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Rentmen sponsors, worth it?

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I did it a few times for the same guy. In the end, I don’t think it was a beneficial relationship for me. That might be because I wasn’t upfront at the beginning about what it meant that I was sponsoring him. If…if I did it again, I would lay out the expectations of what it means, particularly as it comes to bear on other appointments etc. and his rates or frequency or preference for time with me. If…

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I did it once in lieu of a tip. The escort was appreciative but I wouldn’t do it again. If you’re not a premium member I think it grants you the ability to see videos and semi blocked photos so that might make it worthwhile

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Correct me if I'm wrong, @Yoyotonodo, but you weren't wondering whether clients feel it's worth it to sponsor an escort's membership, right? For those eager to share their thoughts, I believe recent threads exist on this subject.

I think you  were wondering if the "rentmen sponsor" advertising function (99$/month, extra visibility) is worth it for an escort?

I haven't used it myself so don't have any opinion worth sharing, I just wanted to clarify.

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@Dante– why the eye roll? Should a client just fork over more cash for nothing in return? Are clients here for the pleasure of escorts? It seems perfectly reasonable that I’d expect something if I’m paying. Don’t you think? Something in return for my money? Enlighten me where there’s a flaw in my logic.

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1 hour ago, FewBricksShy said:

@Dante– why the eye roll? Should a client just fork over more cash for nothing in return? Are clients here for the pleasure of escorts? It seems perfectly reasonable that I’d expect something if I’m paying. Don’t you think? Something in return for my money? Enlighten me where there’s a flaw in my logic.

For me, the question is what the benefit is to the provider. As nice as the gesture is, if a client pays more for it than it would cost the provider himself, is it not better to give him the money (either as a tip or specifically as a payment for him to buy his own gold status at a time of his choosing)? Any extra money you pay a provider is either an expression of appreciation or it carries some sort of expectation. It does not carry any obligation unless you have agreed on that.

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I did it several months for a provider I was seeing 2-3 times a week but never thought it had any other benefit than for them . He told me he appreciated it but I never assumed I should ask or negotiate any favors. He was always very upfront that his rates were what they were. I actually thought there was a benefit to them. 

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1 hour ago, mike carey said:

For me, the question is what the benefit is to the provider. As nice as the gesture is, if a client pays more for it than it would cost the provider himself, is it not better to give him the money (either as a tip or specifically as a payment for him to buy his own gold status at a time of his choosing)? Any extra money you pay a provider is either an expression of appreciation or it carries some sort of expectation. It does not carry any obligation unless you have agreed on that.

Agreed. And that’s what I was saying from my experience. I have done it and it wasn’t appreciated and there was no benefit. I don’t see any reason why there can’t be an agreement about what it means. Maybe it is just a tip. Maybe it’s not. For me, having done it, it wasn’t an equitable arrangement for me. If I felt it were appreciated or that there was some benefit to me, then I could entertain it. At this point, I feel like it’s not the best way for me to show appreciation. A tip is a tip. But RM sponsorship, from my experience, isn’t a beneficial to the client. No shit any arrangement, financial or otherwise, is beneficial to the provider if there are no strings/expectations/arrangements attached. If it’s just a sponsorship with no expectations, how could it be anything but positive? It seems to me the question should be, “Is RM sponsorship worth it if there are expectations?”

@FTL– If a provider isn’t going out of his way for you for consistently going above and beyond and treating you like any other client who wouldn’t go above and beyond, then I feel that’s unethical, or at least entitled. I can tell you I appreciate what you do for me and not really. I can say the sky is green too if it means it benefits me, especially if it doesn’t cost me anything more than saying the sky is green. As long as you’re paying and he doesn’t have to do more, why wouldn’t he keep up such an arrangement?

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The experiences were above and beyond what I have ever experienced with anyone and I’m 71. I was happy to make the contribution but now I’m wondering why. Better off just tipping more and booking more and maybe the providers don’t really know what it is or they do and let us who don’t keep doing it. Honestly my provider usually said he appreciated it but to what benefit for anyone other money RM. I though it perhaps off set their monthly fees but not so sure from this. Bottom line no more without full discussion of what benefits him and hopefully me. Pay and learn from the old man

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8 hours ago, FewBricksShy said:

@Dante– why the eye roll? Should a client just fork over more cash for nothing in return? Are clients here for the pleasure of escorts? It seems perfectly reasonable that I’d expect something if I’m paying. Don’t you think? Something in return for my money? Enlighten me where there’s a flaw in my logic.

I think clients and providers would all be better off if they would start looking for win/win transactions.  There are so many on both sides trying to be on the win side of a win/lose deal.  In the end, nobody wins on those deals.

It gets old hearing about clients that didn't get what they want and providers that think everyone is wasting their time.  If people would just try to take care of other people, this hobby, hell the world would be a better place.

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1 hour ago, jtwalker said:

I think clients and providers would all be better off if they would start looking for win/win transactions.  There are so many on both sides trying to be on the win side of a win/lose deal.  In the end, nobody wins on those deals.

It gets old hearing about clients that didn't get what they want and providers that think everyone is wasting their time.  If people would just try to take care of other people, this hobby, hell the world would be a better place.

I was telling another friend who hires that I find it disingenuous when a provider says his goal is to make a guy happy. Not really. His goal is to make money. And the most money possible for the least amount of work and time possible. That’s perfectly fine. And acceptable. But let’s cut the crap. My goal is to have the most pleasure possible for the least amount of money possible. If everyone were honest and respectful about our intentions, then things would be better. I saw an ad today that said “There's nothing better than turning strangers into lovers.” Honey – you and I both know we’re never going to be lovers…Stop wasting my time with empty words. George Bailey promised the moon and only delivered on a drafty old house…When he accepted that and the reality of his actual life, he realized he had a wonderful life. He stopped living and wishing for a fantasy. We’re adults here and hopefully respectful. If we can’t accept that escorts want to make money and clients want to have a good time, if we want to think something else is going on, then we’re all delusional.

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The question really is what is a fair price. And attitude goes a long way to deciding what’s fair. If a guy is respectful, I’m more than willing to compensate fairly. Just don’t try to gouge me and also don’t try to make me think that your overnight rate of $2500 is somehow fair. For 8 hrs…or less in some cases. It’s an expensive hobby, to be sure, but there are limits as well. And there’s also an entitlement among some escorts that clients somehow owe them. As if they’re doing the client a favor by taking payment. I can’t say that for my regulars, thank God, but there are plenty who act or talk like they’re so put out by a client wanting something substantial from them for his money. Don’t advertise a BFE if you just want to fuck and leave.

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1 hour ago, FewBricksShy said:

 I saw an ad today that said “There's nothing better than turning strangers into lovers.” 

Thank you for taking the time to check out my rentmen ad. I really mean that :)



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8 hours ago, Dante said:

Thank you for taking the time to check out my rentmen ad. I really mean that :)



Yeah. I hoped you’d see it. And your remarks here and on your profile don’t jive. Thanks for taking the time to read here and ignore my original question to you. So again: why the eye roll emojis? I don’t deserve something in return for sponsoring you as an escort? Are you entitled to it? If you have all the time in the world, as your site says, I hope you tell your fellow escorts how they can manage their time better. They seem hard pressed for it at every turn.

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20 hours ago, FewBricksShy said:

Long and short is I don’t think guys are honest.

I’ve met a few that disprove this.  There are some great guys on RM.  

Anyone who truly wants to get the most out of the situation will give the most.  Ironically, the best way to receive is to give.  This is applicable in most of life.

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9 minutes ago, FewBricksShy said:

I agree with this. But you can’t demand that at the outset. It comes with time. And that goes for escorts as well as clients. A client will treat an escort well if he feels like the escort is treating him like more than an ATM. 

Couldn't agree more.  It's a two way street.  As an older guy I realize I'm not their first choice for some fun but it's amazing when rhey put some effort into it.

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52 minutes ago, TorontoDrew said:

it's amazing when rhey put some effort into it

I’m actually a people pleaser myself and will go out of my way to make a guy feel welcome in my home. But I don’t like to feel like I’m a waste of time even before it gets to that point. And I’d like to think the “extras” I provide during the time together are worth something.

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A few months back, I had a crazy cramp during a session.  The provider gave me half back for leaving early, then felt bad and came back to hang out awhile longer.  Didn’t ask for the half back, and I forgot.

I hired him again next time he was in town and he’s now a favorite.  I gave him a huge tip to make up for the first time and I’ll definitely hire him again.

it’s amazing what a little kindness can do.

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