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Sao Paulo - surprised me again


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Several days ago I posted about the deterioration and/or closure of many familiar places in Sao Paulo that I used to visit.  Most of the closures were a result related to the coronavirus epidemic.

With the exception of sauna Lagoa, things and places that I used to visit in Sao Paulo had changed for the worse.  The main good thing I reported was that Lagoa was doing very well and it was a lot of fun visiting there.

I commented that I planned to revisit the replacement sauna for Fragata (which is called Clube 555) this weekend. 

So many people have reported how dull and uninteresting the Clube 555 replacement sauna is.  I, also, have reported the same thing.

Before I discuss Clube 555, let me say that last night (Friday) I visited Lagoa again  Even though I enjoy Lagoa, if it had been my first night ever there, I would not have thought much of the place. 

Last night there were many garotos at Lagoa, but not many garotos of any quality.  Of the approximately 30 garotos, most (not all) were plain looking or skinny and did not seem like the quality of garoto as seen there in prior times.

I was at Lagoa with a couple of American friends who both know Lagoa sauna as well as I.  We collectively agreed to leave early because we were disappointed with the place.  We left around seven-thirty.  We never left Lagoa that early in any of our prior visits.

Now, Clube 555!

Tonight (Saturday) we decided to visit Clube 555.

What a change!   

Instead of the place being nearly empty of garotos and clients, as has been reported many times by others, tonight was actually fun. 

There were about thirty garotos and almost the same number of clients.

The bar where the pool table is located has an incredibly handsome waiter.  He could possibly charm a bird out of a tree.  Of course, his being an employee, he was not available for hire as a garoto.

There were plenty of other good looking garotos.  Some I knew from Lagoa.

Anyway, tonight might have been just a freak occurrence with Clube 555 being a full and fun place.  Or, it might be a changing trend.  Who knows?

Next week Clube 555 could revert back to how it has been since it opened (nearly empty). 

However, I suspect not.  There was too much fun going on tonight for it to have been a one-time event.

So, those who plan to visit Sao Paulo, continue to visit sauna Lagoa but also, please visit the sauna Clube 555.

I will keep my fingers crossed in hopes of my next visit being similar to tonight.

Edited by coriolis888
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1 hour ago, SirBillybob said:


"Or maybe it covers ride platform costs because 555 is a lot harder to get to by public transit"

Local public transit is only two blocks from sauna 555.

"though eg Über from Lagoa to 555 is less than BRL30" 

Yes, less.  Last night from Lagoa to sauna 555 using Uber was R$16.96. 


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22 hours ago, SirBillybob said:

I think that if you quote a poster’s post and respond by writing in that same dialogue box it throws off subsequent quote/response passages and then what passage is attributable to which poster gets muddled. 

Normally one would not expect that to happen when quoting another poster.  It just requires getting accustomed to how the program works.  Sorry about that.

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