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payment in advance

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Hi guys - this is a question for both escorts and clients (and please excuse me if it's been asked before - I'm relatively new here, and haven't yet found the archived questions). When I read the "reviews" posted here, clients often say it's a bad sign if the escort asks for payment before the session starts. I'm not sure why they would object to this? If the session doesn't go well, I assume the escort is still paid for his time? Or is this something that's negotiated between escort and client if the session isn't satisfactory?


The way I see it, whatever other elements of companionship, etc. are involved, ultimately a session is about sex and money. So I'm not sure why it's considered rude if the escort asks to be paid at the beginning. Thanks for your input! Sashek

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In answer to your question, many of us are aware of occasions on which escorts have asked for the money upfront, only to depart without providing anything in return if the client pays. There are also situations in which the escort asks for the money upfront and then seems to care very little about the quality of the service he provides on the ground that he's been paid already and it doesn't matter whether the client is satisfied. The consensus I've seen both on the board and in the reviews is that such a request is always a bad sign.


Many escorts seem to agree with this. On the few occasions when I've offered an escort some portion of the fee upfront (because I've booked an extended session) he has always refused, sometimes in a manner which suggests that he thought the offer strange or inappropriate.


That said, you should keep in mind that we are discussing an illegal transaction for which there are no rules or customs that are recognized by all who participate. If anyone tells you that a practice is "customary," he's exaggerating -- no one here can tell you anything except what he's learned from his own experience and that of a relatively small number of others. So use your own judgment.

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Search Results


I attempted to do a search for you, as this has been discussed many times. Unfortunately, either my ability to search has been diluted by too much time away from this Board or else my terms were not the best, but I did not come up with the threads I recalled.


The general consensus among clients is that an escort who requests payment in advance will not end up delivering and that the request is itself a bad sign. However, some escorts also feel that a client is as much a risk. So the solution seems to be that payment is left on the table or somewhere visible. The other measure of consensus is that requesting payment is a good way to ensure an airtight case against you (the escort) by law enforcement. In general, the escorts who posts and comment on here as far as I can recall have always expected payment after the session was over. When the cash is left visible out, I do not pick it up until we are done and it is very clear that the time has come for me to leave (or for the client to leave). The awkwardness stems if you go out to dinner or something afterwards and you then have to remind the client.


This happened to me once in Chicago and once recently in San Francisco and I always feel uncomfortable. So a clear procedure is good. Some clients have the money in an envelope, some place it in a card.


I personally never count in front of a client unless I am asked to do so, and I usually respond with "I am certain it is correct and do not need to double check unless you feel I should" and only once have I been asked. The client underpaid in that instance and it created further awkwardness. The underpayment was only by $20 and I would never have mentioned it to the client at all, except he wanted to tip me and wanted me to count the bills out loud in front of him. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. He ended up giving me more of a tip than he probably intended, I think more out of discomfort than anything else, which is not the basis under which I would like to receive a tip.


The other consensus, especially from the clients who hire regularly, is that once a relationship is established, particularly with overnight sessions, it is appropriate to pay some or all of the fee in advance, but not when it is the first visit between client and escort. From the escort point of view, some good faith measure on the part of a new client (i.e. plane ticket, partial payment in advance) is required for travel and for an overnight appointment.


Unfortunately, as I am sure many clients and escort will point out to follow, there are so many permutations of these situations that may offer different case by case responses. I am trying to simply provide my reading of the current consensus on the subject.

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Here's my two-cents~


I've always been against requesting any amount of money up-front because it's always struck me as somewhat tacky & the tactic of an unprofessional (aka, a hustler). There have been times that i have asked for a deposit, especially when dealing with someone for a long amount of time (a week, a month, etc) & want a sign he's serious about the time commitment. In any other instance, i would consider a plane ticket or a verbal word as good as gold...


There are also situations when an escort-client meeting goes awry when the escort can't perform properly, etc. Paying up front in that situation (which unfortunately happens too frequently) would leave the client no recourse for the then wasted money. I've heard of way too many escorts leaving hourlies with a fistful of dollars and having done very little interaction (if any).



That, ladies & gentleman, would be complete BULLSHIT :)



My advice to any guy wishing to hire an escort: Unless you're hiring for an extended amount of time, NEVER EVER pay upfront. Make it a 50/50 deal... The escort provides a service, you pay him for his time. In that order.



Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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sashek, this has been discussed here in the past - and the majority opinion was that it is a bad sign when the escort asks up front for money. (I've coined the term Upfront Money Hooker)

This happened most recently to me at the Nob Hill Theatre, once in the booth the fee was asked for before anything happened, and then once paid - very minimal happend. "Oh, I don't do that" "We can't do that here!" and other BS spin.

Which makes me ask, once you have your clothes off and they ask for the fee, what do you do?? Just put them back on and leave??

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I am in agreement with the other escorts here who've said that it proves tactless and unprofessional for an escort to ask for his/her fee before anything has happened. Having hired masseurs and escorts for myself I'd also be afraid that the session wouldn't workout as well as I'd hope if I was asked for payment before we've gotten comfortable. Like Benjamin, I tend to think that collecting money immediately is more akin to street-hustler behavior.


Conversely, I am uncomfortable when a client attempts to provide my fee before we have really gotten personal. Just as many clients try to lay out money before we've gotten intimate and it strikes me as clumsy and calous. When meeting with clients regularly we develop a rapport and so when it comes time to make the payment the transaction becomes less awkward. Perhaps some men think that they are avoiding their own discomfort of paying after the session by offering a fee beforehand. I never accept anything until we've concluded our time together and I know we've both had a good time.


Another situation that occurs with some clients that always confuses me or turns me off is when we near the end of our time together and a client claims to forget what my fee is and asks to be reminded. After all the correspondence and the phone call to confirm, why do some men lose sight of the fees they have been so careful to arrange? Personally, I am uncomfortable quoting fees after we've just had sex and that's why I always agree upon something before we've even met. So many clients are concerned with escorts who watch the clock and so I try to avoid looking at a clock at all by reaching an agreement before our session, but I find that some clients put me in a predicament where I am forced to count how many hours I have been with them because they also haven't been watching. Any comments on occurrence are appreciated.

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Guest DevonSFescort

I never ask for the money in advance, for reasons others have already gone into. When I've hired, the only guy who asked to "take care of business first" turned out -- despite looking smooth or at least closely shaven in his pics -- to have, not just a very hairy back, but one that he partially shaved, just shaving whatever he could reach. So it was a hairy back with the clumps of hair in patches. One more reason not to pay up front: the guy might have something to hide. Or something you wish he'd keep hidden. :+

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I agree that I don't even like seeing the money before the event. I no longer do outcalls (or very rarely anyway) and when I'm working my way up into a sexual feeding frenzy and I see money out on a nightstand, my Scots side distracts me with questions about why the man would be leaving money right there out in the open where anyone could steal it. Then, of course, I remember that its probably for me, but I have still been distracted.

I have occaisionally had to be reminded by the client to take the money at the end of the session. (Even more often, I let them think that they had to remind me.) I hope they find that as charming as I think that it is.


As Franco said, the consensus around here seems to be that the escort should not count the money in front of the client. And I have started doing that. Just pocketing it uncounted. However, I am still slightly haunted by the time that when I counted a client's money, I found that there were two bills sticking together and he had almost overpaid me by $100!! This was a regualar client and we could have made it up at the next session, but still.... remember, I am half Scots and tend to be as tight with other people's money as I am with my own. (As well as half Irish and ready to drugless party just about anytime!) So, please, expect us not to count your money, and at least Double Count It Before You Give It To Us!!!

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Guest Tampa Yankee

No,no.... a thousand times no!!!!


The only time I seriously entertain payment first is when the escort is paying me. :+

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Billions and Billions


>No,no.... a thousand times no!!!!


>The only time I seriously entertain payment first is when the

>escort is paying me. :+


As Dr. Sagan was wont to say, a picture is worth billions and billions of words: OK, Tampa Yankee: flash some skin - besides some charm and personality, what would an escort be in for?




Building better bottoms one orgasm at a time.



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Guest Tampa Yankee

Not a thousand words, but a picture nevetheless...



>As Dr. Sagan was wont to say, a picture is worth billions and

>billions of words: OK, Tampa Yankee: flash some skin -

>besides some charm and personality, what would an escort be in




Well, the gauntlet is thrown down… :)


I guess this question is better posed to the several escorts I have seen -- an inventory can be found on any of my reviews as can a brief physical description. However… I shan’t completely duck the question.


For starters, I’d be a thinking man’s whore. I’d bring all the toys necessary for my end of the mind fuck. The other party is responsible for bringing his own, as is always the case. Additionally, I’d fit well enough on the arm whether at the theatre, movies, cocktail bar, strip bar, dance club, Tavern on the Green, or Moishe’s Deli – no matter what age the escort might be. I can navigate handily through a wine list or beer menu. I’d provide access to my charm and wit in equal measure to that I receive.


Of course, since my days of being a ten are far behind me (if there ever were any), I’d have to rely primarily on my appeal as a thinking man’s whore. Nevetheless, I do muster, on occasion, some bedroom charm too. I get more comments on my charmed tongue whatever use I’m putting it too -- it most always elicits sensuous involuntary responses conveyed through hot body language and primitive sounds generated from within the depths of the throat – whether inducing the tingling of a weak electric charge across the lips and tongue leaving some to swoon and flutter (ok, he wasn’t an escort); or licking the erogenous tumescence of engorged nipples that have been brought to attention by gentle and not so gentle sucking and the light biting and raking of teeth, or igniting the very center of one’s anal being as lightening bolts emanate down the legs and up the back, over the neck to the crown of the scalp while simultaenously yanking the draw string in the pelvic cavity just above the balls that draws the dick to perfect attention.


The other compliment I have received on occasion is that my dick is the perfect size to fuck someone – not to small nor to big, not too thin nor too fat – though one or two have complained of the girth – a measure of their tightness I assure you.


Well, no need to dwell on the lesser attributes here after all we are trying to make a sale not loose one. So what bid would you entertain, sight unseen.



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>There are also situations when an escort-client meeting goes

>awry when the escort can't perform properly, etc. Paying up

>front in that situation (which unfortunately happens too

>frequently) would leave the client no recourse for the then

>wasted money.


Well, you still have to pay, regardless. Paying up front just increases the odds of a bad performance. Just try to get rid of the escort (agree most times hustler) from your hotel room/home without paying, as it can lead to a very ugly scene, even violence, and as of yet, I'm not willing to throw my life away for a few hundred dollars.



>a fistful of dollars


Wasn't that one of those Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns? :)



>That, ladies & gentleman, would be complete BULLSHIT :)


:) Love those Texas boys - keep it in the pasture!

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A Gaiety dancer recently showed me a check he had received from a client. The check was for $300, but the written amount was for $3000! All the guy had to do was add a zero and he might have gotten the higher amount when he cashed it, but he said he wasn't that kind of guy. But, since the check was given to him at the end of a session, he didn't have an oppportunity to get the problem fixed. Now the client won't call him back...

So, for him, the moral of the story is to get the money up front!

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I hope I've developed a reputation where clients can trust me & know that I'm going to be cobsistent. Unfortunately, I cant say the same about guys out in cyberspace.


My stipulations are 1) be VERY certain that when you send a deposit that you are 100 percent sure that you have the time available and clear to see me & 2) I can give you till at least 48 hours before the appointment before I'll assume we are off and go ahead & schedule other clients. I want things clean, clear and straight up.


I like to plan my time out in advance. MANY times guys have sworn to Jesus(lol) that we are on for a particular night or weekend...I wait...they vanish...then I have to contact the folks I have put on hold.


As a working escort, if I could just one thing across to clients, that would be you really dont know how many guys jerk me around online/ on the phone & it TAKES ALOT OF TIME out of my schedule:0)


Excellent topic to revisit...


All My Best,




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Guest Tampa Yankee

>A Gaiety dancer recently showed me a check he had received

>from a client. The check was for $300, but the written amount

>was for $3000! All the guy had to do was add a zero and he

>might have gotten the higher amount when he cashed it, but he

>said he wasn't that kind of guy.


He might have gotten an all-expense-paid stay at one of NY States finest resorts too.


Shirly you are joking... I mean Lucky.:+


How do you guys write checks in the BIg Apple?? Here in Boston, adding a zeros until the cows come home won't change the word hundred into thousand on the line below.


It is interesting to note that a dancer took a check .


But, since the check was

>given to him at the end of a session, he didn't have an

>oppportunity to get the problem fixed. Now the client won't

>call him back...


A cunning plan by an unscrupulous client leaving name and address and possibly phone number. :+


I'd submit the check anyway and note the error in the amount should be consistent with the textual amount description -- nothing to lose.


>So, for him, the moral of the story is to get the money up



I would thinkg that the moral should be: Don't take checks.



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I'm not sure why they would object

>to this? If the session doesn't go well, I assume the escort

>is still paid for his time? Or is this something that's

>negotiated between escort and client if the session isn't



>The way I see it, whatever other elements of companionship,

>etc. are involved, ultimately a session is about sex and

>money. So I'm not sure why it's considered rude if the escort

>asks to be paid at the beginning. Thanks for your input!



Sash, I think if the escort is prompt and does what you talked about, he should be paid. Services are paid for however you both agree to. Beforehand, is always a difficult thing...so many problems can arise. I never take it upfront...because...contrary to what most people think...that lets me have the oppurtunity to say no and leave if I AM uncomfortable....that has happened only once in my carreer.


If its a travel deal....I figure if someone sends me a ticket...I can trust they are serious...





If it dont fit, force it


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