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Face Lifts Getting More Expensive


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For some well-heeled patients, the cost of a face lift now exceeds $200,000!

"The doctors touting their “designer” face-lifts insist that their advanced technique, elevated aesthetic sensibilities and experience allow them to charge these rates. Dr. Lara Devgan, a plastic surgeon in Manhattan, likened what she does to “commissioning an artist to make a very beautiful painting for you.” Dr. Devgan charges up to $200,000 for a face-lift.

“At first blush, it may seem like a big number, but I think of this as a question of value, not of cost,” Dr. Devgan said. “Your face is your job, it’s your love life, it’s your identity.”

Dr. Julius Few, a plastic surgeon in Chicago and Los Angeles, charges $50,000 for a “basic face-lift,” he said, and “well into the six figures” for more extensive procedures. In an interview, he spoke about his love of painting and photography and 22 years of focusing on faces.

“For the affluent patient I treat, this is really more like purchasing artwork than purchasing a technical procedure,” said Dr. Jacono, who helped pioneer a technique that’s referred to as an “extended deep plane” face-lift, which he has taught to other doctors around the world."

Read the article: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/03/style/and-now-the-200000-face-lift.html

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My sister is a CRNA and used to do the anesthesia for a lot of face-lift patients.  She noticed that one surgeon produced a consistently outstanding result and she asked his patients how much he charged - low 20's - with inflation, maybe 30K now.

I knew a woman several years ago who was approaching 70 and got a face lift - I first a saw her a couple weeks after the surgery - while she was still healing - she was still a little swollen but she looked amazing - just great. And she continued to look better as she healed.  She told me she had paid 17K.  With inflation that might be high 20's now. 

This is all academic - I decided a long time ago that I wasn't going under the knife just to look better - botox, fillers, peels, OK,, but no surgery.

I do a clay mask once a week and I look terrific afterward.

Edited by Rudynate
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It's such a culture shock coming to LA from the SF area, to see how common procedures are over here. It seems to be the norm. People almost seem shocked that I haven't had anything done. My partner "Chris" and I were talking to and lusting over a 38 year-old hunk. He complimented his looks and asked if he'd "had anything done." When he said no, "Chris" said "Not even Botox?". The hunk responded "Well, of course, Botox." A mutual thirtysomething friend seemed shocked that I'd never done Botox. 

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Last year, when I was obsessed with getting a facelift, I did a lot of homework, and even went and got a few estimates.  Both estimates were pretty close and the cost for a complete face, brow, eye and neck lift came in at around $120K, and it was from a rather renowned surgeon that works for NYU Langone and championed the first complete "face Transplant".   I waffled back and forth about the cost, and then worried that "at my age", I might not be satisfied with the result, and will then have a whole different set of self-critiques.  I was concerned with the risk of anesthetia for so many hours, and the recovery sounded daunting....  THEN, I looked at my hands and other parts of my body and thought I might look worse and "mismatched" when my face and other body parts dont blend,  kinda like painting only 1 wall in a room.   

 In the end, I decided to stay exactly the way I am,  people telling me "you look terrific for YOUR age" (71).  My money stayed in the bank, and I learned to just "accept" my aging and go with the flow....I keep moisturizing,  put on a little concealer,  keep my brows groomed, no ear hair, so my presentation is a bit elevated.     I can still find dick to suck "for FREE", so I think I'm good ?   They may not be "10's",  but I can work with a 7.5. 😁

And afterall, I am 71, so how good am I expected to look ?   I think I exceed any expectation 👌

Edited by jjkrkwood
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On 5/6/2022 at 10:39 PM, Unicorn said:

It's such a culture shock coming to LA from the SF area, to see how common procedures are over here. It seems to be the norm. People almost seem shocked that I haven't had anything done. My partner "Chris" and I were talking to and lusting over a 38 year-old hunk. He complimented his looks and asked if he'd "had anything done." When he said no, "Chris" said "Not even Botox?". The hunk responded "Well, of course, Botox." A mutual thirtysomething friend seemed shocked that I'd never done Botox. 


That's an odd question - unforgivably nosy.  I can't imagine myself asking someone if they've had cosmetic surgery - possibly OK if he had brought the subject up first so that it was apparent that he was OK with talking about it.   But that's another issue - people being only too willing to share every last detail of their health, whether you're interested or not.

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3 hours ago, Rudynate said:


That's an odd question - unforgivably nosy.  I can't imagine myself asking someone if they've had cosmetic surgery - possibly OK if he had brought the subject up first so that it was apparent that he was OK with talking about it.   But that's another issue - people being only too willing to share every last detail of their health, whether you're interested or not.

That seems to be an OK question in WeHo. I'm not sure I'd ever ask it. Has to be in the right context. But that's common party chatter--where you get your Botox, etc. Again, a bit of a culture shock for me. I don't remember ever hearing stuff like that in the SF Bay Area. 

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This is true - those things are affected by time and place.  When I was a kid, pretty much any discussion of money with people outside of the immediate family was considered impolite.  You definitely wouldn't ask somebody how much they made or what they paid in rent.   In the 70's and 80's all of that seemed OK.  Now those again are taboo, except with people you know very well.

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4 hours ago, Unicorn said:

That seems to be an OK question in WeHo. I'm not sure I'd ever ask it. Has to be in the right context. But that's common party chatter--where you get your Botox, etc. Again, a bit of a culture shock for me. I don't remember ever hearing stuff like that in the SF Bay Area. 

In LA and West Hollywood, yeah, it's almost worn like a badge of pride.

That's why I love Manhattan (and the East coast in general).  New Yorkers play it cool, have access to great docs and if all goes right, they just look healthy/refreshed and age gracefully over a longer period of time.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a neck lift and bleph 4 years ago with an excellent surgeon who’s become a friend. Very subtle. Still happy with it. I do Botox and filler and that’s the extent of my facial program. I always had a great complexion and skin, so these little things are more maintenance. I’d never do any more facial surgery. At this point in my life I just want to look 5 to 7 years younger and still wear slim fit 32” jeans and shorts. After 50, you’re invisible anyway.

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  • 9 months later...

Medical procedures in the USA are the most expensive in the world. I had a friend who has had several face lifts in Mexico...but not worth the discount, IMO. I know a couple of people who get their dental work done in Mexico and are happy with it. I also have a friend who had a nose job and some other work done in Seoul a few years ago...excellent results, a fraction of the cost here. It was a high-end luxury clinic...but with Korean prices not American.  

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1 hour ago, Whippoorwill said:

Seoul a few years ago...excellent results, a fraction of the cost here. It was a high-end luxury clinic...but with Korean prices not American.  

Seoul has some of the best plastic surgeons and injection techniques in all of Asia. 

I've seen beautiful work come out of South Korea. 

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