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Wok Stir Fry


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I recently bought a new range that has a 25K BTU’s burner. The stove is a Bluestar, and by design simply removing the ringed grate leaves a perfect Wok ring! On any of the burners. I own a fairly pricey hand hammered steel wok, well seasoned. 

So I’m open to suggestions for recipes.  I found this Cashew Chicken Ding and made it, and wow it was fun and very flavorful! I used chicken thighs vs. the breast meat because I had some fresh leftover from making Kung Pao Chicken. Both of these links lead to long verbose explanations like many online recipes, I always click on “jump to recipe”!

 Also did a vegetarian spicy tofu dish that was really good.

Edit: here’s the spicy tofu recipe was great!

Any favorite wok stir fry fans out there?


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Envious of your 25K BTU burner! I think our local building codes won't permit that hot.

"The Wok" by Kenji Lopez-Alt is a great reference with excellent recipes.

Any cookbook by Fuchsia Dunlop, especially if you like Sichuan and Hunan Chinese food.


If you Google "Fuchsia Dunlop recipes" several come up without needing to buy her books.

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On 7/13/2022 at 7:21 PM, MikeBiDude said:

Any favorite wok stir fry fans out there?


On 7/17/2022 at 7:10 PM, musclvr said:

"The Wok" by Kenji Lopez-Alt is a great reference with excellent recipes.


13 hours ago, samhexum said:

Every time I see this topic headline I think there was a misspelling and it was supposed to be WOKE stir fry and I wonder what about a stir fry could be woke?

Woke Stir/Fry


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7 minutes ago, MikeBiDude said:

Which of those have you prepared?and recommend?

I own a wok (left behind in 2003 by a former roommate who'd never used it), but have never cooked with one.

I just figured this site gives a bunch of recipes and experienced wok(e) users might be able to tell via the ingredients/cook times which might be good, or maybe just get inspiration from.

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13 hours ago, samhexum said:

I own a wok (left behind in 2003 by a former roommate who'd never used it), but have never cooked with one.

I just figured this site gives a bunch of recipes and experienced wok(e) users might be able to tell via the ingredients/cook times which might be good, or maybe just get inspiration from.

Take a look at this site for some good entry level and flavorful approaches to wok cookery:


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