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Handling clients who don’t reply back after a message or 2

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Should these types be blocked or followed up on? When it’s the latter, then I feel like I’m having to chase after people and that’s very annoying especially when it happens after only a message or 2. Like how many messages do I have to send to get someone to reply back?

I’ve had like 2-3 people in the past couple days contact me (once again leads to the “should I take my number down” post), and then when I reply back a time or 2 with a informative worded follow up, they don’t reply back.

The other ones are those who respond back initially, but when they don’t get a response back within a 10 minute time frame or so, they start sending “??” Or “are you there”, and when finally return their text and let them know you’re busy at the moment: they don’t respond.

I’m about to start not responding to them, because it seems most don’t pay attention to my ad that instructs people to send consultation deposit when requesting a session. This is exactly why I can’t do it any other way too long, because most don’t seem to want or act like they can’t read 🤦🏽‍♂️ 

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It seems a simple message like "Here's the relevant info about a session and how to book {insert details or link}.  Send me a message when you are ready to set up a meeting, I try to respond within xx time during [start time] and [end time].  I'll respond to messages outside those hours the next day."  

The ball is in their court after that and you don't have to do anything to follow up if you don't care to.  If they can't follow your instructions about how to book, it's your decision whether to resend the instruction, tell them you can't meet, or just block them.  

If they're the type to send "??" type messages if you don't respond fast enough (I hate it when people do that, too), then you might remind them you respond as soon as feasible but within xx amount of time and please don't send such prompts.  Or block them.  It's up to you how you prefer to deal with them.


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15 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

I would just assume if they don't reply back that they are not interested or not serious. I wouldn't "chase" after them at all. If and when they wanna hire you they'll reach back out. Not worth any unnecessary self inflicted stress. 


Well that's the thing: if someone wants to play the "not interested/not serious" card once, I won't be willing to give them a 2nd chance to pull it again. When I have: I will usually bring it up the next time they contact me, if they don't get blocked. 

I wouldn't refer to it as self-inflicted stress. After all: it's them who's initiating the contact, and them playing childish, duck duck goose games at 67 years old (as one “client” who ghosted mentioned). I think anyone would feel a bit annoyed about that. Who wouldn't? If someone reaches out to contact about a booking, at-least have the decency to respond back when the other provider replies. 


14 hours ago, DynamicUno said:

It seems a simple message like "Here's the relevant info about a session and how to book {insert details or link}.  Send me a message when you are ready to set up a meeting, I try to respond within xx time during [start time] and [end time].  I'll respond to messages outside those hours the next day."  

The ball is in their court after that and you don't have to do anything to follow up if you don't care to.  If they can't follow your instructions about how to book, it's your decision whether to resend the instruction, tell them you can't meet, or just block them.  

If they're the type to send "??" type messages if you don't respond fast enough (I hate it when people do that, too), then you might remind them you respond as soon as feasible but within xx amount of time and please don't send such prompts.  Or block them.  It's up to you how you prefer to deal with them.


I do all the above and guess what? Some still don't follow back up. Or they aren't consistent about it. 

It's all good though. It just continues to give me more reason and incentive to stick with a firm upfront policy when  discussing any bookings. It does result in fewer texts, but at this rate: it's better to have 1 serious client who actually reads and goes thru the booking process, versus dealing with numerous back to back fakers who act like they want to make an appointment. 

This is once again a by product I believe, of there being more escorts than some markets can handle. Seems the more escorts in an area, the higher the number of fallout too. Even if it’s just a handful: that handful could give more room for people to “do the rounds”. Seems like if you’re not engaging them right away, when they contact, the booking is gone before it’s even confirmed. 

Sometimes people like that may not be bad clients, but they aren’t consistent clients and even if a good session comes out of it, those types often tend to go months before reaching out for another booking. 


Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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If, after you send two replies, the prospective client does not reply it is time to stop following up. Of course, if the client gets back to you within a reasonable timeframe after the second reply then continue the discussion (unless the client appears not to be serious). 

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On 6/23/2022 at 1:09 AM, rvwnsd said:

unless the client appears not to be serious

Sorry for the double post. What determines if a client appears not to be serious? That seems to be said a lot with no real clarity what makes for it. As a client, it would be helpful to know so I don’t accidentally fall in that pit. 

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11 hours ago, FewBricksShy said:

Sorry for the double post. What determines if a client appears not to be serious? That seems to be said a lot with no real clarity what makes for it. As a client, it would be helpful to know so I don’t accidentally fall in that pit. 

I'd like to know this, too. When I make an initial contact with a provider, I do it with the utmost respect, sincerity and flexibility.  This rarely gains me any response whatsoever. Especially not from well reviewed escorts. I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong.

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