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i have been curious about cuba a lot and i am hoping to visit. I have a few questions:

1. Does anyone know a gay guide there? I feel like i need one if i hire

2. What is the hiring like? mostly street hiring?

3. hotel booking and possibility of bringing someone in?

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I was last in Cuba in 2018.  At the time tour guides could be obtained from websites.  Since things have changed throughout the world, I would goggle gay guide in CUBA or Havana as a starter.  The man that I hired left Cuba two years ago; he had a great website, etc.

From what a late friend relayed to me about obtaining meetups from the street, this can be had from a major park (name forgotten) that's across the street from an exclusive hotel.

Forget about bringing company back to the hotels.  It's hell.  I stayed at The Hotel Presidente in 2016 and could NOT have company.  The elevators are monitored by a physical being.  In fact, in 1989 when I was there (my first time) staying at the Hotel that was Castro's headquarters, there was a guard of sorts at the entrance.  Even locals could not enter at ease.

Stay in a hotel but rent an apartment that can be obtained via airbnb.  I did this in 2018 but did not use because I had to abort my trip whiled there.  I stayed at a Casa Particular (family owned lodging) and had planned to have the apartment just to entertain company.

Since Covid has reacked havoc on the world, I'd wait a year or two to venture to Cuba.  Apparently, this country has had a vastly difficult time (the embargo impeding everything as well.). Also, if you don't speak any Espanol, it is highly advised that you have a guide.  I am one of those persons.  [English is NOT widely spoken.]. Also, buy a foreign currency, Euros or Canadian dollars since a hefty fee is charged when one exchanges the dollar for the Cuban currency.

You can send me additional queries via a pet. message if you desire.  I wish I could cite more as well as specifics, but my memory is not working 100%.

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  • 10 months later...
On 3/1/2023 at 6:19 PM, scorpio1988may said:

i was there before covid ; i agree its not possible to take someone back to your hotel but guys are easy to find an eager and usually have somewhere they can take you (u'll need to cover the cost)

gay clubs are a good place to meet guys and rentboys liner on the street (la rampa) in the evenings

Are gay clubs allowed in Cuba? wow. Planning to go back? I'd like to go to Cuba sometimes

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This travel site seems to be up to date, but I'm not sure how current its Cuba information is:


Gay-Friendly Nightlife

Humboldt 52
Humboldt 52 is Havana's first full-time, openly gay bar and has built up quite a legacy since opening in 2013. Great atmosphere and a helpful staff welcome guests, and throughout the week there are often drag shows, karaoke, or even opera performances!

Cabaret Las Vegas
This popular venue is known for its epic drag performances and even boasts some famous drag queens that have emerged from its stage.

Fashion Bar Havana
This up-scale joint is Cuba's only drag supper club, and is popular on weekends as gay tourists and locals alike gather for performances that will have you booking your next trip back to Havana.


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