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Stand By Fares

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Thanks, axe, you are really adding to the entertainment value of this thread. Oren is DeCeBoy? So fucking what! How many handles have you had here? I know of at least three: nhlnbaguy, ad rian and axehabia, and I've been coming here just a little over 1 year. That said, the rest of this rave is not directed at you personally.


As such, I know nothing of the history that transpired before (btw: don't tell me because I really don't care to know), but I see no purpose in those trying to out Oren as DeCeBoy and/or vice-versa. Everyone has the right to separate their professional life from their personal life, as I'd be willing to bet we all do.


Since you were all around back then, my only conclusion would be that those doing so are trying to harm this guy's professional business - why? only they can answer that.

All of DeCeBoy's posts have to do with his life as an escort and are geared to potential clientele.


If he is indeed Oren - and I love the way that he refuses to subjugate himself to your demands for acknowledgement as such - so what? I'm sure that his pro-Zionist opinions are a turnoff to some, so that must be why you are so adamant to exposing his other persona so that you can dissuade those interestd in hiring DeCeBoy, as after all he is that Zionist Oren.


As I said I don't know the facts, but I will say that, imo, someone's political beliefs would never dissuade me from engaging him as an escort. I believe we're all capable of separating our professional lives from our personal lives, and to not extend this same courtesy to an escort is a disservice to that escort's livelihood, and a disparagement against your own moral character as a human being.


If you want to attack Oren on his politics, then do so in the appropriate forum. If Oren wants to post here as DeCeBoy also (not saying this is the truth) to make himself known to the clientele, then grant him the courtesy of doing so, as if this is the case, he is only being a true professional by not letting his personal life interfere with his professional life.

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thanks for your kind (and logical) words, hawk. i appreciate them. i'd like to add, though, a few words of my own. if someone doesn't like me--for whatever reason--that's fine. he can say whatever nasty things he might want to. but, unless he's hired me, he has no business disparaging me AS an escort. no one here has any right to try to harm my business. no one here has any right to try to impede my ability to earn the money that pays my rent, puts food on my table, and pays for school. if someone has a complaint about services rendered, by all means, contact me directly, or, write a review. however, the recent cowardly attacks on my website are beyond the pale of acceptability. BewareofNick maliciously created repeating events on the calendar function of my website with the words "tick tick tick" recently. given that this has been a mantra of his in this, his latest paranoid conspiracy obsession, even he doesn't deny these actions. someone else--either lucky or axebahia, i presume--has created events titled "my first fuck" and "request for igor" recently; the latter event repeating indefinitely. so, what's the harm? well, for one, they are using my bandwidth. for another, they're deliberately & unfairly harming my business. i don't go to BoN's office and plaster it with his incessant whining & pining for nick, do i? i don't rush to axe's overlords in Fatah and tell them of his homosexuality & escort hiring practices. if they did to a company what they've done to me, they could be investigated, prosecuted, and punished. as it is, i'm left with precious little option other than sucking it down, removing their cyber grafiti, and trying to minimise damage to my client pool. shame shame shame.

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>however, the recent cowardly

>attacks on my website are beyond the pale of acceptability.

>BewareofNick maliciously created repeating events on the

>calendar function of my website with the words "tick tick

>tick" recently. given that this has been a mantra of his in

>this, his latest paranoid conspiracy obsession, even he

>doesn't deny these actions. someone else--either lucky or

>axebahia, i presume--has created events titled "my first fuck"

>and "request for igor" recently; the latter event repeating

>indefinitely. so, what's the harm? well, for one, they are

>using my bandwidth. for another, they're deliberately &

>unfairly harming my business.


Don't humour yourself, Oren. I haven't never clicked on your web site. It is one thing for messages to be sent to sex tracker, quite another for them to be sent to the Mossad. That said, it seems to me that you have brought what ever problems you are now facing entirely by yourself, and as such, I have no sympathy for you. And if you manipulate the message board by having two separate identities simultaneosly then it hardly falls to you to bitch and scream when your own site is manipulated.


If you want to ply your trade here, fine, but that opens you up to legitimate critique for what you or your alter ego Ethan say or write. The same is true for any other escort. If you find that your marketing strategy is not working, the option rests with you to change it.




Hawk, to the best of my knowledge neither nhlnbaguy, ad rian nor axehabia ever posted here simultaneously, and I rather suspect that Ad Rian would happily return if permitted to do so, but that's just a hunch, I have no direct knowledge of that.

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again, your abject stupidity shows.

i've welcomed criticism.

i've welcomed reviews--positive or negative.

however, someone who has not hired me has no basis to comment on my services AS an escort. if he doesn't like what i have to say here, that is more than fine. i'm certainly sufficiently eloquent to engage in discussion.

nothing gives ANYONE a right to disrupt my website, though. nothing. i don't want to have to do it, but i will start tracing IP addresses if people continue to ABUSE my website.

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>however, someone who has not hired me has no basis to comment

>on my services AS an escort.


Nonsense Oren, prospective clients can judge escorts on the information available, whether based on reviews or the style and content of what they say or write here. If you feel that Oren is hurting Ethan's business perhaps the two of you should sit and have a chat.


>nothing gives ANYONE a right to disrupt my website, though.

>nothing. i don't want to have to do it, but i will start

>tracing IP addresses if people continue to ABUSE my website.


And nothing gives you the right to throw wild accusations about who might be messing with your site without any evidence to support them. Perhaps, Ethan is doing it, and you two really do need to work out your differences in private.

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Guest Yog-Sothoth

>i'm guessing that you're asking if i

>was born a Jew. yes, i was. my mother was Jewish. while not

>strictly observant, i am also religiously Jewish.



Thanks for the answer.


Though I am not religious myself, I am interested in religion and like talking with my friends who are Jewish about their beliefs.

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Wow! What drama.


As to the initial question, I can imagine being put on "stand by" by an escort as long as it's clear that I may also make other plans and won't necessarily be sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring. It could be a win-win situation.


As to the rest of this thread, all I want to say to Ethan is: Remember that all sorts of potential clients read this board. Everything you write may contribute to a client's desire to hire you (or not hire you). I can understand being upset with people "messing" with you, but in my opinion your rants in this thread have created a negative impression of you. I don't know you and don't have anything against you, but if you are a generally pleasant person who enjoys being an escort then you are giving your detractors too much power by engaging in public, petty bickering with them, potentially scaring away clients. Your "enemies" are getting just what they want here. My advice is to take the high road while doing what you need to do to protect your website, etc.

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For me I book up very fast even before I get to a city. Most of my clients that I have are business men. And their schedules change very frequently. So usually when I get to a city and I am already booked for my stay. I create a stand-by list. I tell my clients who want to see me that I have a stand-by list and that if they want to be on it then here is what my policy is. If one of my clients cancel then I will call you to see if your available. I usually have my clients who already have appointments to call and reconfirm with me 4 hours before hand. If I can't get a hold of them or they do not reconfirm either 4 hours or before I automatically cancel them and will go to my stand-by list.


On every city I go to there is always a small percentage of clients that do cancel. And a client who would normally not have had the chance to see me....if it works out for both of us...then he then would.


No one loses out on this. I think it's an excellent idea to have a stand-by list. Especially if you book up very fast.



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>i haven't made any baseless assertions.


I guess it is must have been Oren then who accused me of manipulatind a site I have never even bothered to look at. You and Ethan really must get this multiple personality condition straightened out, n'est ce pas?!:p

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>As to the initial question, I can imagine being put on "stand

>by" by an escort as long as it's clear that I may also make

>other plans and won't necessarily be sitting by the phone

>waiting for it to ring. It could be a win-win situation.

that's precisely the idea behind it.

>I can understand being upset with

>people "messing" with you, but in my opinion your rants in

>this thread have created a negative impression of you.

super. so you won't hire me. i'll some how continue living.

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Up Grades


>On every city I go to there is always a small percentage of

>clients that do cancel. And a client who would normally not

>have had the chance to see me....if it works out for both of

>us...then he then would.


>No one loses out on this. I think it's an excellent idea to

>have a stand-by list. Especially if you book up very fast.


As Rick Munroe pointed out in another thread on the Lounge, and as other escorts have mentioned on this site, clients DO cancel all the time. This has happened with more than 24 hour notice, it has happened with very short notice.


As Talvin so sensibly note, sometimes a client only has a small window of opportunity: I had three clients interested in seeing me on a Monday evening in Boston prior to my two day trip to Provincetown. The one who asked first got the appointment; he then cancelled it on Friday due to health reasons and I sent an e-mail to the previous two clients to see if they were still interested; one was but due to the somewhat short notice (over 24 hours nonetheless), he was not able to make the arrangement nor was I able to meet him, as he lived in the suburbs.


Therefore, I spent my night watching Spiderman and walking around the Back Bay part of Boston.


The tenor of some of the clients, who felt this would be done on a very short notice basis or that they would be receiving sloppy seconds from an escort is suprising. I accepted an overnight engagement with a client without requiring a deposit because he is a familiar presence on this board; however, I sometimes ask clients to reconfirm appointments earlier that day, and when clients contact me during the day, I have mentioned to them that I am previously booked but waiting for the client to confirm, and if they are that interested in that evening, they may call me immediately after the time the client should have confirmed or I may call them and advise them if the time is free.


While this is not a standardized process, I will advise you that I know for a fact that something somewhat similar is not uncommon for any number of busy escorts, either when traveling or when at home.




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Guest Yog-Sothoth

>>i haven't made any baseless assertions.


>I guess it is must have been Oren then who accused me of

>manipulatind a site I have never even bothered to look at.

>You and Ethan really must get this multiple personality

>condition straightened out, n'est ce pas?!:p



A BIG, BIG Asshole.

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Guest Yog-Sothoth

>>As to the initial question, I can imagine being put on


>>by" by an escort as long as it's clear that I may also make

>>other plans and won't necessarily be sitting by the phone

>>waiting for it to ring. It could be a win-win situation.


>that's precisely the idea behind it.


>>I can understand being upset with

>>people "messing" with you, but in my opinion your rants in

>>this thread have created a negative impression of you.


Now this I disagree with. I think he is right to rant about people messing with his website. It is illegal. It is if someone broke into your house and started destroying items there.


He is right to feel angry about this and right to feel angry about those who have dismiss this matter as somehow trival. It was not.



>super. so you won't hire me. i'll some how continue living.


Now this is wrong, I feel. He was giving his personal feedback to you in a way which was constructive criticism. He was letting you know in a way which he was trying to be helpful. You're rude answer was not onlu uncalled for but added to the negative impression he wrote.


There have certainly been made rude and bigoted statements here about you. However, I have found when dealing with such bigotry, it is helpful to look at who it comes from. Often in such cases, the person's opinion on other topics show they are not worth of any respect as a person. Thus I find I do not get upset with stupid and insulting comments about me by an asshole. Their opinions mean nothing to me, I do not care what they think or feel, so what they say does not affect me.

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Guest Yog-Sothoth

>"it is helpful to look at who it comes from. "


>Or from whom it comes.




"Originally, it was forbidden to end a sentence with a preposition, because back in the 18th Century, some scholarly snobs decided that Latin was the standard language *to which* all other languages should be held. The reason for this rule was that one is UNABLE to end a sentence with a preposition in Latin, because the preposition is built into the verb itself (also the same in Russian). The same brilliant minds that came up with the preposition rule also decided that English speakers cannot split an infinitive (i.e. "to boldly go"). Therefore, technically, it should not be incorrect to end a sentence in English with a preposition, since the structure of the language allows it."

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