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Considering not displaying number in my RentMen ads

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I know I keep having to bring up similar type of discussions, but there’s still things I’ve suggested can be better, and they haven’t. Even though in some ways it’s better because there’s more inquiries, the overall clientele attitude and behavior right now is trash in most every city in America right now.

At this point, I decided I have no choice but to remove my numbers from my ads and require clients to pay to contact me. I’ve tried doing things in different ways to make a difference, but nothing really seems to be fixing the issue of flakes and bullshitters because people are still able to get thru to me. It doesn’t matter if I get several clients in a week who show up, there’s still far too much nonsense and time waste going on each day, often multiple TIMES per day..to where I can almost not even benefit from the gains.

In the past 2 days, I’ve dealt with something around 5-7 fake appointments/no shows or cancelled bookings. And that’s even with screening them and asking for deposits.

And the problem is, why I need to stop them in their tracks is because some contact me and then give me an attitude as to why they don’t want to send a deposit to confirm. Well, I don’t need to hear that every other time I have a booking request. At this point, the only way clients will be able to arrange a session is to do so directly through my website which will require a deposit.

It may result in less overall inquiries, but at this rate it seems the number of clients will remain the same. And everytime I meet a client who has reservations about sending a deposit, they always end up being difficult to work with. So, here’s go nothing: the stakes just got a little bit higher. 

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It sucks how many guys get off on no call no shows. It’s like phone sex for them and the built up anticipation for something that could happen. I have my number up there and had guys just want a convo, even have a guy calling me from a blocked number leaving crazy voicemails. 

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9 hours ago, italianboyph said:

It sucks how many guys get off on no call no shows. It’s like phone sex for them and the built up anticipation for something that could happen. I have my number up there and had guys just want a convo, even have a guy calling me from a blocked number leaving crazy voicemails. 

If I stay with this, I know I may miss miss the spontaneity of taking bookings…but I feel unless RentMen does something to mitigate the circumstances, I can’t continue going about things the same way. It’s almost like clients are having all the benefits at our expense, until they actually show up with funds: which out of 10, maybe only 2 will.

There comes a point when something has to change. At this rate, there hasn’t been any real improvements when it comes down to how the sites screen to ensure we’re getting genuine inquiries. I feel like I’ve reverted back to my younger days of being in a really shitty sales job. If I’m paying a site every month to be on, plus paying for travel expenses, lodging (spent over $700 in hotels/air bnb this week alone visiting), I shouldn’t have to be constantly subjected to appointments falling thru at random, and getting nothing in return for it. 

There seems to be this disdain of the idea to get clients to leave any pay before the actual meeting. But that’s what some of us are doing all the time. I’m paying for an ad, paying for expenses related to the biz, all upfront and expecting to be able to make it back on the back end of it all. That’s not fair and it’s unbalanced. Clients have plenty info on us on the site, to make a decision and commit with. Meanwhile many of us have nothing to go off of on them. So on top of my expenses, I have to pay for screening services to ensure the person who contacted me at random is who they say they actually are. I’ve found out at times, they aren’t. 

And now I’m left with 4 cancelled appointments in the past couple days and multiple “fell thru” bookings on top of it. Just an absolute nightmare end to what has actually been a successful month 🤦🏽‍♂️ And I told RentMen, this is beginning to affect my deeper mental stability. I’m not going to take all the blame for something they aren’t taking the initiative to make better. I shouldn’t have to “figure out ways to handle it better”, they need to do the right thing and find ways to make it better for us. 

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  • Jarrod_Uncut changed the title to Considering not displaying number in my RentMen ads

I actually always like to contact a provider through messenger anyway. It saves me first off from having to give my stats and information when it's all on my client page for the provider to see. I'd hate to be a provider and get my phone blown up by fake calls and texts. I don't know how you guys can stand that. I'd also say the more filled out and detailed the client page is, and if they are a premium client, the more likely they are for real too.

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6 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

I actually always like to contact a provider through messenger anyway. It saves me first off from having to give my stats and information when it's all on my client page for the provider to see. I'd hate to be a provider and get my phone blown up by fake calls and texts. I don't know how you guys can stand that. I'd also say the more filled out and detailed the client page is, and if they are a premium client, the more likely they are for real too.

That’s the thing: some of us DON’T stand it. It’s things like this that are the reason why I have to continually be innovative in deterring the nonsense.

Hey good morning. I woke up feeling crappy. I’ve been hoping my stomach and head would settle before I reached out because I hate canceling as I know you rely on trust and your time is valuable. I’m still not doing great. Can we meet another time, possibly when you are back? I’m really sorry

Really. When I’m back. In Seattle. 1,800 miles from home. And last time I was here was in 2011. Really? It all sounds nice and sappy, but this person asked me a whole bunch of questions the night before, and we agreed to meet that day, which used up my time and effort. All the while, I had a perfect 2 bedroom air bnb HOME to host clients in: nobody showed up, 2 flaked. It’s the reason I get angry with these people and with RentMen as a site. 

And clients in the bigger cities don’t like to pay deposits because they’re so afraid of being scammed (despite again, me with a full profile and them with nothing but a number). In reality it’s them who are scamming us.

The only thing with taking my number down, is the timing right now might not be ideal because I’m actively on a tour. Idk if I can get people to book timely enough when I’m traveling. But the one place I will leave my number is adam4adam, because it’s always the flakes who never make it to the phone. 

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@Jarrod_Uncut  It’s exactly the right thing to remove contact info from the profile!
Your problem seems to stem from a general disregard of human nature. Your happiness and success will be found working with things, rather than people, whose unpredictability is beyond your understanding. People will flake. People will misrepresent. People will get sick. People will love their time with you, but simply not have the money nor time to schedule more. 
This is all part of human nature and accepting situations out of yours and others’ control. 
Your posts’ content in total, make it seem you are doomed for a life that will be diminished by your endless frustration at people being human. 
Find a career where you can work  with things on your own with no interpersonal contact with others. You are a beautiful man who needs to work with things, not people.

And please don’t ruin dogs by seeking a job with animals. 🐶

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I took my # off RM a couple years ago and its been great. I've never been keen on same-day appointments so keeping my number off RM saves both parties a lot of time and wasted effort.
My auto-reply asks what they are interested & where/when/how long - followed by my preferred rates. If they are not willing to engage further than that and their profile tells me nothing about them, my response isn't as necessary. And since they have to message me, establishing a conversation with their profile means helps keep me organized because I can eventually save their phone # w/ their RM profile URL - and if they are a flake or ill behaved I have a URL to reference when warning my colleagues.

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On 3/30/2022 at 11:43 PM, dbar123 said:

FWIW I was planning to see you in Portland when I saw you on Rentmen. When I found out it was going to cost me $25 to just log onto your website it just seemed like more of a hassle than it was worth. Wound up seeing someone else who was more user friendly. Sorry

Well it’s unfortunate you felt that way. However, I had to do what I needed to do. I was in Seattle before Portland, and let several inquiries slide thru and arrange sessions without a deposit. Some panned out and others didn’t, but the ones that didn’t were an inconvenience and either ghosted or cancelled last minute. 



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On 3/29/2022 at 9:19 AM, IronMaus said:

I took my # off RM a couple years ago and its been great. I've never been keen on same-day appointments so keeping my number off RM saves both parties a lot of time and wasted effort.
My auto-reply asks what they are interested & where/when/how long - followed by my preferred rates. If they are not willing to engage further than that and their profile tells me nothing about them, my response isn't as necessary. And since they have to message me, establishing a conversation with their profile means helps keep me organized because I can eventually save their phone # w/ their RM profile URL - and if they are a flake or ill behaved I have a URL to reference when warning my colleagues.

I like how you said that. It’s what I’ve been considering. Especially since I feel the industry has become so grinderized. Some reach out with an idea that we’re available now, everywhere. And if you’re not, they move on to the next. That’s not what I want. 

Eventually in life, especially at this point in my life: I just don’t have time to be on a constant hustle and trying to “work” every text that comes thru my phone.

Maybe there’s other user-friendly guys out there, but guess what? I’ve been the user friendly guy, and am burnt out. A person can only take so much over a course of time.

Right now I’ve left my number up because I don’t want to miss potential bookings when traveling with a limited time window, but once I return to my home base, it’s likely coming down. 

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On 3/29/2022 at 12:19 PM, IronMaus said:

I took my # off RM a couple years ago and its been great. I've never been keen on same-day appointments so keeping my number off RM saves both parties a lot of time and wasted effort.
My auto-reply asks what they are interested & where/when/how long - followed by my preferred rates. If they are not willing to engage further than that and their profile tells me nothing about them, my response isn't as necessary. And since they have to message me, establishing a conversation with their profile means helps keep me organized because I can eventually save their phone # w/ their RM profile URL - and if they are a flake or ill behaved I have a URL to reference when warning my colleagues.

As a non-provider, this makes a lot of sense to me. I'm a premium RM client and my profile has info about me and my husband. I would prefer to communicate via the platform, rather than have to text guys who won't recognize my number, etc. 

But the vast majority of providers tell you NOT to contact them via the website. Now, maybe they get lots of messages from randos, but perhaps RM does or could allow providers to screen only for premium clients which would at least remove some of the fakes. 

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Always have control of communication when dealing in this kind of business.

I never communicate through RM, as I don't want their platform to be the clearinghouse for my conversations with those who contact me.  I have an auto-reply setup that gives them a quick 'thanks and hello,' but also makes it clear that I only move forward through private email (which I supply).  

Flakes and lookie-loos are just part of the job, unfortunately.

@Jarrod_Uncut, Grinderized is a great term and I'd agree.  It caters to a low attention span and has conditioned guys to communicate in the most primitive ways.  

I'd also add that taking down your number off any advertising would be a good idea.  You can't leave yourself too open to communication for everyone out there.  Think of it as having your inner-group, who always has access and then everyone else. 

Keep everyone else at arm's length.

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9 hours ago, KensingtonHomo said:

As a non-provider, this makes a lot of sense to me. I'm a premium RM client and my profile has info about me and my husband. I would prefer to communicate via the platform, rather than have to text guys who won't recognize my number, etc. 

But the vast majority of providers tell you NOT to contact them via the website. Now, maybe they get lots of messages from randos, but perhaps RM does or could allow providers to screen only for premium clients which would at least remove some of the fakes. 


There is an option for this, in our profile we can allow only registered members to contact us. I do that occasionally, but there's still the chance of "bad" premium members reaching us, and missing out on good guys who may not have registered for a profile.

6 hours ago, Benjamin_Nicholas said:

Always have control of communication when dealing in this kind of business.

I never communicate through RM, as I don't want their platform to be the clearinghouse for my conversations with those who contact me.  I have an auto-reply setup that gives them a quick 'thanks and hello,' but also makes it clear that I only move forward through private email (which I supply).  

Flakes and lookie-loos are just part of the job, unfortunately.

@Jarrod_Uncut, Grinderized is a great term and I'd agree.  It caters to a low attention span and has conditioned guys to communicate in the most primitive ways.  

I'd also add that taking down your number off any advertising would be a good idea.  You can't leave yourself too open to communication for everyone out there.  Think of it as having your inner-group, who always has access and then everyone else. 

Keep everyone else at arm's length.

Good points, brother!

I'm just at a point where I know I have to do things differently. Even though flakes and lookies are a part of the business, it has gotten persistent to where there's far more flakes than real clients on a day to day basis. Lot of them have reports already from other escorts on blacklist app, and the ones who don't usually get one once I catch onto their game. 

I don't mind talking thru email, but the area where I find this problematic is on Adam4Adam. I know, cringe. That site is also gone downhill with the reliability of clients. It has become the worst. Even the seemingly serious clients on there flake, some even when they've sent deposits. The ones who refuse to text or provide a number never show up. So, I can't work with them on email either, similiar to RentMen platform which I also don't communicate on. So by having my number up, they have to text me to arrange a session. But some can't seem to follow directions and don't text me as instructed.

I been asking clients to send deposit to confirm the session, but now it's gotten to where I have to require it immediately within 1 response. was able to apply that in San Francisco. But all the ones I let "slide thru", ended up falling thru. So now, I'm being 100% adamant about no booking requests without payment upfront, period. Like I said before: clients have all the details they need on our ads to make a decision before they contact me. No need to be having additional conversations about anything. Pay first, talk after. Anything else is just working for free. I even endorse other providers to do the same thing. Normalize it. 

This could easily be resolved if sites would implement better screening policies. RentMen doesn't allow us to post number is our ads already, all they have to do is add a "pay now to book this provider" like booking an Uber/Lyft, but they don't want to implement my suggestions. So, gotta take a resolve into my own. 



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5 hours ago, TopBunk said:

Idea: don't share your number. But include it in the auto reply of messages on rm. That way you can track who texts you.

That's a good idea...issue is, even ones who contact on the app are full of shit most of the time. If I don't check my messages on there for a week, there will be a backlog of "hi, hello, fuck me, available, etc" and who haven't even bothered to text me. I mainly use the auto reply to display rates, but I'm also using it as pre-screen before they reach my line. 

As much as I want to remove my number, I'm concerned it could cause booking requests to drag out...and that's what I don't want. At the same time, it's for sure time to cut a lot of the random stuff out. Especially when people get huffy and puffy when I try to get the most basic info beforehand. The stupidity of some people to not recognize I have no idea who they are, and they expect undivided attention and yes to everything before I even get the most basic information out of them.

It almost makes me wonder, are these people just really inexperienced, or is that what the industry is allowing? Considering what some have said on the forum, it's no wonder some escorts never respond back to their messages. Many of the flakes had messages that should have been ignored right off the bat.

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On 3/27/2022 at 9:15 AM, Thomas_Belgium said:

Hi Jarrod,

This is just an idea, thinking out of the box but maybe you could try an OnlyFans or something and you only reply to paying messages?

Just to mention: I have used both onlyfans and justforFans. Even though those sites were good for getting a feel of how the subscription based platforms operate, I actually have graduated to my platform, and have done better on it in a few months, than I have on JFF and OF. Those sites didn't work with my business model, because they promote moreso big pornstars and who makes the most sales. I on the other hand, prefer to offer a private "club" experience, and trying to compete with $3.99 or $9.99 content guys with dozen of followers, wasn't something I wasn't interested in doing anymore. Plus I didn't have enough room to customize how I wanted to do my payments...so I eventually walked off both services. 

On 3/27/2022 at 3:07 PM, jeezifonly said:

@Jarrod_Uncut  It’s exactly the right thing to remove contact info from the profile!
Your problem seems to stem from a general disregard of human nature. Your happiness and success will be found working with things, rather than people, whose unpredictability is beyond your understanding. People will flake. People will misrepresent. People will get sick. People will love their time with you, but simply not have the money nor time to schedule more. 
This is all part of human nature and accepting situations out of yours and others’ control. 
Your posts’ content in total, make it seem you are doomed for a life that will be diminished by your endless frustration at people being human. 
Find a career where you can work  with things on your own with no interpersonal contact with others. You are a beautiful man who needs to work with things, not people.

And please don’t ruin dogs by seeking a job with animals. 🐶

I only skimmed this post the other day, because I already know you have a constant knack for finding fault with things I discuss. As much as I want to ignore you, I will address it because in case anyone doesn't know: This isn't just someone's opinion. This is you being a politically correct TROLL. Period. 

That said: What you need to do is stop playing devil's advocate every time. No, this is NOT human nature. This is people who have chosen to be willfully ignorant (like @Kevin Slater once quoted in a different reference) and disrespect the time and effort of a provider.

Instead of making excuses for fully adult men (some who are 1.5 to 2 times my age, which shows a real level of immaturity) who are unreliable, inconsiderate, double-dealing and have no decency about it: You need to 1st accept the reality that you really haven't actually experienced first hand the things providers have to contend with.

At the end of the day, I am not a therapist, doctor or "public safety' official. I am not signed up to hand hold every single person with access to a phone or burner app. I'm simply someone paying to be on platforms to reach a niche audience who are looking to use my time. Therefore, I can technically operate any which way I choose to. That has nothing to do with not being understanding of human nature. That has everything to do with setting boundaries and operating in a way that I feel comfortable with. Don’t gaslight me into believing something that you feel is an opinion you formulated.

Just today, I had to deal with a very inconsiderate client who apparently I’ve seen a couple times previously…when I used to live in his city years ago. I specifically instructed him to text me to confirm the appointment and put in the time request. He’s steadily messaging me on A4A every few HOURS. He simply  names a time he wants (a morning time at that), without getting my address or rates or anything. 

Morning comes: he doesn’t text, still sends me a message on A4A. Makes up all this nonsense about he thought I was leaving town, and he’ll see me next time I’m in the area because despite him saying he had the day off, he somehow got so tied up he couldn’t get back to me until we’ll after 9 pm. Meanwhile, I was expecting him since 2-3 days ago to show up TODAY. It’s idiots like that which is why I have to have a balance of boundaries that doesn’t allow easy contact, but that DOES require direct contacting to schedule.

There’s a difference between human nature, and being an insufferable 😣, bottom of the barrel-piece of work disguising oneself as a “client”. Period.


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  • 1 month later...

I just saw today if you are not logged on to an account on RM you can't see a provider's phone number anymore. Was wondering what the heck was going on at first! Should help a little with game players for providers. If someone can't bother to make a free client account they likely aren't gonna come through for an appt. 

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9 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

I just saw today if you are not logged on to an account on RM you can't see a provider's phone number anymore. Was wondering what the heck was going on at first! Should help a little with game players for providers. If someone can't bother to make a free client account they likely aren't gonna come through for an appt. 

Well actually: the way it works on our end, we can choose who can see our number. Either everyone, no one, or those who are “logged on”. So maybe you just came across the ones who require you to log on. 

I’m personally still debating the showing/not showing my number thing. Here’s the problem: I don’t like when clients email me on RentMasseur asking, “are you available now” because I may not notice it for a few hours. I had this going on in Milwaukee couple weeks ago. People would email, I’d not see it, they would reply but then hours go by. Or they don’t call when instructed, burning up time unnecessarily.

But when I leave my number up: people on RentMasseur just text without having read any part of my ad. They see pictures and click call cluelessly. So I’ve been having to take my number on and off throughout the day when I am in a position to take it. 

However, I don’t like showing my number on RentMen because it’s usually just BSers contacting from there. Not to mention, 90% of the people who do have an account and message on there, don’t follow thru with booking or instructions. So I have the auto reply up, but Rentmasseur doesn’t have that feature. 

I even experimented that last week and it’s especially crucial when traveling: I took my email off RentMasseur and left my number up. Got a same day appointment just as I had arrived into a city. If that person had emailed, I might not of noticed it for awhile.

I’m thinking the only solution is to just keep my auto template on my phone going.

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On 3/26/2022 at 9:03 PM, BuffaloKyle said:

I actually always like to contact a provider through messenger anyway. It saves me first off from having to give my stats and information when it's all on my client page for the provider to see. I'd hate to be a provider and get my phone blown up by fake calls and texts. I don't know how you guys can stand that. I'd also say the more filled out and detailed the client page is, and if they are a premium client, the more likely they are for real too.

I do the same.  Contact through messenger first and if we agree to meet I provide my number.  I also have a picture in my client profile that I give access to so they k ow who they are meeting.

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