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Ask The Clients: When/How to Pay Your Escort

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I will not pay an escort till the session is over. I make no exceptions to my rule. If the escort is unhappy with this, then I simply look for another escort to hire.


Now that I've said that I would also never pay an escort as you described. I count the money within his sight (though don't make a big deal out of it) then hand it to him and suggest he counts it as well. Not one escort has ever counted it (in front of me). I never have shorted an escort and usually put in a few extra dollars if I had an exceptional time :)





if you want it


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This morning, a new client slipped my fee in my back pocket as I was leaving. Specifically, he hugged me, slipped it my jeans and said good bye. I know from what I have been told that my clients appreciate the fact that I do not request payment up front. I also know that some escorts, primarily from hearing horror stories of other escorts, request and require payment up front. There is also much discussion of the legal (police) and safety issues involved in this from both the escort and client perspective. This site has a fair number of reviews of escorts where the client was asked to pay prior to the session and then neither received what was requested or even a satisfactory experience. We have heard from the escorts, here and elsewhere, on this issue but I would be interested in the client's perspective.


Do you prefer to leave the money out as opposed to handing it to your guy, do you prefer to get it out of the way at first, do you prefer handing over an envelope? What is your preference and why?



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I leave it sitting out when I'm hiring someone for the first time. I would be concerned if the guy picked it up right away. I prefer to pay at the end of the appointment, sometimes handing the money to the guy or sometimes leaving it on his clothes when he is washing up.

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If it's a first-time experience with an escort, I leave the cash on a table -- always in large bills and fanned out so that it can be counted by eye.


With my favorite repeat guy, I always pay at the end of the session and prefer to put the cash in an envelope. With his agreement, I pay by cashier's check if the amount is over $1000 (for an overnight or travel). Since the escorts works under his real name, there is no problem with this.

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I've never really thought about this too much. On only one occasion was I asked to hand over the money right at the beginning. It was not the best of experiences by coincidence.


If I think about it - I believe I've just ante-ed up the money at the end of the session and that was that. Based on the reviews I read beforehand, I knew already this would be OK.

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This is always the most awkward part of the transaction. I try not to make a big deal of it, especially if it has been a pleasant friendly experience. I usually just hand it to the escort when I am ready to leave and say something like, "Thanks. I had a good time."


I have sometimes had an escort ask for the money up front, and I give it if that's the way he wants it and I am still interested in going through with the scene. I have never had an escort ask for the money after the scene, except on one occasion when I forgot to offer it.

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Guest 7Zach

If have seen his pics, etc., yet still first time with him, fan it out, on tv, table in seating area - somewhere that he will see it. That way, if he shows up and yet goes to hell immediately, can still get it and settle up, but not for the whole amount.

If never have seen pics or unsure for whatever reason, have counted the cash beforehand, and put where can get readily without a lot of attention, usually my back left pocket.

I never pay before speaking with the guy for a few minutes to get a feel if this is going where I want, but that conversation is just to get a feel about the person.

Like others, have paid beforehand, and each time was a waste.

If have seen the guy before, pay at the end when leaving, but again, cash is already counted - the only open question is the size of the tip, and I either give it all away or take some off when I pull it out of my pocket.

It's all about cash, but there are nuances...

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It varies.


If they're coming to my hotel room I'll generally have the money out and visibly countable. Nobody has ever grabbed for it. If I'm going to their place, the money is generally counted and stuck in a pocket, just like someone else said.


I *have* been with some guys who asked for the money up front with first-timers. In all cases, they were well-reviewed and I had no reservation. I figure if it relieves their mind about whether they'll get paid so they can concentrate on ME, so much the better.


If a guy has no reviews -- or worse, questionable reviews -- there's no way in hell he's getting the money up front. Of course, I don't hire those guys often.


One guy with multiple stellar reviews asked for the money up front when we first met. I counted it out and handed it to him. The brilliant smile on his face when he found out what I'd already decided to tip him was almost worth the price of the encounter. :-)

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I usually pay after the appointment is over and if it is an overnight the next morning. I usually hand it to them or stick in in their pocket. No one has yet to pull it out and count it. Have had an escort ask for some of his monies because he wanted to shop or gamble, its his money, but only took part of it. Left the money out one time on the bedstand in plain sight, the only time, and the escort and the escort I was with advised against it. Said that someone could and would walk in and grab the money and run. But that is why I use HooBoy, never have had a problem in the two years I've been doing this.}>

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I always pay at the end. I have only been asked for up front payment 2 or 3 times, and each time I was ripped off. I usually fold it up at the end and hand it to the escort.


Most do not count it because I think we have had a genuine good time and trust has developed. Some young escorts new to the trade count it in front of me the first time, and I don't have a reaction one way or another, but they never count it on the next trip in. With my regulars, I usually slip it in the front or rear pocket, followed by a hug and a kiss. I would never leave the money in sight. As I recall from my David/Trevor Rentboy negative experience, I believe he would have grabbed the money and run and that would have solved nothing.


My funniest payment experience was in Amsterdam when I could not get money from a cash machine so elected to pay by credit card. The escort (a female that time) forgot the credit card slip and went down to the hotel counter to "borrow" one. I was mortified, but we had a great time nonetheless. Checking out was made even more uncomfortable because I had called down for an extension because of pressing work, and because the American family checking in next door had gone down to ask for another room because of the noise. I must say though that the hotel staff was very professional about it. Thank God for Amsterdam.

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Generally, I prefer putting the fee into an unsealed envelope with the escort's name on it and leave the envelope in a visible location. I also usually point it out/bring it up a few minutes after the escort's arrival. In almost every case, the escort has not brought up the subject first and did not take the envelope until the session was over.


The advantage I've found with an envelope is that when I've felt the urge to add something extra, I can slip it into the envelope while the escort is in the shower and not be ostentatious about tipping. At/near the end of the session, I do make a point to hand over the envelope or put it with his belongings just because I'm afraid that I'll forget (yes, I 'can' be that absentminded) and don't want to put the escort in the awkward position of having to ask for the fee.


Only once has an escort asked for his fee up front (and counted the money inside the envelope). It didn't really bother me, but it was a bit different from my other experiences.

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I have never had an escort ask for the money up front. I always pay at the end and like to find a nice card to put it in. Of course I haven't been doing it that long a bout a year and most of mine are repeats. I try to treat the guys I am with very well along the way dinner, shows and lots of fun even a cruise. So after the time is over be it an overnight or longer I lay it out or hand it to them. They have never counted it in my prescence. What they have done though is comment on the nice touch of the card and I try to make it something about them or their personality which can only come from spending some time either in email or phone or in person with them. HUGS Chuck

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I know that I'm half Scots, but..... I once had a regular client pay me and I counted the money in front of him and found that due, I suppose, to the ATMs there were two one hundred dollar bills stuck together. I checked with him and he hadn't meant to do that. I was relieved that I was able to return it to him. Since you guys convinced me on an earlier thread that I shouldn't count my money in front of the client, I've just been accepting the money from my regulars and pocketing it. Some of my clients who remember, I suppose, my worry do count it in front of me. And I see the large number of y'all who fan the money so it is not only countable by sight but assures me that you've counted and double counted it. But I still get a bit antsy not counting my money before my gent leaves. Please, please be careful when you load those envelopes. (Of course, I know that some people might not put all that they should into the envelope, present company excluded, but with the caliber of my clients, I don't worry about that at all, somehow. Just about accidently getting overpaid.)

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I accidentally underpaid my favorite escort the last time I saw him. The funny thing was that I was getting the money out and realized that I had miscounted, but I still ended up messing it up by putting in a $20 when I meant to put in a $100 bill. You can tell someone's developed trust in you when he doesn't even mention it. It wasn't until the following day that I noticed the extra $100 in my wallet. I called him and apologized profusely. He wasn't concerned because he knew I'd notice and then make it right.


Much earlier in my hiring him, I once slipped his fee into a videotape box which I gave to him. He didn't notice the money in there. When he was at my door, I asked him if he was sure he had everything. He jokingly said, "Yes, unless you're going to pay me my fee." When I told him it was with the video, we both had a good chuckle.


As to escorts counting the money in front of me, I HATE that, particularly since I pay after the session. I understand that escorts can get ripped off by clients, but I would hope that even though I had only been with someone an hour, the fact that I let him into my home and was still laying there naked would allow him comfort enough to go outside my door to count it, if he felt the need. I guess counting it in front of me bothers me in two ways: 1) It communicates at least some distrust, which doesn't feel good emotionally after I've just let someone into my apartment and into my ass!; and 2) It highlights the commercial aspect of what just happened.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

I never pay up front... well almost never. :-) For practical purposes it is NEVER.


If I'm in a hotel and have the presence of mind, I have the fee counted and, if I have my act really together, placed in a hotel envelope. I don't leave raw cash lying out in the open. It seems to me just a bit too tacky.-- the counterpart to the escort arriving and setting his cash register on the nightstand -- my overtuned sensibilities I guess. :-)


I have no problem with the escort counting the money in front of me and I acutally prefer it if it is a first time encounter. I have been known to screw up the count on occasion and I don't want him leaving the room to find it later. On the flip side I also don't want the escort calling to say that the count was incorrect and asking for more when I thought the count was correct. Do it in the open to avoid mistakes and scams.


With one escort I saw on a regular incall basis over an extended period of time I did manage to short him unintentionally once, and totally forgot the fee another time. On the 'short' he called me to asked what was up? I couldn't blame him -- boy was I embarassed. I explained my screw-up and I settled with him the next week.


The other time when I forgot the fee I remembered when I got to my car. I called him on my cell to inform him (it got by him too) and returned immediately to pay. THis event actually led to the other incident where I accidentally shorted him. TO avoid a repeat, I thought about leaving the fee on his dresser early in the appointment when I had an opportunity and he was out of the room. I vascillated back and forth about it, because sometimes I stayed quite a bit longer than an hour and I always added more to the fee. Not knowing how long I might acutally be there I was unsure what to leave and didn't want to leave too little. For no good reason, at the end of the evening I thought I had left the standard fee early and went back to add more for additional time. the only problem was that I had not left the standard fee. I don't wear egg all that well... :-(


Now for my never pay up front exception --


There is one escort I have seen many times, for extended engagements, that once or twice I have paid up front depending on no partcular circumstance except that I may be carrying a substantial amount of cash and the hotel doesn't have a room safe or safe deposit box -- there are a few around. I have no problem fronting him anytime. It's all going to be his in the end anyway and I have complete trust in this individual. And did I mention that he has never disappointed me!! }> :o :9 :)

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>I have no problem with the escort counting the money in

>front of me and I acutally prefer it if it is a first time



The only reservation that I have about not having the cash counted in my presence is I sometimes wonder if the escort is counting the cash in the elevator or in the lobby out front!

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Doesn't bother me. I don't mind knocking. But I can see how some guys fairly new into the business might not want the possibility of a locked door between themselves and the person who just made the monetary mistake. }>

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>Doesn't bother me. I don't mind knocking. But I can see how

>some guys fairly new into the business might not want the

>possibility of a locked door between themselves and the

>person who just made the monetary mistake. }>


Another issue comes to mind. Has an escort ever counted the money in or out of the presence of the client, and then asked for a tip, or more of a tip? Would you ever knock on the door and say, hey the tips in NYC start at 20%, buster? A few of the guys who counted the money in my presence seemed surprised and grateful for the tip? The weird part is that if I knew in advance they would count the money in front of me, I probably would have chosen not to tip at all.

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Guest 7Zach

I like the fact that they count it. It is nice when they don't as a matter of "manners", but this is like anything else with services, and I would much prefer that it is all done correctly in front of me. You can brush it aside, downplay the transaction, do something else at that moment, but I still prefer the counting - should there be a mistake, better to take care of it then. What would you think if you hadn't found the $100 right then, but instead a week later because it fell behind the door in the bathroom? You wouldn't believe he was short-changed, and he wouldn't believe that he wasn't.

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Your Escorts


Thank you all. I certainly appreciate your comments. I wanted to give some feedback. Yes, Ad rian, European hotels certainly have different sensabilities. Akin to this, I had a great experience in San Francisco at the Hyatt for similar reasons, which was not matched by another escort at the Hyatt in Seattle or by another escort and one client at the Hyatt here in West Hollywood.


My experience has been about 20 percent of the time, clients fan it out. One of my clients consistently pays with an envelope, and while he does not have Chuck's touch with the card, he does always inquire very politely two or three days later if I had a good time and would like to know if I would see him again when he is ready for me. I always find this very sweet and touching and he is the one client is see on extremely short notice AND in the middle of the night on occassions.


In my conversations with the Twink Hos and other escorts, I know most escorts (at least those I have spoken with) do not count the money in front of the client, but I would never do so unless requested by the client personally. I would just simply find it inappropriate and could just picture my grandmother frowning at the bad manners of it all. Yes, I know, I know. She might frown at what I just did for the money, but at least she could say I was a proper gentlemen throughout. However, I just met Zak here in Los Angeles, who recounted to me just last night a very similar story as Bilbo's, where a client overpaid him with a $100, that he returned. In Zak's case, he said his "karma" and "energy" would not have permitted him to keep what he "had not earned." So, perhaps if as a client, you know you may not intentially make a mistake, the more appropriate suggestion would be for the client to ask the escort to count the money and then the escort could either decline or agree.


Finally, I have never been shorted. I have had experiences where due to my own easy going nature, the session went over and since I have a number of bisexual men or clients new to escorting, and the fact that I am loathed to have the proverbial egg timer by the bedside, the session has gone over time. However, I have just come to feel it is my responsible to make note of this or to just relax about it and it has not been a situation for me in the last three months.


Thanks again for your feedback!

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RE: Your Escorts


I have only ever paid an escort upfront once and I thnk that was because it was my first appointment with him. My second appointment with the same escort he did not even ask about the money and I gave him his fee after our encounter. I can understand an escort wanting their fee upfront if it is a first time encounter. If I was an escort I probably would also.

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Guest jimmy2CU

RE: Your Escorts


I'm finding this thread pretty funny because if we're talking about the "manners" involved in paying an escort, then I must be a rude s.o.b. I haven't really had a lot of experience with escorts yet, but the biggest attraction for me is the chance to admirer a gorgeous body. So as far as payment goes, I have been known to actually rub the money all over their beautiful bodies. They strip, flex, and tease me in front of the mirror as I stand behind them, sometimes rubbing the cash all over there tight abs, or their flexed pecs and biceps. It was a major fantasy for me and I thought it was hot for both parties involved. I tend to like guys with a little muscle who are kind of cocky about it, so it seemed to be right down their alley.

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