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When people with limited time windows, should book ahead…

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This seems to be a never-ending discussion and I just don’t know how men will ever evolve to understand…

What I can’t understand, are clients who contact for an appointment…usually same day. They are hurried to meet by a certain time, yet will send a message like 1 or 2 hours before the latest they can meet: which is often something like, text me at 11:30-1230 in afternoon but can only meet by 2 p.m. it’s often always the same old times too.

Where do people learn this behavior from? You can’t expect to just barge into someone’s schedule without any sort of coordination. What’s worse is: it’s not like these people are new to hiring. They been doing the rounds for awhile. Common sense should tell them: I probably shouldn’t contact an escort the afternoon that I have time free (and 99.9% of time, they expect me to also be ready to host). Like, if they’re going to do that, at least be flexible. Be able to host AND travel. Lot of them can only do 1, and expect instant accommodation. No, life doesn’t work that way. 

Idk why some expect me to run my schedule like a lottery. I have to be “lucky” and “catch them” at the right pick of the draw. Why make someone you want to hookup and have a relaxing time with, feel rushed and annoyed. 🤦🏽‍♂️  Doesn’t make much sense. 

On top of that: even if a person can host, how would they know if the escort’s location is convenient to where they can get to in the amount of time they need? Like today: there was a drive-by that had the main freeway coming out of downtown shutdown, and traffic was diverted and backed up for miles. Even if I agreed to see him, he would have been very late arriving and likely not able to come at all.

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I always book a few days ahead.  The one same day I had was when I was looking for another day and he suggested that day.

Some guys are just spur of the moment horny and want instant gratification.  They need to learn patience.  Good things come to those who wait.

That being said, what is the "Available Now" on RM for if not same day meetings.

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I had a guy message me on Monday this week: “hi, are you available today?” My answer… “no sorry I’m busy”.

On Tuesday he asked same question. I gave him same answer.

On Wednesday he asked again. Same answer again (I did suggest he give more notice).

Today (Friday) he asked and I was available. So the booking happened. Yay!

I don’t mind clients booking like that as long as they don’t mind being told ‘no’ more frequently than ‘yes’. But I prefer them to book ahead if possible.

Kind of intrigued at what he did on Thursday though….??

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  • Jarrod_Uncut changed the title to When people with limited time windows, should book ahead…
2 hours ago, TorontoDrew said:

I always book a few days ahead.  The one same day I had was when I was looking for another day and he suggested that day.

Some guys are just spur of the moment horny and want instant gratification.  They need to learn patience.  Good things come to those who wait.

That being said, what is the "Available Now" on RM for if not same day meetings.

That’s the thing: I understand horny but I need something to work with. Even if I was just a guy out here looking, I’d contact the person and ask how we can meet, whether host or travel/etc. and be prepared to do either. Lot of these guys just come to the table expecting something to be laid out for them: that I never expected to begin with. 

Then the day I was hosting, only 1 pre-booked client showed up (we haven’t met since last year because he’d also do the same thing) but finally gotten to understand it’ll never happen if I don’t get enough notice. We stay right down the street from each other too…

1 hour ago, Jamie21 said:

I had a guy message me on Monday this week: “hi, are you available today?” My answer… “no sorry I’m busy”.

On Tuesday he asked same question. I gave him same answer.

On Wednesday he asked again. Same answer again (I did suggest he give more notice).

Today (Friday) he asked and I was available. So the booking happened. Yay!

I don’t mind clients booking like that as long as they don’t mind being told ‘no’ more frequently than ‘yes’. But I prefer them to book ahead if possible.

Kind of intrigued at what he did on Thursday though….??

I had someone like that earlier this month. It was almost amusing to just keep telling him no, no, no…day after day after day. It’s like, when are you going to get it? I’m never going to be available, for something I don’t even know I need to be available for lol. We did finally meet but, I think he tried it again and I was unavailable again. 

Having an ad up doesn’t mean available at any time. It would be nice to do so, but the times I do that: I end up getting so bored that I leave town or check out of the hotel I’m in. That’s what people don’t get: I can’t just pay for something with no guarantee on return. And hotels right now are just unfairly expensive.

I seen a lady in the Bay Area who charges an EXTRA $200 to host clients. I’m starting to lean towards that myself ASAP as possible (though maybe just an extra $100-150).   

I’m just getting so annoyed by stuff like that. You either have to pay for an expensive apartment in the city, or rent hotels to be able to accommodate most clients. I opted for the latter because I don’t like the pressure of trying to pay rent, and there’s been many times I’ve mailed rent checks out while I’m on tour paying for hotels. 


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While I have called at the last minute, more because another escort flaked out on me, it is a hope rather than an expectation.  However I will usuall try to set something up in advance. If it is a local, I will often contact several about a week in advance just to see if any are available in the limited time frame I usually have and the set something up.    If I see someone is coming in from out of town, I will contact them up to two weeks in advance.  

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I don’t think I’ve ever engaged a provider on the spur of the moment. Like @Rudynate, my days are pretty heavily scheduled. There’s always meetings (or these days, zooms), deadlines, something to read, approve, sign off on - and that doesn’t even take into account the day-to-day fires that crop up, and that need to be put out ASAP. When I’m traveling, toss in the drinks, and/or dinners where your presence is expected. 

The majority of providers get it, but there are some who still will reply to get in touch the day of to book. That may work for them, but it honestly doesn’t work for me. 

Whether I’m traveling, or at home doesn’t matter. Between work, family obligations, and keeping some semblance of a personal/social life, it’s always my MO to book a head of time. For example, when I was in LA the other week, I reached out to 3 providers that came recommended from other hobbyists on here with two blocks of time that would work for me, asking their availability. One was actually away for the week, and the other two were already booked. I’d much rather these replies, however disappointing, vs the “get in touch the day of.” All three were I thought extremely professional in our conversations, all thanked me for my interest, with one displaying a nice sense of humour - and all 3 asked that I be in touch next I’m in LA. 

I think the closest I may have come to a spur of the moment hire was with my then go-to-guy in London. We finished up work early, hit the pub for a few celebratory drinks, and I was feeling relieved and in a good mood. I texted said gent, asking if he was free that evening for dinner, drinks, then back to mine. I cannot imagine doing that with someone I hadn’t previously engaged. 

Just my 2 cents 🤷🏼‍♂️

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5 hours ago, Rudynate said:

I have heard from a few different providers that the bulk of the business is same-day and spur-of -the moment.   Spur-of -the moment doesn't work for me - I'm heavily scheduled, so I'm a book in advance kind of guy  and can't imagine booking a provider on the spur of the moment.

+2 on that. I did notice in San Francisco there has always been less “spur of moment” bookings. I wish I could move there. Likely because a big city as such, people just can’t do that. It takes atleast some intent of planning to navigate traffic and the fact not every gay lives in the same neighborhood in town, like some cities often expect escorts to be in. 

It seems like some of these “medium big” cities seem to operate on a basis of meeting “now”. Often due to the need to squeeze in time when the wife or hubby steps out. Not knocking anyone who needs to be discrete or has such situations. But I can’t be humanly expected to accommodate something on short notice, that I don’t know is supposed to happen. 

I think that’s the headbanger of working in certain markets. It can be hard, when most of the bookings seem to come at unexpected times. I can literally sit around all day, and have free time to myself. No one books. But every time I decide to spend time with someone in personal life, that’s when they want to meet NOW. It never fails. Ever.


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2 hours ago, BtmBearDad said:

I don’t think I’ve ever engaged a provider on the spur of the moment. Like @Rudynate, my days are pretty heavily scheduled. There’s always meetings (or these days, zooms), deadlines, something to read, approve, sign off on - and that doesn’t even take into account the day-to-day fires that crop up, and that need to be put out ASAP. When I’m traveling, toss in the drinks, and/or dinners where your presence is expected. 

The majority of providers get it, but there are some who still will reply to get in touch the day of to book. That may work for them, but it honestly doesn’t work for me. 

Whether I’m traveling, or at home doesn’t matter. Between work, family obligations, and keeping some semblance of a personal/social life, it’s always my MO to book a head of time. For example, when I was in LA the other week, I reached out to 3 providers that came recommended from other hobbyists on here with two blocks of time that would work for me, asking their availability. One was actually away for the week, and the other two were already booked. I’d much rather these replies, however disappointing, vs the “get in touch the day of.” All three were I thought extremely professional in our conversations, all thanked me for my interest, with one displaying a nice sense of humour - and all 3 asked that I be in touch next I’m in LA. 

I think the closest I may have come to a spur of the moment hire was with my then go-to-guy in London. We finished up work early, hit the pub for a few celebratory drinks, and I was feeling relieved and in a good mood. I texted said gent, asking if he was free that evening for dinner, drinks, then back to mine. I cannot imagine doing that with someone I hadn’t previously engaged. 

Just my 2 cents 🤷🏼‍♂️

Even in a spur of moment case like this, it sounds like the 2 of you also were nearby and had some options and flexibility on who can host who. Which is an advantage…


I don’t mind short notice stuff when in a setting that’s conducive for it. But, asking to meet short notice like in the middle of the day during the week isn’t quite so. If it’s late night, and I’m hosting or able to travel out with my “available now” green light on, then by all means something short notice can be anticipated and welcome.

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Some providers only want same-day business.  I would assume this is probably because of flakes.  There have also been a few times that I've scheduled ahead only to find that the provider flaked.  Therefore, I book when I want to book.  There's usually someone available right now, so I tend to book a few hours ahead of time.  If I'm traveling and looking forward to a particular provider, I'll attempt to schedule ahead of time.

For all the complaining about flaky clients on this board, I find that many of the providers are just as flaky.  I expect that is the reason that so many wait until the last minute, as I do.

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24 minutes ago, jtwalker said:

For all the complaining about flaky clients on this board, I find that many of the providers are just as flaky.  I expect that is the reason that so many wait until the last minute, as I do.

Well my philosophy on that is usually: don’t take it out on me, because I’m not them. 

And a client could also say, “well don’t take it out me!” And next thing you know, it becomes a competition on who should be more trusting of whom. 

I’m just like look: If you go to someone’s place of business, you can’t just barge in and break all the rules. Already twice this week, I’ve had someone who either didn’t read the ad or purposely thought I could make an exception. No.  

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1 hour ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Well my philosophy on that is usually: don’t take it out on me, because I’m not them. 

And a client could also say, “well don’t take it out me!” And next thing you know, it becomes a competition on who should be more trusting of whom. 

I’m just like look: If you go to someone’s place of business, you can’t just barge in and break all the rules. Already twice this week, I’ve had someone who either didn’t read the ad or purposely thought I could make an exception. No.  

Even with a legit masseuse, I can typically schedule an appointment on the same day.  I don't think this is outlandish at all.  When a provider has a lot of rules like this, I run away because that is not a provider that is interested in my experience.  That provider just wants my money.

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4 hours ago, jtwalker said:

Even with a legit masseuse, I can typically schedule an appointment on the same day.  I don't think this is outlandish at all.  When a provider has a lot of rules like this, I run away because that is not a provider that is interested in my experience.  That provider just wants my money.

Who told you that? For me it has nothing to do with money, but more about the fact I don’t have the luxury to sit around and be ready for appointments that I never know is going to happen.

Just think about it: if you called a family member that You’ve not seen in months or years and just said, “hey Bob, I want to come over now/in an hour. U avail?”

That would come off very weird and disrespectful. But that’s how MSMs looking to pay for it, pretend it’s okay. It’s not. The guy who contacted me Friday asking this, hasn’t contacted me since 2021: over a year ago. Then had the audacity to ask me to meet in the afternoon, after he didn’t show up to the last appointment.

Also: I have to once again make it clear, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with same day appointments. I have been taking same day appointments for years, and continue to do so now. It’s not same day appointments that are the issue, it’s those with LIMITED time windows, where they probably SHOULDN’T request same day appointments. Notice the title and the reference I’m making. 

Want a same day appointment? Great! I’m down. But this is when I’m available to do it, if someone wants the booking, same day: they need to be willing to accommodate the time I can do it. Problem is, most don’t or are unable to. Then it just leaves me like 🤷🏾‍♂️ well, if I knew you couldn’t meet any later than X time today, I would have planned accordingly. But since you just threw this request in my lap, that’s not enough time for me.

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