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Questions From A Nervous Client....

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Greetings...I've had two decent meetings with escorts over the last couple years or so. However, both times I was very, very nervous, primarily because of the legal aspects (visions of the local PD busting down the door). I wrote in to this forum a year ago and got very reassuring advice. Now I have more questions: How do escorts know they're not getting into a dicey situation when showing at a hotel room? Is there really a need for the escort to worry about getting busted, or are arrests exceedingly rare? Like on TV's "Cops", are police stings only the type with undercover cops posing as "johns" and cameras/mics in the room, etc?....Can a client feel entirely safe by using this site, emailing well-regarded escorts, and going from there in a discrete manner (avoiding the classic "how much for a blowjob"-type questions)?...in summary, why do you think I'm nervous and how does the escort take care of his worries about the meet? Thanks a whole lot for your help and answers...great site here

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My advice~


Much like when dealing with STD's, you've got to remember that NOTHING is definite and you're always taking a calculated risk.


Now, the likelihood of enjoying some mutual time with an escort while the film-team of COPS busts down your door, cuffing you and embarasses your kin for years to come is unlikely. I've had friends who have had the unfortunate pleasure of being busted by their vice squad. It does still happen, although most PD's have much more important things to handle other than focus both money & effort into catching a small potatoes gay escort. In most cases that i've seen escorts arrested, it could have been easily avoided by simple critical thought and resisting an obviously stupid situation for the all mighty dollar. Greed blurs intelligent thought.


Granted, it's been rare that i've seen the fliside of this... When the PD goes after the 'client' instead. My advice would be to simply do your homework. See escorts with consistant good reviews, try to privately contact people here on the MC who have obviously seen the escort you're interested in and ask them their opinion. Most importantly, contact the escort and be honest, up-front & open with your expectations, needs and concerns. Being nervous is naturally expected, so make sure to find a guy you're comfortable with and someone who won't intimidate, but facilitate ;)


This site is an excellent refference, both in reviews and this MC. Although it gets a little crazy sometime, stick to reading around and you'll learn more from these guys that you'd ever thought. We've got an amazing collection of intellect, escort knowlege and escorts who participate frequently. Knowlege is power.


Best wishes on your future escort endeavors.


Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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>How do escorts know they're not getting into a

>dicey situation when showing at a hotel room?


There is no way to know this for sure, ever. There are general guidelines that you can follow as an escort to TRY to have a heads up if you think you're in danger of being involved in a sting. Among them are not taking money up front, waiting for the client to undress first, making a quick survey of the room to see if the room "looks right." I'm sure there are plenty of other "tips" that other people use or have heard. Unfortunately, none of these are fail safe for anyone and as has been mentioned before cops never have to reveal who they are and I'm not even sure that they have to have evidence that you've answered a question like "how much is a blow job?" If they really want to sting everyone in an area it's probably as easy as looking up all the adds on here calling as a client, saying that they want to book an escort/massage appointment with you and busting you for at the very least massaging without a license.


Sometimes an escorts best aid is instinct. Calls and appointments can sometimes be called off just on a sense that something 'isn't right.' This feeling can indicate anything from a safety standpoint to possibly being arrested. I would never blame anyone for ending something (as long as they don't ask for payment as well) based on an ill defined but completely valid feeling of 'wrongness.' Even when all the other steps that I mentioned above are followed (which I mentioned before are probably just slightly better then useless if you actually walk into a sting) your gut feeling can be the only thing you have.


It can't possibly be a unique situation either that an escort will eventually be hired by a policeman, a member or the vice squad or a member of police administration who becomes close enough that he discretely lets the escort know not to take apptointments at certain hotels at certain times. In Denver the policemen I was hired by were able to offer assurances most of the time that in Denver it's more concerning to the leaders of the police force to "keep it off the street" as it were and there really haven't been that many stings for escorts/clients that don't work the streets and parks. There is however PLENTY of undercover officers that patrol Colfax avenue or Cheeseman park looking for people that are either willing to hire or sell sex. I don't know how much this has change since I stopped taking new clients however. Also, in Denver a sure way to be arrested/ticketed is to frequent the bookstores and video arcades and try to find sex there. In other cities I'm sure it just depends on what the local force prefers to do to with it's resources.


>Is there really

>a need for the escort to worry about getting busted,


Escorts need to constantly be cognizant that what they do for a living in is illegal despite weak arguments that we are (or were) hired for our time only. Any escort that gives only his time will very quickly be lambasted in reviews and his career in very short order will end.


>Can a client feel

>entirely safe by using this site, emailing well-regarded

>escorts, and going from there in a discrete manner (avoiding

>the classic "how much for a blowjob"-type questions)?


I would say that yes you can have a certain level of confidence if you hire a very well reviewed escort from this site. Contact him through email, talk to him and get a feel for him and then set a date. If I was a client I would be suspicious of new email addresses, un-reviewed escorts or anything that seemed amiss in this regard too, such as an escort insisting you tell him exactly what you want to do and how much you expect to pay for it. I'm not sure how specific police want you to get to be arrested though as thankfully I've never been involved in a sting. No matter how confident you ever are hiring an escort though you must keep in mind that you're breaking the law. Just as when you speed on the highway, you can do it with a certain amount of bravado and you can increase your chances of not getting caught


>summary, why do you think I'm nervous and how does the escort

>take care of his worries about the meet?


I think it's probably obvious or it seems to me to be that you have a lot to lose by being arrested and being exposed as a 'john.' In Denver they go so far as to post pictures of those arrested for hiring prostitutes on the internet and on public access TV called, very tastefully, "John TV." I'm sure your fear of being exposed and putting your career and family life (if there is one you're protecting) at risk is reasonable.

Gio in Denver


"Never Argue with a Fool---Those around you may not notice the Difference"

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You Have Questions - We Have Answers


There are a couple of threads you might want to look at that respond to your concerns and questions; one is:




As I point out in response five, a lot of the concern on both the part of the client and the escort has to do with the location either or both of you are in. While no longer as frequent, prosecution still happens for variants of gay sexuality, including sex with minors, as well as for "unnatural" sex acts, in certain jurisdictions whereas it is non-existent in others. In Los Angeles, for example, there are district stations where the vice squads will prosecute for prostitution, as as Gio indicated, sometimes clients are targeted as well. Some are these are for streetwalkers (both females targeting heterosexuals and underage males targeting gay men), but some are in other areas. To find out if you should be concerned, you need to determine what the situation might be in your hometown or in any other area you might hire.


This thread has some good advice and thoughts, primarily from clients, about the entire entrapment risk factor issue (unfortunately, you will also need to work your way through a number of the usual personal attacks, off topic comments and hyperbole):




There was one other thread, dealing with the issue of the "time for money" premise providing a legitimate defense or being simply a legal figleaf, which I recalled also provided some good advice and thoughts, unfortunately after a number of searches, I could not locate it, so perhaps someone else can.


As for your summary question, can you ever feel totally safe? I do not think so and I am not sure you would want to, frankly. It is that concern, no matter how minimal, that will lead your instincts to believe a particular situation is not good and would advise you to walk away or ask the person to leave.


There are always some simple clues: it is extremely unlikely that a cop would be able to post photographs of his face with nudity on the web. It is also highly unlikely that an escort with repeated, numerous reviews would be a cop. It is highly unlikely that an escort would be able to excute a legally defensible and prosecuteable sting in your home, and possibly unlikely that this could be accomplished in his home. Cops will also not use expensive four star hotels, advertise in newspapers, etc. Of course, as a number of clients have pointed out that it is possible that an escort would, as part of an agreement, cooperate with prosecutors or police in a sting. This is a reason why jurisdiction and location is an important issue for you to consider.


In short, yes, you are on the right path, but no, there is no "sure thing."

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RE: You Have Questions - We Have Answers


>There was one other thread, dealing with the issue of the

>"time for money" premise providing a legitimate defense or

>being simply a legal figleaf


Here it is, Franco.





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RE: You Have Questions - We Have Answers


>Cops will also not ...advertise in newspapers, etc.


I don't know about elsewhere in the country, but I know for a fact that the vice-squad does run ads in local papers here in Columbus (Columbus Dispatch, Alive, The Other Paper) posing as escorts.

They've also posed as escorts online (AOL chatrooms)and placed ads on escort sites.




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RE: You Have Questions - We Have Answers


like anything in life...you can never be 100% sure. That said, you lessen your chances by using this site and going with escorts that are well known.


The chances of a well known escort suddenly becoming an undercover cop is unlikely, although you can still ask him to frisk you ;-)


Still always stay on guard and do what is suggested in other posts. You can never be too safe (as long as its not paranoia--although it is only paranoia until your suspicions are confirmed).


I wish you continued luck in your escort exploits. :9

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The posts by giovoni and Franco are both pretty reasonable. I've been involved in a number of discussions on this site on the subject of entrapment, always in an attempt to make one simple point that seems to elude a lot of people: a situation in which a policeman arrests you after posing as an escort or a client is NOT, in the legal sense, entrapment. The garden variety sting operation in which the cop poses as a buyer or seller of some illegal item or service in order to arrest the person on the other side of the transaction is perfectly legal.


I don't think anyone on this site has summed up the situation as succinctly as deej once did. As he put it, if safety is a concern, you shouldn't be hiring.

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The posts by giovoni and Franco are both pretty reasonable. I've been involved in a number of discussions on this site on the subject of entrapment, always in an attempt to make one simple point that seems to elude a lot of people: a situation in which a policeman arrests you after posing as an escort or a client is NOT, in the legal sense, entrapment. The garden variety sting operation in which the cop poses as a buyer or seller of some illegal item or service in order to arrest the person on the other side of the transaction is perfectly legal.


I don't think anyone on this site has summed up the situation as succinctly as deej once did. As he put it, if safety is a concern, you shouldn't be hiring.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest drummer

I'm an infrequent, fairly new client myself (and this is my first post here. . . "long time lurker, first time poster").


I just had a session with a guy in Indianapolis last night. I found him through one of the few agencies here. He seemed a bit uptight about the legal issues himself and a little surprised/irritated that the agency hadn't gone over the scenario with me.


What they do--and what I understand some independent escorts in this area are doing--is to set the whole thing up as a massage appointment.


Following the advice I've read on this site, I had the fee in cash out in view. The cute young man told me we would have a massage, and when that was done he would take the money, and then after that if anything "happened" it was purely voluntary. I could be nude or clothed for the massage; he would be wear his jockstrap or be nude if I requested. During the massage I was not to touch him. So he gave me what was actually a very good massage for about 30 minutes. (I could have cut the massage shorter if I had wanted, but it felt great.) Once the massage was over, he took the money and put it in his pants. Then he said something to the effect that our business was completed and I agreed. Then he got in bed with me and we had an OK session which was not what I had hoped for but still enjoyable.


When we were done and he was getting dressed we had a nice talk. He is in nursing school and said he works part time as a sherrif dpt. deputy! So I thought no wonder he seemed a bit uptight.


Anyway, any legal eagles have an opinion on this scenario in which there is first a massage, then both parties agree the for-pay session is over, then the real fun happens?

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RE: You Have Questions - We Have Answers


>I don't know about elsewhere in the country, but I know for a

>fact that the vice-squad does run ads in local papers here in

>Columbus (Columbus Dispatch, Alive, The Other Paper) posing as



>They've also posed as escorts online (AOL chatrooms)and placed

>ads on escort sites.


While I agree the safest way (short of going to Amsterdam :9) is probably hiring a well-reviewed 'board' escort, might the cops try using somebody they've busted's pager for a couple extra busts, or is that just something I saw on TV at some point?

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>Following the advice I've read on this site, I had the fee in

>cash out in view. The cute young man told me we would have a

>massage, and when that was done he would take the money, and

>then after that if anything "happened" it was purely

>voluntary. I could be nude or clothed for the massage; he

>would be wear his jockstrap or be nude if I requested. During

>the massage I was not to touch him. So he gave me what was

>actually a very good massage for about 30 minutes. (I could

>have cut the massage shorter if I had wanted, but it felt

>great.) Once the massage was over, he took the money and put

>it in his pants. Then he said something to the effect that

>our business was completed and I agreed. Then he got in bed

>with me and we had an OK session which was not what I had

>hoped for but still enjoyable.


>When we were done and he was getting dressed we had a nice

>talk. He is in nursing school and said he works part time as

>a sherrif dpt. deputy! So I thought no wonder he seemed a bit



>Anyway, any legal eagles have an opinion on this scenario in

>which there is first a massage, then both parties agree the

>for-pay session is over, then the real fun happens?



If he doesn't actually have his massage certification/license, then he can get into even more trouble for giving a massage for pay than he can for being an escort. I wonder if he is aware of that?



Aaron Scott DC



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