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Dollars and Sense

Guest ncm2169
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Guest ncm2169

You're a relatively new escort. You're contacted by a new client and quote him your hourly rate of $150. The client books you for a one-hour outcall. You end up spending just a few minutes short of 2 hours with the client and the client tells you he'd like to see you again. When you're finished, the client hands you an envelope. You observe "escort etiquette" and discreetly slip the envelope into your pocket. Later, you count $190 in the envelope.


What do you do, if anything, either about this client, or in general?

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From the client's viewpoint, never is it a situation where the escort can stay as long as he wants, and build up as much of a fee as he so desires. If you are disappointed in the ultimate payment, shame on you. According to your setup, the agreed upon time was 1 hour, and the agreed upon fee was $150. I wold say consider yourself lucky to have gotten $190. My feeling is the escort is in charge of the "clock"; not the client. If the escort chooses to "hang around" past the agreed upon time, without a discussion of compensation for extra time, then the escort risks not being compensated. In contrast, if the client had requested that the escort stay longer, then the financial responsibility shifts back to the client.


I can recall one example where an escort was making no effort to leave, in spite of the fact that our agreed upon time had expired. I brought this to his attention, and he was "cool" about it. Because I am ME, he was well compensated -- but he took the risk & might not have been so lucky with others ...

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Guest ncm2169

In this instance, the escort was not "hanging around" -- he had another client scheduled and was worried about being late. He stayed past one hour because it was obvious that the client wanted him to stay. And no, there was no conversation between the client and the escort about the clock running past one hour or thereabouts. Perhaps this was the escort's fault, but as I stated, he's new, hence the need for some constructive advice.

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I realize this question is for Escorts but I'll add a clients view.

>In this instance, the escort was not "hanging around" -- he

>had another client scheduled and was worried about being late.

> He stayed past one hour because it was obvious that the

>client wanted him to stay. And no, there was no conversation

>between the client and the escort about the clock running past

>one hour or thereabouts.


If the client did not specifically ask the Escort to stay longer then I don't think the client had any obligation to pay for more than what was agreed to. If the Escort didn't want to stay or needed to be elsewhere he should have politely mentioned it was time to leave. I very much agree with what Ready182 also stated in his response.


> Perhaps this was the escort's fault,

>but as I stated, he's new, hence the need for some

>constructive advice.


As a client that hires a great deal, usually for 2 hours, I have a lot of Escorts that go well over the requested time and going almost 3 hours has not been unusual. I will usually tip but not the amount of an additional hour. I have had 2- 2 hour sessions go to 6 hours without my asking, at the Escorts urging with no request for additional money, and 1- 3 hour session that turned into 6 hours. On two of these occasions the Escort objected when I tried to give them additional money besides what I had in the envelope. The additional money still would not have equaled their full 6 hour fee. The third said the additional money I paid was not expected but Thanked me for it. Again it did not add up to what he would have charged for 6 hours.

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Guest ncm2169

Thanks for the responses. (Hi, KYT :) )


Actually, this was for the escorts, but of course all responses are welcome in this learning exercise. :o

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Guest countryboy76

First I think the new escort, if he is going to schedule more than one client per day, shouldn't schedule them so close together. He may also want to expand his pricing a bit. Quoting his rate for an hour appointment, then letting the client know what his rates are for additional time as well, should things go longer than planned.


In your situation I personaly feel the client and the escort share the blame. As the client, if you book an hour and your hour is up, that's it, expecting or assumming that the escort will or should stay longer is wrong. As the escort, if you committed yourself to an hour and the time is up, that's it, time to leave, it's wrong to stick around on the assumption that the client would like you to stay.


While I think the time issue is the responsibility of both the escort and the client. It is the escorts responsibility though to communicate to the client the issues in regards to how he handles his business. He shouldn't be afraid to ask the client guestions or to communicate with the client to avoid misunderstandings. Most of the escorts I've made arrangements with have had no problem with politely explaining how they do things.


Whenever I make arrangments with an escort I let him know that I want to book an hour, possibly and hour and a half, because I like to take my time and don't want things to be rushed. In regards to how I book my time, one escort has told me that if we go past the first hour, it's prorated. Another told me he had a lower rate after the first hour, and yet another escort has told me that if we go past the first hour, it's not a problem and don't worry about it.


As for 'just hanging around' afterwards, I've only had one escort who hasn't sat around 5 to 15 minutes afterwards just talking. Of the escorts who have stuck around those last few minutes talking and relaxing, there are times that I will let the escort know that he is more than welcome to stick around if he chooses. Naturally it is known, not assumed, that if he would like to stick around it is 'off the clock'; there are polite ways of getting this across so that there are no misunderstandings.

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>In this instance, the escort was not "hanging around" -- he

>had another client scheduled and was worried about being late.

> He stayed past one hour because it was obvious that the

>client wanted him to stay.


Would you care to expound on this? How was it obvious that the client wanted him to stay past the appointed hour? Just my opinion, but he really should, as others stated, not schedule appointments so close together, as anything could delay the next appointment.


>And no, there was no conversation

>between the client and the escort about the clock running past

>one hour or thereabouts. Perhaps this was the escort's fault,

>but as I stated, he's new, hence the need for some

>constructive advice.


No conversation? How many times has communication between escort and client been stressed as the most important thing on this board?


In the end, IMO, if you are a multi-bookings a day, clockwatching escort, as appears to be the case in this situation, then the escort bears the majority of the responsibility to bring up the issue, especially with a first time client.


From my observation, the client in this case, booked an hour and included a 25% tip in the envelope (most generous imo). Since the escort was dealing with a first time client and did not say anything upfront about going past the magic 60 minutes, then he should not be making an issue of it. And since the client expressed a desire for subsequent meetings, then he should not complain and make his policy perfectly clear before any more meetings with this client, and indeed any other clients.


Sheesh, doesn't sound like an escort I would want to hook up with, as he sounds like a real punch the time clock type. Does he prorate the extra time ($150/hr stays 70 minutes so total charge is $150 plus 10 x $2.05 a minute equals $170.50)?


Too bad this board doesn't have an "Ask the Hustler" forum, because imo, this guy is just that "a hustler".


To placatingly thank "clients" for their input while stressing the importance of "escort" input is moot, as unless any escort who responds is also a client of this "escort?". IMO, I for one, really don't understand why the client input is less worthy than an escort's input as after all, it is the client paying the fee.

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what do you do?

well, about the client: if emailing him is cool, you might send him an email in which you tell him that it was great meeting him and that you hope he had a great time. you CAN thank him for the tip, if you can do it without it sounding awkward. and, you can mention that you were having so much fun that YOU managed to let time get away from you and that next time you see him, you'll have to be more careful about that. add that you hope you didn't cause him to need to adjust his schedule.

if you can't email him, you can accomplish this the next time he contacts you, if he does.

DO NOT call him about it.


what to do in general: i agree with much of what's already been posted.

1) if you've got another client waiting & you fear you might be late, well... don't schedule yourself so tightly.

2) YOU are in charge of your time. i don't have to look at a clock to know when an hour is up. if you're new, that ability will very likely come with time. until it does, buy a watch. don't keep one eye on the clock the whole time though. but you do have every right to have an awareness of the time.

3) once the agreed time has elapsed, it is PERFECTLY acceptable to note that to the client. don't be a yutz about it though. if you can stay longer, tell him that you're enjoying yourself but you want to be respectful of his time & his wallet. give him the option of extending the time. it would also be a nice thing to at least make an effort to help him... uhh... finish. if you've got something (anything) else you need to do, just mention (a couple of minutes in advance--5 minutes or so) that you're unable to stay beyond the hour and that you should try to complete soon. now, some guys will be offended by you even NOTICING the time during the rapturous event. but, you have a right to have your time respected as much as he has the right not to have a timer go off.

4) since you're already there & all, it MAY be worthwhile to have additional hours after the first offered at a slight discount. for example, if your first hour rate is $150, try $100 for the second or something. it takes a lot less effort to just stay there with someone than to shift off to someone else.

5) about prorating: don't go all putzy with it. figure out a policy that you think is fair, and stick with it. i'd be really hesitant to prorate by the individual minute though. it might be worth your while to have a 90 minute rate. personally, i have my standard fee for the first hour. additional hours beyond the first are discounted. i also have amounts for longer-term appointments. i do not have rates for fractions of an hour. (although, if someone lets me know in advance that he'd be more comfortable with a 90 minute session, since he doesn't think one hour will suffice, but two would be wasted, i'm generally willing to find something acceptable to us both. this ONLY applies when i've been asked in advance though.) if a client and i go over by a couple of minutes, oh well. around the ten-minute-over mark, the second hour fee kicks in with me. the full second hour is expected. i'm not going to nickle and dime or Jew (i'm ALLOWED! i'm Jewish!) someone down by fractions of hours. whatever your policy is, make sure it is clearly communicated to your client. a website is a great way to do that. i make sure everyone who books me has seen mine, and i feel comfortable assuming that they've paid reasonable attention--at least to the important stuff, like how much they'll be asked to pay.


so, that's this escort's opinion. it is now open for attack. :)

if i left anything out or you want to bounce ideas off of someone, you're welcome to get in touch with me.

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It is expected that the majority of the posters in the other sections will be clients. I certainly cherish what they say and the opportunity to interact with them, in the other sections. This section was set up to be able to ask escort's answers on things. To honor those wishes, and because I'm bitchy this week since my Cub has been sleeping away from home housesitting for a client (He's back Sunday! Yay!), might I respectfully suggest that the clients sit back and allow two or three posts from escorts first before you start into each thread in this section? This time it got to where only the brave would venture into the thread before one of our bravest escorts finally did.


Ethan's answer covered about everything. The escort should look at this as a tip. The escort should set up a fee for a longer period than one hour before he meets the client. The client should not feel that only the escort should keep track of the time, especially if he knows that the escort is new at the job. Clients are not exonerated in cheating any more than an escort would be. If they notice the clock going over, they have an obligation to point that out. That said, the escort should try to avoid blaming the client in a case like this one. He also should try to avoid blaming himself. Life is too short to waste in negative emotions. Look at it like a tip and try to be happy about it. You don't say that the escort in question came back and started a scene (if, indeed, this isn't a hypothetical question). It's not worth a scene. Bad karma. Vengence is mine sayith the Lord. Just throw your teddy bear against the wall a couple of times, maybe tell the phone not to accept calls from that client again, and when, in solitude, you get over it, get someone who cares about you to give you a hug or a kiss, even if it is one of your pets.

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Asked AND Answered


New escorts, just like new clients, AND OLD escort, just like OLD clients, would benefit from the search function on this site:


"When Does The Clock Start Running" also covers when it stops running and can be viewed here:




As for the person responsible for watching the clock, I hate to disappoint you several of the few clients who posted here, but the consensus on this site is that it is BOTH the responsibility of the escort to be clear on his limits AND the client to observe them; please see "Escort and Client Etiquette & Expectations" here:




as well as "Clients Who Don't Watch The Clock" here:




Now, if you will all excuse me, I need to chase down this hot boy who has three over due books and collect his fine. . . .

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> This section was set up to be able to ask escort's

>answers on things. To honor those wishes, and because I'm

>bitchy this week since my Cub has been sleeping away from home

>housesitting for a client (He's back Sunday! Yay!), might I

>respectfully suggest that the clients sit back and allow two

>or three posts from escorts first before you start into each

>thread in this section?



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RE: Asked AND Answered


Franco, I almost wanted to Bitch slap you because you were so "Official," but the librarian joke totally makes me want to kiss you and slap your cock against my face.


Anyone want to watch the clock when that happens?


The escort in this case should let the client know for next time in anyway that is comfortable. I would use humor.


"BITCH...what were you thinking...I'm not a Crack whore on 14th street...although I love the crack of your ass...yoooz got to payz more next time." Also....don't be an excessive clock watcher....When you know it has gone past the hour...LOOK at the CLOCK on purpose...hard and long so that he notices...and say...wow..this alarm clock is so cool....it still thinks it is daylight savings time...


OH, and by the way, you posters who thinks it is one persons responsibility over the other...WRONG WRONG WRONG....It is both your respsonsibility. Clients...just be respectful enough to at least mention the time...that way it gives the escort the option of deciding to stay for pay or stay for play.



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>In your situation I personaly feel the client and the escort

>share the blame. As the client, if you book an hour and your

>hour is up, that's it, expecting or assumming that the escort

>will or should stay longer is wrong. As the escort, if you

>committed yourself to an hour and the time is up, that's it,

>time to leave, it's wrong to stick around on the assumption

>that the client would like you to stay.


These really are fact-specific questions. For the most part, in my experience both sides know when the hour is up. I agree with Devon that an after shag shower is a good way of calling time. I think a client should note that the hour is up, but if the escort chooses to keep lying in bed then it seems to me the choice is his and his alone. Unless he states then and there that he expects more money for the additional time, or has set that out clearly beforehand, the client in my view is entitled to believe the extra time is free. In my experience this is normally how it works except if the escort is trying to take advantage of the moment to leverage a blissful moment into an increased pay check.

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RE: Robinsons


Oddly enough, I've written a children's play version of Swiss Family Robinson, which goes into rehearsals Wednesday. I do hope certain people are in a better mood by then. I know I will be. My Cub starts sleeping at home again tomorrow night. (Insert a burst of romantic music here.)

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Guest DevonSFescort

In general: If the appointment's about to run long because we're still playing and the client is blissfully oblivious to the time, I'd say "Did you still want to do just an hour?" -- then, if the client asked me to stay, I'd tell him how much the fee is for whatever additional unit of time he wants. If it's about to run long because the client wants to lay there and cuddle or hang out and talk, I'd either use the shower line axe referenced above or, if we're already dressed, simply say that I've got plans and need to excuse myself. It is NOT any of the client's business what those plans are, so that's really all that needs to be said.


As for what to do about this client in particular, I'd have to decide how I felt about seeing him again. People have outlined above the reasons why it's really the escort's responsibility to control the time, and it is, but nevertheless it doesn't sound to me like this client was particularly considerate of the escort's time, and the escort was clearly bothered enough by the encounter that he needed to talk to someone else about it later. If he feels like this client is an inconsiderate and/or manipulative asshole (and we really don't have enough to go on to say whether he'd be right or wrong about that), or harbors similarly dissonant feelings toward him, then I'd say he's better off not seeing him any more, as the escort's feelings might tend to show up in the service, if you get my drift. He should also think about how the client will respond to having the time boundaries reasserted -- in other words, does he think the client will feel entitled to two hours for $190 and therefore resent him for reminding him that that's not the rate? This might sound far-fetched, but if it's a sense of selfishiness or neediness that's driving the client's behavior (whatever that behavior was that indicated to the escort that the client wanted him to stay), he might not take kindly even to a friendly reminder. I'd say if the escort thinks that their next appointment is only going to be worse, whether it's due to one party being resentful of the other, or because he thinks the client will just try again to get him to stay late for very little extra money, or whatever reason, he's better off cutting his losses and just not taking this guy on again. If he doesn't feel like it was a big deal and the client would "get it" and is someone he likes and wants to keep, then he should be able to bring up the rate/time issue in a tactful manner ("It was my mistake, I lost track of time, etc.").

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RE: Robinsons


Dear VaHawk, I didn't mean to say that you shouldn't speak in this forum, only that you should hold back until one or two escorts have answered first.


Now, to clue you in on a literary level - Lost in Space is based on Swiss Family Robinson. Sort of like an American network basing a comedy on a BBC original, but with a better artistic imagination than those deals often have.

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