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Dealing with annoying clients.....

Guest roninx
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As I've previously stated just starting out in this line of work...


And already :-( an annoying client. Basically this guy loves to talk. During the act he is ok but before and after he just keeps talking...about anything. Trying to get a word in edgewise is very difficult. I even tell him before the session that I need to meet someone afterwards (at a specific time) but he still keeps on talking. Now this talking isn't even interesting. It is boring and I'm not that easily bored.


I find myself dreading him emailing me again.


I am interested in hearing any other annoying clients (if you can mention it here) :)


and ways that you try to deal with it. Now when I say annoying I don't mean the usual stuff like bad hygiene, etc but just something very annoying about a client.


Just so I know what else to expect.


Thanks in advance. :p

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My dear ronnix,if you search your memory I am sure you can remember a person who kindly,but firmly,closed the conversation without hurting your feelings.Often times,a kind"gee-I would like to stay and chat but I have a (doctors-lawers-dentist-family-anything but another client)and I must be going will work-as you are heading towards the door,again firm but kind is the key here.Or I have a class that I have to get to should work.

If theese don't do the trick,explain that while you are greatful for his patronage,you have a private life outside of this work,and that you hope he understands your having to put limits on your encounters.

Kill them with kindness-that is the key here.

Just make sure that you are not the one trying to rush him out the door without reason,if you read the reviews here clockwatching is an deterent to a long and succesful carrer.

Best of luck to you in you new field

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If this client is going over his alloted time, and you are having difficulty comfortably concluding the appointment, then I think you have an issue worth addressing. However, if the client is merely using the time he's paying for, and he wants to talk, I think that that should be his prerogative. At the current rates being charged, I think that you could tolerate less than scintillating conversation. If not, then don't see him!

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What an "earth shattering" dilemma. There is a problem here? Most of us have to listen to dull, boring asses all day at work and for a hell of a lot less than $200+ an hour. Well, it can be quite annoying when one person does all the talking and if you find it that annoying, then just don't see that client again or shove something in his mouth to shut him up. You may want to think about dumping him though as with your attitude you might not get many more clients, especially repeats. Imagine the nerve of a client (especially a oft repeated one) to feel comfortable enough and to enjoy your company enough to engage in conversation and hope that you could at least feign some interest in what he has to say and who may actually think of you as something other than a hard cock, a tight hole or a wet mouth. Obviously you only see your clients that way (perhaps they should just hang their butts out the window and you can stand on the sidewalk and do your thing for 10 minutes and walk away with the whole hour's pay). Fortunately for you, there are clients who are looking for just that, so you'll probably do okay. Of course my opinion is based only on what you posted as I don't know you, but I would not consider you an escort, but rather a "rent by the hour only hustle boy", charging escort prices and I think you probably book multiple clients a day as many days of the week as you can. I hope you're charging a small fortune for an hour's time, because I have the feeling that you might be out of business as soon as every client in town has had you once. Best of luck and a happy career to you!

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It sounds like the problem has more to do with you than the client.


If you intend to continue escorting, you need to be able to enforce your boundaries. If this guy is going over his alloted time and you have another appointment, just excuse yourself and leave. If you cannot do that, then you have to accept that some clients are going to try to get you to stay as long as possible and won't be "watching the clock." You can say this is "wrong" of a client, but you are the one responsible for ending the session when it's over.


Also, if you haven't been clear with the client how long your session is or when you expect to leave, then you need to practice that skill. (I assume this guy is hiring you for an hour or two, not overnight or for a longer period. It's more reasonable to be "loose" with the time on longer bookings.) And, ultimately, if a client hires you and you do not want him to continue being your client, you need to find a way to convey that. Hopefully you can do so in a way that doesn't create a negative review for yourself. ;-)

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Guest jwraustin

Hey Hawk...cut the Roninx some slack. He stated that he was just starting out, and was asking for some honest feed back on how to handle a situation. Calling him names and insulting him is really unfair. I think you owe him an apology.


Roninx....First off, being in control of the session is very important in being a good escort. That means that when the time is up, its time to go. This is a situation that has occurred with me before, and my solution is "I really want to thank you for stopping by to see me, and I hope you had a nice evening with me. I think its time that we wrapped things up, and called it an evening...." That's when its time to put the clothes on, and start moving toward the door (or start handing the client his clothes). If the client doesnt get the hint at this point, then you have a problem client and you need to think about dealing with him in the future. Sometimes you just have to be firm. But some guys just enjoy your company so much that they just hate to say good bye. Take it as a compliment, but, again, keep control of the situation, and keep things moving along. Sometimes, they just need someone to listen, and that's a great skill to develop as an escort. Also, you might want to get it perfectly clear to your client that when the allotted time is up, there is an extra charge for your time.


My impression from your question is that you sincerely want to deliver a good session to your client, but you are having a little trouble knowing just how to wrap things up. It will come with time and experience.


Hang in there...Some people on this board just like to insult escorts for the sake of insulting them.


Jon Dean


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Guest Love Bubble Butt

I'm sorry, but I really don't see what the problem is here. He is not making you stay past the alotted time, you're choosing to stay past it. If the time is up, the time is up -- tell him so (kindly), give him a kiss on the cheek, a pat on the ass, and then leave.


If his talking is really annoying you that much "during the time he is paying you," then I suggest you rethink about whether escorting is for you. I'm not trying to mean, but if this is all you have to complain about, then I think you're probably doing pretty well with the types of clients you're getting. ;)

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Generally people who do that are nervous. Now WHY he is nervous, I can't tell you. There is good advice here on politely ending the session. During the session you might initiate physical contact even if only low key and casually and that might quiet him down. It's just possible being in bed with your hot self makes him pretty nervous and he doesn't understand its okay to be quiet.


On the other hand this may later on in your career turn out to be one of the easiest problems to deal with.



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Guest Hole_4_Hire

This thread has kind of side-tracked from annoying clients to how to end the session. Here's what I do to make sure I'm not there too long.


I set the alarm on my watch for 30 minutes past the agreed-upon session. If the session ends on time, the client never hears the alarm. If the session runs over, it's a reminder to the client that time is up.


After it goes off, I usually start getting dressed while telling the client how much I appreciate his business. I indicate that I have a family commitment that I've got to attend because I don't want to leave the impression that I'm booking more than one client per day.


Haven't had a client yet get upset when the alarm goes off. They usually apologize for not being aware of the time and I usually get a good tip for the extra time.

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annoying clients.....


It would be inappropriate for me or anyone else to discuss annoying clients. To the extent that most of us here have discussed problem clients, it has largely been due to gentlemen who did not respect their escorts as professionals or treat us with courtesy or respect. Of course, this means we, the escorts, have to act professionally.


In that regard, I concur with the advice given here by Jon and Hole 4 Hire, as well as all the clients. From your post, it is not clear that this client wishes to talk only on his time but it appears he is also exceeding that frame. Therefore you should be polite but firm but you cannot engage this client during his session and then all of a sudden stop.


Therefore, you need to develope tools for yourself for this and other situations which may arise in order to make this career path work for you as well as provide a quality experience for the men who choose to come to you.


Good luck.

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Firstly, I wanted to thank everyone for his response and I do want to clarify the situation so it is clearer.


When the client in questions talks during his allotted time I have absolutely no problem with that. After all, he is paying for the time. When a client books a one hour session, I have no problem and I usually do stay up to 1 hour and 1/2.


I also never book back to back clients or even more than one a day. I am also a very easy going person. With this particular client he is the type of person who talks in a rather long-winded way. Something that would ordinarily take a few seconds, he can stretch to more than a few minutes.


When the 1 1/2 hour is over and we've done the cuddling, etc. I get up to get dressed and he continues to talk. Basically, he continues to talk even as I'm trying to exit. As I stated, I have tried to repeated tell him nicely that I have to go but he continues with his stories. One appointment I was there almost 2 1/2 hours.


I have no problem with and I prefer to engage in conversation with the client. But this particular client doesn't really engage in conversatin persay...he simply wants to tell me stories of his life. And it is rather difficult to engage in a "one-way" conversation.


My initial post wasn't meant as me simpling complaining or whining about the client.... I simply was asking for advice as to the best way to handle the situation.


I hope that this does clarify the situation and I am truly grateful for ALL the feedback that I received.


In the future, I will try to better phrase my questions. I apologize if I offended anyone as it definitely was not my intention. I truly do enjoy my work and interacting with clients. To date, this is the only client that I have even had a minor issue with and for the most part it has been great! :)


Thanks again for all the input...I truly do enjoy this site!

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Guest DevonSFescort

RE: Clarification


>When a client books a one hour session, I have

>no problem and I usually do stay up to 1 hour and 1/2.


If I were you I would be careful about doing that unless you don't mind creating an expectation that future clients might bring to your appointments. If you start getting reviews from clients who gush about how not only are not a clock-watcher, but you stay "well past" the hour, guess what? You'll start having to face the problem you're dealing with now a lot more often. And when you do leave an appointment on time, that client might be disappointed and wonder if you were turned off by him. (And you might never know, because he probably wouldn't say anything, but rather just move on.)


Now, if you want to make it a policy that an hour with roninx is really 90 minutes, then go for it and use it in your marketing. In this economy that strategy could be a winner. Just give me royalties if you use the slogan "Home of the 90-minute hour!" :+ But it's good to be clear both in your own head and with your clients about what your terms are so that you can be consistent and develop a reputation as a professional, not a pushover. A little fudge time is appropriate -- I've never been accused of clockwatching -- but half an hour, unless it's tacked on to an evening-long or overnight appointment, goes above and beyond the call of fudge.


>As I stated, I have tried to repeated tell him nicely that I have to >go but he continues with his stories. One appointment I was there

>almost 2 1/2 hours.


Aaargh! Do NOT let any client disrespect you in this way! It doesn't matter how lonely he is or how interesting his stories are to him. It doesn't matter whether you have somewhere you have to be or not. He is being rude and taking advantage of your good nature. This kind of behavior also strikes me as the mark of an unhealthy and inappropriate neediness on his part. He's probably the kind of client you can do without, but if you decide to keep seeing him, you are going to have to redraw the boundaries with him, in terms that he can understand and agree to. Then hold him to them.


Now, when you're "on the scene" and a client just won't stop talking, it is perfectly valid to interrupt him and say "Excuse me -- did you want me to stay another hour?" If the answer is no, then say "Then it's time for me to go. Let's pick up where we left off next time." If he still won't shut up, then literally clap your hands in a "hurry up...chop-chop" way and say goodbye.


>My initial post wasn't meant as me simpling complaining or

>whining about the client.... I simply was asking for advice as

>to the best way to handle the situation.


You sound like a very nice guy. I wish you all the best in your new career. :)

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I usually turn the sexual energy up...to drown out any annoying qualities..


If he talks too much....kiss him more...or cover his mouth while you fuck him harder.


If he asks too many questions....kiss him more or shove your dick in his mouth...that usually shuts him up.


If he spits while talking...spit back


If he farts....tell him thats triple the cost.


There has to be a dick/ass/mouth/foot/bondage solution to any annoying problem...wouldnt you say?


If he keeps annoying you...Just tell him that you don't think it will work out because you have issues that you can't get through because he reminds you of your father....Put it on yourself...so there isnt any hard feelings.


I never found an annoyance...that my dick or butt couldn't fix.





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Guest Fin Fang Foom

RE: Clarification


>In the future, I will try to better phrase my questions. I

>apologize if I offended anyone as it definitely was not my



You didn't do or say anything that offended anyone. They misinterpreted what you were asking - that's not your fault. I knew what you meant.


What you need to do is make sure when the time is up that you say you need to go to the bathroom, take your clothes with you if you haven't already dressed, come out and immediately head for the door. If he's still chattering on like a magpie, it won't be rude for you to say you must go if you're half-way out the door. I've encountered these verbal tar babies countless times before and they're really tough to escape from but you can do it.


Supportively yours,



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest RetrdEscrt



Are you sure the talking isn't covering up something like him being nervous.I have had clients who were very powerful and in control in their own fields but get them in a personal situation and they go to pieces.

I agree with what some of the other guys say.if its part of the appt then maybe you have to go with the flow but every client will not be a great talker or a great lay in bed thats the situation in the business.If it were there would be a lot more escorts around.


As you get into escorting more then you will know what to do to ease the situation around to something you will find more comfortable.Remember the escort should be in control for the majority of the time and if that does happen then the appt will be more comfortable for both the escort and client .

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  • 2 weeks later...

RE: Clarification




Sounds like you are nice enough to him, but just have a hard time to get out the door. Short of jumping out the window, you might need to cut him off. Maybe have someone call your cell shortly after the hour is over to give a good reason to exit. "Ahhh...my ride is around the corner...gotta run".


The man sounds boorish and lonely. Suggest he hire you for an overnight. It may be a long night, but at least it will pay well.


As a client, I've encountered the same problem you had, but with an escort. Said fellow is a tad self-centered...."everyone at the gym was chasing me.... at the dance club, all eyes were on ME".


While I like guys who are fun in bed and who are personable, but I like to limit the relationship. One time, at my place and this guy was babbling on and on about his fanclub, I had to get dressed, stop him in mid-sentance, and say that we both need to leave as I had somewhere to go ( I didn't). Not being mean, but beyond sex and money there is not a lot in common. In most cases, there is not much I can discuss with a gym-buffed circuit boy that is 15 years my junior.

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