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Part-time vs Full-time Guys


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Short answer: this is a part time gig.

As @Jamie21said, it’s too unpredictable. Plus after a layoff in 2015 and the pandemic, I don’t like having all my eggs in one basket. 

longer answer: with the amount of traveling, appointments on a trip, appointments during the week, communication and admin, it can really feel like a full time job. 


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19 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

I do the sex work / massage part time. It’s too unpredictable to do it full time. I guess it’s 2 or 3 days a week. 


6 hours ago, Shawn Monroe said:

Short answer: this is a part time gig.

As @Jamie21said, it’s too unpredictable. Plus after a layoff in 2015 and the pandemic, I don’t like having all my eggs in one basket. 

longer answer: with the amount of traveling, appointments on a trip, appointments during the week, communication and admin, it can really feel like a full time job. 


Do you guys mind elaborating on “unpredictable” and perhaps giving others a perspective?

Though I can understand the reasoning for having it part time, I think it can still work out full time if one reserves the time to make it be so. At the same time, not every market will allow that to be the case. I know I can’t do it full time in the city I’m in, but when I combine it with a consistent travel schedule…it can quickly suppress the routine of a full time job. 

I tried doing this and doing a part time job at the same time, it didn’t work for me. I wanted to travel for a few days, they told me if I did, I couldn’t come back. I personally feel sex work (using the phrase across multiple outlets) is a full time job, provided you’re in the right market and have the drive. If I had a full time job doing this, I don’t see how I could want to take clients at the unpredictable hours they sometimes ask for. I’d be tired from working all day…

At the same time, having something going on during the lulls of the business throughout the day seems reasonable.

The downside: I have noticed a select mentality of “clients” out there, who seem to feel less responsible about following thru, when they “tell themselves” we’re just guys hanging around the sites for entertainment. As if, we all have normal jobs somewhere in outer space…and just posting for shits and giggles and a little bit of “fun” money.

I occasionally have to drop the reality bomb on some, and let them know. Treat me with the same respect you’d want to be treated if you were expecting to get paid. 

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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By unpredictable I mean that I can’t be sure that I’d have enough business in any month to commit to being full time.

Some months I have enough work to amount to almost full time hours (when you include the time I spend marketing, working out in gym - which I’d count as work because it’s effectively working on the ‘product’, replying to enquiries, planning filming sessions, arranging locations etc). It could also add up to a full time job in terms of hours. But the income could vary considerably if clients don’t book or subscribers to my movies don’t subscribe. Ok so I can be sure of at least x amount of interest because from experience I know that that is my base line revenue but it can vary between that base line and a top line month on month. The factors can be seasonal, economic, pandemic, I may be unwell etc so all these things can influence my revenue.

So I have other work that I can do which is flexible to work around the sex work which can provide me with more stable income and a separate revenue source.

And as @Shawn Monroesaid I don’t like having all my eggs in the sex work basket. I like the variety. I think it helps me keep fresh and engaged in the sex work. In the morning I could be working on a presentation or something on my laptop and in the afternoon having sex with a client at his hotel, in the evening meeting a potential filming partner. Variety is the spice of life. 

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20 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:


Do you guys mind elaborating on “unpredictable” and perhaps giving others a perspective?

Though I can understand the reasoning for having it part time, I think it can still work out full time if one reserves the time to make it be so. At the same time, not every market will allow that to be the case. I know I can’t do it full time in the city I’m in, but when I combine it with a consistent travel schedule…it can quickly suppress the routine of a full time job. 

I tried doing this and doing a part time job at the same time, it didn’t work for me. I wanted to travel for a few days, they told me if I did, I couldn’t come back. I personally feel sex work (using the phrase across multiple outlets) is a full time job, provided you’re in the right market and have the drive. If I had a full time job doing this, I don’t see how I could want to take clients at the unpredictable hours they sometimes ask for. I’d be tired from working all day…

At the same time, having something going on during the lulls of the business throughout the day seems reasonable.

The downside: I have noticed a select mentality of “clients” out there, who seem to feel less responsible about following thru, when they “tell themselves” we’re just guys hanging around the sites for entertainment. As if, we all have normal jobs somewhere in outer space…and just posting for shits and giggles and a little bit of “fun” money.

I occasionally have to drop the reality bomb on some, and let them know. Treat me with the same respect you’d want to be treated if you were expecting to get paid. 

It may be possible that employers also have to drop “reality bombs” on workers who apply for part time work and then ask for time off for travel. You asked for work, they gave you work, you felt less responsible about following through. Treating with the same respect always works both ways.

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2 hours ago, jeezifonly said:

It may be possible that employers also have to drop “reality bombs” on workers who apply for part time work and then ask for time off for travel. You asked for work, they gave you work, you felt less responsible about following through. Treating with the same respect always works both ways.

Dude, I'm talking about something years ago that I did to reach a short time goal. I didn't "ask" for the work, they needed the workers because it was a fairly high turn over position. It wasn't something I really wanted to do anyway, but I tried it, and realized I could do better for myself just prioritizing sex work. Which I did. It was easier to make $500 in a night than $500 in commission at the other place. 

So, don't assume and be condescending..

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21 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

I don’t like having all my eggs in the sex work basket. I like the variety. I think it helps me keep fresh and engaged in the sex work. In the morning I could be working on a presentation or something on my laptop and in the afternoon having sex with a client at his hotel, in the evening meeting a potential filming partner. Variety is the spice of life. 

That's cool and understandable. But, I don't see it as having all eggs in the sex work basket. I just see it as being focused and prioritizing sex work.

I'm not trying to argue or disagree, but I see it more as some people like being busy and having multiple things going on. Which is fine. However, as seamless as it may sound, I know reality is it doesn't always go that way. Projects take longer, unexpected clients may book, and suddenly your plate is full and something (or someone) gets pushed to the back burner. 

I do the same thing, except I prefer to use my non-sex work hours doing hobbies, modeling gigs, traveling, gym, etc. Traveling while in a part-time job may appear to some as being irresponsible, the reality was: traveling was part of a greater access to opportunities that would have otherwise not been present where I was at the time.

At the same time, I can still see the merits in having other income streams for the reasons stated. However I still stand behind the fact that there seems to be less recognition to those who are mainly just doing sex work. Though: not sure if that extends to massages and video material as well. A sex worker may only do sex work but still have 3-4 jobs (escort, masseur, porn star, model). I guess it's all relative and at the discretion of a person's financial goals. 

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2 minutes ago, mike carey said:

Oh, he is! Twenty-six and some months. It's right there at the top of his ad.

I only say that because we all know there are some providers who don’t tell the truth about their age. It really doesn’t bother me what their age is if the connection is there. But I understand that for some guys they would prefer not to hire somebody under 30. 

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4 hours ago, Greg_blond said:

Thanks anyway Mike 🙂

Indeed, I haven't been that active over here since joining last year .... 

You're welcome. Brussels is a place I haven't been for years, it's good to be reminded of travel destinations.


Moderator note: perhaps you guys can take this offline so as not to divert this thread.

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