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Odd Level Of Demand

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The thing is is that I doubt the recession has really hurt people that make 6 figures and have a comfy lifestyle and plenty of more disposable income. 

If you're nosey like me, and look up clients' social media, a lot are still traveling around the world and living it up. Most young gay guys on grindr seem to be living life to the fullest lately.


I just take it personally if a familiar client randomly shows up and hasn't even checked up on me and I haven't seen him in a year or two, when we've had 10 years of rapport and I've slept in his bed and even house sat for him. I'm like F you, go get to know someone else. I give this offering to the next masseur!

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On 6/30/2022 at 8:59 AM, FewBricksShy said:

The cost of hiring has increased at a time when a dollar doesn’t go as far. Pleasure goods like escorts are going to see a decrease in demand, even without increased prices for services. With a decrease in demand generally and an increase in price, I can totally understand that the client market is depressed. I know I’m in a saving pattern for my next hire, and it’s been harder to get that play money account to fill up like before. 



When this happens, clients that want an escort will hit up the massage guys and see how far they will go, since you can find a decent masseur that will perform extras for $200-300 less than an escort.



Perhaps escorts can advertise the massage for a much cheaper price and it might be better since they won't have to guarantee cumming or anything.

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9 hours ago, Vulgarii said:

The thing is is that I doubt the recession has really hurt people that make 6 figures and have a comfy lifestyle and plenty of more disposable income. 

If you're nosey like me, and look up clients' social media, a lot are still traveling around the world and living it up. Most young gay guys on grindr seem to be living life to the fullest lately.


I just take it personally if a familiar client randomly shows up and hasn't even checked up on me and I haven't seen him in a year or two, when we've had 10 years of rapport and I've slept in his bed and even house sat for him. I'm like F you, go get to know someone else. I give this offering to the next masseur!

Sometimes it’s hard to gauge just by what a client is doing. They may be traveling for work or with a spouse. Also, often times when people are doing such trips, they may not have money to spend later. I know one such client, went to Europe and all but tried to give me $30 less on our last session. I wasn’t mad at him because it was probably a short sighted mistake but: it just goes to show. I also know another client who travels to Europe, and he’s not doing “bad” by any means, but if I ask for more than our usually donation, he may be hesitant. He’s also super frugal and barely spends on anything not necessary: 


Also: guys on Grindr is just going to be a poor perception on many levels. People love to portray a persona on social media, including Grindr. I knew one such guy who would flaunt his “exquisite” lavish lifestyle of jewelry and “dates” which were nothing more than pushovers who took him out to fancy restaurants. However, my suspicion was he didn’t know how to cook, and was “bill poor”: giving the image but not really able to do what I do.


Lot of these “grand” mother fuckers out here won’t even pack up and go on a vacation on their own like I do. Yet they flaunt designer bags and shit to look important. That $600/$1,000 they spend on a bag: I can take that and fund a trip somewhere that’s going to broaden my horizons, meet wonderful clients, and have extra to take care of fundamental things in my life. 

I mainly think the level of demand depends on a lot of things. There’s surplus of guys in cities where there previously weren’t. I also feel in some ways the “novelty” has been lost. You see so many profiles talking about how they “aren’t generous” and aren’t looking to pay.

I made one (potential) client change his profile on Adam. I told him, I don’t feel comfortable meeting him, based on his profile referencing how not to contact him if you’re “looking for money” and that he’ll report to “friends who are in the FBI”. 

I’m like, I don’t care what the issue is: any clients who openly disparage someone who’s offering a service regardless of the level: I don’t want to meet. How I can trust someone who says, “get a job you worthless pieces of shit” as a client I want to meet? He changed his profile but has still yet to follow thru on the booking. I’m not holding my breath…

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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