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The Most Expensive Item On The Menu

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Last week, on my trip to San Diego, I heard something two other clients also mentioned to me on my trip east. "Thank you for not ordering the more expensive items on the menu." In my own case, I do not drink after dinner coffee as I rarely even drink coffee, I hardly ever have dessert and as long as I get fish or chicken and it is not fried, I am quite the "happy camper" meal wise. Later on, I wrote the San Diego client (who actually met me there from Indiana) and he stated he was just a little tired of escorts ordering the most expensive "stuff" on a menu, "booze" all on his "dime."


These were all extended hour hires, but none were overnights or full day hires. I am wondering what policies anyone else has.


An escort I met recently said he insists on first class travel when he is flown somewhere and first class accomodations and I know several escorts, particularly two in Florida, who have a list of demands they send out for travel. Mine are simple: eight hours of sleep, breakfast before I do anything else in the morning, and regular meals (which for me can be complicated as regular means more than three).


Any thoughts from either clients or escorts?




Building better bottoms one orgasm at a time.



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Great topic... Something i've been meaning to address~


I too have noticed that many escorts (mainly younger guys without a solid name in this industry) have this insipid list of demands that they expect a client to cater to.


How incredibly selfish. Who do these people think they are and more importantly, why do clients let them get away with it?


As an escort, if you want first-class airfare, join a frequent flyer program & EARN those miles in coach to become a Platinum member. Luckily, i've traveled enough to go platinum with Continental in little under 9 months, so upgrades always come plentiful and most importantly... free


I would never consider asking any of my guys for anything but the basics, as they're already putting up considerable money for our meeting. Luckily enough, all of the guys i see tend to be the types who shack-up in decent hotels, so there's usually never a 'hotel issue'. Although i'm not a picky person, the thought of a Motel 6 (and their sheets) does frighten me. :)


Ordering the most expensive thing on the menu is a faux paus in ANY resturaunt situation where things are being paid for by someone else. I always try to stick to what my clients are ordering (pricewise) and never intentionally try to go for the priciest menu item. Ordering simply based on price is a truly vapid practice and shows no-class whatsoever. Fortunately, alcohol doesn't really come into play with my guys, as i'm not one for drinking. I can imagine though that drinks combined with a nice meal could get rather expensive, especially if you're dealing with an escort focused on status rather than mutual enjoyment.



I've been to a few escorting websites, one in particular, that made it abundantly clear that the guy (or guys) appreciated being 'spoiled' and then went on to say specifically what they wanted- Even going as far as to link an Amazon.com Wish List for items to be bought and sent pre-meeting.



Quite simply, these are the jerks who ruin perfectly great guys who then forever think that all escorts are money-grubbing, pathetic turds who will take as much as they can get, then run.



I sometimes think that a mandatory 'Escort Intro' seminar is needed when getting into this industry, because if this were played like an episode of Survivor, there would be A LOT of guys voted off the island and out on their asses :)




Warmest Always,





Benjamin Nicholas

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Guest Merlin

The escorts who have a "list" need to learn a little about business. From a clients point of view all these expenses are part of the cost and most clients have a limit on how much they will pay. So the more expensive the fee plus the "list", the fewer clients will be willing to hire him. Moreover, if the escort thinks the particular client will pay his fee plus first class air etc, he should ask himself it he would not be better off to fly coach and add the difference to his fee. In other words, the more expensive the "list", the less the client will pay in a fee; the less expensive the "list" the higher the fee the client will pay.

I have had escorts who ordered the most expensive thing on the menu and it then not eat it all. It certainly is an irritation. One escort ordered a drink with a named imported gin--as though he could tell the difference--for a $17.50 bill.

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I typically have lunch or dinner with each guy the first time to give us an opportunity to get to know each other a little better before jumping into bed (I often do this with repeat visits too, but there the point is catching up and enjoying the company of someone I like). I also typically ask the guys to recommend a place to eat. Where they pick and what they order tells me a lot about them. So far, no one has been obnoxious, but there are a few who didn't get future bookings due to their dining excesses even though they were quite good in bed and had great faces/bodies. Seems like attitude and dining choices have a high degree of correlation, at least for me.

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Anyone who travels frequently ends up being upgraded to first class for free on a regular basis. And anyone who has been upgraded knows that you arrive at your destination at the same time no matter where you're sitting.


The primary benefits to first class are a bigger seat, a better meal and free drinks. Having flown a couple of million miles, I can attest to the fact that you arrive feeling fresher and with less fatigue/jet lag if you minimize your alcohol intake and drink water instead on any flight over an hour or two. So much for that advantage.


So the real advantages of first class really are better food on long flights and a bigger seat. One would assume that most escorts wouldn't be large enough that sitting in a standard coach seat would present a difficulty. So you're really left with a better meal and marginal extra comfort. The only other thing is the feeling of superiority you might have if you think it's somehow superior to be sitting up front.


Any escort who asked a client to shell out hundreds of dollars extra, at least, for a first-class ticket just to get a slightly better meal and a feeling of superiority is a first-class jerk with no sense of fair play or how the world operates. These guys have a delusional sense of their own worth.


If an escort asked me to buy him a first-class ticket, I would laugh. If he insisted on it, that would be more than sufficient warning about his character and experience for me to choose another escort and be glad I learned about the nature of the first guy before I actually shelled out money on him.



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I've only taken one escort out to a meal (but I have taken him out numerous times). While I sort of understand a client's perspective that an escort shouldn't order the most expensive thing on the menu, I think it is ultimately the client's responsibility to pick a restaurant he can afford. Generally the price of one entree versus another in the same restaurant is not huge, especially considering how much one is going to be paying the escort. Does an extra $10 or $20 really matter when one is spending hundreds of dollars? I can understand that it could be a problem if an escort drinks alcohol and orders some very expensive wine or champagne, but even one expensive mixed drink doesn't seem like a big deal to me.


Sheer greed or gluttony is another matter. Besides the money, I would just be turned off by a guy's attitude if he simply seemed to want to spend as much of my money as he could. Generosity is something that needs to be offered, not extorted.

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I continue to be surprised -- OK: appalled -- by the kinds of things reported here about client/escort relationships. It seems that some clients treat escorts with something that hovers between patronizing and contempt, as though the client resents absolutely every need or desire the escort might have in the line of taking care of himself. And some escorts, as I've said before, seem to think that they're the Duchess of Windsor. Or, more to the point, international fashion models. They are neither.


On the other hand:


If I invite someone to dinner, I invite him to dinner, not to dinner on a budget. After all, I could choose a cheap restaurant. But wherever we go, I want my guest to order whatever he wants. And it doesn't matter whether my guest is a professional colleague or an escort. The point is decency, courtesy, and -- most of all -- simple good manners. Thanking somebody for not ordering the most expensive item on the menu is the second tackiest thing I can think of for a host to do. The first tackiest is telling him beforehand what his spending limit is.


We need a Mr. Manners for escorts and clients. Some of these boys just don't know how to behave themselves, it seems.

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>If I invite someone to dinner, I invite him to dinner, not to

>dinner on a budget. After all, I could choose a cheap

>restaurant. But wherever we go, I want my guest to order

>whatever he wants.


I have to agree with this comment. In fact, many dinner guests (escorts or not), are sensitive to what the host is ordering himself. So since I personally do not always order an expensive item to eat for myself, I always make sure I put my guest at ease by suggesting that perhaps the items xxxx or yyyy (expensive items on the menu) are supposed to be very good at this restaurant.


As for first class air tickets... ummmmm, NO. But I have NEVER had an escort ask for one, and flying escorts is something that I commonly do. Most are VERY excited just to travel. They get a trip to a great place and they get paid!


I think that I treat escorts well, and with respect, and I find that 99% of the time this is reciprocated. By and large, I have not ever had to focus on escort manners... they are usually quite good.

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"I think that I treat escorts well, and with respect, and I find that 99% of the time this is reciprocated. By and large, I have not ever had to focus on escort manners... they are usually quite good."


Perhaps Marc has just written the book of etiquette suggested by Will!

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Guest BenAJ

RE: It goes both ways


Like everything, I think this should go both ways. If a client asks me, I would never order the most expensive thing on the menu (I don't eat that much anyway), it just doesn't seem right to me.


I would hope this would also apply if an escort asks the client out.


I once asked a client out after a fun session and he recommended his favorite restaurant and we went and I felt we had a nice dinner (no one ordered the most expensive thing on the menu). I had originally agreed to pay for the dinner...but I was a bit shocked to say the least when I received the bill.


The entire dinner cost most of what I was just paid. ;(


While I honestly don't think the client purposely took me to an expensive restaurant to work off what he just paid me...I do think that clients should be more aware if they are asked out to what an escort can afford.


I've never paid so much for a meal before in my life...though it was good :)


Neeless to say I had to skip paying my utility bills for a month or so...but I really did enjoy the company :)

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RE: It goes both ways


The problem is that it is difficult to know what either an escort or a client can afford unless he makes that known. I would recommend that if one intends to treat someone else for dinner, the host should choose the restaurant -- that way the host can anticipate what the cost will be.

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I think it depends on the financial terms agreed to between both clients and escorts. I have faced this question recently. Having shelled out a lot for a ticket for an import, a spectacular hotel, lots of champagne, two great dinners and assorted spontaneous "gifts", I did not expect to be charged a full fee. Had I known in advance that the escort expected a full fee, I probably would have been more judicious with my choices. Once he made his fee expectation clear, I then did cut back my expenses considerably.


As for restaurants, the rule of thumb is that the guest - escort or not - should be guided by the host's choices. I am not sure how many escorts have been regularly reading Miss Manners.


As for airline tickets, I think escorts can ask for business or first class tickets. I would not be offended, but I would not agree to that. I would offer either a purchased economy ticket or an economy ticket using my Miles. A more difficult question is whether an escort has a "right" to an upgradable ticket. Not all economy tickets are upgradable to business or first on international travel. So far my answer is no, but I am intrigued by that question and open to being convinced otherwise.

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Gentle Readers


I just want to clarify one thing, for my client's defense: the comments were made to me in part of a larger conversation and feedback. Even when there exists little to no possibility that the client and I will have an opportunity to meet once again, I believe my experience with them begins at the first contact and can, unless the client makes it clear they would prefer not to, continue well after the first and only meeting. I have clients whom I have not seen in person for over a year with whom I have stayed, albeit in infrequent and highly casual contact, as well as clients who are now in relationships or in different financiall circumstances and a future meeting is both unlikely or improbable.


Rather than solicit reviews, I tend to make specific inquiries or ask them to make specific comments and it is in this context that the subject of incurring costs from escorts came about. I do not wish to at all imply that my clients felt or expressed any cost concerns otherwise.


Finally, I do think the issue of manners is one that can be better addressed, it has been spoken about on this board on many occassions and we all know clients who have exhibited exemplarary manners as well as escorts who have shown themselves model proteges of both Amy Vanderbilt and Judith Martin. However, this is not always the case. Marc Anthony did hit this very well on the head when he stated, to paraphrase, that consideration is a two way street and that he tried to treat his companions they way he hoped they would treat him. I do not think it is also simply a matter that some younger escorts may not have excellent manners as I can think of some escorts in their 30s and older whom one could point a finger at, if doing so would not be the height of rudeness.


We all learn from our experiences and we all can stand to both exhibit and examplify kindness and a generosity of spirit in how we deal with one another.

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RE: It goes both ways


>I would recommend that if one intends to treat someone else for

>dinner, the host should choose the restaurant -- that way the

>host can anticipate what the cost will be.




Anyone who forms expectations based on uncommunicated assumptions deserves what he gets.

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RE: It goes both ways


Are you saying Ben AJ that the client didn't ask you first if the restaurant was acceptable? Did you offer alternatives or leave the choice solely to the client? Were you in a neghborhood where you were familiar with the restaurants? And, when the bill came, did the client ask you if you were sure you wanted to pay it all? Sometimes eagerness to please gives miscommunication.

In the case where the escort bought me dinner, I expected all along to pay the bill, so I wasn't concerned where we went or how much he spent. It was a pleasant surprise from him.

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RE: a somewhat humorous sidelight


I find it interesting to note that no one so far has mentioned that in many restaurants the tastiest dishes on the menu are not the most expensive. I really think that some of them knowingly overprice some dishes so they can giggle at the chumps who are more impressed with spending money on good food than on actually tasting it.


Of course, I also like crab much more than lobster. So who am I to know?

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Guest JackLA

I have to agree with Will. If you're going to invite someone(escort or anyone else) out to dinner as your guest they should be treated as a guest and encouraged to have a good time, otherwise don't invite them. A good host encourages his guests to order whatever they want and does not view their ordering habits as some kind of social litmus test. It is for this reason that most private clubs and some of the finer restaurants in big cities give guests menus without prices, only the host gets a menu with prices on it.


And a guest specifying a certain brand of liquor shouldn't be a problem either. If someone drinks Absolut and tonic, that's what they drink, don't expect them to order Popov when they go out with you just because you are a cheapskate.


That said, it is reasonable to expect guests to exercise reasonable discretion and not go way over the top in their ordering (which most don't). BUT, if you can't afford to take people out to dinner, just DON'T. Or pick a place that is within your price range.


It sounds like a lot of people on this thread are looking for highly romanticized evenings (or multi-day experiences) with escorts but at the price of going to The Sizzler with a discount coupon. You can't have it both ways.


If your resources are limited, forget the frills and just cough up a few hundred bucks and stick to an hour or so of sex.


But if you want "more", a romantic dinner, getting to know an escort over a bottle of wine, going out to the theater before sex etc., then don't be a tightwad. It is afterall YOUR choice to add these items to the evening's itinerary.


And remember guys, this is just about sex. You can romanticize it anyway you want, but at the end of the day you are hiring hookers here not courting future boyfriends.

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Guest master12361

WELL I have had this escort I sen a while and when he would come over to me alwats was hungry and wanted to eat never put a dime out to buy himself dinner or a snack or water even if we were spending the night I always paid for breakfast lucnh dinner car garage and more besides his copmpany i think the escort exspect the client to pay for everything no matter how many times you see him that is the way it is in nyc i seen this escort from Ny and he thinks he god and even down to getting him advil for a headace m ragain for his har what can you do if you want the guy and you let him get away with it he will.

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>WELL I have had this escort I sen a while and when he would

>come over to me alwats was hungry and wanted to eat never put

>a dime out to buy himself dinner or a snack or water even if

>we were spending the night I always paid for breakfast lucnh

>dinner car garage and more besides his copmpany i think the

>escort exspect the client to pay for everything no matter how

>many times you see him that is the way it is in nyc i seen

>this escort from Ny and he thinks he god and even down to

>getting him advil for a headace m ragain for his har what can

>you do if you want the guy and you let him get away with it he



Man, my ebonics translation software was smoking it had to work so hard on that reply. :7

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>I have to agree with Will.


And I have to agree with you, JackLA. You and Will gave, as they say on Match Game '76, the definitive answer. I don't even know if I've ever ordered the "most expensive item." I just pick what looks interesting (I love food almost as much as I love cock...well, they both go into my mouth }( ) and when I take someone to dinner, I expect them to do the same. I assume that a person chooses a restaurant they can afford, and that they want me to enjoy my meal as much as I'm enjoying their company; again, that's how I feel when the roles are reversed. And when a client asks me to choose a restaurant in NYC, I always ask what price range they have in mind. I often try to find a place that serves food homestyle (everything on big plates from which you share, like at Craft, my favorite restaurant), because it's much more intimate...and, now that I'm thinking of it, it eliminates the whole question of this thread because you're both eating the same food, right? ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

RE: E Tu, Lucky


Gosh,missed this thread the first time around.

As I have aged,I have discovered that the way an escort treats ME at a restaurant is a big indicator of how I will treat HIM in the future.If he shows blatent disregard for my wallet-and I am talking the unfinished porterhouse at Mortons"I guess I wasn't that hungry.On top of the "Ultra Premium double Vodka Martini"@$20!!!IT"S VODKA FER GODS SAKE!!!!Then I will probably not ask him to dinner again.If the sex is good-I may hire him for that-but no dinner.

The boy that sees what I order-and then orders something in the same range-and waits for me to offer him a drink-and then orders a regular call drink,he is the one that I will persue,spend time and money on etc.

I once dumped a regular boy that I would help out once a week,took to dinner often,did his grocery shopping,and supplied him with kitchen and bath goods for being rude to a waitress in a restaurant.I will not stand for something like that.

As a side note,I must Say that Benjamen Nichols comes across as a real class act.Someone raised you right Benjamen(my middle name)I may not agree with your politics,but you are a gentlman and you will do well.

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