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Clients who smoke.

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There is such a stigma to smoking nowadays with more and more states outlawing smoking in public places (Florida and this past week New York) I was curious how escorts react to clients that smoke. Granted some of the escorts may be smokers themselves, but prefer not to advertise that fact because of the stigma. But assuming that the client is thoughtful and uses a mouthwash or mints (altoids etc.) does this ever become a problem for you?

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From the 'to each his own' desk~


I myself am not a smoker, but have never minded any of my clients who choose to... whether it be around me, etc. Of course, it also helps that all of my clients who do smoke are unbelievably polite about keeping 'hygenically minty.'


IMO, if a client can't totally be himself in front of an escort than why even hire him? From some 'interesting' habits i've seen while escorting, i would say that smoking is the least of my worries when meeting someone for the first or tenth time. It's all about making the client feel as comfortable as possible: If that includes a cig or two... so be it.



Then again, this is just my opinion~ Grain of salt, ya know? ;)




Warmest Regards,





Benjamin Nicholas



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In my personal life, I definitely prefer non-smokers. I just don't like the taste when kissing. x(


But as an escort, I can deal with it. After all, the client is paying for your time, so your preference as to the smoke on his breath is a minor issue (at least for me).


Although nice minty breath is always a turn on for me :)

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Guest jwraustin

I have several clients who smoke cigaretts and cigars. Tho I care much for the smell or the taste, it really doesnt bother me much. If they feel more comfortable with a cigarette or cigar in their hand, fine with me.


Tho, not long ago I was with a client who HAD to stop during our time together to take 5 (that is FIVE) cigarette breaks during a two hour appointment. Its really frustrating to get all up to speed, and have someone say "I need a cigarette." I just smiled, and let him finish his cigarette, and we went back at it again. I thought it was a bit strange, but hey, its his time, and I could deal with it. He was happy in the end, and that's what counts.


Jon Dean


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Left Coast Style


When my travels have taken me outside California, it has taken a bit to get use to individuals smoking inside bars and even dining establishments, particularly in four and five star restaurants. I find most of my clients have been very considerate. None has ever requested, much less tried to smoke in my home, but then again I have no visible ashtrays out.


The Twinks all smoke and they are all used to, even in their own homes, to going outside and doing the deed, so to speak.


I have not found myself in a situation where my clients wanted to kiss (or to otherwise express intimacy) and there was a problem, in any respect.


Recently, my overnight in Vegas, who generally smokes, did not do so until the next morning, after breakfast, immediately after the meal. I had forgotten he smoked until that moment, and I pointed out to him as we had a suite that he should have just smoked in the room. He responded: "I did."

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Guest DevonSFescort

> IMO, if a client can't totally be himself in front of an

>escort than why even hire him?...It's all about making the client feel as comfortable as possible


This is definitely the right attitude for an escort to take into his encounters with his clients. And like you, I'm a tolerant non-smoker; it's never really bothered me; sometimes I even kinda like it (there's something satisfying about seeing a client light up the afterglow ciggie, and once in a blue moon I'll even ask to join him).


On the other hand, IMO it's also true that clients who bring the usual courtesy and consideration to an encounter with an escort that one would bring to any other dating situation tend to have more happy experiences than clients who figure they're paying, so who cares what the escort likes? And sensitivity to cigarettes is one of those things that's going to vary so much from escort to escort that it's best to ask each one you meet what his preferences are. If a poor boy's allergic it doesn't mean he doesn't care about his clients' comfort. And there are practical reasons why you might want him to be able to breath through his nose... }(


As for the issue of smoker's breath -- mouthwash, Listerine strips, etc. are appreciated, but should a client fail to come through in that department I've found it helps to go ahead and have a cigarette yourself (unless you're the type that just can't stand it). It's kind of like garlic; if you've both had it, it's no big deal. It's if only one of you has had it that there's a problem. :+

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My personal philosophy is, "When in Rome..." In other words, if the client or escort is in his own home or hotel room, he sets the smoking policy. If either party has strong views on the smoking/no smoking issue, he should make that clear before the appointment takes place. The BF and I are former smokers who don't allow smoking in our house, but I have no problem visiting an escort who smokes in his own home, although I think it is still simple courtesy to ask, "Do you mind if I smoke?" when you are cuddled in bed with someone.

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Rick... copyrights aside... We're ALL horny ;)


What i am saying though is no different from what you're saying. I simply have a different opinion when it comes to one particular detail.


Making sure the client is 'turned on' & 'satisfied' is only part of the entire encounter... Any well-rounded escort out there would be quick to say that having a good level of comfort, with both parties, always makes things that much better.


My clients are always welcome to test out the newest 'leather sectional' out there, but eventually they always come back to their favorite 'Laz-E-Boy' that fits them like a glove.



Familarity doesn't always breed contempt... ;)




Warmest Regards,




Benjamin Nicholas



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Guest footguytop

footguy I'm a smoker that hires escorts on a pretty regular basis.


I almost always entertain in my own home. Many times when I'm trying to get to know or feel comfortable with a new escort, it calms me down to be able to smoke. This takes place in the living room, or in warmer weather, the patio, but once we head for the bedroom, I don't smoke during the "session". I know all the stigmas associated with smoking, and usually apologize for my habit to the escort, but I AM a smoker, and it's more comfortable for me to be able to indulge while sitting and chatting.


As for the "minty, fresh mouth...I try, but I'm sure the non-smokers are very sensitive to the lingering taste. Again, I apologize, but maybe I would feel more comfortable with longer sessions if this was not an issue. I know it's a nasty habit, but it is just that....a habit, an addiction....hard to be without.


All the opinions on this thread are valid, just wanted to add mine as the degenerate who smokes.


I love this site....great conversation. Fondly....footguy

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The only time I won't smoke is in the escorts Apt. or Home. When I hire him over the phone and he is coming to my hotel I always tell them ahead of time that I smoke. At times they ask what do I smoke and I'll tell them cigarettes & pot and I ask if they have a problem. If they say anything about the pot smoking I will not smoke with them in the hotel room. But for cigarettes if they have a problem before hand I cancel the visit, the hotel room is on my turf. One time in the past the escort said he had no problem with the smoking but when he showed up he had problems every time I lit up, at that point I asked him to leave without any payment.:+

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I am not a smoker....and smoke actually confounds my sinusssss

(can never spell the plural) I always let everyone...client or not know that I really don't like it....I tell them they can do it....If its 10 feet away from me...and if they open the window. I'm not mean about it... I try to joke about it...but it's usually clear that I don't like it.


I guess my only line is.....SUCK on my cock if your anxious....it's another one of those situations...where Id just kiss him to keep him from putting anything else in his mouth....I guess Im jealous of the ciggarretttte...I hate the fact that the small faggot gets more attention then me.....I am a LEO after all....



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RE: smoking butts


Speaking of smoking butts, Where is Jim, btmstudnyc, or rick munroe when you need them? On The Road!


Really could use a fag ..er cigarette right about now.


thanks to all the guys who responded. As someone who is in the closet about smoking and just about everything else, I am grateful for the feedback. I have always tried to be a considerate person and never smoke in someone presence indoors without asking and always defer if its a problem. will ususally ask if I can step outside for a minute. Carry a lifetime supply of Altoids and Listerine strips (in addition to the Magnum XL trojans...never know when I might get lucky) No, I didn't mean Mr. Lucky ...although..hmmm.

Anyway, really appreciate the replies. If I am fortunate enough to hook up with any of you guys, I will try to be mindful of the above stated preferences. Not easy being part of the last real minority.

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RE: smoking butts drive me nuts!


Lucky, I wish I could quit. I tried earlier this year. After I got back from England in February, I ended up in the hospital hemorhaging for five days. From that day until I left for the month vacation in St. Augustine in May, I didn't have a cigarette and really didn't crave one. But the minute I landed in Jacksonville, as soon as I picked up my rental car, the first stop I made was for cigs. Smoked one or two a day the first few weeks, but by month's end was back to full pack. So I guess it takes more than one try. Now as for the other thing you mentioned about smoking butts making you nuts, don't tease me. I am at a very delicate stage in my therapy. Who knows how little provocation it would take for me to arrange a spur of the moment trip to NY (me and lil jack) I would need some help with finding inexpensive hotels (not flea traps but something affordable as I want to spend some time seeing shows and maybe meeting the Hooville celebs in NY like yourself and Rick Munroe and Jim btmstudnyc) Oh and by the way, thanks for the rating and kind words. You are funny and another one of the reasons I keep cumming back to this board.

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RE: smoking butts drive me nuts!


>Lucky, I wish I could quit. You are funny and

>another one of the reasons I keep cumming back to this



Yeah, This board is turning into a cum rag.






Jack....at least I can say....when people ask what your like...I can always say......HE's SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOking hot.

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RE: smoking butts drive me nuts!


I used aversion therapy to quit...the Shick Clinic in Pasadena. They put me in a little closet for five nights until I was so repulsed I hated it. Then they said if I could smoke a cigarette all the way through, they would return my $545. I didn't take them up on it andI haven't smoked since! Lucky me, huh?

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