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Reviews statement "Not a clock watcher"

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I have read over numerous reviews where clients state as a plus for the escort as "truly not a clock watcher." Can someone explain the meaning of this term? The logic behind this term, as if its a compliment? I work by appointment only, meaning that I sometimes have another client after one session is over w/ 30 minute break between the two, In my sessions its not my responsibility to watch the clock but if the session is 1 hour, then I feel the client should be considerate to wrap it up in the time allotted. I have never ran into a problem but once where the client stayed 20 minutes over the 1 hour session. I didn't say anything being that I didn't have another appointment after that. But what if I did? My friend that is an escort he tells his clients that he does not watch the clock its their responsibility to do so an if they go overtime be prepared to pay for the extra time. I just don't see how clients feel that its a compliment to say about an escorts session. Can you imagine your with a client who runs over 30 or 45 minutes an you next client calls (who's downstairs to get your condo unit number) you answer the phone tell them to hold on I am running a little behind? So the new client that's OnTime for their appointment suffers:)

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RE: Reviews statement


> In my sessions its not my responsibility to watch the clock but if the session is

>1 hour, then I feel the client should be considerate to wrap

>it up in the time allotted.


I can't think of any timed transaction where the customer is expected to keep track of the time. Perhaps there are some, but they aren't coming to mind right now. I'm not really sure of your reasoning that it's the client's job to watch time, but they're there for many reasons (sex, companionship, intimacy, etc.)--not to keep track of the business transaction.


Keeping track of time in a sexual encounter is distracting, so say the least, but since it's the client's money, they are the ones who deserve to avoid that distraction. The most successful escorts are those who realize they're running a business and treat their clients accordingly (while making sure that the encounter doesn't feel like a business deal).


Since what you're selling natuarally involves intimacy at whatever level, it may be difficult to maintain that and still keep track of the business side of the job at the same time, it's your job to do so. You can either time the session or go with the flow--but it's up to you do decide, not the client.


Think of renting a movie from the local "DVD Emporium" or "Movies To GO". You rent a movie that's due back in 48 hours. If you keep it 60 hours, "DVD Emorium" may let you slide on paying an overcharge, but "Movies To Go" will stick to the agreement and charge the extra. They're watching the clock, which they're certainly entitled to do. Yes, it is the movie renter's repsonsibility to return the movie promptly and if he's late doing so, he should expect to pay extra. But it's the business who decides whether to give the client a break. That basically is what is meant when someone says "He's not a clock watcher." He's giving the client a break. You can bet that will be remembered and when that client is looking for another "date" you can be sure he'll remember who watched the clock and who didn't. That's why it is a compliment.


Please don't consider this as criticism or anything more than an answer to your question. I'm sure some will disagree, but I think my response is basic business and if your policy is otherwise, it would be best to advise customers of that in advance.

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A Watched Clock Never Boils


This has been discussed in depth in a number of threads.


One of the consensus agreed with the clients here, but as some of the clients here indicated, it is a question of how situations are handle. While I do not pretend to tell you (or anyone else how to run their business), I think I would allow a little more than half an hour between appointments, where possible, unless you are talking about body work.


Another consensus thought mentioned by clients in a number of threads is that clients not be wallet watchers; that they both recognize and appreciate when extra time was given without charge and that they also not abuse this. If a client went over time (as has frequently been the case), I have been perfectly fine with this, from a one hour session turning into two hours to a 12 hour overnight turning into 19 hours. However, if the same client hired me repeatedly and expected this, I would gently mentioning this simply because I feel it shows a lack of respect. I often do not eat, for example, until after I see a client, so I do not really want to find myself hungry simply because a client is not being considerate.

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RE: Reviews statement


>I have read over numerous reviews where clients state as a

>plus for the escort as "truly not a clock watcher." Can

>someone explain the meaning of this term?


It means that you don't look at the clock over and over or say out loud, "You have 15 mins., 10 mins., 5 mins., left". Most of my appts. are by the hour also and I believe it IS the escort's responsibility to be aware of the time, even if the client is not. I guess at this point, after nearly 13 years of escorting, I've developed an internal clock, so I'm aware of the time. One way to help you keep track is to put on a CD or porn DVD/video of which you know the approx. running time.


>The logic behind

>this term, as if its a compliment?


I think it is a compliment.


>I work by appointment only,

>meaning that I sometimes have another client after one session

>is over w/ 30 minute break between the two.


As I ease into retirement from escorting, I rarely ever see more than one client a day. But, when I did, I never scheduled appointments less than an hour apart. 1/2 hour is cutting it a bit close.


>In my sessions its

>not my responsibility to watch the clock but if the session is

>1 hour, then I feel the client should be considerate to wrap

>it up in the time allotted.


Well, I think it's both the escort's and the client's responsibility.

Most of my clients have been mindful of time constraints and most 1 hour appts. are wrapped up in 1 1/2 hours or less. You can politely remind a client of the time limit without making them feel rushed.


>My friend

>that is an escort he tells his clients that he does not watch

>the clock it's their responsibility to do so an if they go

>overtime be prepared to pay for the extra time.


He sounds a bit too rigid for me and I wouldn't doubt that this has discouraged clients from hiring him again. I'd pay less attention to your "friend" regarding his business policies. You can learn alot from your reviews and from escorts/clients on this site.


>I just don't

>see how clients feel that its a compliment to say about an

>escorts session. Can you imagine your with a client who runs

>over 30 or 45 minutes an you next client calls (who's

>downstairs to get your condo unit number) you answer the phone

>tell them to hold on I am running a little behind? So the new

>client that's OnTime for their appointment suffers:)


Sounds like this would be your problem for scheduling clients too closely together and not knowing how to tactfully "move the show along", so to speak.

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RE: Reviews statement


As a client and a reviewer here, I can say that escorts who do not "watch the clock" is definitely preferred over those who do. Without repeating what others have already told you (and I agree with Franco and JeffOH entirely), the nature of the business makes the timing somewhat "fluid" (no pun intended) . If you were in the middle of a hot fuck with a client and the hour is up, are you going to stop right then and there, pull out, and not continue until the client agrees to pay or worse yet, tell him you've got someone else coming in 1/2 hr and he should just get dress and leave??!!


I have hired both clock-watchers (unfortunately) and non clock-watchers. One (very famous/well-reviewed here) made sure I was out the door in exactly one hour, not a minute more (to his credit, his initial email did list a rate for each 15 minutes overtime!!!) He didn't get a review from me, as the experience was okay, but the overt clock-watching definitely diminshed the overall quality. Another escort (with a long track record of glowing reviews for obvious reasons) spent almost 3 hrs with me on a 2-hr call during our initial appointment, and that's why (besides being a super great guy and damn sexy one too) I'm flying him in for our 2nd extended date in less than a year (and I can't wait!):-) :D }(

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RE: Reviews statement


An escort I met about 3 years ago spent 2 hours here on a 1 hour

appointment. We hit it off and had things in common. Since then I've

easily seen him 40 times and recently we spent 8 days together on a

beach while New York froze. He's a great traveling companion.


I have two clocks in easy view so that an escort can gauge time. A good escort knows that there is a beginning, middle and end

to the experience and can orchestrate the hour.


If, with a guy I see frequently, we run a little under an hour that's

not a problem either. Like Franco I don't like sex on a full stomach,

so often I'm starving and happy to wave goodbye.


"Not a clockwatcher" is really an investment in building a reliable

client base that will call you again and again.

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RE: Reviews statement


The fella I hire with the most frequency these days is so free with his time that I that I keep track of the time so as not overburden his schedule.Granted that I have been very kind to this wonderful guy and give a little extra when I can.The fact that I feel more like a friend than a john to this guy makes his number the first I call when the mood hits.I have always prefered this arangement with guys but in LA a lot of the guys are so short sighted that finding a compatible young man is difficult.

I have had such relationships with fellas I used to meet at Hunters-gosh I miss that place.

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RE: A Watched Clock Never Boils


I aggree an thank you for advice.. Me will schedule clients more than 30 minutes apart. I also do bodywork too which was one part of the reasoning for scheduling 30 minutes between appointments. My girlfriend who is also an escort too. She basically says from her reviews that if client says your not a clock watcher is basically saying your not rushing them or feel rushed. Which I never had that problem anyways I have never told my client you have "so so minutes left". However I aggree with Franco that to stay overtime with an escort over an over then its also inconsiderate to the escort. My girlfriend says its just another way for the client saying "you did not rush the session, or feel like you were putting them out". They get the same compliment in there reviews on Eroticreviews.com and Biggdoggy.com. Thanks for clearing that up you guys.. :-) :-)

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RE: Reviews statement


I'm kinda like Big Guy on this one -- I'm the clock watcher. I don't book for less than 2 hours and I'm starting now to expand that to 3 hours. The guys I've hired have been very generous with their time. But I feel guilty if our 2 hour sessions become 2-1/2 hours. It's not fair to the escorts.


I normally pre-program my PDA to sound a quiet alarm near the end of the session. That signals me to start winding things down and make sure there's time for a shower. After the alarm, if the escort chooses to extend the session, I don't feel guilty because it's now their choice.

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RE: Reviews statement


The idea of not rusghing the client and the escort begining to build a sense of time is important. As a bodyworker, I try to keep an eye on time so that I'm working each body part equally. But for escort calls, its another matter and its about ensuring the client has the experience they want. I do though have one regular client who frequently asks "Is my time up yet?" and I try to assure him that no, it's not, so just relax and have fun.

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RE: Clock Watcher


Ricky, to me a "clock watcher" is a very different thing. After the escort has been tied securely to the bed, I find every possible ticklish spot on his beautiful, musclebound body. Having found his most vulnerable areas, I will place my digital clock directly in front of his face, on his chest.

Then I tell him, " I am going to tickle your armpits (or, wherever) for the next (two) minutes non-stop. you must tell me when the time limit is reached. If you lie we will continue on for double the time."

I LOVE playing "Clock Watcher"!


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