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Assured Discretion

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The question for escorts is: How do celebrities, especially closeted celebrities, contact you? How do you assure them of your discretion? If I were a man whose name and/or face would be recognized anywhere (which I'm not) and gay (which I am), I would be very anxious about my own privacy. I can easily imagine that even famous men who are out must be careful. Here is the background of my question.


At the theater the other night I saw a Hollywood actor in the audience. He rose to stardom as the lead in a popular television detective series set in a tropical paradise, which provided plenty of opportunities to display his huge and beautiful and hairy body. At intermission, in the men's room, I could see that he is, truly, even better looking in person than on the screen. (No, I did NOT stand next to him at the urinals, but not for want of trying.)


Towards the end of the series' long run, word began to circulate that this paragon of supposedly straight hunkdom is in fact gay; some time in his early middle age he married, with much publicity, and I think he even squirted a baby. Subsequently, he has moved from denying his own homosexuality to genuine, outspoken, homophobia. As though to confirm his right to the heterosexual crown, the friend who accompanied me to the theater said, he is now a big spokesman for the National Rifle Association. True, he plays cowboy roles. But he also played the role of a gay television reporter in a well-known comedy.


As I've thought about all this, I've wondered how famous people go about the business of hiring escorts. Do they have "people" who procure for them? Do they lurk anonymously on this site? Do they make the telephone call using a false name? Once the escort has shown up, does he have to sign some kind of confidentiality guarantee, or be told that he'll have his legs broken if he blabs?


Inquiring minds want to know.

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Guest Blink

You are very correct. I belong to the entertainement industry. The gay actors I know very well will contact me once in a while to "procure" a "serviceman" for them. This usually occurs at the last moment perhaps when they are very horny late in the night. During the last Oscar ceremony- before and after- I have people calling me 5 in the morning. The good thing was I know quite a number of escorts who flew in from the East Coast during those time and I already warned them that if they want a brush with a celebrity, stay up and wait for my call. A night before the ceremony, most of these celebrities are very anxious and the company of men is necessary to ease them. After the ceremony and partying, most of them drive back to their home or hotel room alone...a nice massage and a kiss on the back would be nice.


Nope!! I don't get any $$ from doing this. These industry guys are my friends and the escorts I recommend are the men I can trust very well.


Thank you that you asked.

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Guest Thunderbuns

Well I guess there's not much mystery as to which Tom you're referring to here.


Surprised to hear he's still lookin' good. Thought he was kinda lined and wrinkled.


I would surmise that most of these types of connections are done through a middleman. An older friend of mine, who has recently passed away, told me of a situation he encountered in Toronto many years ago.

He was at that time a really hot looking stud. One evening while drinking at a gay bar (it was the St. Charles, if memory serves me correctly - don't even know if it's still there) he was approached by a fairly good looking guy with a proposition. My friend said he would have gone with him in a heartbeat, but that is not what this guy wanted.


He asked my friend if he would like to have sex with a really hot looking movie star, who was at that point, nameless? Factoring in the BS factor and throwing caution to the wind - I think gays were much less cautious in those day - must have been a good 30 or 35 years ago - my friend said yes.


They left the bar, hailed a cab and were driven to a very average motel on the outskirts of the city. He was taken into a darkened room, the middleman left, and my friend was left to enjoy an hour or two with none other that Tony Perkins!


I find it almost impossible to imagine a situation where the contact with the escort would be made directly by the star, who would have far to much to loose.


In fact, how could he ever depend on 100% full discretion, even using a trusted middleman. The temtation to brag or tell tales out of school especially after a few drinks, would prove too much for many escorts. So how does the star really know that his privacy will be protected?


I once read a post by an escort [i don't think it was on this message board, but I can't be sure] who claimed he had from time to time, assignations with John Travolta at his (John's) ranch, whenever he had an "itch" that needed scratching.


I wonder if there are any high priced escorts, we never even hear about, that specialize exclusivly in servicing high profile clients?

Hmmmmmmmm that brings all kinds of delicious thoughts to mind.


And as for "the other Tom" - I wonder who he uses?




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Guest Thunderbuns

>I once read a post by an escort [i don't think it was on

>this message board, but I can't be sure] who claimed he had

>from time to time, assignations with John Travolta at his

>(John's) ranch, whenever he had an "itch" that needed



>I wonder if there are any high priced escorts, we never even

>hear about, that specialize exclusivly in servicing high

>profile clients?

>Hmmmmmmmm that brings all kinds of delicious thoughts to



>And as for "the other Tom" - I wonder who he uses?


I also wonder why the cyber fairies switched to italics on their own accord? Ah life - full of mystery and wonder!



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>And your point is?


My point, and thank you so much for asking, is that the morons at Starbucks who believe they're pounding the next "Clerks" out of their Powerbooks will never, ever, succeed. Also, that the depressingly high number of studio exec types I've visited in the Hills are probably too brain dead to find even the opening to your gaping butthole with two hands and a flashlight.

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>Surprised to hear he's still lookin' good. Thought he was

>kinda lined and wrinkled.


Take heart, Thunderbuns. Even the super-beautiful age. Some decide to let nature take its course and rely on that great bone structure and general radiance that got them there in the first place. I'm thinking, for instance, of Paul Newman and Robert Redford (until recently, that is: the other day I saw a post-surgery picture of him and he looked like a wet cat plugged into a hot socket). Men who cooperate with aging, rather than fighting it, are gorgeous to me until they die.


What's more, to me there's something creepy about trying to fake youth once it's really and truly gone. Alas, all too often former Great Beauties in that category turn their wills and their lives over to the care of cosmetic surgeons and their minions. That is the case in this instance. I said that he is goodlooking, and he is. He would be better looking, in my view, without the botox and cologen that give his face that sort of satiny pneumatic look that makes me think of a mortician's craft; and it is clear, even from a distance, that even high-end Hollywood hair dressers can't entirely mimic the natural color of hair. Like his face, it, too, has a sort of hothouse look, like a winter-forced bulb.


Even so, he's a very, very good-looking man. But as soon as he got married and started talking like a messenger for the likes of Jesse Helms, he turned me off. Big time. I'd even kick him out of bed, believe it or not.

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Guest Thunderbuns

>What's more, to me there's something creepy about trying to

>fake youth once it's really and truly gone.


I think it's all about being appropriate. I know I will get booed for saying this, but I believe there is a time when guys should stop wearing jeans [unless doing gardening or the likes] When you're young and fill them out well, nothing's hotter. But if the old butt is wide and saggy? Nix! The same with other clothes that fall into the "trendy" category. On the young - wow. On the elderly - weep.


Just as ridiculous, to me, is the older man who wears his shirts open three or for buttons so as all his long white chest hair flows out. And God forbid that it is the nesting ground for some hideous gold gee-gaw! Some thing are just not meant to be seen. especially in restaurants where it can put you off your dinner.


The older gay, who wants to be casually dressed is much more attractive in a nice pair of khakis and a conservative oxford cloth button down. When I get to "that age" I swear I'll loke more Brooks Brothers than Banada Republic fighting with The Gap.


>and it is clear, even from a

>distance, that even high-end Hollywood hair dressers can't

>entirely mimic the natural color of hair.


Another of my great turn-offs. Dyed hair - or even worse - a rug!

There's nothing wrong with bald.


So there you go - now you know how truly conservative I am.


>Even so, he's a very, very good-looking man. But as soon as

>he got married and started talking like a messenger for the

>likes of Jesse Helms, he turned me off. Big time. I'd even

>kick him out of bed, believe it or not.


Funny - he never did a thing for me. Different strokes blah blah blah.



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Guest Thunderbuns

>Different strokes blah blah blah.


>Can you imagine sagging thunderbuns in Levis?


I'd shoot myself first!



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>That was harsh, even for me. I've had my coffee now, let's

>see if that helps.


But you have to admit, if you've spent time here but aren't FROM here, that Californians are, generally, very lazy and lack even a boson of common sense, right? Everyone's on board with me on this issue, correct? If you need to be reminded, just reread "Less Than Zero"; it's spot on.

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Well, as a very, very, VERY famous T.V., film, and stage actor myself, I always do my own hiring.


I prefer to see the expression of utter shock on the escort's face when I open my hotel suite door.


And, as a person born, raised, and educated in NORTHERN California (4th generation on my father's side, no less), I have to take exception with any generalizations about Californians being lazy and so forth. To paraphrase an oft-quoted advertising disclaimer: these results are not guaranteed. Your mileage may vary.


California (or even Los Angeles) doesn't have exclusive rights to laziness. It's a rather frequent human condition.

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>California (or even Los Angeles) doesn't have exclusive

>rights to laziness. It's a rather frequent human condition.


...concentrated in California. We can't even be bothered to park our own cars, clean our own apartments, or bag our own groceries.


There's this excellent scene in a so-so film called "The Anniversary Party" where the stars are doing ridiculous morning Yoga/Pilates (I think while standing on their heads) right in their home's doorway the arriving housekeepers were trying to enter. It's classic.

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>We can't even be bothered to park our own cars, clean our own

>apartments, or bag our own groceries.


As a genetic Scotsman, I can't bring myself to pay for valet parking unless forced at gunpoint (which I'll admit happens in LA) - and I clean my own house, or let my parents do it for me out of disgust when they visit (kidding). I don't think it's allowed to bag your own groceries (against union regulations) here. In other countries, you not only have to bag your own, you have to bring your own bag!


I'd have to say that LA is unlike the rest of California, so maybe this laziness is concentrated there. I'd have to agree that the L.A. lifestyle and the media promotion of it create a pretty lazy culture. What was that movie with Steve Martin about LA (people ordering diet water, etc)? I guess there's actually a lot of truth in jest in this case.


When I lived in Atlanta - nearly everyone had a cleaning lady, or was one. They even had public buses with special unpublished routes which dropped the maids off along West Paces Ferry Road.

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>As a genetic Scotsman,


SCOTS?! Woof! YUM! YUM. You have no idea how much I love Scots. Goddamn WOOF!


>(which I'll admit happens in LA)




>I'd have to say that LA is unlike the rest of California, so


I concede this. Everything from Santa Barbara down to San Diego is much different from the rest.


>maybe this laziness is concentrated there. I'd have to agree

>that the L.A. lifestyle and the media promotion of it create

>a pretty lazy culture. What was that movie with Steve Martin

>about LA (people ordering diet water, etc)? I guess there's

>actually a lot of truth in jest in this case.


LA Story. The best look at the darker side of LA is "Less Than Zero" But the BOOK not the movie (the movie was good, but the book is like reading the ingredients of a black hole).


>When I lived in Atlanta - nearly everyone had a cleaning

>lady, or was one. They even had public buses with special

>unpublished routes which dropped the maids off along West

>Paces Ferry Road.


Take a look at the Women hoofin' it up to the Hollywood and Beverlly Hills from bus stops along Sunset Blvd at about 7am. Same thing. If my family and friends in Minnesota knew I had a cleaning lady in twice a month, they'd shit twice and die.

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Guest Thunderbuns

>If my family and friends in Minnesota

>knew I had a cleaning lady in twice a month, they'd shit

>twice and die.


If they knew what you did for a living, they would shit once and implode!



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>If they knew what you did for a living, they would shit once

>and implode!


Too true. Anyway, back to the original question of Will's. Remember the January thread about David Geffen wherein the consensus was that "his people" called the "porn people", in that case Jeremy Penn's employers at Falcon, and arranged a meeting between them? It's probably like that for the others.


As I've said before, the only celebrity who's shown up at my door found me on the 'net (and then died in his next film; coincidence? I don't think so.)

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Thanks, Rod, for returning the thread to its original intent. I find it extremely interesting that you are the only LA escort who has responded. Inasmuch as there are some guys from Southern California who frequent this board, I wonder (a) if they've never had a celebrity client or (b) if my suspicion about broken legs is the case.


Frankly, I think this is an interesting subject and am surprised that it has attracted so little attention except from a few of us. Maybe I'm totally out of touch with reality. It wouldn't be the first time.

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Guest hamptonroadsguy

>As I've said before, the only celebrity who's shown up at my

>door found me on the 'net (and then died in his next film;

>coincidence? I don't think so.)


That's an interesting story, but please clarify since I didn't see your earlier post. The character he was playing in the film died? The actor died while making the film? The actor didn't literally die, but the movie bombed?




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>Inasmuch as there are

>some guys from Southern California who frequent this board,

>I wonder (a) if they've never had a celebrity client or (b)

>if my suspicion about broken legs is the case.


Several of my porn star friends have had very big celebrity clients, but they are discreet, as am I on this Board. Buy me a couple of shots of Petron at Stellas and I'll have you peeing your pants some of the stories are so funny.




PS. Am I going to see anyone at Generation Next on May 10?

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