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Different rates for different clients?

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I am new to hiring escorts having just hired my first in the last month. This was also my first gay experience. I picked this escort because of reviews he had received on this website. When I had first contacted the escort I had informed him that I was new to this and didn’t quite know what I wanted to do. He agreed to meet me and quoted me a fee of $250 for an hour. This was the only time we have discussed the fee. Since then I have met him more than several times and each time I just leave out on the table the contracted fee of $250 plus a tip. I am not sure it matters but all that has happened so far is my receiving oral.

I have noticed that this escort charges a fee to others less than what I am charged. I know because reviews of this escort quote a $175 fee. Going further to make sure, I emailed the escort from a different email address and was quoted the apparent going rate of $175. My anonymous email didn’t refer to specific acts, however I tried to write it as an experienced client would. I believe that the escort, when he first quoted my fee, wasn’t sure what to expect so he quoted a higher price. I am sure he also expected it to be more work and a potentially uncomfortable situation, so I don’t fault him for initially charging me more. I believe that I have shown him that I am not demanding at all and am actually an easy guy to be with. I will add that there is nothing unusual about me; a respectable weight, height, appearance, and good hygiene.

I like being with this escort and I am not ready to try being with a different one yet. I believe from what I have read on this website, that you really don’t negotiate fees with an escort, you just pay the rate quoted. My dilemma is that I am beginning to resent paying more than other clients, to an escort that I thought I had a friendly and continuing relationship with. While the $75 difference isn’t much, over time it could add up to quite a bit. Even more bothersome to me is just the idea of an escort charging me, someone he now knows, more than what he charges a complete stranger.

Is it possible that the escort has forgotten my quoted rate and believes I am just a really good tipper? Even with my naiveté I don’t believe that. Is this a subject that I should bring up to the escort? I am really not into confrontation and am afraid it might sour the relationship. Should the escort, on his own, bring this up to me? Why would he even want to?

My real question is this, is it normal to charge different clients, different prices for substantially the same service? Or is something going on here that I am not aware of. I would have thought that after continuing to see the escort; that he would at least offer to bring my rate down to his apparent normal charge. I guess my fear is that I will stop seeing an escort that I like and am very happy with, because of this continuing thorn. Any helpful thoughts or information would be appreciated.



(Not A Cheapskate But Not A Patsy Either)

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Sometimes Generics Are Just As Good As The Brand Names


> I believe that the escort, when

>he first quoted my fee, wasn’t sure what to expect so he

>quoted a higher price. I am sure he also expected it to be

>more work and a potentially uncomfortable situation, so I

>don’t fault him for initially charging me more.


The standard (i.e. generic answer) is that you are paying for time. I, for example, have a higher rate to travel outside my home than to see a client in my home. I also increase this rate (although more generally I decline) if it involves travel over more than 30 minutes, which might still be in the Los Angeles Metro Area but not a distance I wish to go, especially for a stranger. A regular client is a different story.


But back to you and your question.


The other standard answer is, for a short session (and at the prices you are quoting, I assume approximately one hour), there should be absolutely no distinction for clients. Some escorts offer a student discount, but this applies to ALL students who qualify, others offer a day rate, such as I do, and it applies to anyone who comes to my home during the times I may offer that rate.


In the situation you are apparently describing, no, there should be no difference between clients.


> I like being with this escort and I am not ready to try

>being with a different one yet. I believe from what I have

>read on this website, that you really don’t negotiate fees

>with an escort, you just pay the rate quoted.


That is not what ALL clients believe. Some believe you should negotiate and some escorts apparently do negotiate, particularly when they have rent or other bills due. However, other escort never negotiate and never will.



> Is it possible that the escort has forgotten my quoted

>rate and believes I am just a really good tipper?


This is possible, particularly since you apparently have been tipping, but it does not explain why he quoted you a higher rate to begin with, although this may have to do with how you conducted your approach to begin with.


>Is this a subject that I

>should bring up to the escort?


Yes, of course, you should. In spite of your qualms and fears, you are the client and are entitled to expect a certain and reasonable courtesy, including the expectation of good rapport and enjoyment when you spend time with your escort. If you do not even feel comfortable asking what appears to be a simple, fair and logical question within the framework of a courteous and friendly conversation, you may not have the rapport you need or believe you have established.


> My real question is this, is it normal to charge

>different clients, different prices for substantially the same



In my opinion, this is unprofessional, other than for reasonable circumstances (a discount offered to all in a certain class - students - or another comparable example) and in my experience, it is not the "normal," that is, common and accepted practice.


But as to the concerns you have mentioned, the best advice that I or anyone else here can give you is to COMMUNICATE with this escort. If I had a client I enjoyed spending time on a regular basis, good rapport would be a significant concern. This only comes with openess and good communication.


Good luck!

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Guest Ant415

RE: Sometimes Generics Are Just As Good As The Brand Names


Most business people, escorts included will get the best deal they can. Cannot blame someone for that. He may have quoted you a high rate of 250 at first because you seemed so new, and niave to the business. Also, he may have sensed you would be a one time client, thus the different rates would not get noticed.


Not sure what market you speak of, but $250.00 plus a tip is pretty good fee these days.


Was your session for a call to your house (out call for him)... and the others were in calls? This may make a difference.


Suggest sending him a nice note advising that you read a review site and noted many sessions are priced at 175. That you don't want to haggle over the rate, but you are curious as why such a difference. If he has any class he could say it was oversight on his part, and he meant to tell you the ongoing rate is 175, and the next session will be priced as such. If he does not admit to the difference and will not give you the same rate, you should look for another guy. If you are in a large market, there are bound to be other guys that will be good.

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RE: Sometimes Generics Are Just As Good As The Brand Names


Exception: Several guys I see regularly give me better rates than they currently charge since the rate they charge me is what they were charging at the time. In other words, I was "grandfathered" on the rates, and I believe that is common practice among escorts who have regular clients. In at least two cases, the rates are now well "under market", so I tip fairly well to help make up some of the difference. These guys know I appreciate what they have done in relation to their fees to me, and knowing that they aren't trying to gouge me keeps me coming back.


On the case in point, $250 plus tip for a blow job and probably less than one hour? I'm not very demanding of the guys I hire, and I'm willing to pay well for good escorts, but that's just way too high. I hope that the escort at least acknowledges the generosity.

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RE: Sometimes Generics Are Just As Good As The Brand Names


>Exception: Several guys I see regularly give me better rates

>than they currently charge since the rate they charge me is

>what they were charging at the time. In other words, I was

>"grandfathered" on the rates, and I believe that is common

>practice among escorts who have regular clients.


That's my experience too. Plus, in cases where I am with my regulars, they often drop the rates somewhat without me asking them to do so. Loyalty rebates or fidelity discounts, I think that are pretty common marketing devices in most poduct and service markets. I also think that where escorts have a good time with particular clients, and would prefer to spend more of their commercial time with that client, it is not so surprising that rates might be different.

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'Frequent Fucker' Programs


>>Exception: Several guys I see regularly

>>give me better rates

>>than they currently charge since the

>>rate they charge me is

>>what they were charging at the time.


This, too, is somewhat standard, however some escorts may make the decision to grandfather in the client for a period of time and others may not. I believe this depends on the clients awareness that they are getting an experience below "market rates" as you point out and how the client responds to this fact.


>Plus, in cases where I am with my

>regulars, they often drop the rates somewhat

>Loyalty rebates or fidelity discounts, I think

>that are pretty common marketing devices in

>service markets.


I have a "frequent fucker" program and some escorts may have similar plans as well. The fact of the matter is that it is much easier to keep a client than it is to find a new client. That is as true for escorts as well. However, some clients may desire the new experience, thus not every escort is going to be willing or able to engage in such plans.


My point was a simple one. There may be any number of legitimate reasons for a price variance between two clients (i.e., one is a student for example). However, at least in my opinion, there is never a reason for an escort to request two similarly situated clients to pay a different price simply for financial gain or to take advantage of a clients lack of experience.

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> My real question is this, is it normal to charge

>different clients, different prices for substantially the same

>service? Or is something going on here that I am not aware

>of. I would have thought that after continuing to see the

>escort; that he would at least offer to bring my rate down to

>his apparent normal charge. I guess my fear is that I will

>stop seeing an escort that I like and am very happy with,

>because of this continuing thorn. Any helpful thoughts or

>information would be appreciated.

[font color="green"


First, I think you should start seeing another escort regardless, as your post makes it sound as if you are more taken with your new friend than possibly you should be. since this was your first gay sex partner, that is understandable, but get out of the rut and experiment a little--at least to the point you realize this is a business deal and usually nothing more.


As far as the fee discrepency goes, you already feel resentful (not a patsy comment in your signature a dead give away:) so the relationship is going to go down hill fast unless you talk to the escort about it. And I mean talk--not confront or be hostile--just explain your feelings and see what he says.


In my business as in most, the discussion of fees with clients always seems very awkward for the cllient and sometimes for me--but it has to be done and the sooner you get it out in the open, the better. I really think you'll be pleasantly surprised at his response, and if not, it's time you heard it anyway and moved on. And as far as the annonymous email, I'd avoid that.:+

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It's already been said here but I can only reprise what others have said about effectively approaching your escort to find out his reason behind the different rate. Until then it really isn't fair for any of us to speculate the validity of his reason for which there are many explanations that can still be at play here.


The logistics of the appointments you keep with him are the first thing that come to mind. Just like most escorts, I have a different rate for incall appointments than I do for outcall appointments. Hosting people in my home brings a number of expenses that sometimes people may not consider. I am always happy to entertain in the hottub in my backyard but maintaining the yard, spa, and snacks or beverages that I try to offer are personal expenses for me that I have to take from the fees charged. I also provide massage therapy to lots of my clients and the price of quality oils, lotions, and the constant laundering involved also comes at a price. Gosh, even condoms and lube are expensive to buy repeatedly. hehee


Outcall appointments come with their own concerns and costs. Where I live in Colorado is it not uncommon at all to find clients asking me to drive outside of Denver and into nearby cities, many of which are mountain resort towns requiring, at least, an hour's drive or longer. Those clients may feel that since only a massage was given then I shouldn't request a different fee, but the distance driving and erratic weather conditions of my state are all matters that keep me occupied for much longer than the massage and I have to account for my time somehow. I don't know what city you're in but anyone who has been to CO knows that it can snow in April just as the sun can shine on Christmas day.


Time of day is also an important issue in scheduling my clients and maybe your escort feels the same. If you are continually requesting to meet your escort on say, a weekend night during "prime time" when he knows that he can't take another appointment after you then maybe you are paying for the exclusivity of his Saturday night. I have had clients who never fail to call on short notice, expecting that I be available to them on weekend nights. I have come to know their habits and worked out the best way to accomidate them but knowing that I may be asked to come see them late at night, on a holiday, or even in snowy conditions would certainly be good reason behind a different rate.


You've mentioned that only oral sex is involved in these meetings but that doesn't mean your escort has the simplest job in the world. Others here have already assumed that you were referring to an hour's worth of time but that wasn't specified so I can only point out that maybe it takes a long time to get you off since there is limited play. An hour or longer of only giving head, making conversation, and some snuggling afterward can still take up a lot of time and exhaust a person physically. Maybe you have an enormous member that leaves your escort unable to chew for a few hours after being with you. If that's the reason... hire me!


Whatever the case, just be communicative with your escort in a forthright manner that shows your respect for his business practice. Don't waste your energy with the fake undercover emails, because you'll only disappoint yourself more. You won't know his motivation unless you ask and discuss it and you may even see where he's coming from if he is honest with you too. Don't be afraid to suggest a different arrangement either, he may very well go for it without thinking twice. If you're too hurt by his answer then be honest with him about that as well and take the opportunity to visit new escorts to explore your interest in men. But continue to assert yourself in each new situation so that no one takes advantage of your limited experience and don't assume anything of the new men you will meet. We all have different principles and sorting through options of men available to you ~physical, geographical, ethnic and otherwise~ is always part of the adventure in any dating game.

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I certainly wouldn't charge a higher rate for a new client unless a.) they lived a long distance away and I had to travel to them, or b.) they were asking me to do something that was above and beyond what I normally do. In fact, I welcome newbies and usually have a great time with guys that do not have much experience. It can be very fun showing new guys the pleasures that can be had with other men! :p


I also don't give discounts to "frequent fuckers". While I understand that some escorts do give financial rewards, I tend to give extra time or special attention to regulars instead. Just as a fine restaurant wouldn't lower the price of a meal for a long time patron, they may treat them better than the average Joe with better seating, a nicer waiter/waitress and more of an opportunity to get a reservation during busy times. These are the practices I tend to go with. :-)


Aaron Scott DC



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Thank you all for your very helpful comments.

Just so you all don’t think I am some sinister person sending anonymous emails checking up on an escort I have met, I would like to clarify that part of my original posting. When I first emailed the escort, with my email explaining that I was new to this, I didn’t receive a reply. After several days had passed without a reply, I decided to email him again leaving out my comments of being new at this. I of course sent it from a different email address; at this point they were both pretty much anonymous. I did this to see if the escort just didn’t want to put up with some beginner and was never going to answer my first email. A day or so later I received replies to both of my emails showing interest in me as a client. So the escort wasn’t excluding me because I was a newcomer after all, but amazingly he actually quoted me the two different rates. Both of my emails had only asked the most general questions about availability etc, I don’t think they had even referenced the price. The only real difference I believe was that I was a beginner in one email with its attendant verbiage, and in the other I made no reference to being new. Even though I knew that I was paying more, I stuck with the original emailing that explained my newness because I thought it important. And, in fact, I really didn’t mind paying more because I thought it was probably more work for the escort.

I had pretty much put the rate difference out of my mind. I guess I had deluded myself into thinking maybe the escort was just in the midst of raising prices or something. Then subsequent reviews for this escort with subsequent dates of meetings have matched their rate with the lower rate presented to me. So I not only know that I paid more than I initially had to, but I am also paying more than others for substantially the same or really less service.

Thank you all again for the advice offered. Your comments have helped me crystallize what I will probably do. I doubt that I will talk to the escort about this. I just find those conversations too messy. I would also have a problem talking to a local storeowner, that I know and like, about being overcharged as well. I would just end up going to a different place. So I guess I will just try contacting some different escorts. That part of you all’s advice sounds the easiest and also actually sounds exciting. Maybe if I am in one of you all’s areas in the future I will contact you.

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>Just as a fine restaurant wouldn't lower the price of a meal

>for a long time patron, they may treat them better than the

>average Joe with better seating, a nicer waiter/waitress and

>more of an opportunity to get a reservation during busy times.


No, they might also throw in a bottle of wine, or offer an extra appetizer on the house!

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>>Just as a fine restaurant wouldn't lower the price of a


>>for a long time patron, they may treat them better than the

>>average Joe with better seating, a nicer waiter/waitress and

>>more of an opportunity to get a reservation during busy



>No, they might also throw in a bottle of wine, or offer an

>extra appetizer on the house!




It all depends on the restaurant and the patron.......


Aaron Scott DC



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> A day or so later I received

>replies to both of my emails showing interest in me as a

>client. So the escort wasn’t excluding me because I was a

>newcomer after all, but amazingly he actually quoted me the

>two different rates.

[font color="green"


I think I'm in good company when I say I would have responded with the other, cheaper rate, email address:+


I have read somewhere that JFK, in 1962 during the Cuban Missle Crisis, averted hostilities and maybe actually war when he responded to only one of two inconsistant messages from the Soviet Union's Premier, Nikita Khrushchev--the one that adverted war. I'm not a history buff, so if I'm wrong so be it, but it sounds good :)

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Guest Merlin

An escort is under no obiligation to charge the same for all clients, although sometimes it may be bad business. He may have been charging more when he gave you his quote and later lowered his asking rate to meet competition. Or he may have thought you might negotiate for a lower fee. If it is any comfort, you are probably considered by him to be a prefered client to whom he will give preferential booking or better treatment. I actually overpay i.e. tip some of my favorite escorts for this reason. I suggest you mention it without being confrontational. He will probably lower it but you will not be a preferred client.

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>An escort is under no obiligation to charge the same for all

>clients, although sometimes it may be bad business.


Well that sure is an understatement! Gee imagine reading a review from a new client, who for the price of a one hour session gets to spend several hours with an escort, "just to get acquainted" that you as a regular client, have never recieved and never will receive even after multi appointments including overnight fees. IF THAT DON'T SUCK I DON'T KNOW WHAT DOES!


>He may

>have been charging more when he gave you his quote and later

>lowered his asking rate to meet competition. Or he may have

>thought you might negotiate for a lower fee.


Or he may have just been getting as much as he could from each individual he is with. I suppose everyone is out to get the most they can for their services, regardless of his profession.


>If it is any

>comfort, you are probably considered by him to be a prefered

>client to whom he will give preferential booking or better



Now what kind of better treatment are you referring to? From the poster's comments, I don't see any evidence of that. Why would you need preferential booking and what does that mean? I suppose if a new client had a booking and you called at the last minute the new client would get ditched to fit you in? I can just see the noshow review on that now.


>I actually overpay i.e. tip some of my favorite

>escorts for this reason. I suggest you mention it without

>being confrontational. He will probably lower it but you will

>not be a preferred client.


I really don't understand this reasoning. The client is the customer and is the one who is paying for the services. The escort should be the one out to satisfy the client in order to have repeat business, not the other way around. If a client is a decent person who has treated the escort fairly in all ways, then why should he be expected to tip extra, just so the escort will see him again. There are plenty of other escorts out there, especially in the larger metropolitan areas. Who knows, he may find one he likes better!

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One possibility that I haven't seen mentioned yet is that he could be "testing the market" to see if he can consistently raise his fee. If he gets enough business at the higher rate, then he could feel comfortable charging that rate across the board. If he only suggests the higher rate to a certain portion of potential clients and most of them balk at the fee, then he'll not only know that he can't regularly expect that rate but he also will have avoided putting out a blanket messages that his fee is now $75 higher.


You mention that his higher rate was a response to you being new to all of this. Maybe he charges more for that type of client, assuming it will be more work for him.


Of course I'm just making all this up. Only the escort knows why he quoted you two different rates. I agree with the others: If you are interested in hiring him again, bring this up in a questioning (not accusatory) way.


> I am new to hiring escorts having just hired my first in

>the last month. This was also my first gay experience. I

>picked this escort because of reviews he had received on this

>website. When I had first contacted the escort I had informed

>him that I was new to this and didn’t quite know what I wanted

>to do. He agreed to meet me and quoted me a fee of $250 for

>an hour. This was the only time we have discussed the fee.

>Since then I have met him more than several times and each

>time I just leave out on the table the contracted fee of $250

>plus a tip. I am not sure it matters but all that has

>happened so far is my receiving oral.

> I have noticed that this escort charges a fee to others

>less than what I am charged. I know because reviews of this

>escort quote a $175 fee. Going further to make sure, I

>emailed the escort from a different email address and was

>quoted the apparent going rate of $175. My anonymous email

>didn’t refer to specific acts, however I tried to write it as

>an experienced client would. I believe that the escort, when

>he first quoted my fee, wasn’t sure what to expect so he

>quoted a higher price. I am sure he also expected it to be

>more work and a potentially uncomfortable situation, so I

>don’t fault him for initially charging me more. I believe

>that I have shown him that I am not demanding at all and am

>actually an easy guy to be with. I will add that there is

>nothing unusual about me; a respectable weight, height,

>appearance, and good hygiene.

> I like being with this escort and I am not ready to try

>being with a different one yet. I believe from what I have

>read on this website, that you really don’t negotiate fees

>with an escort, you just pay the rate quoted. My dilemma is

>that I am beginning to resent paying more than other clients,

>to an escort that I thought I had a friendly and continuing

>relationship with. While the $75 difference isn’t much, over

>time it could add up to quite a bit. Even more bothersome to

>me is just the idea of an escort charging me, someone he now

>knows, more than what he charges a complete stranger.

> Is it possible that the escort has forgotten my quoted

>rate and believes I am just a really good tipper? Even with

>my naiveté I don’t believe that. Is this a subject that I

>should bring up to the escort? I am really not into

>confrontation and am afraid it might sour the relationship.

>Should the escort, on his own, bring this up to me? Why would

>he even want to?

> My real question is this, is it normal to charge

>different clients, different prices for substantially the same

>service? Or is something going on here that I am not aware

>of. I would have thought that after continuing to see the

>escort; that he would at least offer to bring my rate down to

>his apparent normal charge. I guess my fear is that I will

>stop seeing an escort that I like and am very happy with,

>because of this continuing thorn. Any helpful thoughts or

>information would be appreciated.



>(Not A Cheapskate But Not A Patsy Either)

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I will tell you how I handle this. When an escort gives me a better rate/discount I always post on the review see rates on page or contact for page. It is nobodies business except me and the escort. I am very good to the guys I have been with and many are repeats. They take care of me I take care of them. Thats the way I see it. HUGS Chuck

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And that's the way it should BE! It goes back to my point about the escort getting what he can from each individual client, which was not meant to be a derogatory statement, but rather a statement of sound business policy. I believe the problem occurs, when reviews state an escort's rates rather than saying "ask the escort". If every other review for an escort states the rate is

$200/hr, especially from a first time client, and you have been paying $300/hr as a multi-time client, I believe that can cause resentment and is not a good business policy. Perhaps, the rates section should just be deleted from the review.


I almost always tip the escort, if I have enjoyed the encounter, but I don't think that should be a requirement to ensure continued business. I don't think it is good for an escort to state his fee is $200/hr plus tip and I would never hire one who has that statement in his marketing, but that's just my own peccadillo, which I am entitled to have.


But after all dude, it really is all "just pissing in the wind".

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Guest jeffOH

>If every other review for an

>escort states the rate is

>$200/hr, especially from a first time client, and you have

>been paying $300/hr as a multi-time client, I believe that can

>cause resentment and is not a good business policy.


That's right, it's not good business. Unfortunately, some escorts' rates vary greatly according to the client. I've known several who do this.


My client's all pay between $100-$140 an hour. I've never raised my rates on my regular clients(several have been paying the same amount for years), although a few were sweet enough to notice that I'd raised my rates and started paying the new rate on their own. Some clients tip, others don't. I'd steer clear of escorts that include "plus tip" in their marketing or want more $$ to perform certain acts. Some of these guys have a real hustler mentality and adjust their rates according to a client's looks or financial situation.


JEFF jeff4men@hotmail.com

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And Pass The Butter


>Well Praise the Lord! We may not agree about the "effiminate

>gay clones" issue, but I'm glad to see we agree about

>something. BTW, you don't charge enough, unless the market is

>really bad where you are. :)


It is not really bad, so I hear. Our Man Jeff just does not believe in charging the going rate, which may be one of a number of reasons why he has been in business for ten years....

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Guest jeffOH

RE: And Pass The Butter


>>Well Praise the Lord! We may not agree about the


>>gay clones" issue, but I'm glad to see we agree about

>>something. BTW, you don't charge enough, unless the market


>>really bad where you are. :)


Actually, I make a distinction between "effeminate" and "affected campy lingo/mannerisms/behavior".


My rates are slightly below the average charged here in Columbus. I've only raised my rates twice in nearly 12 years. I've lived in the same apartment for 10 years and they've only raised my rent once. So, since the cost of living is less here, I see no reason to charge what escorts in NYC, LA or Chicago may be charging.


>It is not really bad, so I hear. Our Man Jeff just does not

>believe in charging the going rate, which may be one of a

>number of reasons why he has been in business for ten



Exactly, I have several clients that I've been seeing nearly as long as I've been escorting. By keeping my rates reasonable, I think that encourages guys to hire me more frequently. So, in the long run, it's been to my advantage to stick with this approach.


JEFF jeff4men@hotmail.com

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:p As a client I do pay different rates for different Escorts, all depends on who they are and how long I been seeing them. We both know the rate going into the visit, but that's just my flat fee. If the escort and I really hit it off I do tip very very well, I want him to remember the tip because the next visit can and even be a BIGGER tip. For the escorts that I see I try and treat them all as a human and not a piece of meat:+
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I was charging clients by the pound which was great until they all seeme to go on a collective diet and I ended up making only $92 an hour. So, now it's just $200 an hour in or to most local places here in the greater L.A. area depending on traffic.


I've given breaks to regulars who were going through a tough time financially and not only did they return, but they insisted on paying up for the discounted sessions.


Dan Dare


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