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Dates next to travel cities. "Near travel" locations. Why must it all be a challenge?


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This has been a continuous persistent problem since the beginning of the ancient era of rentboy. Client requests to meet at a hotel downtown. I find out last minute when I arrive, he meant a hotel downtown at a different city! Oh joy! Argues that my ad pops up when he searches that given city, so its not his fault. Okay, did you look at the ad? Did you look at dates next to the cities? Near travel? Do you know what it means? Home location, is that confusing to understand? Are these really difficult concepts to grasp? Why are you blaming the rentmen website or me for you being lazy and carelessly looking over such details on an ad? Or you not being able to comprehend "near travel" or "home location"? Now you've wasted both our time. This shouldn't be difficult. Scheduling an appointment with an escort shouldn't be difficult! For the love of god, why is this hard? It seems like every day I have to explain what "near travel" and "home location" mean. Is it also really that difficult to read the dates next to travel cities? Is there any solution to this besides having to remind every client which city you are in at a given moment prior to meeting? It's quite a hassle. 

Edited by rn901
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It’s the burden of the providers who pay for gold/platinum. It automatically shows you as available in all of the locations in your profile ahead of truly available now local listing w/basic - maybe you can change that setting? Change wording in ABOUT ME to include real location sched? Default formatting makes it hard to tell even reading a couple times on many of them. Also depends on your GPS settings and last login…

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2 hours ago, rn901 said:

This has been a continuous persistent problem since the beginning of the ancient era of rentboy. Client requests to meet at a hotel downtown. I find out last minute when I arrive, he meant a hotel downtown at a different city! Oh joy! Argues that my ad pops up when he searches that given city, so its not his fault. 

That should never happen. This goes back to the other thread I posted in. That’s exactly why I have an initial questionnaire, and I meant to say: Always ask what city they are in because majority of time I realize their area code could be from anywhere. It should be something like this:

Hi and welcome, I’m (name). For your 1st contact, please include some more details so I can best accommodate your desire:  


City You’re In:

Website Seen On:

Yours or My place:

This here atleast covers the bases. You shouldn’t be trekking to any hotel until first confirming they are actually in the same city. A “Westin downtown” isn’t even enough info to leave the house for. I need a specific address. 

It is exhausting to answer these questions, but I’ll ask them all day long versus finding out en route that they are inquiring about a travel city.

As for clients not reading ads to know what city you’re in, that is frustrating and I find it to be most common on RentMasseur versus RentMen because the way it shows ads in the homepage “grid” versus RentMen, where you have to physically move your location to get visibility on whatever cities home page grid.

This is sometimes where removing my number or saying “not available” comes in hand. I already know my home market is usually dead, so at times I’ll run my ad in a future or inspiring city with “not available” or no phone number. Sometimes I just want people to look at the ad, and get to know me. Some clients see an ad and get so eager, they assume I am in 5 cities at once.

I think RM needs to give every client a tutorial about how to use the site. It’s harder to advertise in travel cities these days because everybody thinks just because my ad is there, that I’m also there.

No. Ask me, don’t assume. And be willing to plan. 

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1 hour ago, jeezifonly said:

It’s the burden of the providers who pay for gold/platinum. It automatically shows you as available in all of the locations in your profile ahead of truly available now local listing w/basic - maybe you can change that setting? Change wording in ABOUT ME to include real location sched? Default formatting makes it hard to tell even reading a couple times on many of them. Also depends on your GPS settings and last login…

I wouldn't change that setting because there are clients competent enough to read the dates next to the cities and who are courteous enough to schedule in advance prior to me coming to that city. All of which makes a smooth planning of things for some of my best encounters. It is overall beneficial for clients to see what cities I'm traveling to prior to me getting there. Unfortunately, not all clients are competent or courteous. 

Our About Me has a small limit of characters that we can type. There's not enough room to repeat information that is already provided elsewhere on the ad. GPS settings show which city I am in and yet they don't even bother to look at that either and still think I'm in their city. So, this information is already provided twice with travel dates and with my GPS location, yet they don't bother reading either and still get confused. Having such information a third time on my ad probably would have little effect. Many clients don't read the About Me section anyways. I guess the only solution would be to set up an automatic questionnaire as suggested by Jarrod which sounds like a pain in the ass for both parties but less of a pain in the ass than me finding in route or after scheduling to meet that we're not even talking about the right city. 

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49 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

I think RM needs to give every client a tutorial about how to use the site. It’s harder to advertise in travel cities these days because everybody thinks just because my ad is there, that I’m also there.

No. Ask me, don’t assume. And be willing to plan. 

I think a tutorial video for clients is a fantastic idea. However, I guarantee even that won't eradicate the problem entirely. Some people are still going to continue to be lazy, dumb or both. In the words of Ron White "You can't fix stupid". A questionnaire seems like a hassle but getting that clarification out of the way early on is the only solution I see. But there are clients where getting any kind of information clarified or any plans established is like pulling teeth. Besides the social stigma of the work, clients being so incapable of scheduling an appointment is probably the most annoying aspect of the job. For many, they are able to do it with such ease and efficiency. For others, I have to bang my head against my desk. 

Edited by rn901
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6 hours ago, rn901 said:

This has been a continuous persistent problem since the beginning of the ancient era of rentboy. Client requests to meet at a hotel downtown. I find out last minute when I arrive, he meant a hotel downtown at a different city! Oh joy! Argues that my ad pops up when he searches that given city, so its not his fault. Okay, did you look at the ad? Did you look at dates next to the cities? Near travel? Do you know what it means? Home location, is that confusing to understand? Are these really difficult concepts to grasp? Why are you blaming the rentmen website or me for you being lazy and carelessly looking over such details on an ad? Or you not being able to comprehend "near travel" or "home location"? Now you've wasted both our time. This shouldn't be difficult. Scheduling an appointment with an escort shouldn't be difficult! For the love of god, why is this hard? It seems like every day I have to explain what "near travel" and "home location" mean. Is it also really that difficult to read the dates next to travel cities? Is there any solution to this besides having to remind every client which city you are in at a given moment prior to meeting? It's quite a hassle. 

Some people are dopes. I wonder on their reading comprehension or if they ever even went to school.

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8 hours ago, Becket said:

The hubris herein is breathtaking, IMHO. But that's just me: a lazy, dumb wannabe client.

No, hubris would be blaming the rentmen website or the provider for one's inability or unwillingness to pay attention to the most basic of details on an ad... that's listed not once but twice for you. You deserve crappy escorts who show up two hours late or who can't get it up if you're that level of arrogant. It is completely deserved for yes lazy, dumb behavior/attitude. Why? Because other clients who are capable of scheduling appointments with ease and efficiency like a sane minimally competent adult are the ones who get the time of better-quality escorts. That's just how it works buddy. But we can continue to wonder otherwise in our online bubble of circularly enabled aggrievement as to why we continue to get bad experiences with other providers. What. A. Joke.

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