reason to let me go home contradictory to his request, he politely gave me my fee for an hour. hmmm...I smiled accepted the gift, stopped at McDonalds on the way home for some breakfast and decided to myself that I wouldn’t care to me this client again.


It's not that escorts are only interested in clients for the money; however there are many a clients who seriously take this for granted. Now, as I would never ask a client for more money than he is willing to offer, my test in his character, I expect him to do what is of a gentleman and don’t keep an escort longer than you expect to hire him.




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