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When do you have a good time???

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I'd be interested in hearing how various escorts answer these questions as well. It's my sense that escorts do all the work to present themselves, and clients just "shop." But when anybody shops for something really expensive, he wants to try to be as sure as he can that what he's looking for will be compatible with him, and not just sort of universally pleasing. There are escorts who like sports, and those who don't; there are escorts who like resorts, and those who prefer the city; there are escorts who'd rather spend a weekend in Las Vegas than in London; there are escorts who don't read anything but their horoscopes and others who read serious literature. And so forth and so on. It would be a big help for me, and I wouldn't be surprised if others felt the same way, to know something about what kinds of clients escorts are happiest when they find.


OK: I mean apart from the 25-year-old body-to-die-for Robert-Redford look-alike who receives his weight in gem-quality diamonds every year on his birthday. Slightly *down* from there.

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Guest sebastian

>> what makes work pleasurable? <<


That is a really good question. For me, it's when a client appears to go out of his way to make me comfortable, getting to know what I like, what I'm all about, etc. I realize that at first glance that might come off as maybe expecting too much. But, if you are a really good escort then you are doing the same for the client. Maybe quietly taking mental notes as to what his interests are, or even something as simple as just listening and giving advise to them. My point is, if you make an attempt to actually get to know the person and not just the "fantasy" that makes work, well, fun!



Sebastian Valmont

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[ul][li]When I don't have to keep saying "just kidding" or "that was a joke." :+


[li]When he appreciates really good head and/or can give really good head (the kind that makes me cum).


[li]For out-calls: when I don't have to turn off a TV which is showing "Friends" or turn off a radio that's blaring a news report on Baghdad...it's easier to start the turning on when you don't have to do all that turning off.


[li]Also for out-calls: sealed bottled water is a nice touch (especially for overnights or sessions longer than an hour).


[li]I have the best time when the client does what I do for him: pays attention to what turns me on, respects my limits, and treats me like a king.

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My most pleasurable experiences with clients are when they are able to relax, go with the flow, and truly enjoy themselves. I know it can be a very anxious experience to hire an escort and meet him for the first time. We all become excited and nervous at the prospect of new situations, especially when they involve getting naked and having close contact with other people. So, I fully realize that being able to stay relaxed and going with the natural flow of things is difficult to do, but that is when I feel the most comfortable with clients and end up having the most fun.


Therefore, my advice for clients when choosing escorts with whom you will have a good experience with, is to look for someone who shares some common interests/personality traits as yourself and to try to enjoy your time with them as much as possible. I wouldn't suggest attempting to script every minute of your time or trying to find that one thing that will make the experience perfect. (unless, of course, your fantasy involves a particular scene, then find an escort who specializes in that scene) That way both parties will be able to act "naturally", letting their guard down a bit, and allow the wonderful senses of the body to do their thing and make your toes curl with unbridled joy! :p


Aaron Scott DC



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The Obvious


>Aside from the


>(a clean client, a polite client, etc.)


Anyone who works directly with their customer base (telephone operators, waiters, bank tellers, brokers, lawyers, flight attendants, doctors, et al.) would, I presume, expect to be treated with the same courtesy and consideration their clients expect from them. I would hope that someone (for example, a female receiving an examination from her OB/GYN practioner) would prepare appropriately as would someone who would work in a physical way with say a personal trainer or massuer. However, this is not always the case, as I have heard from friends and clients alike. Unfortuantely, in recent years, the feelings of others have become something we can take for granted or even abuse; this is a sad comment on modern society.



>what makes

>work pleasurable????


Anyone who likes what they do and who does it because they want to is going to enjoy it. I have the luxery of working as little or as much as I like. I also take the time to try to find out what a client wants and can be very specific about what I will and will not do. I enjoy getting to know my regular clients and they also get to know me. As with any ongoing relationship, this is what makes it enjoyable for both of us.


To more specifically answer your question, there are certainly things I enjoy: the opportunity to travel is one of them, men who like to kiss is another, intelligence and companionship, and mutual respect. I try to keep the clients who make these thing possible and I try to encourage other clients to seek an escort with whom they might be more compatible. As I said elsewhere, before someone rudely made a simple remark, I do this because I enjoy it; money is not the primary motivation. I believe I provide a quality experience and therefore I do expect to be compensated reasonably for what I do, but money never has been nor ever will be what motivates me to do anything.



My pleasure and yours.

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>Sometimes you do - sometimes you don't. Aside from the

>obvious (a clean client, a polite client, etc.) what makes

>work pleasurable????


I love it when a man.....MELTS in MY ARMS. Totally giving in.

On the flipside....when a man totally accepts me melting because of him...No comments, or questions....Just appreciation.





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Guest jeffOH

I have a good time when I see that my client is enjoying himself. Also, when the client is into lovemaking and not just a blowjob and a fuck, I'm much more into it. The more passion there is the better it is for me.




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'Good time' is subjective, but here goes...


Honestly, i've always had a good time with my guys. I've been very lucky in the fact that i have respectful, polite, well-traveled and intellient guys to see around the country. They've made this 'job' something of a vacation and i appreciate all they've done to make it really fun (in & out of the bedroom) ;)


Now, what i expect from a client is as simple as following the golden rule. I treat you with respect and i expect the same in return. I appreciate honesty and the ability to be straight-foward when need be as well. Life's too short to have someone bullshit you to death and then to find out later he was yanking you chain. I have, however, encountered emailers who do the whole 'let's set up a travel appointment, but never go through with it' bit. That's now spottable a mile away, but it's unfortunately still a waste of time. Honesty- it's what's for dinner :)



Using Dial soap always helps too... I would put that in the 'definately yes' category. lol.




Warmest Always,





Benjamin Nicholas

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Guest jeffOH

RE: When I DON'T have a good time???


True Story (and if you're easily grossed out STOP reading here).


Ok, so I see this client who had moved from Columbus, but is now here occasionally on business. I hadn't seen him since he'd moved away last year. I was pleasantly surprised and happy for him to see that he'd lost nearly 50 pounds.


So, he's sitting on the floor with his head tilted back and resting on the bed and I'm fucking his mouth making him gag. Well, apparently he'd been to dinner and out for several drinks with friends. He PUKED, big chunks that totally coated my crotch and because of the angle he was in, covered his face in vomit. It was also all over the sheets and on the floor. Being the trooper that I am, I went to the bathroom, got him a wet washcloth and a towel and handed them to him.


While I was showering, he had taken the sheets off of the bed and said that I wasn't leaving until he got fucked. So, while he was showering, I was trying to get back "in the mood". Thank GOD for the Viagra, I was ready to fuck when he came back, fucked him twice, until it got SHITTY! That was it! The combined smells of puke and shit were overwhelming me at this point. I said something like, well, looks like things are getting a little messy(LOL)and proceeded to take another shower.


Did I get a tip? NO!




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Top 5 reasons why Rick insists on "sealed" bottled wate...


Top 5 reasons why Rick insists on "sealed" bottled water:


5. Cheap clients put tap water in the "expensive" water bottles.


4. That ugly mixup incident with the drug test specimen.


3. Commitment to the French boycott - no slipping Evian or Perrier into the Aquafina bottles.


2. Likes to show off muscles by easily opening sealed bottles with just one hand.


1. Two words: Jism Backwash.

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Guest jeffOH

RE: When I DON'T have a good time???




>If this is the "good time" thread, I'd hate to see your

>response to the "bad time" thread!!!




Please note the change in the subject line. BTW, there is a worse "bad time", but I believe that client frequents this message board.




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Guest Hijnx

RE: When I DON'T have a good time???


This is absolutely the LAST time I check out the Message Center while I eat my lunch at my desk. Good God almighty, I could have lived a long time without those images!

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