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PrEP/HIV Generics


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I know some forum members have talked about getting their PrEP from other countries to save on costs.

This article came across my Twitter feed this morning and it's exactly the story I always had concern about when dealing with gray/off-market RX drug purchasing.

Be careful.  Be aware.  Do as much research on where you're buying as you can.  


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Several AIDS service organizations, and even my own health insurer/provider have evaluated the generics for Truvada from offshore.  They actually recommend certain of them for people who have no health insurance or any kind of prescription drug subsidy.  That's not to say that all of them are reliable or that the buyer does not need to be aware.   When one of the largest healthcare providers in the country recommends use of a generic from offshore in appropriate circumstances, it might be wise not to dismiss it.  I have been using a generic for Truvada for years.  The brand is TENVIR-EM and it is produced by India's largest drug manufacturer CIPLA Ltd.   This is the brand most often recommended by AIDS service organizations and even Kaiser Permanente.   A 90-day supply costs less than 200.00.

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