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RE: Hairy guys


>Perhaps, but surely you see a distinction between posting

>simultaneously under the same name, and adopting a new name to

>go into the federal witness protection program, or its M4M

>on-line posat-censorship equivalent.


Actually I don't see a distinction. I can certainly understand why those who are the subject of Napoleanic censorship measures for which this site is infamous would decide to continue to post here the only way they can - by creating a new name and identity.


But I can also understand why certain posters, particularly escorts, would want to create a different name than their escort name in order to write more controversial, provocative posts than would be good for their escorting business, particularly about religion and politics. I think most escorts who post actively here have two names - their good boy, gentlemanly, offend-nobody name which they use to attract customers, and their aggressive, opinionated, mean persona which they use to vent their anger and resentment at the very clients who they, under their other name, try to attract and whose money they want to take.


>Whether you are are

>Andrew Sullivan was a joke. Whether Ethan is Oren, has I

>think been proven.


I know you were joking about that speculation, but my point is really the same. Ultimately, who the fuck really cares if certain posters here either did previously, or now do, post under a different name. I would enjoy your jew-provoking and Muslim-defending posts just as much if turned out that you were really Benjamin Nichols as I do now not knowing who you are. It doesn't really matter to me.

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Guest DevonSFescort

RE: Hairy guys


>I'm getting to this Devon; be a good boy and wait nicely.


With pleasure, Doug. The longer I wait, after all, the longer I have to savor the experience of looking forward to your reply!


>It's not a grievance as much as it is just frustration at not being >able to find the things that make their cock hard, and wanting to

>have more of it, combined with being deluged with things that

>are (to them) asthetically unpleasant, sexually unarousing,

>and arguably somewhat psychologically disturbed.


Well, since you put it that way I can't imagine what I could possibly have found insulting in Sullivan's article! Now I can see that his is truly a big-tent philosophy which warmly embraces all his gay brethern. By the way, are you available for writing ad copy?

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RE: Hairy guys


>I think most

>escorts who post actively here have two names - their good

>boy, gentlemanly, offend-nobody name which they use to attract

>customers, and their aggressive, opinionated, mean persona

>which they use to vent their anger and resentment at the very

>clients who they, under their other name, try to attract and

>whose money they want to take.


Frankly, it never ocurred to me that this was true before the appearance of Oren/Ethan which is obviously sanctioned by the M4M powers that be. That said, what this Ethan posts as Oren in the politics lounge is truly offensive and I sure hope that as folks realize what he is trying to do that it will adversely affect his business. That is, indeed, my intent, and I think it is quite appropriate given the positions he has staked out as Oren. If there is another escort doing the same, in my view they have not gone quite as far off the reservation as this guy.


It raises another intriguing question for escorts though. How do they know whether a client who posts here has ever hired them? Wouldn't it be funny, if I had hired Ethan and humiliated him, and got into watersports with him without ever saying a word about how much fun I was having pissing all over some little shit zionist??

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RE: Hairy guys


>Frankly, it never ocurred to me that this was true before the

>appearance of Oren/Ethan which is obviously sanctioned by the

>M4M powers that be.


If Ethan is Oren - and I don't know and don't care - I know for a fact he is by no means the first escort to post here under different names, including using a non-escort name to post on more controversial topics. I tend to look at posts by Escorts under their Escort names as television commercials for their services, because most are posting here with that goal.


Although there are exceptions - Ethan being one (he posts not-always-sugary-posts under his escort name) and Rick Munroe recently writing more political posts - most escorts here write posts that are so boring and devoid of content that drowning yourself is a more appealling option than reading them. That's because they're posting to be nice and "charming" and attract business - not saying what they really think.


That said, what this Ethan posts as Oren

>in the politics lounge is truly offensive and I sure hope that

>as folks realize what he is trying to do that it will

>adversely affect his business.


Ironically, if people who are considering hiring Ethan are going to be judging Ethan not on his physical appearance and huge cock, but instead on his political views (a highly doubtful proposition), then this condemnation from you will probably result in a huge number of new customers for him. He would be well-advised to put these critical quotes of yours on his signature line here, since your political views, widely viewed as viciously anti-Semitic (rightly or wrongly) are about as despised and nausea-inducing to most members here than anything else can be. Having people see that Ethan is despised by you for his politics would be a great boon to him.


Fair or not, the fact is that for most of the population in this country, your views are considered extreme, hateful and inexcusable, while even the excessive Zionism which you accuse him of spewing is viewed as reasonable, understandable, and based on a rational fear of terrorism and self-defense.


That is, indeed, my intent,

>and I think it is quite appropriate given the positions he has

>staked out as Oren. If there is another escort doing the

>same, in my view they have not gone quite as far off the

>reservation as this guy.


Escorts sell fantasy. They don't try to give you their real personalities, and although clients may delude themselves otherwise, clients don't care about their real personalities. They want escorts, by and large, to present a believable fantasy personality, and that's sufficient. Even if Ethan were Oren, and did have the horrifying political views you claim, nothing could be more irrelevant in hiring an escort.


Most escorts, like everyone, have all sorts of personality flaws and other character defects which are hidden when you hire them, and most people - even the ones looking for "date" escorts rather than just holes to fuck - don't really care, since they're not looking for a husband in an escort, just, at most, a pretend boyfriend for the night who can create a good fictional character.


>It raises another intriguing question for escorts though. How

>do they know whether a client who posts here has ever hired

>them? Wouldn't it be funny, if I had hired Ethan and

>humiliated him, and got into watersports with him without ever

>saying a word about how much fun I was having pissing all over

>some little shit zionist??


I doubt he would care. Political views often don't correlate to sexual desires, and can even be their opposite. I know a couple of black guys who are extreme in their racial politics, believe that whites are the root of lots of evil, etc. etc., but who sexually enjoy getting abused by white guys who use racial eptithets. I know "gay activists" who jerk off to thoughts of being gay bashed. I know jews who get off on being dominated by racist skinheads. I know Asians who love acting out a super submissive giesha girl role for white guys.


The notion that the political views of escorts need to be exposed for the good of the marketplace is just a stupid excuse you're using to talk about whether Ethan is Oren - even as you protest when people talk about if you're Ad rian - all because you don't like Oren's political views and want to harm him. There's nothing more to it than that. Just admit that and don't try to cloak your base personal motive with some sort of magnanimous desire to expose truth. That sort of strutting really doesn't suit you.

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RE: Hairy guys


Doug, I agree with pretty much everything you said regarding axe's posts. I just wanted to comment that, I actually *would* like to get to know an escorts real personality if that's something they're willing to share with a client (and I think some are more than others). I realize there are flaws they don't like to bring out, and that some fantasy's involved, but just like them, I have flaws that I don't want to show either - it's the same as if I was dating (I don't really *hide* them - I just don't go out of my way to bring them out and try to be on my best behavior like I assume they and most people probably do on a date or with an escort). Of course I don't mind if they're all fantasy, but I actually like it better if they're real with me and at the end of the day I can maybe call them a genuine friend and vice-versa (though I realize that's fairly rare).


By the way, touching on hair, I had a recent experience with a guy with facial hair, and despite my efforts, I just couldn't get as turned on as much as I think I would have been without it (and he was a really great guy). I don't know why it's a turnoff, just is.


I also remember a previous comment saying hairy guys are frustrated because they can't find enough people who like their same "fetish" so to speak, and I have to say, a lot of us share that frustration only about different things. For example, it's pretty hard (not impossible) to find dominant twinky bois. *shrugs* I think that's just something one deals with when they have a specific type. I admit I'm a bit jealous of people who are into ALL types of guys sexually - I wish I could do that, but it just doesn't work that way for me.

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RE: Hairy guys


>Wouldn't it be funny, if I had hired Ethan and

>humiliated him, and got into watersports with him without ever

>saying a word about how much fun I was having pissing all over

>some little shit zionist??

sorry to disappoint you, but what you've discribed isn't among the services i provide.

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RE: Hairy guys


>Although there are exceptions - Ethan being one (he posts

>not-always-sugary-posts under his escort name)

EXACTLY! perhaps ad rian should think back to the days when DCeBOY (note the missing "the") was here. i don't shy from controversy.

>Having people see that Ethan is

>despised by you for his politics would be a great boon to


i'm thinking of appending "roundly despised for political views by anti-Semites everywhere" to my signature. it just seems so wordy though. rick, i think i need your help again. :)

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RE: Hairy guys


>but just like them, I have flaws that I don't want

>to show either

gup, i know you weren't suggesting it, but i want to point out that i don't consider my political views to be flaws. i'm proud of them. but, for the most part, unless they are invited in to the time i spend with a client BY A CLIENT, they form no part of the appointments i keep.

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RE: Hairy guys


I know you weren't suggesting that I was suggesting it (lol), but just to be clear, by flaws I meant...well...personality flaws, which is something I certainly have (my nervousness, awkwardness, or worrying so much for example). Political views, no matter what they are, I don't count among flaws at all...nor do I religious beliefs or anything else like that, and I'm glad you're proud of them! I have on occasion talked with escorts about political views and religion before and found their viewpoints refreshing and interesting. It doesn't matter if I agree or disagree - it's interesting to look at things, or at least make the attempt, from a different perspective. I certainly know over the last several years my own political views and religious beliefs (if you can call them that) have changed a LOT from what they once were.


As for you, axe, who are you to judge ANYONE as a "piece of crap"? Everyone deserves to be thought of as more than that, no matter how much you disagree with them, and I've noticed no matter the beliefs, virtually everyone you insult has been treating you with more respect than you EVER show towards them. The ironic part to me is, you're all over him because you feel he's extremist, but don't you realize YOUR posts are more extremist than ANYTHING I've seen him (or almost anyone else here for that matter) write?

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