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411 Brandonjohnsons


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He's from Montreal. Bozo met him when he was a 19-year old dancing at Stock Bar where he worked to supplement his income as a bagboy at a local supermarket....  needless to say, he's no longer bagging groceries.
He's a bodybuilder who's all over social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter...).
The RM ad shows his chiseled physique, but, unfortunately, not his incredible face - blonde/blue eyes, and the face of an angel. Sweet kid with a sexy Quebecois accent.  Thankfully, no idiotic tattoos desecrating his chiseled physique.

He recently danced at Johnson's in Tampa for one night - where apparently there was a line halfway thru the bar with customers waiting for a lap dance with him.
Definitely straight - 100%. But will still put a smile on your face.



Edited by BOZO T CLOWN
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5 hours ago, hwic04 said:

Would love to know his IG and Twitter handles. Someone in the know, please send me a DM. Thx!

I'd like to know the same info if anyone has it and would be agreeable to sharing it with me on a DM.


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